In jQuery closure, how to get window property descriptor? - javascript

I want to see window property ‘otherName’ descriptor into jQuery closure. But
into jQuery closures 'otherName' descriptor is showing undefined, I think may
be getOwnPropertyDescriptor() did not get window object. Am i right? If I use
this code in plain js—
var otherName = "ckMe";
var result = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, "otherName");
// Object { value: "ckMe", writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable:
//false }
This is fine. But when this code in jQuery, I have got result = undefined.
(function ($) {
$(window).on("load", function (event) {
var otherName = "ckMe";
var result = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, "otherName");
Or if I use this code same result, undefined.
(function ($) {
$(function () {
var otherName = "ckMe";
var result = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, "otherName");
I want to use this code in jQuery closure because my all codes in there. I
was already searched this problem on google, but did not get any best
solution. Please help me. Thanks to all.
And sorry If I have anything wrong.

In your second two code blocks, otherName isn't a property of window. window only gets properties for var declarations at global scope. In your second two code blocks, the var declaration isn't at global scope, so otherName isn't a property of anything¹, it's just a local variable. They don't have property descriptors, because they aren't properties.
¹ "isn't a property of anything" - in specification terms, local variables are bindings on a Lexical Environment object. Bindings are a bit like properties, but they aren't properties (in the sense of JavaScript's object properties), and they don't have property descriptors (nor can you access the Lexical Environment object directly anyway — in fact, it may well not literally exist in any particular JavaScript engine).


Javascript detect when a property is re-declared with var keyword

Is there any way in Javascript of knowing when a property already defined gets re-declared as a variable, resulting in name collision? For example:
self.test = function() {
return "this is a test";
var test = "another test";
This code results in Uncaught TypeError: test is not a function.
I want to somehow detect this before the error happens.
I tried using Object.defineProperty to include a getter and setter and fire a callback when the property gets changed, but that only works if the variable is assigned, not when it is redeclared with var keyword.
As a last resource, I think using a regex parser in the JS code to detect these situations could work, but that doesn't seem like a good solution at all.
Any suggestions?
Generally speaking, to catch errors like this and many others, you should use a linter. I use eslint.
For the problem of redeclaring variables specifically, see the const keyword if you're targeting modern browsers or want to use a transpiler.
If you're targeting ES6, use let or const instead of var.
Re-declaring a let/const variable inside the same scope will give you an error. If declared in a different block, it will refer to a different variable.
This is not exactly about detecting if property is redeclared. You can prevent property to be redeclared if this works for you in this case. You can use Object.defineProperty for that
var self = {};
Object.defineProperty(self, "test", {
configurable: false,
writable: false,
value: function() {
return "this is a test";

javascript - help me understand this structure (lexical scoping)

Below is simplification of some code I am trying to understand.
What are we trying to do in this javascript fragment? It seems we are creating object(?) called myCompany if not already created, then adding child object myProject to myCompany.
Then creating a local variable withinmyCompany.myProject and another local to function myCompany.myProject.myfunction. The () at the end make it execute immediately. And we are doing this to keep localVariable_1 out of global space?
var myCompany= myCompany || {};
if (!myCompany.myProject) {
myCompany.myProject = {};
myCompany.myProject = function () {
var localVariable_1;
function myFunction(){
var anotherlocalVariable;
// .. do some stuff
The first line checks if the object exists, if not use shorthand definition {} to create an Object. || compares. If argument one is null set argument two.
The if on the next line checks if the property myProject isn't set on the object. ! is the operator. If myCompany.myProject returns undefined this if clause returns true. When true create object as property myProject.
Third part: myProject gets replaced by a function object. This function is defined between { and }, but is immediately called upon by the () behind the function declaration.
localvariable_1 will never be in the global scope since it has the var statement. Binding it to the scope of myCompany.myProject function. Maybe this function is directly called to set up some initial values, but wrap them in a function that could be reused to change the values at another moment.
One piece at a time...
var myCompany= myCompany || {};
if myCompany exists you set it to it, otherwise you create an empty object and set myCompany to an empty object.
NOTE: if myCompany already exists you have no indicator of what it is
if (!myCompany.myProject) {
myCompany.myProject = {};
Now that you know myCompany is an object you verify it has a project property on it. if not you set myProject to an empty object.
NOTE: you have tested nothing about myProject so again there is no indicator of what it is
myCompany.myProject = function () {
var localVariable_1;
function myFunction(){
var anotherlocalVariable;
// .. do some stuff
Here you are assigning myCompany.myProject. Notice at the bottom the () before the ; That makes this function get executed immediately. Inside of the function you are creating another function that currently isn't doing anything. Where you aren't returning from the function I think it will set myProject to undefined.
You may already know what an immediate function is but if not it is basically a function that is called right away. It is also standard to wrap it in a () so that it is easier to read for example
var someFunction = (function () {
} ());
You said this was simplified from the original so I am guessing you removed an important part of the code that actually does things but the confusion is probably due to the JavaScript's way of scoping. It uses what is called Lexical scoping. You can think of it as scoping by functions.
Another thing that may be tripping you up is how JavaScript uses truthy evaluation for logical comparisons.
The last thing to mention that might be confusing the way you read the code is javascript's hoisting.
Hopefully that helps or at least points you to a few things you can look into to figure out the parts you don't exactly understand.
Sorry I just hate writing in comments lol.
If you are trying to help prevent your global scope from getting polluted then you might want to use objects and a something similar to what you are doing. Depending on how crazy you want to get you could look into Prototypical Inheritance.
A common pattern is to do something like this
var company = (function() {
var name;
var getName = function() {
return name;
var setName = function(n) {
name = n;
return {
getName : getName,
setName : setName
Now you can do company.setName("yoda") or whatever.
This will give you a basic getter and setter where no one can change the companies name without going through your getter and setter and it also doesn't pollute the global scope. You can have whatever you want on company this way and you also encapsulate the data within the object.
Notice how var company = a function that is called immediately which returns an object that has whatever you want to encapsulate on it.
Is that what you are talking about?

