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Closed 4 years ago.
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i had tried this regex for email but it allow following cases
Here is the code which searches for the number at the start.
If number is matched it prints message in console.
let regex = /^[0-9]/;
let object = [{email:''},{email:''}];
for(let i =0;i<object.length;i++){
console.log('E-mail ',object[i].email,' is not valid.')
This is the used regex: ^[0-9]
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a data that looks like this
Huawei Y7P Art-L28 (4/64gb) (AAAAAAAAAAAAAA) EXP:02/19/2020
Huawei Y9 prime 2019 (BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB) EXP:07/17/2019
Oppo A31 4gb/128gb (CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC)
Vivo Y15 5000mah 4GB/64GB (1901) (DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD) EXP:06/14/2019
And the I want to get this data
Basically what I want to happen is to extract the data from the set of word but my problem here is that its very unpredictable. It has no pattern at all so its hard to separate the string.
Assuming that you need a substring in last parenthesis:
FROM source_table
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I need to to search through the document text and where it finds a pattern of 0000/0, 0000/00 or 0000/000 (where 0 can be any number) it automatically wraps that text in
What I found for auto linkers are only when text is a URL, so it doesn't really help with what I need.
A simple regex pattern would do the trick.
text.replace(/(0000\/[0-9]{1,3})/gm, `$1`);
This will look for 0000/ followed by numbers between 0 and 9, 1 to 3 times.
simple regexp approach
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(/(\d{4}\/\d{1,3})/g,
Some text 0000/0 and this 1234/56 and that 7777/666
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Closed 4 years ago.
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What I have:
What I need:
I need to cut string on two parts as 'a-category' and '1' or just 'add-exam' if no digit in row.
let str = 'a-category2';
let splitStr = str.split(/(\d+)/);
console.log('string--->' + splitStr[0]);
console.log('digit---->' + splitStr[1]);
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have a string like this: *ngIf="thisThing > 0"
Using RegEx, I'd like to select/return ONLY the > or in some cases, <.
I have the following expression: (?<=")(?:.*?)(<|>)(?:.*?)(?=") but this still selects everything inside the quotes. I only want to match that >.
I've been testing it here:
I guess you're over-complexifying it. Why not this way:
It works, take a look:
console.log('*ngIf="thisThing > 0"'.match(/w*=".*([<>]).*"/)[1])
console.log('whatever="otherThing < 999"'.match(/w*=".*([<>]).*"/)[1])
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a two textbox and i want to convert string value such as "apple" and "cat" into appropriate integer value using javascript.
var myInt = "cat";
var converted = parseInt(myInt, 10);