When to use React [closed] - javascript

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I've been learning part of the MEAN/MERN stack and feel somewhat comfortable using MongoDB, Express, and Node. I'm moving onto the A/R of the stacks and am having a bit of trouble understanding when these are applicable and when they're not.
To try to put my thoughts into words, I would ask this:
Is Angular and React applicable to nearly all web applications or were they built for a certain niche? For instance, one of my first projects will be creating a portal for employees to use for various tools to help them with their work as well as to transition from Excel based forms to web based forms.
When creating a site like this, is Mongo/Express/Node enough?
I'm kind of struggling to explain this as this React course I've been trying to complete is making my brain feel like its over flowing. I've learned HTML/CSS/JS + Mongo/Express/Node over the past few months including ES2015-2017 and such so immediately learning React on top of that feels a bit overwhelming. For some reason my head is having trouble 'Thinking in React'. Not necessarily breaking things down to components, but the props and states aspect of it all.
For instance, I understand what pure functions are but I don't feel experienced enough to know how to refactor a non-pure function to a pure one and be confident.
I hope this is making sense... Coding has been wonderful. Not only am I having fun but it's really given me motivation to better myself and my knowledge and as well as given me a goal to reach.
Any direction on how to tackle React as a newbie would be extremely helpful.

I'd like to share my thoughts on how you can get started with React. Maybe a first look at https://github.com/markerikson/react-redux-links would be nice, if you already familiar basic react and its enviroment. Here the section Data Flow: “State” and “Props” seems to be something you seek for.
Don´t get overwhelmed by all the surrounding libraries, concepts and so on. It actually will get pretty clear after you built your first own react and later redux applications. The don´t have to look nice, just tackle concepts like Higher Order Components, passing data from childs to parents etc.
If you´ve got questions feel free to ask. Im digging in react too.

This is a very wide question, so I will give you a narrow answer: REACT
Seriously, just stop searching for these type of answers because there is no right answer. Angular programmers will tell you angular and vice versa.
Just GO and start coding man :)


React redux application folder structure [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I understand the concept of a react/redux app.
My question is, is there a preferred way to layout the folder structure and files.
After doing much research of repos online it appears that everyone does it slightly differently depending on their code flavor.
Angular on the other hand appears that there is a set structure.
Is this what makes react more powerful as you can tweak and adjust as your needs change?
Has the community agreed on any set patterns?
As you said yourself; 'Everyone does it slightly differently'. It can help to give some resources right?
I don't know how much experience you currently have with React. I personally started with a traditional structure that made use of the dumb / smart component pattern, in which I created a src/redux folder. Within that I had an actions + reducers folder. This works fine for smaller applications.
I changed that approach after learning about the Redux Ducks pattern, which removes a lot of boilerplate and copy-pasting reducers.
I'm currently using this structure.
My suggestion is to try different approaches and see what works best. It depends on how you and your colleagues work in general. For example - if you know that everyone uses their CMD+P to search for specific files, you'd prefer being more explicit in file names, instead of having an actions/posts.js and reducers/posts.js file you'd prefer creating postsActions.js and postsReducers.js instead. I'd suggest reading these two Medium posts aswell, as inspiration:
My journey toward a maintainable project structure for React/Redux
How to better organize your React applications?
Edit on 31 july 18:
Seeing as a lot of people still read this comment and upvote it. I would like to recommend that if you're starting to work on a medium to large project, I would definitely try and get some knowledge about TypeScript and React. I've completely migrated to TypeScript as it makes it a lot easier to step back into a project after a while due to typings, interfaces, generics, and it being more strict. It greatly helps for your overview of the project. Several downsides of it is that you have to learn the typings of the React library and how to use this. TypeSearch greatly helps to see if there are typings available for a specific library. Also some patterns like higher order components can be awkward in TypeScript due to typings at first.

How to tackle JavaScript powered dynamic form [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm doing a hobbyist Django project. I feel comfrtable with both Python and Django, but I rarely use JavaScript, and mostly it ends after loading and initializing the library.
This time I want to tackle it a bit more, I have a good task, but I don't even know how to tackle it correctly.
I want to build something like this, with the main functionality being clicking on available statuses, and then 'painting' given hour blocks with them. After that you hit save, and it saves the data via Django
Conceptually I have an idea how to make this, but I don't know where to start. Should I use some kind of framework? Is there any plugin that could help me with this? Should I put this all into some kind of JS library?
Thanks in advance for any help
I've started knocking something up which is a good starter for 10 - have a look on JSFiddle. I can't do any more, as I've got to shoot off now.
I'd basically go for minimal markup, and have everything as a component.
I'd recommended including Bootstrap to handle your layout (grids), and jQuery to write less/do more with JS.
I wouldn't start with a framework - the thing you're doing is (fairly) noddy, and you'll do a fine job writing it yourself. You might want to check out jQuery UI to help out with some drag functionality.
General advice - read up about JS design patterns.

