jQuery to validate serial number in form - javascript

I am using a forms plugin in WordPress that allows for JavaScript queries.
I was told to use something like this: jQuery("#{{elemnt_id}}").val()
In the forms plugin there is a section to input code before submit which is as follows:
// Occurs just before submitting the form
function before_submit() {
// IMPORTANT! If you want to interrupt (stop) the submitting of the form,
this function should return true. You don't need to return any value if you
don't want to stop the submission.
I need to validate a serial number based on some minor mathematical equations.
The serial number is in the format of: abcd-efghij (in the form of numbers but I am using letters in the format here so that I can explain easier what happens
So the serial number is valid if:
a is always either the numbers 1 or 2
bcd is generated further along in step 11
e is then multiplied by 1
f is then multiplied by 2
g is then multiplied by 3
h is then multiplied by 4
i is then multiplied by 5
j is then multiplied by 6
efghij is then all added up together and multiplied by 3
a is multiplied by 11 and added to the result of previous step (total of efghij muliplied by 3)
3 is then added to the result of that and the result then equals what bcd should be
So a valid number would be something like 1287-123456 because
From second set of digits:
5th digit multiplied by 1:- 1x1=1
6th digit multiplied by 2:- 2x2=4
7th digit multiplied by 3:- 3x3=9
8th digit multiplied by 4:- 4x4=16
9th digit multiplied by 5:- 5x5=25
10th digit multiplied by 6:- 6x6=36
results added all up = 91 (1+4+9+16+25+36)
then multiply by 3:- 91x3=273
Then from first set of digits:
1st digit multiplied by 11:- 1x11=11
Then add result of second set to result of first set:
273 + 11 = 284
and finally add 3 to that:
284 + 3 = 287
giving you 2nd 3rd and 4th digits
I have tried this but its probably totally wrong..
Dim strID
Dim ColCSum3
Dim ChkVal
Dim InitVal
strID = "element_id"
If strID = "" Then
''''' return false
'''' Return "Invalid"
End If
If Mid(strID, 5, 1) <> "-" Or Len(strID) <> 11 Then
'''' return false
'''' Return "Invalid"
End If
InitVal = CLng(Left(strID, 1))
ChkVal = CLng(Mid(strID, 2, 3))
ColCSum3 = (1 * CLng(Mid(strID, 6, 1)) + 2 * CLng(Mid(strID, 7, 1)) + 3 * CLng(Mid(strID, 8, 1)) + 4 * CLng(Mid(strID, 9, 1)) + 5 * CLng(Mid(strID, 10, 1)) + 6 * CLng(Mid(strID, 11, 1))) * 3
If 11 * InitVal + ColCSum3 + 3 = ChkVal Then
Return "Validated"
Return "Invalid"
End If
Any help please for the correct code to use in the form plugin section?

Im not familiar with WordPress, however: say you have an input like
<input type="text" id="serial"/>
then you can indeed retrieve the value using jquery:
var inputVal = $('#serial').val();
Then you would have to do your logic on the val. However, it looks like the code you posted is visual basic code? Are you looking for the described implementation in javascript?
I would start by
if(inputVal.indexOf('-')!=4)return false;
var seqs = inputVal.split('-');
var seq1= parseInt(seqs[0]);
var seq2= parseInt(seqs[1]);
if(isNaN(seq1) || isNaN(seq2))return false;
etc... The rest should be easy to find here and there

You can add a jQuery listner before the form is submitted (see this answer or the jQuery.submit docs), and then split the characters from the text field and do your magic. Here is a fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/strauman/qef7rsxc/.
So your before_submit function becomes
function before_submit(){
// If you write return false; in here, then
// the form will not get sent.
// if you write return true; then the form will
// get sent:
// Get the value of the textbox
inputVal = $("#serial").val();
// From #user1515791 answer
// Split it at the dash (-)
if (inputVal.indexOf('-') != 4) {
$("#errmsg").html("Wrong format. Needs four numbers before dash");
return false;
var seqs = inputVal.split('-');
var seq1 = seqs[0];
var seq2 = seqs[1];
// seq1 now contains abcd
// and sec2 contains efghij
if (isNaN(parseInt(seq1)) ||isNaN(parseInt(seq2))) {
$("#errmsg").html("Got non-numbers in the sequence");
return false;
// You can extract the numbers to variables
// like in your question like this
a = seq1[0];
b = seq1[1];
c = seq1[2];
d = seq1[3];
e = seq2[0];
f = seq2[1];
j = seq2[5];
if (a != 1 && a != 2) {
$("#errmsg").html("the first number is not 1 or 2");
return false;
f = f * 2;
// ...
return false;


