I am learning Javascript. This may sound like a crazy idea but I don't find clear answers on Google. Can I just replace all my regular functions/methods with async function everywhere? I mean there seems to be no downsides to this and it makes things so much simpler. Where the situation only involves synchronous steps, you just don't use await and it will work just like normal functions. Easy!
Personally I find having to distinguish async functions and normal functions unnecessarily burdensome. It's like driving a manual transmission car, where the car itself could easily handle the gearing by itself.
Am I missing something here?
async functions always return Promises. This means that anytime you're not dealing with something asynchronous, you would have to convert the returned Promise into a value before you could use it. For example:
const return4 = async () => 4;
console.log(4 + return4());
Instead, you would have to use the (unnecessarily wordy):
const return4 = async () => 4;
(async () => {
console.log(4 + await return4());
(or call .then on the return4 call before using it)
If return4 was not async, on the other hand, of course console.log(4 + return4()); alone would work just fine.
Another problem with async functions is that transpiling them to ES5 code (which allows for compatibility with obsolete browsers like IE) requires regenerator-runtime, which is very heavyweight. For example, transpiling the following single line with Babel:
const foo = async () => console.log('async!');
When you plug it into the repl, you get:
"use strict";
function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) {
try {
var info = gen[key](arg);
var value = info.value;
} catch (error) {
if (info.done) {
} else {
Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw);
function _asyncToGenerator(fn) {
return function() {
var self = this,
args = arguments;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var gen = fn.apply(self, args);
function _next(value) {
asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value);
function _throw(err) {
asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err);
var foo =
(function() {
var _ref = _asyncToGenerator(
regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee() {
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
while (1) {
switch ((_context.prev = _context.next)) {
case 0:
return _context.abrupt("return", console.log("async!"));
case 1:
case "end":
return _context.stop();
}, _callee);
return function foo() {
return _ref.apply(this, arguments);
which also depends on regeneratorRuntime already being included in the script, which is 700-something lines of code that you can see here.
On less powerful systems, this can result in a not-insignificant performance hit. This is why some (such as with the AirBNB style guide) prefer to never use async functions, even if they make the asynchronous control flow of the script clearer.
How can I recreate the eval function in JavaScript? I want to do this because I am not making function exactly same as the original eval, even if I do function eval2(s) { dosomething(); eval(something + s + somethingelse); dosomething(); }. It runs in another scope and not the local scope.
What I want to do:
if(Number(process.version.match(/(\d+\.\d+)/)[0]) < 7.6) { // no async await support
var { async, await } = require('asyncawait'); // npm module that allows me to use ES7 async await on node.js 6.0
} else {
var async = function(func) {
return (async function() {
return func.apply(this, arguments);
var await = (function RECREATED_EVAL_FUNCTION(promise) {
eval('await promise');
(async(function() {
await(new Promise(/* something */));
but it creates a new scope and I get a syntax error.
Please don't ask why I need old node.js support. I want my script to work on older verisons too.
I'm using a framework where I found code like this:
fun_1(params, callback) {
fun_2(params, callback) {
fun_n(params, callback) {
as asyncFunction is from a deprecated npm package i would take the opportunity to refactor it.
I would like to switch to something like this:
Where fun_1 would be:
fun_1(params) {
fun_2(params) {
return asyncFunc() ???
Is the second pattern correct and preferable over the first ?
It seems correct. However, all functions need to return that promise when they call the inner function. For example:
fun_1(params) {
fun_2(params) {
return asyncFunc();
return fun_2(params);
There's not much information in your question, but I'll try to answer with what I have.
In order for fun_1 to be able to be chained with .then, it needs to return a promise:
function fun_1() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Do some tasks and resolve when complete
resolve(/* some data */)
Or, by using the async keyword, which is just syntactic sugar for Promise:
async function fun_1() {
await some_async_task()
return; // does the same as resolve would in Promise
In order to refactor the code, you're going to have to move the async stuff and the callbacks in promises.
Let me know if you want to clarify some things in your question to get a better answer.
I'd like to accomplish the following using promises: only execute further once the state of something is ready. I.e. like polling for an external state-change.
I've tried using promises and async-await but am not getting the desired outcome. What am I doing wrong here, and how do I fix it?
The MDN docs have something similar but their settimeout is called within the promise--that's not exactly what I'm looking for though.
