Making real-time ordering dashboard with Firebase - javascript

I recently found out about Firebase and it looks like something i wanted for my project. I'm trying to make a real-time html dashboard for ordering, yet i'm very much beginner at javascript so i was hoping someone could help me out.
I'm trying to make real-time dashboard that is blank, and updates div container when specific table in database in updated.This is somewhat what i'm aiming for.
I'm thinking it would work something like:
If database != null then create/show that container. Done button would just delete selected table in database.
But i don't know how to implement that using javascript. Any help/tutorial would be great, i searched a lot and didn't quite find what i needed.
Thanks in advance!

They answer you're looking for is beyond the scope of a single question. There are a number of great resources out there for learning how to set up your first web app using Firebase.
Take a look at their quickstart guide:
Firebase Quickstart Guide
Firebase also offers a number of examples:
Firebase's Examples
In addition, there are also a number of frameworks such as Angular.js, which add another layer of technology to learn, but provide useful features such as routing and data binding. I'd recommend's guide for creating an angular.js/firebase web app:'s Angular and Firebase Tutorial


Is it worth to use MUI/ChakraUI with NextJS?

I am quite new to NextJS and I were developing apps using React and Django before. So please correct me if I am miss understanding some points. I have some questions about NextJS, however I searched a lot but couldn't find my clear answers and they confused me.
1- Is NextJS really suitable for backend? I searched about this; there are two answers (yes it is full-stack/No, better to use other backend specific frameworks)
2- Doesn't using MUI/ChakraUI breaks the NextJS concept? because when the site is based on MUI every component is a client component right? So, what ever I am going to show the user is a client component that it becomes something like pure react.

how to edit feathers generated services

I am quite new to the world of Nodejs, JS and featherjs. I have featherjs service created using the feathers generate service command. I want to edit and implement my own code logic, which it takes some input values then do some actions on them and save it the result and display on UI. So what can I do in order to achieve that?
The Feathers documentation has a thorough basics guide that shows how to get started without using the generator explaining all the basics concepts you need to know. It also explains how those things all fit together and how the generator sets them up.
If you are just starting out it is highly recommended to go through the basics guide and then the chat application guide.

Rally custom app creation using node.js step by step

I am very new to Rally.
I want to create a custom application using node.js toolkit.
In this application I want to retrieve iteration details like StartDate and EndDate and display them in HTML.
I was unable to find step-by-step guide to do this.
I was able to good example at, however I don't understand how to make custom application out of it(to use within Dashboard as custom HTML).
Please suggest how to achieve this or if this is not the right approach please suggest alternative to do this.
The node toolkit is great for writing integrations that live outside of Agile Central.
If you'd like to display something within a Custom HTML panel on a dashboard or custom page in Agile Central you'll need to write an app using the App SDK.
so I started on the a similar journey really and came across the
RallyCommunity/GettingStarted Guides..
Published on GH by David Thomas
This really helped me push through the learning curve and once you start pulling out the debugger it gets clearer and clearer especially if you tie that back to the documentation..
I'd also recommend hanging around the AC SDK & Sencha ExtJS 4 docs..
Feel free to pull this apart and have a look at a simple data store example
To push the output into HTML there are various ways to do this using fly if needed or direct into the xtype's HTML property...

Search tool in Meteor JS

Im quite a newbie when it comes to DBs and search so please bear with me. Im trying to implement a search function in Meteor app.
Ive checked through atmosphere and chanced upon these 4 options.
Mattodem easy search
Search Source
Elastic search package on Atmosphere (heard this is dated)
Elastic big data package on Atmosphere
My needs are for a simple search, able to handle larger data sets that may have data nesting. For example a task, may have comments or links etc. (Full text and more than regex query will be good)
I read that for easy search, even with some form of elastic or Mongodb application, seems to be application only for a single Mongo collection?For example what if I wanted to search across
Dinosaurs = new Meteor.Collection('dinosaurs'); and
Mammals = new Meteor.Collection('mammals');?
Appreciate any advice on the pros and cons on the 4 options above? 1 seems relative easy to implement but I,m not sure what it means by using elastic engine here. If I were to implement elastic, how do I go about doing it in Meteor? And would it differ from implementing a Elasticsearch HTTP API?
Similarly for Search Source, it supports Elastic too here. Honestly I have no clue on the differences.
This github project demonstrates how to use Meteor with ElasticSearch (not Mongo) for search applications
it basically links a field to a session variable which triggers search on elastic. results are stored in a mongo collection that is pushed to the client through the Meteor mechanics. These are much smaller than the dataset and therefore are quick to update.
As far as searching accross collections, this is a typical problem of database schema definition. If you need to do joins, a mongodb is not the best solution. and relational DB like any SQL DB would be better suited, However, you should be looking into 'denormalization' of your data to see if you can create a structure that will work well for your use case.
This article explains what this means pretty well:
Good luck.

Recommended approach to writing a client-side JavaScript application

I'm considering learning JavaScript and I thought, what better way than to write an app! The idea is to make a simple school enrollment app, where the user would input enrolled student data and the app would automatically assign students to user-defined groups based on their enrollment score and group preferences.
Here are some basic ideas:
Everything happens on the client side, I just provide the logic
I don't want any of their data because it may be confidential/personal. I would consider gathering some usage statistics. To prevent them loosing their progress I would use Web Storage
As output I want to produce CSV documents, one per defined group, each containing a list of assigned students
Preferably the app will be a Wizard-like SPA.
Now for my question, I want to know 1) if there are any good resources (books, online trainings, etc.) about building such applications and 2) which libraries/frameworks are worth looking at. Please keep in mind I do want to learn the language, so I don't want tools that will do everything for me.
There are many great resources out there. I would suggest knowing Javascript first and some good tutorials are hosted at If you would like more knowledge, get a book and practice a bit through their tutorials.
I would recommend looking up some of these: Backbone, Ember and AngularJS seem to be the most popular. They are usually highly functional and easy to jump into with little javascript knowledge.They all usually include a type of routing, 2 way data-binding and a bit of extra goodies that make them unique. Explore them to find exactly what you need.
Angular: (link: I would recommend going through the AngularJs tutorial (if you choose that framework). They teach you how to use node, karma and how their framework is set up with the seed data. This is maintained by Google so it may have a long future.
Ember.js: (link: Has alot of tutorials and guides on how to use the framework.
Backbone.js: This is very popular and they have alot of real examples that is used by this framework.
Ofcos there are. You should seriously consider angularjs. There are plenty tutorials that has examples on user management . look up Concrete's blog on angularjs. Its also a SPA framework.

