Finding a faster way of checking characters in js [closed] - javascript

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm trying to make something that gives an output based on your input. I would like it to take every letter and produce something with the next letter in the alphabet. So if I entered "Hello" it would produce "Ifmmp". The only way I can think to do this is with a series of ifs and else ifs, but I would like to know if there is a faster way.

You can use the String.fromCharCode feature. For example:
let myChar = 'c';
let nextChar = String.fromCharCode(myChar.charCodeAt(0)+1);
console.log(nextChar) // 'd'
In your case, you would replace 'c' with your character variable.


How to remove specific characters in a string that changes based on request? [closed]

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Closed 6 months ago.
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I have a string that looks like "{`index`:`20`,`value`:`RA`}<1", and I want it to become "`RA`<1". I don't think the replace function is sufficient as the index and value changes based on what I enter. Is there a way to do that?
assuming the required string is everything after the last :, except for the }, the original string can be sliced and edited as follows:
const string = "{`index`:`20`,`value`:`RA`}<1";
let newString = string.slice(string.lastIndexOf(":")+1).split("}").join("");
This will always append everything after the final } to everthing before it but after the last :, regardless of the earlier content.

How to Remove two consecutive double quotes from array after split [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a requirement where i will get the input from the user. He can enter
something like this. I'm using this
let arr: any = message.split(/,(?=(?:(?:[^"]*"){2})*[^"]*$)/)
to split the string and i'm getting result like
but i want the result like this
I don't thing what you're trying to achieve is possible only using split function.
After you split, loop over the error and replace " with `` (empty).
const message = `"features1,feature2",feature3,"feature4"`;
let arr = message.split(/,(?=(?:(?:[^"]*"){2})*[^"]*$)/);
arr =>el.replace(/"/g,''));

Email Regex for Javascript Which not start with Number [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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i had tried this regex for email but it allow following cases
Here is the code which searches for the number at the start.
If number is matched it prints message in console.
let regex = /^[0-9]/;
let object = [{email:''},{email:''}];
for(let i =0;i<object.length;i++){
console.log('E-mail ',object[i].email,' is not valid.')
This is the used regex: ^[0-9]

Regular express to match `command--o1--o2--o3` [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a string like command--o1--o2--o3 ( command,o1,o2,o3 are arbitrary words)
And I want get [o1, o2, o3] though a Regular Expression(Not a array operation or other ways. JUST only use Regular Expression).
Is there any idea to accomplish this !?
If you're using JavaScript, and assuming you want all strings after a --, you may do
var things = str.split(/--/).slice(1)
If you just want to get the 2 characters words following --, then you may use
var things = str.match(/--\w\w/g).map(function(s){ return s.slice(2) })

Best way to find a string pattern and replace a character in between that pattern in javascript or jquery? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Say I have a String
Thi__(1)__s i__(2)__s a test__(5)__ mess__(4)__age __(6)__
I want to replace the numbers in between the pattern __()__ by that number-1, that is, 2 with 1, 3 with 2 and so on. And there is a condition, that number should be greater than 3.
So my final string will look like
Thi__(1)__s i__(2)__s a test__(4)__ mess__(3)__age __(5)__
I know how to make a logic for that but as I am new to Javascript/Jquery I am looking for a better way.
Any help would be appreciated.
var str = "Thi__(1)__s i__(2)__s a test__(5)__ mess__(4)__age __(6)__";
var replaced = str.replace(/(__\()(\d+)(\)__)/g, function(_, left, val, right){ //replace all (digits)
val = +val; //convert to number
return left + (val > 3 ? --val: val) + right; //use whatever convert logic you need