PHP and MYSQL system (plus HTML,CSS&JS) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I went for a 4 month degree php & mysql classes and we are almost done with them, and they ask us to make a system that you could add, erase, and modify the data that the user can put in it (but is harder than that, I have to do it as they said to me, with their parameters and etc.. ), the thing is that i don't know from where i have to start (I'm doing the HTML so the "user" can use the system easily, but when it comes to do the php, JS and MYSQL part im broke), and I hope there's someone here that could help me. I'm not asking for someone to do it for me, that's not my intention, but i really appreciate if someone could lend me a hand so i can dig in more and more in this php world.
PS: If someone wants to help me, we can chat by skype, or something like that, because my English is not that good, and by text-post maybe you wont understand what i want to mean.
1 - Agree on a design pattern
Having a suitable and elegant design pattern will help improve your development, and in most instances, make it much easier - as the foundations will be set.
Design patterns
2 - Adopt version control
A good platform is Git. Specifically GitLab or GitHub. Adopting version control will improve your development, and help you keep track of everything you do, building a story.
3 - Don't use outdated technology
Please don't use the old MySQL database extention. Instead, adopt MySQLi or PDO-MySQL. Using the newer technology will make your application much more secure against SQL injections... See full argument
4 - Be smart
Design your database in to be smart. Normalise your data, and structure your queries nicely - use stored procedures where neccessary, and transactional queries.
When using Javascript within your application, it may be worth while to look into some libraries. The most popular (IIRC) is jQuery
5 - Use a framework
Judging from your question, it may be easier for you to adopt a framework, where help is available.
... There are more. Choose the best one for you.
Also, have a read of PHPTheRightWay

Learning JavaScript by reading first or writing first? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I did check (and read) a few similar questions here, but this really applies to everyone differently since no one learns the same.
My question is not on what resources to use, for that I have plenty.
I am working my way through JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (and I have the good parts as well).
I'm reading up on the core language but I don't feel like the information is sticking (or rather I'm not getting much out of it).
My question is should I just write an application in JavaScript and reference my books (I'm a very hands on person, but do enjoy reading), or should I keep reading the book, do the exercises, and then write a program?
In short: should I just write js app first and reference my book, or read the book first doing the examples and then write a js application? I've done some basic programming in PHP/Python (nothing meaningful yet).
I always learn math this way and I suppose, I'm conflicted in how I should tackle learning a language. I feel like I could read many books, but perhaps this isn't the best way for me (I know others learn differently).
For starts, I'm considering writing a simple calculator in JS.
Like for any languages I would suggest to do both.
You have to immediately start applying what you are studying. This way you will focus what you learned and understand better how the language works.
JavaScript is a highly flexible language. You can start soft, then learn new things each day and it will grow with you. You will never stop learning with JavaScript because it's easy to start but difficult to master.
You can start with really small scripts. When you start to feel confident you can create more advanced scripts, start using frameworks, write plugins for them, and ultimately your own library of functions.
I only suggest you to start learning best practices as soon as possible, because there are many things you have to avoid while programming in JS.
Then as a last word, always do what you feel like is better, don't go crazy trying to learn everything immediately. Everyone learns and works at his own pace.

What to do to improve my skill and knowledge on javascript? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Currently I've finished studying the book name "Beginning JavaScript 3rd Edition", so I just wonder what should be my next step in order to strengthen myself on using and manipulating this language?
Besides, how can I improve myself in programming in JavaScript? Is it by thinking something cool myself, and start coding it? Or googling around the internet to find some task and question offered?
Is there any book that teaches the correct method of coding? Thank you
One recommended resource would be
It is a combination online tutorial + online book
After that, it depends on whether you want to focus on clientside or serverside JS.
Have a look through http://howtonode.org/
for Serverside.
I would recommend that you avoid relying on a javascript library until you are able to make a good assessment of its quality. And pick YUI3 once you can ;)
Is it by thinking something cool
myself,and start coding it?
yes - think of something that would be funny/cool to code and try to do that (and, of course, ask mr. google if you get to a problem somewhere)
You could take a look at "Javascript: The Good Parts", Douglas Crockford, O'Rielly & Yahoo Press:
I suggest that you check out Douglas Crockford's JavaScript site for some quality articles on style and usage of the language itself. On top of that you should be constantly coding in it, look for interesting problems to solve and implement solutions using the techniques you have picked up.
As an aside I would also say that if you're looking to truly go further with the language and not just "get stuff done", stay away from jQuery etc for now until you have a good understanding of how it is likely to be working under the hood -- once you have this understanding though it'd be worth picking it up purely for efficiency.
Visual Studio allows you to develop mobile applications using JavaScript for all platforms. You can try your skills there
Watch the Crockford on JavaScript videos.