Can someone explain this base conversion code

var ShortURL = new function() {
var _alphabet = '23456789bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyzBCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ-_',
_base = _alphabet.length;
this.encode = function(num) {
var str = '';
while (num > 0) {
str = _alphabet.charAt(num % _base) + str;
num = Math.floor(num / _base);
return str;
this.decode = function(str) {
var num = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
num = num * _base + _alphabet.indexOf(str.charAt(i));
return num;
I understand encode works by converting from decimal to custom base (custom alphabet/numbers in this case)
I am not quite sure how decode works.
Why do we multiply base by a current number and then add the position number of the alphabet? I know that to convert 010 base 2 to decimal, we would do
(2 * 0^2) + (2 * 1^1) + (2 * 0 ^ 0) = 2
Not sure how it is represented in that decode algorithm
My own decode version
this.decode2 = function (str) {
var result = 0;
var position = str.length - 1;
var value;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
value = _alphabet.indexOf(str[i]);
result += value * Math.pow(_base, position--);
return result;
This is how I wrote my own decode version (Just like I want convert this on paper. I would like someone to explain more in detail how the first version of decode works. Still don't get why we multiply num * base and start num with 0.
OK, so what does 376 mean as a base-10 output of your encode() function? It means:
1 * 100 +
5 * 10 +
4 * 1
Why? Because in encode(), you divide by the base on every iteration. That means that, implicitly, the characters pushed onto the string on the earlier iterations gain in significance by a factor of the base each time through the loop.
The decode() function, therefore, multiplies by the base each time it sees a new character. That way, the first digit is multiplied by the base once for every digit position past the first that it represents, and so on for the rest of the digits.
Note that in the explanation above, the 1, 5, and 4 come from the positions of the characters 3, 7, and 6 in the "alphabet" list. That's how your encoding/decoding mechanism works. If you feed your decode() function a numeric string encoded by something trying to produce normal base-10 numbers, then of course you'll get a weird result; that's probably obvious.
edit To further elaborate on the decode() function: forget (for now) about the special base and encoding alphabet. The process is basically the same regardless of the base involved. So, let's look at a function that interprets a base-10 string of numeric digits as a number:
function decode10(str) {
var num = 0, zero = '0'.charCodeAt(0);
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
num = (num * 10) + (str[i] - zero);
return num;
The accumulator variable num is initialized to 0 first, because before examining any characters of the input numeric string the only value that makes sense to start with is 0.
The function then iterates through each character of the input string from left to right. On each iteration, the accumulator is multiplied by the base, and the digit value at the current string position is added.
If the input string is "214", then, the iteration will proceed as follows:
num is set to 0
First iteration: str[i] is 2, so (num * 10) + 2 is 2
Second iteration: str[i] is 1, so (num * 10) + 1 is 21
Third iteration: str[i] is 4, so (num * 10) + 4 is 214
The successive multiplications by 10 achieve what the call to Math.pow() does in your code. Note that 2 is multiplied by 10 twice, which effectively multiplies it by 100.
The decode() routine in your original code does the same thing, only instead of a simple character code computation to get the numeric value of a digit, it performs a lookup in the alphabet string.
Both the original and your own version of the decode function achieve the same thing, but the original version does it more efficiently.
In the following assignment:
