How to get "numFound" using JSON query for Solr? - javascript

I am simply trying to obtain the "numFound" figure from a Solr query in a piece of javascript.
At present the code I have outputs the number of responses, limited to X rows I specify, as well as X number of items.
What I want instead is the "numFound" value in the response, and to store it as a var in my javascript.
In the example below it would be 394.
"q":"names:\"Leo Varadkar\" AND region:\"ROI\""}},
I don't want any info from the fields of a specific entry or anything like that. In my python code I can obtain such a figure by something like "". However I have been unable to find an equivalent from poking around with this. I have tried to guess something like "data.response.hits" and the like but to no avail. I am really in the dark here!
I have been unable to find clear documentation on how to do this, or an example of someone doing the same thing, despite it seeming like quite an important aspect of the whole point of queries in Solr. Top 50 results are no use to me. I am dealing with tens of thousands of items. My confusion might suggest I am failing to understand some key aspect of the whole thing...but I don't think so?
All I want is that figure. Surely somebody knows how to get it? I bet it's very simple.
My javascript below:
<script src=""></script>
function on_data(data) {
var docs =;
$.each(docs, function(i, item) {
$('#results').prepend($('<div>' + + '</div>'));
var hits = 'Found ' + data.response. + ' hits'
$('#hits').prepend('<div>' + hits + '</div>');
var total = 'Found ' + docs.length + ' results';
$('#results').prepend('<div>' + total + '</div>');
function on_search() {
var query = $('#query').val();
if (query.length == 0) {
var url='http://localhost:8983/solr/articles/select?q=text:'+query+'&version=2.2&start=0&rows=10000&indent=on&wt=json&callback=?&json.wrf=on_data';
var urlB='http://localhost:8983/solr/articles/select?q=text:'+query+'&version=2.2&start=0&rows=50&indent=on&wt=json&callback=?&json.wrf=on_data';
function on_ready() {
/* Hook enter to search */
$('body').keypress(function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == '13') {

The structure is {"response":{"numFound":394 ... }}, which is loaded into your data variable.
var hits = 'Found ' + data.response.numFound + ' hits'
.. should give you the number you're looking for. The hits name is just given by various libraries (probably pysolr in your case) to the same value.
You can also use console.log(data) to see the parsed data structure in your developer tools' console window.


Trouble getting a specific field from OpenWeatherMap API's output, via JS / XMLHttpRequest

So I'm building this web forecast app using OpenWeatherMap API, and so far I'm being able to fetch the data from the first iteration of the list's output, however I need to obtain the data of other specific fields aswell. Here's a bit of my code:
ajaxGet(",minutely,hourly,alerts&appid=APPID&units=metric", function (response) {
var data = JSON.parse(response);
var temperature = document.createElement("h6");
temperature.textContent = data.daily[0].temp.max + "°" + " / " + data.daily[0].temp.min + "°";
And here's an example of what the API's output looks like (I'm only showing the first iteration in here, but there are at least 6 in total,,minutely,hourly,alerts&appid=APPID&units=metric):
"weather":[{"id":501,"main":"Rain","description":"moderate rain","icon":"10d"}],
So as you can see, I'm being able to print into my HTML the data contained into "data.daily[0].temp.", but it only works for the first set of fields and I got no clue how to select a specific iteration. I'm sure I'm missing something into the concat, but nothing I've tried has worked so far.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, and rewarded with an imaginary waffle. THX :D
The temperatures for each day data.daily are defined as an JavaScript array of objects. You can simply access them by their index, which indicates their position in the array.
data.daily[0] // First element
data.daily[1] // Second element
data.daily[2] // Third element
Once you have selected an object within the array, you can then access certain values like data.daily[2].temp.max.
The cool thing about arrays is that you can iterate them with a loop. This will save you a lot of writing, if you want to print out each temperatures for every day:
ajaxGet(",minutely,hourly,alerts&appid=YOUR_API_KEY_HERE&units=metric", function (response) {
var data = JSON.parse(response);
data.daily.forEach(function (date) {
var temperature = document.createElement("h6");
temperature.textContent = date.temp.max + "°" + " / " + date.temp.min + "°";
Please note: I've removed the appid=XXXXX part of the request URL, because it contains your personal API key for OpenWeather, which you should not share publicly.
If I understand the question correctly, you want to take all daily max/min-values and put them into elements that you want to append to another element.
Here is a way to do that
ajaxGet(",minutely,hourly,alerts&units=metric", function (response) {
var data = JSON.parse(response);
.map(datapoint => datapoint.temp) //get the temp value/object from each datapoint
.map(temp => { //create an element and add each max/min value to that element's textContent
const temperature = document.createElement("h6");
temperature.textContent = temp.max + "° / " + temp.min + "°";
return temperature;
.forEach(element => { //add each of the elements created in the previous map to the desired element
As pointed out in the other answer, I've also removed the app-id query parameter

