The title pretty much says it all. I'm looking for a convenient way to generate a geoJSON polygon defining an ellipse similar to d3-geo's d3.geoCircle()(); I want to use this GeoJSON ellipse with d3-geo. To clarify with and example, Cesium has this capability with a simple function allowing you to create an ellipse like so:
var ellipse = new Cesium.EllipseGeometry({
center : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-75.59777, 40.03883),
semiMajorAxis : 500000.0,
semiMinorAxis : 300000.0,
rotation : Cesium.Math.toRadians(60.0)
If that function returned GeoJSON I'd be set. What's the best way to generate a GeoJSON polygon defining an ellipse?
D3 doesn't offer anything that can really help here. Vanilla javascript can achieve this fairly easily. First let's create a geojson ellipse in Cartesian coordinate space. After, we can use the haversine formula to draw the ellipse.
Create a geojson ellipse in Cartesian coordinate space.
This is pretty straightforward, the method I'm using is to calculate the radius of the ellipse at a given angle. Using these polar coordinates we can stitch together an ellipse. The formula for the radius of an ellipse at a given point can be found pretty easily, I used this source, which gives us:
So, we can easily iterate through a series of angles, calculate the radius at that angle, and then translate this polar coordinate into a Cartesian coordinate. Perhaps something like:
function createEllipse(a,b,x=0,y=0,rotation=0) {
rotation = rotation / 180 * Math.PI;
var n = n = Math.ceil(36 * (Math.max(a/b,b/a))); // n sampling angles, more for more elongated ellipses
var coords = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
// get the current angle
var θ = Math.PI*2/n*i + rotation;
// get the radius at that angle
var r = a * b / Math.sqrt(a*a*Math.sin(θ)*Math.sin(θ) + b*b*Math.cos(θ)*Math.cos(θ));
// get the x,y coordinate that marks the ellipse at this angle
x1 = x + Math.cos(θ-rotation) * r;
y1 = y + Math.sin(θ-rotation) * r;
// return a geojson object:
return { "type":"Polygon", "coordinates":[coords] };
Note: a/b: axes (in pixels), x/y: center (in pixels), rotation: rotation in degrees
Here's that in a quick snippet:
var geojson = createEllipse(250,50,200,200,45);
var svg ="body")
var path = d3.geoPath();
function createEllipse(a,b,x=0,y=0,rotation=0) {
rotation = rotation / 180 * Math.PI;
var n = n = Math.ceil(36 * (Math.max(a/b,b/a))); // n sample angles
var coords = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
// get the current angle
var θ = Math.PI*2/n*i + rotation;
// get the radius at that angle
var r = a * b / Math.sqrt(a*a*Math.sin(θ)*Math.sin(θ) + b*b*Math.cos(θ)*Math.cos(θ));
// get the x,y coordinate that marks the ellipse at this angle
x1 = x + Math.cos(θ-rotation) * r;
y1 = y + Math.sin(θ-rotation) * r;
// return a geojson object:
return { "type":"Polygon", "coordinates":[coords] };
<script src=""></script>
Apply the haversine formula.
One of the best resources on the haversine and related functions I know of is at Moveable Type Scripts. The formula I have came from there a few years back and has had a few cosmetic modifications. I'm not going to break down the formula here, as the linked reference should be useful.
So, rather than calculating the Cartesian coordinates, we can take the polar coordinate and use the angle as bearing and the radius as distance in the haversine formula, which should be relatively trivial.