num = num * _base + _alphabet.indexOf(str.charAt(i));
... there are two parts:
The indexOf returns the value of a digit in base _base. You have this part in your own algorithm, so that should be clear.
num * _base
This multiplies the so-far accumulated result. The rest of my answer is about that part:
In the first iteration this has no effect, as num is still 0 at that point. But at the end of the first iteration, num contains the value as if the str only had its left most character. It is the base-51 digit value of the left most digit.
From the next iteration onwards, the result is multiplied by the base, which makes room for the next value to be added to it. It functions like a digit shift.
Take this example input to decode:
The individual characters represent value 8, 10, 1 and 3. As there are 51 characters in the alphabet, we're in base 51. So bd35 this represents value:
8*51³ + 10*51² + 1*51 + 3
Here is a table with the value of num after each iteration:
8*51 + 10
8*51² + 10*51 + 1
8*51³ + 10*51² + 1*51 + 3
Just to make the visualisation cleaner, let's put the power of 51 in a column header, and remove that from the rows:
3 2 1 0
8 10
8 10 1
8 10 1 3
Note how the 8 shifts to the left at each iteration and gets multiplied with the base (51). The same happens with 10, as soon as it is shifted in from the right, and the same with the 1, and 3, although that is the last one and doesn't shift any more.
The multiplication num * _base represents thus a shift of base-digits to the left, making room for a new digit to shift in from the right (through simple addition).
At the last iteration all digits have shifted in their correct position, i.e. they have been multiplied by the base just enough times.
Putting your own algorithm in the same scheme, you'd have this table:
3 2 1 0
8 10
8 10 1
8 10 1 3
Here, there is no shifting: the digits are immediately put in the right position, i.e. they are multiplied with the correct power of 51 immediately.
You ask
I would like to understand how the decode function works from logical perspective. Why are we using num * base and starting with num = 0.
and write that
I am not quite sure how decode works. Why do we multiply base by a
current number and then add the position number of the alphabet? I
know that to convert 010 base 2 to decimal, we would do
(2 * 0^2) + (2 * 1^1) + (2 * 0 ^ 0) = 2
The decode function uses an approach to base conversion known as Horner's rule, used because it is computationally efficient:
start with a variable set to 0, num = 0
multiply the variable num by the base
take the value of the most significant digit (the leftmost digit) and add it to num,
repeat step 2 and 3 for as long as there are digits left to convert,
the variable num now contains the converted value (in base 10)
Using an example of a hexadecimal number A5D:
start with a variable set to 0, num = 0
multiply by the base (16), num is now still 0
take the value of the most significant digit (the A has a digit value of 10) and add it to num, num is now 10
repeat step 2, multiply the variable num by the base (16), num is now 160
repeat step 3, add the hexadecimal digit 5 to num, num is now 165
repeat step 2, multiply the variable num by the base (16), num is now 2640
repeat step 3, add the hexadecimal digit D to num (add 13)
there are no digits left to convert, the variable num now contains the converted value (in base 10), which is 2653
Compare the expression of the standard approach:
(10 × 162) + (5 × 161) + (13 × 160) = 2653
to the use of Horner's rule:
(((10 × 16) + 5) × 16) + 13 = 2653
which is exactly the same computation, but rearranged in a form making it easier to compute. This is how the decode function works.
Why are we using num * base and starting with num = 0.
The conversion algorithm needs a start value, therefore num is set to 0. For each repetition (each loop iteration), num is multiplied by base. This only has any effect on the second iteration, but is written like this to make it easier to write the conversion as a for loop.

