IMacro JavaScript; Loop on IF else statement - javascript

for(var i=0;i<1;i++)
var extract=iimGetLastExtract();
if(extract.toLowerCase()=="incorrect security code entered!")
That's my imacro code (Javascript File)
If i get wrong how i do get it to try again until it reaches right?

Supposing you don't want to wait between executions, there are a couple of ways you could do this. The quickest one would be:
while(true) {
var extract = iimGetLastExtract();
if (extract.toLowerCase() == "incorrect security code entered!") {
} else {
In this way, when the extracted value is wrong you restart the loop. If instead it's right, you break out of the loop.


How to put an Application's value as a variable in javascript?

I have a counter that updates itself everytime the page loads. I want to use that counter's value as a variable in javascript so that I could use it. How do I do this?
if (Application["counter"] == null)
Application["counter"] = 0;
if (Application["counter"] != null)
if (Request.Form["sub1"]==null)
Response.Write("<script>alert('You must Enter Number')</script>");
if (Request.Form["sub1"] != null)
Application["counter"] =(int)Application["counter"]+ 1;
this is the code for the counter in the cs page.
Whenever I go to write Javascript and try to save it as a variable it gives me an error: Error 16 Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, await, and new object expressions can be used as a statement.
var y=<%Application["counter"];>%;
For the server side code, you can use it like below. Just a recommendation. And for front end side, you have typos.
// Server side code - Correct usage
if (Application["counter"] == null) {
Application["counter"] = 0;
// there's no need to check Application["counter"] after the code above
if (Request.Form["sub1"] == null)
Response.Write("<script>alert('You must Enter Number')</script>");
// also, you can use else in here instead of another if, because there isn't any other condition.
else {
Application["counter"] = (int)Application["counter"] + 1;
// JS Code
var y = <%= Application["counter"] %>;

How to break for loop inside Cypress's then() function?

I want to break for loop if .contacts element's style doen't equal display: none, but I can't find a way to do this inside then() fuction.
Use case: I want to click through table elements until contacts panel appears and then fill contacts. But if I don't stop the loop after panel appears it will disappear and I will get an error.
cy.get('#count').then($count => {
for (let i = 1; i <= $count - 1; i++) {
if (i == 1) {
cy.get(`:nth-child(${i}) > .room-type`).eq(1).click()
else {
cy.get(`:nth-child(${i}) > .room-type`).click()
cy.get('.contacts').then($contacts => {
if ($contacts.attr('style') != 'display: none;') {
//I want to break the loop here if condition is met
I believe the best way to go about about is the recursive approach. Using recursive approach your problem of synchronous and Asynchronous code will be resolved automatically.
So you can approach this problem with something like this below. The below code might not work as it is, you may have to do some changes accordingly. The main Idea is try going recursive approach if you want to avoid the sync-async code problem
cy.get("#count").then(($count) => {
export const test_recusive = (count) => {
if (i == 1) {
cy.get(`:nth-child(${i}) > .room-type`).eq(1).click();
} else {
cy.get(`:nth-child(${i}) > .room-type`).click();
cy.get(".contacts").then(($contacts) => {
if ($contacts.attr("style") != "display: none;") {
//I want to break the loop here if condition is met
} else {
return test_recusive(count - 1);
Now all the calls in your code will be synchronous ones.

how to search and compare the items in the array gotten from the output of a loop after the loop is complete (javascript)

please im having a bit of a problem with my javascript code.... im working on a reminder app in Cordova and im using Katzer notification plugin... now i am coding in javascript and im having a little challenge. im trying to achieve a feature whereby , when a user tries to add a reminder that already exists, it will throw an error... and if the reminder dosen't exist, it will add it to the list of reminders.... im using as javascript loop for this... heres my code
function checkifReminderExists(){
cordova.plugins.notification.local.getAll(function (notifications) {
var allRemInfo = "";
var newAllRemInfo = "";
// using while loop
var count = 0;
while (count < notifications.length) {
cordova.plugins.notification.local.get(count, function (notification) {
allRemInfo = allRemInfo + notification.text ;
if(allRemInfo.indexOf(""+checkedBoxes+"") == true)
alert("sorry you cant add a reminder that already exist...");
} else {
alert("there is no similarity so im going ahead to create the reminder now...");
/* the above did not work so i tried using for loop to achieve this
function checkifReminderExists(){
cordova.plugins.notification.local.getAll(function (notifications) {
var allRemInfo = "";
var newAllRemInfo = "";
var count;
for(count = 0; count < notifications.length; count++)
cordova.plugins.notification.local.get(count, function (notification) {
allRemInfo = allRemInfo + notification.text + ", " ;
newAllRemInfo = new Array(""+allRemInfo+"");
if(newAllRemInfo.indexOf(""+checkedBoxes+"") == true)
alert("sorry you cant add a reminder that already exist...");
} else
alert("there is no similarity so im going ahead to create the reminder now...");
I tried both methods(for and while loop) above and none of them gave me my result... instead the "if()else" test will run separately on each of the loop...the disadvantage of this, is that when a test runs on the first item in the list of reminders, the setLecReminders(); function runs irrespective of if the subsequent test are true or false... i want a solution whereby the loop runs completely first and all items on the list are outputted into an array and then i can use a if()else test on all members of the array simultaneously. Please pardon my long question... thanks in advance
I would suggest setting a boolean inside of your loop like this:
var reminderExists = false;
while (count < notifications.length)
cordova.plugins.notification.local.get(count, function (notification) {
allRemInfo = allRemInfo + notification.text;
if (allRemInfo.indexOf(""+checkedBoxes+"") == true)
reminderExists = true;
Then you can check the boolean outside of the loop and show your alerts based on that result:
if (reminderExists) {
alert("sorry you cant add a reminder that already exist...");
} else {
alert("there is no similarity so im going ahead to create the reminder now...");