This could look like:
function createEllipse(a,b,x=0,y=0,rotation=0) {
var k = Math.ceil(36 * (Math.max(a/b,b/a))); // sample angles
var coords = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= k; i++) {
// get the current angle
var angle = Math.PI*2 / k * i + rotation
// get the radius at that angle
var r = a * b / Math.sqrt(a*a*Math.sin(angle)*Math.sin(angle) + b*b*Math.cos(angle)*Math.cos(angle));
return { "type":"Polygon", "coordinates":[coords] };
function getLatLong(center,angle,radius) {
var rEarth = 6371000; // meters
x0 = center[0] * Math.PI / 180; // convert to radians.
y0 = center[1] * Math.PI / 180;
var y1 = Math.asin( Math.sin(y0)*Math.cos(radius/rEarth) + Math.cos(y0)*Math.sin(radius/rEarth)*Math.cos(angle) );
var x1 = x0 + Math.atan2(Math.sin(angle)*Math.sin(radius/rEarth)*Math.cos(y0), Math.cos(radius/rEarth)-Math.sin(y0)*Math.sin(y1));
y1 = y1 * 180 / Math.PI;
x1 = x1 * 180 / Math.PI;
return [x1,y1];
// Create & Render the geojson:
var geojson = createEllipse(500000,1000000,50,70); // a,b in meters, x,y, rotation in degrees.
var geojson2 = createEllipse(500000,1000000)
var svg ="body")
var g = svg.append("g");
var projection = d3.geoMercator().translate([300,200]).scale(600/Math.PI/2);
var path = d3.geoPath().projection(projection);
.attr("d", path);
.attr("cx", function(d) { return projection(d)[0] })
.attr("cy", function(d) { return projection(d)[1] })
.attr("r", 4)
<script src=""></script>
Note: a/b axes in meters, x,y,rotation in degrees
That's a pretty boring demonstration, perhaps this simple demonstration is better:
The formula I'm using assumes a earth is a sphere, not an ellipsoid, this can lead to errors in distance of up to 0.3%. However, depending on map scale, this will often be less than the stroke width.
I might have to try and make a particularly visually challenging version of a tissot's indicatrix with this
Snippets use default parameter values that are not compatible with IE, example block offers IE support
find midpoint M of an path arc from A to B:
i have :
point A(x,y)
point B(x,y)
radius of the arc
i tried following code but getPointAtLength is deprecated.
var myarc = document.getElementById("myarc");
// Get the length of the path
var pathLen = myarc.getTotalLength();
// How far along the path to we want the position?
var pathDistance = pathLen * 0.5;
// Get the X,Y position
var midpoint = myarc.getPointAtLength(pathDistance)
Geometric calculation:
Сalculalate vector
AB = B - A (AB.x = B.x - A.x, similar for Y)
It's length
lAB = sqrt(AB.x*AB.x + AB.y*AB.y)
Normalized vector
uAB = AB / lAB
Middle point of chord
mAB = (A + B)/2
Arrow value
F = R - sqrt(R*R - lAB*lAB/4)
Now middle of arc:
M.x = mAB.x - uAB.Y * F
M.y = mAB.y + uAB.X * F
Note that there are two points (you need to know circle center orientation relatice to AB), for the second one change signs of the second terms
I have a 2D equirectangular depth map that is a 1024 x 512 array of floats, each ranging between 0 to 1. Here example (truncated to grayscale):
I want to convert it to a set of 3D points but I am having trouble finding the right formula to do so - it's sort of close - pseudocode here (using a vec3() library):
for(var y = 0; y < array_height; ++y) {
var lat = (y / array_height) * 180.0 - 90.0;
var rho = Math.cos(lat * Math.PI / 180.0);
for(var x = 0; x < array_width; ++x) {
var lng = (x / array_width) * 360.0 - 180.0;
var pos = new vec3();
pos.x = (r * Math.cos(lng * Math.PI / 180.0));
pos.y = (Math.sin(lat * Math.PI / 180.0));
pos.z = (r * Math.sin(lng * Math.PI / 180.0));
var depth = parseFloat(depth[(y * array_width) + x] / 255);
// at this point I can plot pos as an X, Y, Z point
What I end up with isn't quite right and I can't tell why not. I am certain the data is correct. Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong.
Thank you.
