Implement request-response exchange between node processes - javascript

Let's say I have a parent node process that forks a child process. I want to create a request-response mechanism between them, so that the child can send a message (JSON) to the parent and wait for a response and the other way as well.
I don't want to use HTTP because I want the mechanism to be as tight and low-latency as possible, and HTTP usually has some overhead. Also, HTTP is a client-server protocol and I want something bi-directional. (I'd be happy to know if the overhead is negliglbe or as bad as using pipes, TCP sockets directly, or WebSockets in this situation; it'd make my job easier).
The end-result I want is something like this. Note that this code is in TypeScript for clarity, not because the answer has to be in TypeScript too.
class Communicator {
// Callback for when a message is received by the Communicator
// Resolve returns a response to the sender, reject returns an error
onMessage : (data : any) => Promise<any>;
// Sends an object to the other process, and returns a promise
// that resolves with the response or rejects with the error reason
send(data : any) : Promise<any>;
In these case, I'm going to assume we use the native process.send mechanism, but if another system like WebSockets are better, it'd be a bit different:
let cp = require("child_process").fork("./child.js");
let comm = new Communicator(cp);
await comm.send({property : 1});
let comm = new Communicator(process);
await comm.send({property : 1});
The request/response system should support both Success-type and Error-type responses, as well as Error non-responses that indicate the underlying protocol failed.
How should I implement this in Node? There are lots of issues I can think of if I tried to do this naively, since multiple requests and responses can be running in parallel. Is there a library that already does this? Should I just use HTTP?

One possible solution to the problem appears to be to use WAMP over WebSockets:
WebSocket request-response subprotocol
However, since in this case we're talking about IPC and processes running inside a single machine, we're not really constrained with regard to the transfer protocol (we could even use raw sockets if we really wanted). There is also a built-in messaging system between parent and child processes.
So maybe it's possible to use WAMP over something else, or come up with another solution.
With regard to WAMP, one package we can use is autobahn.


Socket in javascript

please what is different
var socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8181');
var socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8181/websession');
what is ( Websession )
websession is just the endpoint the websocket will connect to. It's just like normal HTTP servers or REST services: You can have multiple endpoints on one server, like:
... and so on. (This is just an example and does not necessarily make sense for a specific use case.) In old-style HTTP, you could image them as different directories on the same server, possibly offering very different contents.
In order to use the socket correctly, you have to know your desired endpoint and use it when creating the socket. So it depends on the server whether ws://localhost:8181 or ws://localhost:8181/websession is correct (or even both of them, depending on the purpose of the individual endpoint). It's generally a good practice to give the endpoint a meaningful name, so the first one would be discouraged.
As the application seems to be running on your localhost, you should take a look at the server running at port 8181 to find out the endpoints offered. And you could possibly get used to websockets, here is one of many possible starting points.

Node.js how to handle drop down of server?

On Node.js api there lots of ifs and one can easily send request with some undefined var and crash the whole server until it re-starts again - something that could take up to 20 seconds.
I know that it should be checked if a variable is defined before working with it. But its very easy to forget something and keep working with an undefined var.
Is there a global definition to the server to avoid such of a drop down?
The easiest solution I could think of is implementing a cluster, in which only one process will go down, not the whole server. You could also make the process to go up again automatically. See more here
const cluster = require('cluster');
const http = require('http');
const numCPUs = require('os').cpus().length;
if (cluster.isMaster) {
console.log(`Master ${} is running`);
// Fork workers.
for (let i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) {
cluster.on('exit', (worker, code, signal) => {
console.log(`worker ${} died`);
} else {
// Workers can share any TCP connection
// In this case it is an HTTP server
http.createServer((req, res) => {
res.end('hello world\n');
console.log(`Worker ${} started`);
In any application there are a lot of "ifs" and assumptions. With JavaScript, being weakly typed and dynamic, you can really shoot yourself in the foot.
But the same rules apply here as any other language. Practice defensive programming. That is, cover all the bases in each function and statement block.
You can also try out programming Nodejs with Typescript. It ads some static type checking and other nice features that help you miss your foot when you shoot. You can also use (I think) Flow to statically type check things. But these won't make you a better programmer.
One other suggestion is to design your system as a SOA. So that one portion going down doesn't necessarily affect others. "Microservices" being a subset of that.
First, defensive programming and extensive testing are your friends. Obviously, preventing an issue before it happens is much better than trying to react to it after it happens.
Second, there is no foolproof mechanism for catching all exceptions at some high level and then putting your server back into a known, safe state. You just can't really do that in any complex server because you don't know what you were in the middle of when the exception happened. People will often try to do this, but it's like proceeding with a wounded server that may have some messed up internals. It's not safe or advisable. If a problem was not intercepted (e.g. exception caught or error detected) at the level where it occurred by code that knows how to properly handle that situation, then the only completely safe path forward is to restart your server.
So, if after implementing as much defensive programming as you possibly can and testing the heck out of it, you still want to prevent end-user downtime from a server crash/restart, then the best way to do that is to assume that a given server process will occasionally need to be restarted and plan for that.
The simplest way to prevent end-user downtime when a server process restarts is to use clustering and thus have multiple server processes with some sort of load balancer that both monitors server processes and routes incoming connections among the healthy server processes. When one server process is down, it is temporarily taken out of the rotation and other server processes can handle new, incoming connections. When the failed server process is successfully restarted, it can be added back to the rotation and be used again for new requests. Clustering in this way can be done within a single server (multiple processes on the same server) or across servers (multiple servers, each with server processes on them).
In some cases, this same process can even be used to roll out a new version of server code without any system downtime (doing this requires additional planning).

