How to show a nested object as a super object in MongoDB? - javascript

As it is stated here, I had to save reference objects inside of a nested key called 'item';
var userSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
connections: [{
kind: String,
item: { type: ObjectId, refPath: 'connections.kind' }
var organizationSchema = new Schema({ name: String, kind: String });
var User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
var Organization = mongoose.model('Organization', organizationSchema);
In my DB, it is more like this:
var childSchema = new Schema({
kind: String,
item: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
refPath: 'children.kind'
},{ _id : false, strict:false });
var schema = new Schema({
name: String,
kind: String,
children: [childSchema]
strict: false
Now, it is a tree based folder structure model, and it can have either a Folder or a Leaf as child object.
I needed a recursive populate, so I find an answer on SO, it became like this;
var autoPopulateChildren = function(next) {
this.populate({path:'children.item', select:'name id children'});
schema.pre('findOne', autoPopulateChildren)
.pre('find', autoPopulateChildren)
Now, when I make a find query, I get this-like example;
"name": "Some Folder",
"children": [
"kind": "Leaf",
"item": {
"name": "First Level Leaf",
"id": "5b61c85f25375fddf6048d3c"
"kind": "Folder",
"item": {
"name": "First Level Folder",
"id": "5b61d844d77fb30b9537e5d1"
"children": [
"kind": "Leaf",
"item": {
"name": "Second Level Leaf",
"id": "5b61c85f25375fddf6048d3c"
"id": "5b61c85f25375fddf6048d3d"
But now, I need to get rid of 'kind' (don't show) and also I need to show 'item' object as a child (it should be name instead of item:{name:'a'}:
"name": "Some Folder",
"children": [
"name": "First Level Leaf",
"id": "5b61c85f25375fddf6048d3c"
"name": "First Level Folder",
"id": "5b61d844d77fb30b9537e5d1"
"children": [
"name": "Second Level Leaf",
"id": "5b61c85f25375fddf6048d3c"
"id": "5b61c85f25375fddf6048d3d"
How can I do this on autoPopulateChildren function?


How To Group For Multiple Fields In Sequelize

I need one help related to the sequelize and I am using postgres.
I want to group records in sequelize. Also the form and user value comes after populate or using include method of sequelize.
I have applied this code but it didn't work:-
group: ['formId', 'userId', 'responseFrom'],
include: [ { model: forms, as: 'form' }, { model: users, as: 'user' } ]
Here the name of table is formAnswers.
"id": 21,
"formId": 1,
"userId": 123,
"formQuestionId": 2,
"answer": "8,5,6",
"responseFrom": "WAITING",
"createdAt": "2020-01-14T02:31:19.173Z",
"form": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Choose Group",
"user": {
"id": 123,
"fullName": "Test User",
"username": "test123",
"id": 22,
"formId": 1,
"userId": 123,
"formQuestionId": 1,
"answer": "3",
"responseFrom": "WAITING",
"createdAt": "2020-01-14T02:31:19.178Z",
"form": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Choose Group",
"user": {
"id": 123,
"fullName": "Test User",
"username": "test123",
This is the sample record, there will be multiple records for each user.
I want to group the records by using formId and userId. Also you can consider responseFrom in group by. I have tried with group in sequelize but its not working.
I need only single record which have formId and userId same. If we are using the above data so the expected output will be:-
"id": 22,
"formId": 1,
"userId": 123,
"formQuestionId": 1,
"responseFrom": "WAITING",
"createdAt": "2020-01-14T02:31:19.178Z",
"form": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Choose Group",
"user": {
"id": 123,
"fullName": "Test User",
"username": "test123",
I need to apply pagination for this as well so please keep it in mind.
Possible solution: (not tested)
attributes: [
sequelize.literal(`DISTINCT ON("form_question_responses"."formId","form_question_responses"."userId","form_question_responses"."responseFrom") 1`),
include: [
{ model: forms, as: 'form', attributes: ['id', 'name'] },
{ model: users, as: 'user', attributes: ['id', 'fullName', 'username'] }
// automatically order by as used DISTINCT ON - DISTINCT ON strictly orders based on columns provided
// order: [
// ['formId', 'ASC'],
// ['userId', 'ASC'],
// ],
offset: undefined, // for no offset
limit: 50,

