Loading a local ParcelJS plugin - javascript

I want to create a plugin so that I can raw-load a certain type of file with parcel. Parcel docs states that:
Publish this package on npm using parcel-plugin- or #your-scope/parcel-plugin- prefixes, and it will be automatically detected and loaded as described below.
Any dependencies listed in package.json with these prefixes will automatically be loaded during initialization.
Since this is a one-time thing, I don't want to publish the code on npm as a plugin. How do I load my project-local plugin with parcel?
Thanks in advance.

Since I could not find a way to do this in a parcel way, I did this in an npm way:
I created a folder named local_modules (this can be anything you want.) Then created parcel-plugin-x inside local_modules. Inside that, I created my plugin as usual. I also created a package.json specifying the entry point main. You can specify the dependencies required for the module just like if this is a separate project (THIS IS!).
"name": "parcel-plugin-x",
"version": "0.1.0",
"description": "Parcel plugin x",
"main": "index.js",
"devDependencies": {
"dependencies": {
Directory structure:
|---package.json |
Then I ran npm i --save-dev .local_modules/parcel-plugin-x inside the project-folder. It adds the line "parcel-plugin-x": "./local_modules/parcel-plugin-x", to the root package.json. This is the standard way of loading local modules in npm. And everytime you make changes to the plugin, you have to run npm upgrade. You should also increase the version of your plugin, too. This copies the plugin to node_modules and install dependancies.
According to the parceljs docs:
Any dependencies listed in package.json with these prefixes will
automatically be loaded during initialization.
now it works! :)

I did something similar, but with npm link.
In plugin folder (parcel-plugin-x) just run: npm link.
In the project folder using the plugin:
Link to parcel-plugin-x: npm link parcel-plugin-x
In package.json file, manually add the dependency to parcel-plugin-x
"devDependencies": {
"parcel-plugin-x": "^0"
Each time you make changes to the plugin, you don't have to run npm upgrade, but you might have to remove .cache folder created by parcel, because parcel will skip processing cached assets.

I think you can do this with the workspaces option in package.json: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v7/using-npm/workspaces
This library seems to be implementing it: https://github.com/astegmaier/stackoverflow-parcel-namer


Vue "npm run build" Ignores vue.config.js File

I have a Webpack-templated Vue project, initiated through vue-cli.
I have created a simple 'vue.config.js' file stored in the root folder (where package.json is at) containing the following:
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
productionSourceMap: false
Though when building the project using "npm run build" it ignores it.
I have tried different configurations to check if the problem is with the file or the setting, and the problem is with the file.
I am using webpack#3.12.0, vue#2.6.11, #vue/cli 4.2.3 and npm#6.9.0.
Make sure your build confiuration (in your case the webpack build configs) include your file.
Generally, you will have a source folder (often src) and the builder will build all the files in that dir only. Then you have your destination directory (often dist or build) where your build files will be stored.
Two solutions:
add your conf file to the build source.
move your vue.conf.js file into your source directory
For some reason, I did not manage to get vue.config.js to work.
Alternatively, I edited my webpack config, which as my build files mentioned was located at /config/index.js
Then, I proceeded to pass my build configurations to the build parameter which already appears on the file.
build: {
And it worked. I assume it may be because I used npm run dev instead of the vue-service-cli, so webpack did not go through the vue.config.js file.

vue cli build with target lib: "require is not defined" when component is imported

I'm trying to export a Vue component as a package, and using vue cli to build the dist. I intend to publish it on npm, but I'm currently using a symbolic link for testing purpose. However even with a simple hello-world project I can't make a valid package.
I created a project:
vue create hello-world
Then I modified the package.json:
"scripts": {
"serve": "vue-cli-service serve",
"build": "vue-cli-service build --target lib --name vue-hello-world ./src/components/HelloWorld.vue",
"lint": "vue-cli-service lint"
"main": "./dist/vue-hello-world.common.js",
Then I call
npm run build
and it compiles without error.
Then I make an import in a vue component in another project (I used a symbolic link in node_modules):
import HelloWorld from "hello-world";
On page render I get the following error:
[Vue warn]: Failed to resolve async component: function MediaViewerPdf() {
return Promise.all(/*! import() */[__webpack_require__.e(62), __webpack_require__.e(46)]).then(__webpack_require__.bind(null, /*! ./viewers/MediaViewerPdf.vue */ "./vuejs/components/mediaViewer/viewers/MediaViewerPdf.vue"));
Reason: ReferenceError: require is not defined
Any idea what's happening?
using vue inspect, I checked that in webpack config that:
target: "web"
I already set resolve.symlinks at false on the importing project.
EDIT: I have confirmed that it doesn't come from the symbolic link, I have exactly the same error with package directly on node_modules.
Repo with whole code: https://github.com/louis-sanna/vue-hello-world
So I asked the question on the vue-cli repo and I got the solution! https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli/issues/4245
Turns out NODE_ENV was already set at development in my shell, so it was the mode used to make the build.
Just need to set the mode explicitly and it works:
vue-cli-service build --target lib --name vue-hello-world ./src/components/HelloWorld.vue --mode production
You may need to add it to vue.config.js:
This happens due to the fact that Vue CLI Webpack setup by default does not import commonjs modules, as described in your "main" field in package.json. So the problem is with the project that attempts import, not with the project that exports the component.
There are two ways to attempt to solve this problem.
From the importing project side
You can remedy this by installing babel plugins for the project that imports your components and setting babel.config.js
module.exports = {
presets: [
plugins: [
'#babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs', // leave to import .common.js files
'#babel/plugin-transform-modules-umd' // leave to import .umd.js files
But doing this alone will not be sufficient: you also will need to import CSS that is generated with the library by adding this in your entry file
import 'hello-world/dist/vue-hello-world.css';
Note that I have only tested this using yarn link, but I have confidence that this will work with an imported separate npm module just fine.
From the library side
The intent (I suppose) of the original question - how do I bundle a library so my users don't have to do this little dance each time they want to use it?
Option 1: don't bundle it - provide .vue files and sources. Just include everything in 'src' directory of your module, write a readme with explanation and be done with it. Let the importing project figure the compilation and bundling out.
Option 2: use rollup with Vue plugin to roll components into bundle. There is an example on how to do that. In that example you can see that your project will be able to import .esm build
Not sure how you are creating the symbolic link, but you should use npm link for that. If you are still having problems (like I did myself) I would suggest you try npm-link-better:
npm install -g npm-link-better
cd vue-hello-world
npm link
cd ../hello-world
nlc -w vue-hello-world
For building component libraries, I suggest you have a look at vue-cli-plugin-component. This plugin already sets up the vue-cli project pretty well.