Is it okay to create a net.Socket() 'data' event handler once for each Node.js http request/response?

I've got a Node.js web server communicating with a locally running Python TCP socket server (communicating via their respective socket modules net.Socket, socket).
Clients make HTTP post requests from the browser which get handled by a Node http.createServer function, with some of them sent to the Python server for heavy computations, the results of which are then sent back to Node and back to the browser for rendering.
The Python server is necessary instead of a Node child process as there are some large (immutable) objects required for the Python computations that take a while to initialise and are then shared across threads. It would be infeasible to create and destroy these objects for every browser request.
So my question is, using the Node callback paradigm, how do I capture the response object for each POST request in the net.Socket data event handler/s?
Note 0: Each request has a unique id that is sent to the Python server and returned.
This currently works* inside my http.createServer callback:
http.createServer((request, response) => {
// route and parse incoming requests etc.
// send POST data to Python
// Python works away diligently then emits a data event handled below
python_socket.once('data', (data_from_python) => {
// error and exception handling
response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
*However if I bomb the server with multiple requests, sometimes I get the same data returned in each response (even though Python handles each data separately). I worry that I am trying to assign multiple once('data' callbacks in the same Node event loop and only one of them is persisting, and that is the one repeatedly sending the Python data back to the browser? Though if this were the case the response object would also be getting repeated and I would get an error for trying to end an already closed response right? But each response seems to end fine.
Apologies for the rather long and vague question. I'm still learning and would really appreciate any advice or references I can study to help me understand what is going on. Also very open to trying different approaches (except changing web server - see note 2 below).
Note 1: I tried declaring a global data handler (note the on instead of once) for the net.Socket server as follows, but couldn't figure out how to forward the returned data to each http response?
python_socket.on('data', (data_from_python) => {
// error and exception handling
// how do I get data_from_python out to each http response
// then close it in a non-blocking way?
Note 2: I'm not allowed to use a Python web server as the business wants to reuse this design in future to plug and play other services (R, Julia, C++, ...) into Node web servers.