Finding all entries of an associated table in Sequelize Js

I am trying to find an array of entries from an associated table while querying from a main table.
Currently I am getting only one entry under the associated table when i try to query.
For example, I am getting an output as follows.
"id": 37,
"name": "Mr Tom",
"books": {
"id": 1278,
"name": "Book 1",
As you can see the books part comes as an object in an array. I am expecting it to be an array of books.
The following is the code I am using to query the data.
const authorId =;
const AuthorDetails = await AUTHOR.findOne({
attributes: [
where: {
id: authorId,
include: [
model: BOOKS,
attributes: ['id','name'],
raw: true,
nest: true,
The relationship between the author and books is one to many. Where a
book can have only one author but an author can have many books.
This is defined as follows.
edit: I noticed that when i remove the condition id:authorId it duplicates the author object and gives a unique book . For example
"id": 37,
"name": "Mr Tom",
"books": {
"id": 1278,
"name": "Book 1",
"id": 37,
"name": "Mr Tom",
"books": {
"id": 1279,
"name": "Book 2",

Loop through nested json array to create new array

I am working on a lambda function that GETs data from one API and POSTs it to another. The data is a list of contacts with properties, e.g. first name, last name, email, etc.
The JSON output contains too many properties that I don't need. See below code example (actual code contains many more properties and nested arrays/objects).
"contacts": [
"addedAt": 1532803458796,
"vid": 101
"merge-audits": [],
"properties": {
"first-name": {
"last-name": {
"email": {
How can I loop through each JSON object to create a new, simpler JSON array like the following:
"email": "",
"first_name": "",
"last_name": "User"
"email": "",
"first_name": "Example",
"last_name": "User"
Thanks in advance for your help.
try x => ({
let json = [
"contacts": [{
"addedAt": 1532803458796,
"vid": 101
"merge-audits": [],
"properties": {
"first-name": {
"value": "hello"
"last-name": {
"value": "there",
"email": {
"value": ""
"contacts": [{
"addedAt": 1532803458796,
"vid": 101
"merge-audits": [],
"properties": {
"first-name": {
"value": "Tom"
"last-name": {
"value": "Smith",
"email": {
"value": ""
let r = => ({
You could use a destructuring assignment for the object and short hand properties for the mapping.
var data = [{ contacts: [{ addedAt: 1532803458796, vid: 101 }], "merge-audits": [], properties: { "first-name": { value: "hello" }, "last-name": { value: "there" }, email: { value: "" } } }],
result ={ properties: {
'first-name': { value: first_name },
'last-name': { value: last_name },
email: { value: email }
} }) => ({ first_name, last_name, email }));

push elements of each object inside each object inside another array

I have two arrays, one is my original one called data which consists of :
const datas = [
name: 'core Test',
item: [
name: 'test/core/core.js',
item: "item1"
name: 'users Test',
item: [
name: 'test/users/user.js',
item: "item2"
And i have another array called replace, which i'm trying to push each of its elements inside my original one, inside the
const replace = [
type: "test1",
number: "1",
type: "test2",
number: "2",
Here is my code :
const transformedData = => {
data.item = => ({
type:>{return y;})
return data
The output i get :
"name": "core Test",
"item": [
"name": "test/core/core.js",
"type": [
{ "type": "test1", "number": "1" },
{ "type": "test2", "number": "2" }
"name": "users Test",
"item": [
"name": "test/users/user.js",
"type": [
{ "type": "test1", "number": "1" },
{ "type": "test2", "number": "2" }
The output i want :
"name": "core Test",
"item": [
"name": "test/core/core.js",
"type": { "type": "test1", "number": "1" }
"name": "users Test",
"item": [
"name": "test/users/user.js",
"type": { "type": "test2", "number": "2" }
This is because you're mapping all the way through the replace array every single time for each time you're inside of a value inside of datas. Instead you want to keep track of the index with your original map so then you only have one instance each time.
Try something like:
const transformedData =, index) => {
data.item = => ({
type: replace[index]
return data;

How to normalize this with normalizr?

Consider the User object passed back:
"id": "123",
"username": "TestUser",
"id": "324",
"name": "My Group"
I want to run: normalize(user);
And get something like this back. Is it possible? Or is it correct? I am trying to extract the group from the user, so I can place it in its own entities slot.
result: "123",
entities: {
"users": {
"123": {
id: "123",
group: "1",
username: "TestUser
"groups": {
"1": { "id": "324", "name": "My Group" },
I'm not quite sure what my schemas should look like to achieve this result.
Figured it out. Didn't realize it was so straightforward.
export const group = new schema.Entity('groups', {}, {
idAttribute: 'id'
export const user = new schema.Entity(
group: group
idAttribute: 'id'