I expect the console.log to show "This function is now good to go!" after 5 seconds, but instead execution seems to stop after calling await promiseForState();
var state = false;
function stateReady (){
state = true;
function promiseForState(){
var msg = "good to go!";
var promise = new Promise(function (resolve,reject){
if (state){
return promise;
async function waiting (intro){
var result = await promiseForState();
console.log(intro + result)
waiting("This function is now ");
What you're doing wrong is the promise constructor executor function executes immediately when the promise is created, and then never again. At that point, state is false, so nothing happens.
Promises (and async/await) are not a replacement for polling. You still need to poll somewhere.
The good news: async functions make it easy to do conditional code with loops and promises.
But don't put code inside promise constructor executor functions, because of their poor error handling characteristics. They are meant to wrap legacy code.
Instead, try this:
var state = false;
function stateReady() {
state = true;
const wait = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
async function promiseForState() {
while (!state) {
await wait(1000);
return "good to go!";
async function waiting(intro) {
var result = await promiseForState();
console.log(intro + result)
waiting("This function is now ");
Based on your comments that you are waiting for messages from a server it appears you are trying to solve an X/Y problem. I am therefore going to answer the question of "how do I wait for server messages" instead of waiting for global variable to change.
If your network API accepts a callback
Plenty of networking API such as XMLHttpRequest and node's Http.request() are callback based. If the API you are using is callback or event based then you can do something like this:
function myFunctionToFetchFromServer () {
// example is jQuery's ajax but it can easily be replaced with other API
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
$.ajax('http://some.server/somewhere', {
success: resolve,
error: reject
async function waiting (intro){
var result = await myFunctionToFetchFromServer();
console.log(intro + result);
If your network API is promise based
If on the other hand you are using a more modern promise based networking API such as fetch() you can simply await the promise:
function myFunctionToFetchFromServer () {
return fetch('http://some.server/somewhere');
async function waiting (intro){
var result = await myFunctionToFetchFromServer();
console.log(intro + result);
Decoupling network access from your event handler
Note that the following are only my opinion but it is also the normal standard practice in the javascript community:
In either case above, once you have a promise it is possible to decouple your network API form your waiting() event handler. You just need to save the promise somewhere else. Evert's answer shows one way you can do this.
However, in my not-so-humble opinion, you should not do this. In projects of significant size this leads to difficulty in tracing the source of where the state change comes form. This is what we did in the 90s and early 2000s with javascript. We had a lot of events in our code like onChange and onReady or onData instead of callbacks passed as function parameters. The result was that sometimes it takes you a long time to figure out what code is triggering what event.
Callback parameters and promises forces the event generator to be in the same place in the code as the event consumer:
let this_variable_consumes_result_of_a_promise = await generate_a_promise();
this_function_generate_async_event((consume_async_result) => { /* ... */ });
From the wording of your question you seem to be wanting to do this instead;
..somewhere in your code:
this_function_generate_async_event(() => { set_global_state() });
..somewhere else in your code:
let this_variable_consumes_result_of_a_promise = await global_state();
I would consider this an anti-pattern.
Calling asynchronous functions in class constructors
This is not only an anti-pattern but an impossibility (as you've no doubt discovered when you find that you cannot return the asynchronous result).
There are however design patterns that can work around this. The following is an example of exposing a database connection that is created asynchronously:
class MyClass {
constructor () {
// constructor logic
db () {
if (this.connection) {
return Promise.resolve(this.connection);
else {
return new Promise (function (resolve, reject) {
createDbConnection(function (error, conn) {
if (error) {
else {
this.connection = conn; // cache the connection
const myObj = new MyClass();
async function waiting (intro){
const db = await myObj.db();
db.doSomething(); // you can now use the database connection.
You can read more about asynchronous constructors from my answer to this other question: Async/Await Class Constructor
The way I would solve this, is as follows. I am not 100% certain this solves your problem, but the assumption here is that you have control over stateReady().
let state = false;
let stateResolver;
const statePromise = new Promise( (res, rej) => {
stateResolver = res;
function stateReady(){
state = true;
async function promiseForState(){
await stateResolver();
const msg = "good to go!";
return msg;
async function waiting (intro){
const result = await promiseForState();
console.log(intro + result)
waiting("This function is now ");
Some key points:
The way this is written currently is that the 'state' can only transition to true once. If you want to allow this to be fired many times, some of those const will need to be let and the promise needs to be re-created.
I created the promise once, globally and always return the same one because it's really just one event that every caller subscribes to.
I needed a stateResolver variable to lift the res argument out of the promise constructor into the global scope.
Here is an alternative using .requestAnimationFrame().