Node.js API to spawn off a call to another API

I created a Node.js API.
When this API gets called I return to the caller fairly quickly. Which is good.
But now I also want API to call or launch an different API or function or something that will go off and run on it's own. Kind of like calling a child process with child.unref(). In fact, I would use child.spawn() but I don't see how to have spawn() call another API. Maybe that alone would be my answer?
Of this other process, I don't care if it crashes or finishes without error.
So it doesn't need to be attached to anything. But if it does remain attached to the Node.js console then icing on the cake.
I'm still thinking about how to identify & what to do if the spawn somehow gets caught up in running a really long time. But ready to cross that part of this yet.
Your thoughts on what I might be able to do?
I guess I could child.spawn('node', [somescript])
What do you think?
I would have to explore if my cloud host will permit this too.
You need to specify exactly what the other spawned thing is supposed to do. If it is calling an HTTP API, with Node.js you should not launch a new process to do that. Node is built to run HTTP requests asynchronously.
The normal pattern, if you really need some stuff to happen in a different process, is to use something like a message queue, the cluster module, or other messaging/queue between processes that the worker will monitor, and the worker is usually set up to handle some particular task or set of tasks this way. It is pretty unusual to be spawning another process after receiving an HTTP request since launching new processes is pretty heavy-weight and can use up all of your server resources if you aren't careful, and due to Node's async capabilities usually isn't necessary especially for things mainly involving IO.
This is from a test API I built some time ago. Note I'm even passing a value into the script as a parameter.
router.put('/test', function (req, res, next) {
var u = req.body.u;
var cp = require('child_process');
var c = cp.spawn('node', ['yourtest.js', '"' + u + '"'], { detach: true });
The yourtest.js script can be just about anything you want it to be. But I thought I would have enjoy learning more if I thought to first treat the script as a node.js console desktop app. FIRST get your yourtest.js script to run without error by manually running/testing it from your console's command line node yourstest.js yourparamtervalue THEN integrate it in to the child.spawn()
var u = process.argv[2];
console.log('f2u', u);
function f1() {
function f2() {
setTimeout(f2, 3000); // wait 3 second before execution f2(). I do this just for troubleshooting. You can watch node.exe open and then close in TaskManager if node.exe is running long enough.

Correct way to handle Websocket

I've a client to server Websocket connection which should be there for 40 seconds or so. Ideally it should be forever open.
The client continually sends data to server and vice-versa.
Right now I'm using this sequence:
var socket;
function senddata(data)
if (!socket)
socket = new WebSocket(url);
socket.onopen = function (evt) {
socket.onmessage = function (evt) {
var obj = JSON.parse(;
socket.oneerror = function (evt) {
socket = null;
socket.onclose = function(evt){
socket = null;
Clearly as per current logic, in case of error, the current request data may not be sent at all.
To be frank it sometimes gives error that websocket is still in connecting state. This connection breaks often due to networking issues. In short it does not work perfectly well.
I've read a better design : How to wait for a WebSocket's readyState to change but does not cover all cases I need to handle.
Also I've Googled about this but could not get the correct procedure for this.
So what is the right way to send regular data through Websockets which handles well these issues like connection break etc?
An event you don't seem to cover is onclose. Which should work really well, since it's called whenever the connection terminates. This is more reliable than onerror, because not all connection disruptions result in an error.
I personally use Socket.IO, it enables real-time bidirectional event-based communication between client and server.
It is event driven. Events such as
on connection :: socket.on('conection',callback);
on disconnect :: socket.on('disconnect',callback);
are built in with so it can help you with your connection concerns. Pretty much very easy to use, check out their site if you are interested.
I use two-layer scheme on client: abstract-wrapper + websocket-client:
The responsibilities of the websocket-client are interacting with a server, recovering the connection and providing interfaces (event-emitter and some methods) to abstract-wrapper.
The abstract-wrapper is a high-level layer, which interacts with websocket-client, subscribes to its events and aggregating data, when the connection is temporary failed. The abstract-wrapper can provide to application layer any interface such as Promise, EventEmitter and so on.
On application layer, I just work with abstract-wrapper and don't worry about connection or data losing. Undoubtedly, it's a good idea to have here information about the status of connection and data sending confirmation, because it's useful.
If it is necessary, I can provide some code for example
This apparently is a server issue not a problem in the client.
I don't know how the server looks like here. But this was a huge problem for me in the past when I was working on a websocket based project. The connection would continuously break.
So I created a websocket server in java, and that resolved my problem.
websockets depend on lots of settings, like if you're using servlets then servlet container's settings matter, if you're using some php etc, apache and php settings matter, for example if you create a websocket server in php and php has default time-out of 30 seconds, it will break after 30 seconds. If keep-alive is not set, the connection wont stay alive etc.
What you can do as quick solution is
keep sending pings to a server after a certain amount of time (like 2 or 3 seconds, so that if a websocket is disconnected it is known to the client so it could invoke onclose or ondisconnect, I hope you know that there is no way to find if a connection is broken other than failing to send something.
check server's keep-alive header
If you have access to server, then it's timeouts etc.
I think that would help