Using local modules with Webpack 4 is bundling the same dependency multiple times

I am attempting to find a good way to use local modules in npm, or a way of structuring a large application so it can be bundled off into modules which may or may not be in a separate repository.
Each local module has it's own package.json and dependencies which are installed.
My requirements are that the modules are written in ES6 and only compiled as part of the main project being built (so I don't have lots of dependencies being indiependently built constantly).
Project structure
... main js files <- entry point
... module 1 js files
... module 2 js files
... module 3 js files
I'm currently investigating using local modules via specifying a local file in my package.json like so:
"dependencies": {
"lodash": "^4.17.10",
"module-1": "../module-1",
"module-2": "../module-2",
"module-3": "../module-3",
"normalize.css": "^8.0.0"
You can see the whole project here: https://github.com/SamStonehouse/webpack-local-modules-test
I'm using webpack with the babel-loader which doesn't need any extra setup in order to use this form and even watches the module file for changes and rebuilds when they're complete which is amazing.
Issue: once this has built lodash is included in the built bundle 4 times over, one for each module which requires it, even though they all require the same version and all the sources are compiled at the same time.
I've tried using the splitChunkPlugin but to no avail
I've tried setting lodash as a devDependency in the local modules (this was something I didn't want to do but it didn't work anyway)
Does anyone have a solution for this?
Or an alternative way of bundling local modules in a similar fashion
Change each of the modules to have lodash as a peer dependency instead of a direct dependency. So in the package.json file, change this:
"dependencies": {
"lodash": "^4.17.5"
"peerDependencies": {
"lodash": "^4.17.5"

Unable to resolve parse-react in React Native project

I'm trying to include parse-react into my React Native project, but when running the app I'm getting the error in XCode and simulator:
Unable to resolve module ./lib/react-native/ParseReact.js from /Users/Corey/Work/example_app/node_modules/parse-react/react-native.js: Unable to find this module in its module map or any of the node_modules directories under /Users/Corey/Work/example_app/node_modules/parse-react/lib/react-native/ParseReact.js and its parent directories
I've included the two packages as such:
import Parse from 'parse/react-native';
import ParseReact from 'parse-react/react-native';
Looking in the node_modules/parse-react folder, the lib directory doesn't contain a react-native directory, but it does have the browser directory. I'm not sure if this is the problem or not, or how I'd go about getting that if it is.
I'm using react 0.14.7, react-native 0.21.0, parse 1.6.14, and parse-react 0.5.1.
I've had the same problem. I'm leaving my package.json here. Install accordingly, and you should be able to include parse modules into your project.
"name": "commonDemo",
"version": "0.0.1",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"start": "node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start"
"dependencies": {
"parse": "^1.8.1",
"parse-react": "^0.5.0",
"react-native": "^0.20.0"
Let me know if this works. Ideally, you should be able to include parse modules into your project using latest react-native release. But if using parse is absolutely necessary for your project, use this package.json.
To call Parse.initialize() use this-
var Parse = require('parse/react-native');
To call cloud functions and other functionality, use this-
var ParseReact = require('parse/react-native').Parse;
Look at the parse-react github README page. It says it works with version 1.6.14 of parse. It also says that 1.7 and 1.8 breaks compatibility. I had the same problem and downgrading to 1.6.14 solved the issue.
npm install parse#1.6.14 --save

Unable to download three.js file using bower

I.m getting an error when I try to download three.js file by specifying the version in bower.json file.
"dependencies": {
Error :No versions found in git://github.com/jiyinyiyong/three.js.git
Instead ,I'm downloading the whole repo by specifying the url like this:
"dependencies": {
which is taking time and space.
How can I download only the file from the git repo.?
Get rid of the period in three.js, i.e.
"dependencies": {
"threejs": "r70"
This points to the official ThreeJS repository.
If you wish to only have the minified library file (much smaller download), use:
"dependencies": {
"threejs": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mrdoob/three.js/master/build/three.min.js"
Simply run bower install three.js in your terminal.
Three will be installed to: .../bower_components/three.js
The three.js package registered in the bower registry is pointing to https://github.com/jiyinyiyong/three.js which is not the official repo of three.js. This repository contains only 2 .js files: three.js and three.min.js.
The reason bower is not seeing any version is because this repository does not contain any tags (which bower use for versions). The latest version is in the master branch. If you like to install the latest version from the master branch, you should define the dependency as:
"dependencies": {
"three.js": "master"
Notice that depending on a branch has some downsides as it may change (and probably will) in the future.