Javascript - String of a Byte with all combinations possible

i have a sting with a byte in it ("00001011") and now id like to get a array with all possible combinations of the 1 (acitve) "bits" in it also as a "byte string"
so from
var bString = "00001011"; //outgoing string
to a array with all string in it with all possible combinations of this "byte string" like - "00000001", "00000011", "00000010" and so on
is that possible?
thank you in advance
function combinations( input ){
var number = parseInt( input, 2 );
var combinations = [];
var zeroes = (new Array(input.length)).join(0);
for(var i=1;i<=number;i++){
if((i&number) == i){ combinations.push( i ) }
return combinations.map( function(dec){
return (zeroes + dec.toString(2)).substr( -zeroes.length-1 );
console.log( combinations("00001011") );
// ["00000001", "00000010", "00000011", "00001000", "00001001", "00001010", "00001011"]
The idea goes as follows: iterate all numbers from 1 to the input number. If current number AND input number return the current number then both have 1 bits in the same place.
On a smaller number, "0101" (which is 5) it works as follows:
1 & 5 == 1, (0001 & 0101) push 1 to the matches.
2 & 5 == 0, (0010 & 0101) no match.
3 & 5 == 1, (0011 & 0101) no match.
4 & 5 == 4, (0100 & 0101) push 4 to the matches.
5 & 5 == 5, (0101 & 0101) push 5 to the matches.
So the combinations for 0101 are 1 (0001), 2 (0010), 4 (0100) and 5 (0101).
Then there's this little trick to pad numbers with zeroes:
var zeroes = (new Array(input.length)).join(0); // gives a long enough string of zeroes
// convert to base 2, add the zeroas at the beginning,
// then return the last n characters using negative value for substring
return (zeroes + dec.toString(2)).substr( -1 * zeroes.length);
Since 11111111 is 255 so just loop all values and convert them to binary
$(document).ready(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
$('#core').append('<div>' + dec2bin(i) + '</div>');
function dec2bin(dec) {
return ('00000000' + (dec >>> 0).toString(2)).slice(-8);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id='core'></div>
If you want to enumerate all combinations of binary numbers where 1 can only be in the place of your pattern, you can write a simple recursive function:
var input = "00010111";
var current = [];
function combinations()
if (input.length === current.length)
var output = current.join('');
if (parseInt(output, 2) !== 0) // exclude all-zeroes case
document.body.innerHTML += output + "<br/>";
if (input[current.length - 1] === '1')
This algorithm works well for input of any length.
Although it is a recursion, it has a linear time complexity.

How to get numbers with precision without round up or round down [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Truncate (not round off) decimal numbers in javascript
(32 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Im trying to get a number with precision to 2 decimals, for example this is what I want, if I have the numbers:
3.456 it must returns me 3.45
3.467 = 3.46
3.435 = 3.43
3.422 = 3.42
I don't want to round up or down or whatever just to get the numbers I see 2 places after .
Okay, here is the answer
var a = 5.469923;
var truncated = Math.floor(a * 100) / 100; // = 5.46
Thanks everyone for helping.
Assuming Positive Numbers:
The code:
function roundDown(num,dec) {
return Math.floor(num*Math.pow(10,dec))/Math.pow(10,dec);
The test:
function test(num, expected) {
var val = roundDown(num,2);
var pass = val === expected;
var result = pass ? "PASS" : "FAIL";
var color = pass ? "GREEN" : "RED";
console.log("%c" + result + " : " + num + " : " + val, "background-color:" + color);
test(3.456, 3.45);
test(3.467, 3.46);
test(3.435, 3.43);
test(3.422, 3.42);
Basic idea:
Take number
Multiply the number to move decimal place to number of significant figures you want
Floor the number to remove the trailing numbers
Divide number back to get the correct value
If you want to have a trailing zero, you need to use toFixed(2) which will turn the number to a string.
function roundDown(num,dec) {
return Math.floor(num*Math.pow(10,dec))/Math.pow(10,dec).toFixed(2);
and the test cases would need to change to
test(3.456, "3.45");
test(3.467, "3.46");
test(3.435, "3.43");
test(3.422, "3.42");
Another option is a regular expression.
function roundDown(num,dec) {
var x = num.toString().match(/(\d*(\.\d{2}))?/);
return x ? parseFloat(x[0]) : "";
//return x ? parseFloat(x[0]).toFixed(2) : "";
Use String operation to achieve it.
var n = 4.56789;
var numbers = n.toString().split('.');
result = Number(numbers[0]+"."+numbers[1].substr(0,2));
You are looking at the number as if it were a string of digits, rather than a single value, so treat it like a string.-
function cutoff(n, cut){
var parts= String(n).split('.'), dec= parts[1];
if(!cut) return parts[0];
if(dec && dec.length>cut) parts[1]= dec.substring(0, cut);
return parts.join('.');
var n= 36.938;
/* returned value: (String)
If you want a number, +cutoff(n,2) will do.
function truncateDec(num, decplaces) {
return (num*Math.pow(10,decplaces) - num*Math.pow(10,decplaces) % 1)/Math.pow(10,decplaces);
alert(truncateDec(105.678, 2)); // Returns 105.67
alert(truncateDec(105.678, 1)); // Returns 105.6
This could be simplified further if you do not require a dynamic number of decimal places
function truncateDec(num) {
return (num*100 - num*100 % 1)/100;
alert(truncateDec(105.678)); // Returns 105.67
How does it work?
The concept is that the main truncation works by getting the remainder from dividing the original decimal by 1. The remainder will be whatever is in the decimals places. The remainder operator is %
105.678 % 1 = 0.678
By subtracting this remainder from the original number, we will be left with only the integer.
105.678 - 0.678 = 105
To include x number of decimal places, we need to first multiply the original number by 10 to the power of that number of decimal places, thereby shifting the decimal backward by x positions. In this example, we will take x = 2.
105.678 * 10^2
= 105.678 * 100
= 10567.8
Now, we repeat the same procedure by subtracting the remainder again.
10567.8 % 1 = 0.8
10567.8 - 0.8 = 10567
And to return back to the number of places as requested, we divide it back by 10^x
10567 / 10^2
= 10567 / 100
= 105.67
Hope it helps!