setInterval only working inside of if(){} block

So I think there is something key to be picked up from this situation I encountered and was hoping some experience could explain it.
When I run this code, it does NOT work:
t5 = "nikolas"+t4;
function adds(){
if (t4 < 100){
this does DOES work:
t5 = "nikolas"+t4;
function adds(a){
if (a < 100){
TL;DR: setInterval seems to work inside the if block but not outside. When it works it displays nikolast4 where t4 is an integer that 'ticks' from 1-100 (eg.strong text nikolas0 nikolas1 nikolas2 nikolas3 nikolas4)
Also this code (due to the application I am programming in) is supposed to refresh every 250ms (but take the whole refreshing part with a grain of salt, not totally 100% sure about that).
The code below is fully functionnal, and looks very much like your non-working example.
You can check here :
So i guess you have an issue with the scope of your variables.
window.onload = function() {
var myOutput = document.createElement("output");
var t4 = 0;
var helloInterval = setInterval(adds,250);
function adds(){
if (t4 < 10){
myOutput.value = "hello " + t4;
else {
myOutput.value = "goodbye" ;

Javascript switch statement with wildcard?

If my javascript ajaxes away to my server and returns an ID of 49 in the plain text format of [49] is there a way in which i an do something like this... (i have tested and doesnt work)
case '[*]':
Where the wildcard is the * and i want to make sure it is enclosed within two square parenthesis?
Because i need to check that there wasnt another word returned like error and i am reserving the default for unexpected errors, any ideas? :) Thanks!
You can do a switch on true explicitely, which will use evaluation on each case statement.
switch (true) {
case ((/^\[\d+\]$/).test(data)):
//matches data;
case (data == "something else"):
However, if you have less than say 4-5 cases, it would be better to use if/else if/else if/else blocks.
if ((/^\[\d+\]$/).test(data)) {
//matches data;
} else if (data == "something else") {
} else {
I usually do some error trapping in my response methods for service/rest calls so that I almost always return a proper json with an error property if there is an error.
try {
if (response.responseText.indexOf("<html") >= 0) {
throw response.responseText;
var data = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
if (data.error)
throw data.error;
//handle response data object.
if ((/^\[\d+\]$/).test(data)) {
//matches data;
} else if (data == "something else") {
} else {
} catch(err) {
if (err && err.message) {
//use err.message
} else if (err && err.toString().indexOf("<html") >= 0) {
//handle error text
You could create a list of patterns and associated callbacks and do a simple loop and check for matches. For example:
var patterns = [];
function myCallback(){ document.write('myCallback!'); }
function myOtherCallback(){ document.write('myOtherCallback!'); }
function myLastCallback(){ document.write('You will never see me!'); }
patterns.push({'pattern':new RegExp(/\[.+\]/),'callback': myCallback});
patterns.push({'pattern':new RegExp(/.+/),'callback':myOtherCallback});
patterns.push({'pattern':new RegExp(/A-Z{3}/),'callback':myLastCallback});
var f = "[49]";
for(var i=0;i<patterns.length;i++){
Which outputs the following:
You could try to use if else and regex for matching wildcard patterns.
Assuming data = "[49]"; or any digits inside brackets.
//do something
Short answer: No, switch/case can't handle wildcard.
You should probably do some preprocessing/sanity checking before entering the switch, or simply discard it completely since it's more appropriate for specific case scenarios rather than processing streamlined data. Regexp will serve you better here.