Why is this variable undefined within the object literal?

I'm trying to store an object of selectors in jQuery for performance reasons and later use.
In some case, I may need to access a key in the same object literal I am creating.
(function($) {
'use strict';
var appCache = {
$navSecondary: $('#nav-secondary'),
$navMore: appCache.$navSecondary.find('.more')
The above code produces the error:
TypeError: appCache is undefined
how can I get around this? Would I have to perform the selection again in jQuery?
The right hand side of the assignment operator is evaluated first. The result is then passed left and assigned to the variable.
The variable is undefined while the object is being constructed, so you can't use its value (it has been declared though, var statements are hoisted).
You can assign a new property after the object has been created.
var appCache = {
$navSecondary: $('#nav-secondary')
appCache["$navMore"] = appCache.$navSecondary.find('.more');
var appCache = {
$navSecondary: $('#nav-secondary'),
$navMore: appCache.$navSecondary.find('.more')
Because you are trying to access variable during its initialization.
You could use a function instead:
$navMore: function(){return this.$navSecondary.find('.more')}
Then call it once object is initialized:
appCache.$navMore(); // this will return set of jQuery matched elements

Is "this" necessary in javascript apart from variable definition

My question is dead simple.
I just casually discovered that once you have defined a property with this. into an object, you don't need to prepend this. anymore when you want to call them.
So this. is really meant to be used ad definition time, like var?
I found it my self shortly after, i was referencing the window object with this. since i called my object without using new, so like it was a function.
One extra question, maybe for comments. Inside the main object, if i create a new object, and use this during the object definition, this this what will be referring to?
No, unless the context of this is a global object, such as window. Take the following example:
function Foo(bar) { = bar;
console.log(; // OK
console.log(data); // ReferenceError
In this example, you'll get a ReferenceError: data is not defined on the first console.log(data), unless, data is a global variable. To access the instance's public member, you have to use
Understanding JavaScript’s this keyword
The this keyword
There are all sorts of circumstances where you MUST use this in order to reference the right data.
These two implementations do very different things:
Array.prototype.truncate(newLen) {
// sets the length property on the current Array object
this.length = newLen;
Array.prototype.truncate(newLen) {
// sets a global variable named length
length = newLen;
var arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7];
You MUST use this in order to control what happens if you want to modify the current object. Your assumption that you can leave it off and it will still modify the current object's properties is not correct. If you leave it off, you are modifying global variables, not member properties.
So this. is really meant to be used ad definition time, like var?
No, the point of this is to be the current scope of execution. You can (and will) run into weird errors if you don't use this. For example, imagine you are an object with a property val and then on the prototype of that object you have
App.obj = function(){
this.val = 'initial';
obj.prototype.myMethod = function(val) {
// how would you assign argument val to object val?
also note that your reasoning breaks down with methods.
obj.prototype.meth2 = function(){
myMethod(); // fails where this.myMethod() would work.
function f(){
var hidden='TOP SECRET!';
var instance=new f();
alert('Public data: '+instance.public+ /* gives "hello!" */
'\nHidden data: '+instance.hidden /* gives undefined */
Variables created with var are hidden and cannot be viewed nor modified outside the function which created them.
But variables created with this are public, so you can access them outside the function.
I think I got it.
I defined my object as function My_Object(){...} and then called it with MyObject(). This way the My_Object was treated as a function, not an object and therefore this == window.
So in the end I was attaching properties and methods to window instead of My_Object! That's way there were available without prepending .this.
The right way to initialize My_Object as an object is to call it like this new My_Object, isn't right?

Why is "this" needed to call functions inside an object

var a = {
text : 3,
logText : function () {
callLogText : function() {
This will genernate a ReferenceError: logText is not defined error message.
Instead, you prefix this to the logText() method, it will be ok. No error msg will pop.
var a = {
text : 3,
logText : function () {
callLogText : function() {
I really cant figure out the reason.
You need to learn the JavaScript scoping rules. This blog post gives a good introduction.
In a nutshell, JavaScript follows some rules when you use a variable name (for the purpose of this explanations, function definitions are pretty much like variable declarations).
What probably confuses you is this:
var a = { b: ...};
var a = function() { var b = ... }
In both cases, you get a new variable a. In the first case, it's an object with a property b. In the second case, it's a function which has a nested scope in which a new variable b is defined.
JavaScript will look in the current and all parent scopes for variables. But object definitions are no scopes. As far as JavaScript is concerned, the property b is invisible unless you make it visible by using the special variable this which always references the "current" object (in your example, that is a).
Since the properties of the object a are not "in scope", JavaScript can't find logText() unless you tell it to look in this. If you don't say anything, JavaScript will look in the current scope (the body of the function callLogText), then the parent scope (in which a is defined) and then in any parent scopes of that.
It's not a quirk. It's how most languages function when it comes to objects.
logText() is a method of the a object, not a function.
You need to call methods internally as this.methodName() or externally as object.methodName().
logText(); is to execute a global function logText which is undefined.
this.logText(); is to execute the function a.logText.
means somewhere there is a function named logText(), but here you have defined logText() as a property of an object, so to access the logText() you have to refer it with the help of the object it is defined in. In this case it is in the same object so you refer to the same object by saying this.