Well looks like the texture is half-sphere in spherical coordinates:
x axis is longitude angle a <0,180> [deg]
y axis is latitude angle b <-45,+45> [deg]
intensity is radius r <0,1> [-]
So for each pixel simply:
linearly convert x,y to a,b
in degrees:
a = x*180 / (width -1)
b = -45 + ( y* 90 / (height-1) )
or in radians:
a = x*M_PI / (width -1)
b = -0.25*M_PI + ( 0.5*y*M_PI / (height-1) )
apply spherical to cartesian conversion
z=r* sin(b);
Looks like you have wrongly coded this conversion as latitude angle should be in all x,y,z not just y !!! Also you should not normalize the resulting position that would corrupt the shape !!!
store point into point cloud.
When I put all together in VCL/C++ (sorry do not code in javascript):
List<double> pnt; // 3D point list x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1,...
void compute()
int x,y,xs,ys; // texture positiona and size
double a,b,r,da,db; // spherical positiona and angle steps
double xx,yy,zz; // 3D point
DWORD *p; // texture pixel access
// load and prepare BMP texture
Graphics::TBitmap *bmp=new Graphics::TBitmap;
// 360x180 deg
// 180x90 deg
// proces all its pixels
for ( y=0; y<ys; y++,b+=db)
for (p=(DWORD*)bmp->ScanLine[y],a=0.0,x=0; x<xs; x++,a+=da)
// pixel access
r=DWORD(p[x]&255); // obtain intensity from texture <0..255>
r/=255.0; // normalize to <0..1>
// convert to 3D
zz=r* sin(b);
// store to pointcloud
// clean up
delete bmp;
Here preview for 180x90 deg:
and preview for 360x180 deg:
Not sure which one is correct (as I do not have any context to your map) but the first option looks more correct to me ...
In case its the second just use different numbers (doubled) for the interpolation in bullet #1
Also if you want to remove the background just ignore r==1 pixels:
simply by testing the intensity to max value (before normalization) in my case by adding this line:
if (r==255) continue;
after this one
In your case (you have <0..1> already) you should test r>=0.9999 or something like that instead.
I'm interested in tweaking the radius of the circles on the circle pack layout. For that I need to know how the original radius is calculated.
By reading the d3.js source code for pack layout it seems the default radius function is simply Math.sqrt of value for each node. But that is not really the case because I modified the D3.js original circle pack example adding a .radius(function(d){return Math.sqrt(d);}) and as you can see at the radius of the circles are not the same.
The d3.layout.pack() uses Math.sqrt as radius function. But pack.nodes will apply a scale transform d3_layout_packTransform(node, x, y, k) to make the whole circle pack chart to fit if radius wasn't explicitly set. That is why if you apply you own function (even if its radius(Math.sqrt)) you will need to apply your own scaling after if you want to get the same result as with implicit radius.
In the example below I explicitly set Math.sqrt as the radius function and then scale afterward to fit [diameter,diameter] with my own function pack_transform since d3_layout_packTranform is not accesible:
var pack = d3.layout.pack()
.value(function(d) { return d.size; })
.size([diameter - 4, diameter - 4]);
var packnodes = pack.nodes(root);
var packroot = packnodes[0];
var w = diameter, h = diameter;
function pack_transform(node, k) {
function inner_transform(node,cx,cy,k) {
var children = node.children;
node.x = cx + k * (node.x-cx);
node.y = cy + k * ( node.y-cy);
node.r *= k;
if (children) {
var i = -1, n = children.length;
while (++i < n) inner_transform(children[i],cx,cy, k);
return inner_transform(node,node.x,node.y,k);
pack_transform(packroot, 1 / Math.max(2 * packroot.r / w, 2 * packroot.r / h));
Is there an easy way to get the lat/lng of the intersection points (if available) of two circles in Google Maps API V3? Or should I go with the hard way?
EDIT : In my problem, circles always have the same radius, in case that makes the solution easier.
Yes, for equal circles rather simple solution could be elaborated:
Let's first circle center is A point, second circle center is F, midpoint is C, and intersection points are B,D. ABC is right-angle spherical triangle with right angle C.
