Customise PDF Download (Selected Pages or Sections before download) - javascript

Would like to ask is it any possible way to customise pdf download like this:
Like I say, it can be selected which pages or sections I want before I click on the download. I try to search from google or codepen also cant find any solutions. Much appreciate it if someone can help me out.

quick update here. I found what I want with this:


Is there a way to add a configurable modal/lighbox/pop-up to a website?

I manage a series of websites for clients that are all in the same industry. During certain times of the year (ie. Christmas, New Years, Summer, etc), we want to push certain promotions or specials on the sites. Right now when this happens, I have to go to each client's website (some wordpress, some straight html, some grav, some dnn...) and change some code to reflect the promotion.
Desired solution:
I would like to go into a tool/ui, configure some settings like the text, an image and a start/end date and have a pop up dialog be displayed on the website. For bonus points, I'd love to be able to build/schedule these ahead of time and just let them run. I use some tools like Drip that do something similar (displaying a modal) for sign up forms but haven't found anything that quite fits what I'm trying to do.
Ideas so far:
All of our sites have tag manager so I think there may be a way to do it using it. I would likely not be able to run things on a schedule or get an easy way to configure the modals but at least it would get me out of having to go to each site and do something different. I could copy/paste the html for the modal for each container, turn the tag on/off and update the markup when needed. Does that sound reasonable or a terrible idea? It feels like there should be something that does this already but I cant find anything.
Anyways, if someone has done something similar or if there are any tools/libraries I could buy I'd really appreciate the help!
This is perfectly possible by using the Custom HTML Tag..

editable picture and text in dashboard

I'm developing a dashboard that end-users can edit specific web page by uploading different picture and editing text in the page. The similar ideas is here.
I'd already done with web page design and I'm looking for suitable js library to make editable dashboard for end-users. Anyone has suggestions for that or if no current solution => how to implement these features? no idea about that ...
Very Thanks!
You can have a look on :
and use the one(s) that most suit you. In case you did not find the one that completely suits to your project then you can make additions (such as adding modal windows or css styling) to hte one(s) which is more preferable.
Hope this was helpfull.

Exporting a div's content to PDF

I know that there are a number of points regarding this question, but I just can't find what I'm looking for so I hope someone can answer me. So, what I'm trying to do is:
imagine you have a div that is 400 X 400 px. The user uploads an image and enters text via input[type="text"] and all of it is shown inside that div. I want to export all of the content of that div in a PDF, possibliy by JavaScript (jQuery) od PHP. What would be the best way to do it?
If anyone could show a small example (code), I would appreciate it!
You can use these jquery plugins
Maybe you could combine the PHP-Printer functions-api ( with a software like, for example, PDF-Creator (
But this would imply that PDF-Creator is installed on the system of the user.
It's just a general idea ...
You can generate a PDF since a HTML page, with the WeasyPrint package. It's very easy to use and its most speed that javascript.

sharing alternatives similar to addthis/sharethis

Please have a look at Down in the right corner, theres a sharing box. It looks pretty similar to sharethis. But, afaik, sharethis doesnt have embed or submit for example, and im looking for those options. Does anyone know which plugin is used here? Thanks
On the page you linked to, they didn't use anything like sharethis or addthis - they rolled their own. Looking at the code, its clear that they went to facebook, got the facebook like button, embedded it - then wen to google, got the google plus button, etc... and made a grid of them.
You can stylize the sharethis buttons with css to pretty much any extent,
or you can add a grid like that of your own.
The available alternatives to are :
I'm sure there a a lot more out there, but those seem to be the most popular.
If you want something custom like they have and want access to the buttons
here are some sets of images you may be able to use:
Inspecting the source leads me to believe that it is custom work. The images, links and such are placed in the HTML serverside. Only the stumbleupon is pulled from stumbleupon itself. But also not trough some third party service like sharethis.

Does anyone have a link to a plugin or tutorial that can make me a jquery/ajax image slider/carousel like this?

I really like how implements this. I can REALLY use it on the website I am making. What makes it so cool is the page numbering, and the first, previous, next and last buttons. Notice how you get an image preview when you hover over a number...nice!
Anyone with a link to a website that shows how to implement this? I will be calling images and other information from a database.
Link to the cnn page:
Thanks in advance.
You can try these pages. They have LOTS of different ones to choose from.