It provides a clean interface that is simple to understand.
var serverStuffComplete = false
// mock the server delay of 5 seconds
setTimeout(()=>serverStuffComplete = true, 5000);
// continue until serverStuffComplete is true
function waitForServer(now) {
if (serverStuffComplete) {
} else {
// place this request on the next tick
console.log("Waiting for server...");
// starts the process off
//resolve the promise or whatever
function doSomethingElse() {
console.log('Done baby!');
I am working on a javascript project that needs to get some data and process it, but I am having trouble with the asynchronous nature of JavaScript. What I want to be able to do is something like the following.
//The set of functions that I want to call in order
function getData() {
//gets the data
function parseData() {
//does some stuff with the data
function validate() {
//validates the data
//The function that orchestrates these calls
function runner() {
Here I want each function to wait for completion before going on to the next call, as I am running into the situation where the program attempts to validate the data before it has been retrieved. However, I also want to be able to return a value from these functions for testing, so I can't have these functions return a boolean value to check completion. How can I make javascript wait on the function to run to completion before moving on to the next call?
Use promises:
//The set of functions that I want to call in order
function getData(initialData) {
//gets the data
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
resolve('Hello World!')
function parseData(dataFromGetDataFunction) {
//does some stuff with the data
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
resolve('Hello World!')
function validate(dataFromParseDataFunction) {
//validates the data
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
resolve('Hello World!')
//The function that orchestrates these calls
function runner(initialData) {
return getData(initialData)
runner('Hello World!').then(function (dataFromValidateFunction) {
Not only are they easy to grasp, it makes total sense from a code readability stand point. Read more about them here. If you are in a browser environment, I recommend this polyfill.
The code you've quoted will run synchronously. JavaScript function calls are synchronous.
So I'm going to assume that getData, parseData, and/or validate involve asynchronous operations (such as using ajax in a browser, or readFile in NodeJS). If so, you basically have two options, both of which involve callbacks.
The first is to just have those functions accept callbacks they'll call when done, for instance:
function getData(callback) {
someAsyncOperation(function() {
// Async is done now, call the callback with the data
callback(/*...some data...*/);
you'd use that like this:
getData(function(data) {
// Got the data, do the next thing
The problem with callbacks is that they're hard to compose and have fairly brittle semantics. So promises were invented to give them better semantics. In ES2015 (aka "ES6") or with a decent promises library, that would look something like this:
function getData(callback) {
return someAsyncOperation();
or if someAsyncOperation is not promise-enabled, then:
function getData(callback) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
someAsyncOperation(function() {
// Async is done now, call the callback with the data
resolve(/*...some data...*/);
// Or if it failed, call `reject` instead
Doesn't seem to do much for you, but one of the key things is composability; your final function ends up looking like this:
function runner() {
return getData()
.then(parseData) // Yes, there really aren't () on parseData...
.then(validate); // ...or validate
.then(function(result) {
// It worked, use the result
.catch(function(error) {
// It failed
Here's an example; it will only work on a fairly recent browser that supports Promise and ES2015 arrow functions, because I was lazy and wrote it with arrow functions and didn't include a Promise lib:
"use strict";
function getData() {
// Return a promise
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
// Let's fail a third of the time
if (Math.random() < 0.33) {
reject("getData failed");
} else {
resolve('{"msg":"This is the message"}');
}, Math.random() * 100);
function parseData(data) {
// Note that this function is synchronous
return JSON.parse(data);
function validate(data) {
// Let's assume validation is synchronous too
// Let's also assume it fails half the time
if (!data || !data.msg || Math.random() < 0.5) {
throw new Error("validation failed");
// It's fine
return data;
function runner() {
return getData()
function() {
.then(data => {
console.log("All good! msg: " + data.msg);
.catch(error => {
console.error("Failed: ", error && error.message || error);
<input type="button" id="the-button" value="Click to test">
(you can test more than once)
You should change each function to return a Promise, which will allow your final function to become:
function runner() {
return Promise.try(getData).then(parseData).then(validate);
To do that, the body of each function should be wrapped in a new promise, like:
function getData() {
return new Promise(function (res, rej) {
var req = new AjaxRequest(...); // make the request
req.onSuccess = function (data) {
This is a very cursory example of how promises might work. For more reading, check out:
2ality's fantastic blog posts: part 1 and part 2
bluebird's documentation on why promises
mdn's documentation on JS' Promise class
From what I understand, the future style to write async code in JS is to use generators instead of callbacks. At least, or esp. in the V8 / Nodejs community. Is that right? (But that might be debatable and is not my main question here.)