We want to find angle A - this is deviation angle from A-F direction. Spherical trigonometry (Napier's rules for right spherical triangles) gives us formula:
cos(A)= tg(AC) * ctg(AB)
where one symbol denote spherical angle, double symbols denote great circle arcs' angles (AB, AC). We can see that AB = circle radius (in radians, of course), AC = half-distance between A and F on the great circle arc.
To find AC (and other values) - I'll use code from this excellent page
var R = 6371; // km
var dLat = (lat2-lat1).toRad();
var dLon = (lon2-lon1).toRad();
var lat1 = lat1.toRad();
var lat2 = lat2.toRad();
var a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) +
Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2);
var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));
and our
AC = c/2
If circle radius Rd is given is kilometers, then
AB = Rd / R = Rd / 6371
Now we can find angle
A = arccos(tg(AC) * ctg(AB))
Starting bearing (AF direction):
var y = Math.sin(dLon) * Math.cos(lat2);
var x = Math.cos(lat1)*Math.sin(lat2) -
var brng = Math.atan2(y, x);
Intersection points' bearings:
B_bearing = brng - A
D_bearing = brng + A
Intersection points' coordinates:
var latB = Math.asin( Math.sin(lat1)*Math.cos(Rd/R) +
Math.cos(lat1)*Math.sin(Rd/R)*Math.cos(B_bearing) );
var lonB = lon1.toRad() + Math.atan2(Math.sin(B_bearing)*Math.sin(Rd/R)*Math.cos(lat1),
and the same for D_bearing
latB, lonB are in radians
The computation the "hard" way can be simplified for the case r1 = r2 =: r. We still first have to convert the circle centers P1,P2 from (lat,lng) to Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z).
var DEG2RAD = Math.PI/180;
function LatLng2Cartesian(lat_deg,lng_deg)
var lat_rad = lat_deg*DEG2RAD;
var lng_rad = lng_deg*DEG2RAD;
var cos_lat = Math.cos(lat_rad);
return {x: Math.cos(lng_rad)*cos_lat,
y: Math.sin(lng_rad)*cos_lat,
z: Math.sin(lat_rad)};
var P1 = LatLng2Cartesian(lat1, lng1);
var P2 = LatLng2Cartesian(lat2, lng2);
But the intersection line of the planes holding the circles can be computed more easily. Let d be the distance of the actual circle center (in the plane) to the corresponding point P1 or P2 on the surface. A simple derivation shows (with R the earth's radius):
var R = 6371; // earth radius in km
var r = 100; // the direct distance (in km) of the given points to the intersections points
// if the value rs for the distance along the surface is known, it has to be converted:
// var r = 2*R*Math.sin(rs/(2*R*Math.PI));
var d = r*r/(2*R);
Now let S1 and S2 be the intersections points and S their mid-point. With s = |OS| and t = |SS1| = |SS2| (where O = (0,0,0) is the earth's center) we get from simple derivations:
var a = Math.acos(P1.x*P2.x + P1.y*P2.y + P1.z*P2.z); // the angle P1OP2
var s = (R-d)/Math.cos(a/2);
var t = Math.sqrt(R*R - s*s);
Now since r1 = r2 the points S, S1, S2 are in the mid-plane between P1 and P2. For v_s = OS we get:
function vecLen(v)
{ return Math.sqrt(v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z); }
function vecScale(scale,v)
{ return {x: scale*v.x, y: scale*v.y, z: scale*v.z}; }
var v = {x: P1.x+P2.x, y: P1.y+P2.y, z:P1.z+P2.z}; // P1+P2 is in the middle of OP1 and OP2
var S = vecScale(s/vecLen(v), v);
function crossProd(v1,v2)
return {x: v1.y*v2.z - v1.z*v2.y,
y: v1.z*v2.x - v1.x*v2.z,
z: v1.x*v2.y - v1.y*v2.x};
var n = crossProd(P1,P2); // normal vector to plane OP1P2 = vector along S1S2
var SS1 = vecScale(t/vecLen(n),n);
var S1 = {x: S.x+SS1.x, y: S.y+SS1.y, z: S.z+SS1.z}; // S + SS1
var S2 = {x: S.x-SS1.x, y: S.y-SS2.y, z: S.z-SS1.z}; // S - SS1
Finally we have to convert back to (lat,lng):
function Cartesian2LatLng(P)
var P_xy = {x: P.x, y:P.y, z:0}
return {lat: Math.atan2(P.y,P.x)/DEG2RAD, lng: Math.atan2(P.z,vecLen(P_xy))/DEG2RAD};
var S1_latlng = Cartesian2LatLng(S1);
var S2_latlng = Cartesian2LatLng(S2);
Yazanpro, sorry for the late response on this.