Javascript Brainteaser - Reverse Number Determining

Lets say I have a list of numbers in the following form(Ignore the | they are there for formating help).
Rules: XX can be any number between 1 and 50. No XX values can be identical.
Now I select a random set of numbers(no duplicates) from a list qualifying the above format, and randomly add and subtract them. For example
000011 - 002400 - 230000 = -232389
How can I determine the original numbers and if they were added or subtracted solely from -232389? I'm stumped.
I was looking for a function so I ended up having to make one. Its just a proof of concept function so variables names are ugly http://jsfiddle.net/jPW8A/.
There are bugs in the following implementation, and it fails to work in a dozen of scenarios. Check the selected answer below.
function reverse_add_subtract(num){
var nums = [];
while(num != 0){
var str = num.toString(),
L = Math.abs(num).toString().length,
MA = str.match(/^(-?[0-9]?[0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])*$/);
var num1 = MA[1],
num2 = MA[2];
var num1 = num,
num2 = 0;
if( num2 > 50){
if(num < 0) num1--;
else num1++;
var add = parseInt(num1 + Array(--L).join(0),10);
num = (num-add);
return nums;
First note that each xx group is constrained from [1, 50). This implies that each associated pair in the number that is in the range [50, 99) is really 100 - xx and this means that it "borrowed from" the group to the left. (It also means that there is only one set of normalized numbers and one solution, if any.)
So given the input 23|23|89 (the initial xx spots from -232389), normalize it -- that is, starting from the right, if the value is >= 50, get 100 - value and carry the 100 rightward (must balance). Example: (23 * 100) + 89 = 2300 * 89 = 2400 - 11 = 2389. And example that shows that it doesn't matter if it's negative as the only things that change is the signs: (-23 * 100) - 89 = -2300 - 89 = -2400 + 11 = -2389
(Notes: Remember, 1 is added to the 23 group to make it 24: the sign of the groups is not actually considered in this step, the math is just to show an example that it's okay to do! It may be possible to use this step to determine the sign and avoid extra math below, but this solution just tries to find the candidate numbers at this step. If there are any repeats of the number groups after this step then there is no solution; otherwise a solution exists.)
The candidate numbers after the normalization are then 23|24|11 (let's say this is aa|bb|cc, for below). All the xx values are now known and it is just a matter of finding the combination such that e * (aa * 10000) + f * (bb * 100) + g * (cc * 1) = -232389. The values aa, bb, cc are known from above and e, f, and g will be either 1 or -1, respectively.
Solution Warning: A method of finding the addition or subtraction given the determined numbers (determined above) is provided below the horizontal separator. Take a break and reflect on the above sections before deciding if the extra "hints" are required.
This can then be solved by utilizing the fact that all the xx groups are not dependent after the normalization. (At each step, try to make the input number for the next step approach zero.)
-232389 + (23 * 10000) = -2389 (e is -1 because that undoes the + we just did)
-2389 + (24 * 100) = 11 (likewise, f is -1)
11 - (11 * 1) = 0 (0 = win! g is 1 and solution is (-1 * 23 * 10000) + (-1 * 24 * 100) + (1 * 11 * 1) = -232389)
Happy homeworking.
First, your math is wrong. Your leading zeros are converting the first two numbers to octal. If that is the intent, the rest of this post doesn't exactly apply but may be able to be adapted.
11-2400-230000 = -232389
Now the last number is easy, it's always the first two digits, 23 in this case. Remove that:
-232389 + 230000 = -2389
Your 2nd number is the next 100 below this, -2400 in this case. And your final number is simply:
-2389 + 2400 = 11
Aww! Someone posted an answer saying "brute force it" that I was about to respond to with:
function find(num){for(var i=1;i<50;i++){for(var o1=0;o1<2;o1++){for(var j=1;j<50;j++){for(var o2=0;o2<2;o2++){for(var k=1;k<50;k++){var eq;if(eval(eq=(i+(o1?'+':'-')+j+'00'+(o2?'+':'-')+k+'0000'))==num){ return eq; }}}}}}}
they deleted it... :(
It was going to go in the comment, but here's a cleaner format:
function find(num){
for(var i=1;i<50;i++){
for(var o1=0;o1<2;o1++){
for(var j=1;j<50;j++){
for(var o2=0;o2<2;o2++){
for(var k=1;k<50;k++){
var eq;
if(eval(eq=(i+(o1?'+':'-')+j+'00'+(o2?'+':'-')+k+'0000'))==num){ return eq; }