To write async code with generators, I have found a few libraries:
gen-run (What I'm currently using.)
They all look kind of similar and I'm not that sure which of them to use (or if that even matters). (However, that might again be debatable and is also not my main question here -- but I still would be very happy about any advice.)
(I'm anyway only using pure V8 - if that matters. I'm not using Nodejs but I use pure V8 in my custom C++ app. However, I already have a few node-style elements in my code, including my custom require().)
Now I have some function X written in callback-style, which itself calls other async functions with callback arguments, e.g.:
function X(v, callback) {
return Y(onGotY);
function onGotY(err, res) {
if(err) return callback(err);
return Z(onGotZ);
function onGotZ(err, res, resExtended) {
if(err) return callback(err);
return callback(null, v + res + resExtended);
And I want to turn X into a generator, e.g. I guess function* X(v) { ... }. How would that look like?
I went with my very simple own lib which works quite well for my small V8 environment and also makes it easy to debug because the JS callstack stays intact. To make it work with Nodejs or on the web, it would need some modifications, though.
Rationales here:
For debugging, we don't really want async code - we want to have nice understandable call stacks in debuggers, esp. in the node-inspector debugger.
Also note that so far, all async code is completely artificial and we execute everything completely in sync, somewhat emulated via V8 Microtasks.
Callback-style async code is already hard to understand in call stacks.
Generator-style async code looses the call stack information completely in conventional debuggers - that includes the current Chrome Beta Developer Tools V8 debugger used with node-inspector. That is very much the nature of generators (coroutines in general). Later versions of the debugger might handle that, but that is not the case today. We even need some special C++ code to get the info. Example code can be found here:
So if we want to have useful debuggers, today, we cannot use generators -- at least not as it is usually done.
We still want to use generator-style async code because it makes the code much more readable, compared to callback-style code.
We introduce a new function async to overcome this. Imagine the following callback-style async code:
function doSthX(a, b, callback) { ... }
function doSthY(c, callback) {
doSthX(c/2, 42, function(err, res) {
if(err) return callback(err);
callback(null, c + res);
Now, the same code with the async function and generator-style code:
function* doSthX(a, b) { ... }
function* doSthY(c) {
var res = yield async(doSthX(c/2, 42));
return c + res;
We can provide two versions of async(iter):
Run the iterator iter on top of the stack. That will keep a sane call stack and everything is run serially.
Yield the iterator down to some lower handler and make it really async.
Note that there are a few notable libraries which can be used for the second approach:
For now, we just implement the first approach - to make debugging easier.
If we once want to have both, we can introduce a debug flag to switch via both implementations.
global.async = async;
function async(iter) {
// must be an iterator
var gotValue;
var sendValue;
while(true) {
var next = iter.next(sendValue);
gotValue = next.value;
if(!next.done) {
// We expect gotValue as a value returned from this function `async`.
var res = gotValue.getResult();
sendValue = res;
if(next.done) break;
return {
getResult: function() {
return gotValue;
// Like `async`, but wraps a callback-style function.
global.async_call_cb = async_call_cb;
function async_call_cb(f, thisArg /* , ... */) {
assert(f.apply && f.call);
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
return async((function*() {
var gotCalled = false;
var res;
// This expects that the callback is run on top of the stack.
// We will get this if we always use the wrapped enqueueMicrotask().
// If we have to force this somehow else at some point, we could
// call runMicrotasks() here - or some other waiter function,
// to wait for our callback.
f.apply(thisArg, args);
function callback(err, _res) {
if(err) throw err;
gotCalled = true;
res = _res;
return res;
// get the result synchronously from async
global.sync_from_async = sync_from_async;
function sync_from_async(s) {
assert(s.getResult); // see async()
return s.getResult();
// creates a node.js callback-style function from async
global.callback_from_async = callback_from_async;
function callback_from_async(s) {
return function(callback) {
var res;
try { res = sync_from_async(s); }
catch(err) {
return callback(err);
return callback(null, res);
global.sync_get = sync_get;
function sync_get(iter) {
return sync_from_async(async(iter));
// this is like in gen-run.
// it's supposed to run the main-function which is expected to be a generator.
// f must be a generator
// returns the result.
global.run = run;
function run(f) {
return sync_get(f());
I assume that by "turning X into a generator" you mean "turning X into something you can yield", because that's how these libs work.
If you are using co (which I recommend), you need to make your function return thunks, that is a function, which accepts only a callback. Quite simple:
function coX (v) {
return function (cb) {
X(v, cb);
And then just:
co(function * () {
yield coX('v');