You may be interested in a concise variant of MBo's approach, which simplifies in two respects :
firstly by exploiting some of the built in features of the google.maps API to avoid much of the hard math.
secondly by using a 2D model for the calculation of the included angle, in place of MBo's spherical model. I was initially uncertain about the validity of this simplification but satisfied myself with tests in a fork of MBo's fiddle that the errors are minor at all but the largest of circles with respect to the size of the Earth (eg at low zoom levels).
Here's the function :
function getIntersections(circleA, circleB) {
* Find the points of intersection of two google maps circles or equal radius
* circleA: a google.maps.Circle object
* circleB: a google.maps.Circle object
* returns: null if
* the two radii are not equal
* the two circles are coincident
* the two circles don't intersect
* otherwise returns: array containing the two points of intersection of circleA and circleB
var R, centerA, centerB, D, h, h_;
try {
R = circleA.getRadius();
centerA = circleA.getCenter();
centerB = circleB.getCenter();
if(R !== circleB.getRadius()) {
throw( new Error("Radii are not equal.") );
if(centerA.equals(centerB)) {
throw( new Error("Circle centres are coincident.") );
D = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween(centerA, centerB); //Distance between the two centres (in meters)
// Check that the two circles intersect
if(D > (2 * R)) {
throw( new Error("Circles do not intersect.") );
h = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeHeading(centerA, centerB); //Heading from centre of circle A to centre of circle B. (in degrees)
h_ = Math.acos(D / 2 / R) * 180 / Math.PI; //Included angle between the intersections (for either of the two circles) (in degrees). This is trivial only because the two radii are equal.
//Return an array containing the two points of intersection as google.maps.latLng objects
return [
google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeOffset(centerA, R, h + h_),
google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeOffset(centerA, R, h - h_)
catch(e) {
console.error("getIntersections() :: " + e.message);
return null;
No disrespect to MBo by the way - it's an excellent answer.
Is there a way to translate into javascript a piece of code that will allow me to show map pins around a point taking in consideration a radius ?
var data=[
for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){
if (data[i] is 30 kms far from aCoord)
Thank you,
I came up with this example so you have an idea on how to calculate the points. You'll need to figure out how to do any necessary conversions for lat/lon.
* Returns coordinates for N points around a circle with a given radius from
* the center.
* center: array [x, y]
* radius: int
* num_points: int
function get_points_on_circle(center, radius, num_points) {
if (!num_points) num_points = 10;
var interval = Math.PI * 2 / num_points;
points = [];
i = -1;
while (++i < num_points) {
var theta = interval * i,
point = [Math.cos(theta) * radius + center[0], Math.sin(theta) * radius + center[1]];
return points;
// Sample usage
var center = [250, 250],
radius = 100,
num_points = 10;
var points = get_points_on_circle(center, radius, num_points);
Test it out (uses Raphael for plotting)
If you are interested in learning a little about the logic:
A radian is a unit of measure for angles. There are a total of 2*PI radians in a circle. Using that fact, you can calculate the angle interval of any number of points on a circle by performing 2*PI/num_points.
When you know the angle interval, you can calculate the angle (theta) of a point on a circle. Once you have theta (the angle), you have polar coordinates (radius,angle). For that to be of any use to us in this problem, you need to convert the polar coordinates into Cartesian coordinates (x,y). You can do that by using the following formulas:
x = cos(theta) * radius
y = sin(theta) * radius
That's pretty much it in a nutshell.