get the number of n digit in a 2+ digit number

For example, getting "5" in "256". The closest I've gotten is Math.floor(256/10)), but that'll still return the numbers in front. Is there any simple way to get what I want or would I have to make a big function for it? Also, for clarity: "n digit" would be defined. Example, getDigit(2,256) would return 5 (second digit)
Math.floor((256 / 10) % 10)
or more generally:
Math.floor(N / (Math.pow(10, n)) % 10)
where N is the number to be extracted, and n is the position of the digit. Note that this counts from 0 starting from the right (i.e., the least significant digit = 0), and doesn't account for invalid values of n.
how about
(12345 + "")[3]
(12345 + "").charAt(3)
to count from the other end
[length of string - digit you want] so if you want the 2 it's:
5 - 4 = 1
(12345 + "")[1] = "2"
function getNumber (var num, var pos){
var sNum = num + "";
if(pos > sNum.length || pos <= 0){return "";}
return sNum[sNum.length - pos];
First, you need to cast the number to a string, then you can access the character as normal:
var num = 256;
var char = num.toString()[1]; // get the 2nd (0-based index) character from the stringified version of num
Edit: Note also that, if you want to access it without setting the number as a variable first, you need a double dot .. to access the function:
var char = 256..toString()[1];
The first dot tells the interpreter "this is a number"; the second accesses the function.
Convert to string and substring(2,2)?
This should do it:
function getDigit ( position, number ) {
number = number + ""; // convert number to string
return number.substr ( position + 1, 1 ); // I'm adding 1 to position, since 0 is the position of the first character and so on
Try this, last line is key:
var number = 12345;
var n = 2;
var nDigit = parseInt((number + '').substr(1,1));
If you want to try to do everything mathematically:
var number = 256;
var digitNum = 2;
var digit = ((int)(number/(Math.pow(10,digitNum-1))%10;
This code counts the digit from the right starting with 1, not 0. If you wish to change it to start at 0, delete the -1 portion in the call.
If you wish to count from the left, it gets more complicated and similar to other solutions:
var number = 256;
var digitNum = 2;
var digit = ((int)(number/(Math.pow(10,number.tostring().length-digitNum))%10;
Also, this assumes you want base 10 for your number system, but both of those will work with other bases. All you need to do is change instances of 10 in the final line of code to the number representing the base for the number system you'd like to use. (ie. hexadecimal =16, binary = 2)
// You do not say if you allow decimal fractions or negative numbers-
// the strings of those need adjusting.
Number.prototype.nthDigit= function(n){
var s= String(this).replace(/\D+/g,'');
if(s.length<=n) return null;
return Number(s.charAt(n))
use variable "count" to control loop
var count = 1; //starting 1
for(i=0; i<100; i++){
if(i%10 == 0) count++;
output will fill

