Get info from another page into javascript - javascript

For now, I have a code in javascript to get a song title.
I need to change the script. The new server is not supporting javascript anymore.
I have a link where only the current song is showing.
But how can I get that into a javascript file?
Info on songtitle.php page (do I need a js script?).
var str = StreamInformation.SONGTITLE();
var str = $infoofphpfile;
Who can help me?
Many thanx!


set file attribute filesystemobject javascript

I have created a file as part of a script on a network drive and i am trying to make it hidden so that if the script is run again it should be able to see the file and act on the information contained within it but i am having trouble doing this. what i have so far is:
function doesRegisterExist(oFs, Date, newFolder) {
dbEcho("doesRegisterExist() triggered");
sExpectedRegisterFile = newFolder+"\\Register.txt"
newFile = oFs.OpenTextFile(sExpectedRegisterFile,8,true)
newReg = oFs.GetFile(sExpectedRegisterFile)
newReg.Attributes = newReg.Attributes+2
Windows Script Host does not actually produce an error here and the script runs throgh to competion. the only guides i have found online i have been attempting to translate from VBscript with limited success.
variables passed to this function are roughly declared as such
var oFs = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
var Date = "29-12-2017"
var newFolder = "\\\\File-Server\\path\\to\\folder"
I know ActiveX is a dirty word to a lot of people and i should be shot for even thinking about using it but it really is a perfect fit for what i am trying to do.
Please help.
sExpectedRegisterFolder resolves to \\\\File-Server\\path\\to\\folder\\Register which is a folder and not a file.
I get an Error: file not found when I wrap the code into a try/catch block.
I tested the code on a text file as well, and there it works.
So you're either using the wrong method if you want to set the folder to hidden.
Or you forgot to include the path to the text if you want to change a file to hidden.
( Edit: Or if Register is the name of the file, add the filetype .txt ? )
If you change GetFile to GetFolder as described in
the folder will get hidden correctly.

What is wrong with my javascript for a browser I would like to create?

I know you people will think I am insane, and thus an idiot, but I really have a serious question, well at least to me. What is wrong with my javascript for a browser I would like to create?It will not open the URL in the iframe. I am creating an html source file with some javascript to split a "get" url,and echo the resulting variable into an iFrame. I wanna use Webkit as the rendering engine, so I'm using Google Chrome to create an application shortcut. Yes, I know it will require google chrome, but this is just a test.
function goTo(){
var urlb = window.location.href;
var urla = urlb.split('localhost/browser.html?url=');
var urlc = urla[1];
var urld = urlc.replace("+"," ");
var urle = urld.replace("%3A ",":");
var urlg = urle.replace("%2F","/");
var url = urlg;
document.getElementByID('url').innerHTML="<iframe src=' . url . "'width='100%'
height='90%'></iframe> Opened:" . url ."</div>";
This is the javscript function to open the url. I am pretty sure you would think that the html is just a simple input form and the blank Iframe, which it is.
Please help me if you can.
When you are trying to get the URL, you want to use decodeURIComponent(). Don't make up your own function to unescape the data. Also, get the query string parameters properly. See this StackOverflow post:
Now that you have the proper URL, don't simply inject it into your HTML. You're opening yourself up to security troubles, and a broken browser when you run into characters you don't expect. Create the iframe, then set its attributes programmatically.
Finally, fix your syntax errors.

Tipue Search (Jquery)

I'm trying to customize a Tipue search script.
Currently the script is searching the entire HTML file (including metadata) and triggering false positives on the search results. I'd like to eliminate the metadata from the critera or only allow the script to search a specific DIV (i.e. #pagewrap).
Here is a link to the current script:
(Lines 37-77)
The pages are being indexed in a separate file, but I think the problem lies in the file listed above.
I think you need to change these lines:
var t_1 = html.toLowerCase().indexOf('<title>');
var t_2 = html.toLowerCase().indexOf('</title>', t_1 + 7);
var t_1 = html.toLowerCase().indexOf('<meta name="description"');
var t_2 = html.toLowerCase().indexOf('"', t_1 + 34);
I'am also searching a way how to modify this engine to out results from page body.
For others who are interested:
The developer finally updated the search script to target only a specific DIV. The updated code can be downloaded from their site:

How to find if a JavaScript code is running on it's own domain?

I work on an analytics website and I want to put an analyzer code specific for each website. Is it possible to check if a user uses his own JavaScript code?
Is it necessary and enough to put a customer code in each JavaScript and check it with domain name to be sure about this? Or do I need something like session or so?
You can access the src attribute of the script tags:
// returns all script tags
var all_script_tags = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
// returns the src attribute of the first script
var src_script = all_script_tags[0].src; // tag

How to get the currently loading script name and the url variable of the script?

I am loading a script using the script embed tag and I want to get the url variables and the loading script name inside the script. Is it possible? For Example,
<script src="test.js?id=12"></script>
Inside test.js is there any way to get the url variable id?
Any help would be appreciated.
Aside from the answers in the linked post, FWIW with Firefox 4 only you can (with caveats); document.currentScript.src which will return the full url, including arguments.
Thanks for all your efforts I have made that working by assigning an id attribute in the script tag and accessed via jQuery,
<script src="test.js?id=12" id="myScript"></script>
var currentScript = $("#myScript").attr('src'); //This will give me my script src
If you want to get a variable from the current URL you can use this:
function queryParser(url){
this.get=function(p){return this.q[p];}
url=url ||;
var url=url.split('&');
var part;
for(var i=0;i<url.length;i++){
var query=new queryParser();
// assuming you have ?test=something
I recommend you map the result, so you don't re-parse whenever you want to find a specific element.
I don't really know why you'd pass a query string in a script tag like that, unless you specifically want off-site includes with a simple robust system for various effects. Or are actually using PHP to handle that request.
If you want to "send" a variable to one of your scripts, you can always do:
<script type="text/javascript">
var myVar="I'm in global scope, all scripts can access me";
<script src="test.js?id=12"></script>
If you really need to get the URL of the currently included script, you can use the code supplied by my peers in the other answers, you can then use:
var query=new queryParser(scriptURL);
alert(query.get('id'));// would alert 12 in your case
Navigating through the link on your comments you can get the proper answer.
Anyway, to make things easier:
var allScripts=document.getElementsByTagName('script');
var indexLastScript= allScripts.length -1;
alert (allScripts[indexLastScript].src);
This will show up "test.js?id=12" as a regular String so its up to you to split it in order to get de param.
Hope it helps, I've tried it on the run over the Chrome Javascript Console. :D.