TaffyDB alphabetical order

I am using TaffyDB (JavaScript library) and was able to successfully store my records into a database but I am having some trouble outputting the results in the correct format.
This code would output my columns in alphabetical order. It would output as (Difficulty, Name, Topic) but I need to output it as ("Name, Topic, Difficulty"). I've tried looking at the documentation but I wasn't able to make a working solution.
should be
notice the extra ")" at the end.
I have tried using your code and it DOESNT return in an alphabetical order.
go to and change the code inside the script to :
var people= TAFFY();
people.insert({"fname":"Bruce","lname":"Wayne", "id":1});
people.insert({"fname":"Peter","lname":"Parker", "id":2});
people.insert({"fname":"Clark","lname":"Kent", "id":3});
write("people().select('fname','lname', 'id')");
function write(func){
var ret = eval(func);
var output = (typeof ret === 'object') ? JSON.stringify(ret) : ret;
document.getElementById('results').innerHTML+= '<li>' + func + '<br />=><b>'+output+'</b>';

Javascript: sequential, not parallel

I'm working on a project and have trouble to make my javascript work in a sequential way. I know that javascript can execute tasks in parallel so it won't get stuck when you do a request to a server that doesn't respond. This has It's advantages and disadvantages. In my case, It's a pain in the bum.
The scenario is the following, I'm using Firebase to store how many people agree with an opinion. This looks as follows:
I like javascript
- I like it a lot
- I like it
- like nor dislike it
- don't like it
- I basically hate it
People can now select 1 of the options. A record of their selection is then placed under the option. The structure:
-dfd21DeH67 : {
Title : "I like javascript"
options : {
0 : {
option : "I like it a lot"
agrees : {
-dfd21DQH6sq7 : "Jhon"
-dfd21DQH6sq8 : "Luke"
-dfd21DQH6sq9 : "Bruce"
1 : {
option : "I like it"
agrees : {
-dfd21DQH6sqA : "Harry"
-dfd21DQH6sqB : "Jimmy"
2 : {
option : "like nor dislike it"
agrees : {
-dfd21DQH6sqC : "Timmy"
-dfd21DQH6sqD : "Paul"
-dfd21DQH6sqE : "Danny"
-dfd21DQH6sqF : "Robin"
-dfd21DQH6sqG : "Dan"
3 : {
option : "don't like it"
agrees : {
-dfd21DQH6sqH : "Nathan"
-dfd21DQH6sqI : "Jerry"
4 : {
option : "I basically hate it"
agrees : {
-dfd21DQH6sqJ : "Tony"
Now, I want to query it. The results I need for each option are:
- Option (ex. "I like it a lot")
- agree count (ex. n people agreed on this one)
- Percentage (ex. 3 out of 13 said: "I like javascript". this would be ~23%)
Now, getting the "option" and showing this in the browser: success
getting the "agree count": success thanks to numChildren()
getting the "percentage": challenge because I need the sum of them all to calculate this.
Any ideas on how to pull this off? Tried pulling off some callback tricks. Unfortunatly to no avail. Below is my vision:
var hash = "-dfd21DeH67";
var fbDB = new Firebase("https://<MyDB>");
var buffer = [];
var sum;
fbDB.child(hash).once("value", function(opinion) {
var thisOpinion = opinion.val();
// First section
$.each(thisOpinion.options, function(i) {
fbPoll.child(hash + "/options/" + i + "/agrees").once("value", function(agrees) {
sum += agrees.numChildren();
// execute only if the First section is done
// this is currently not the case, this gets executed before
// the first one finishes => result: #ResultsPanel stays empty
$.each(buffer, function(i) {
"<div class=\"OptionStatsBlock\">" +
"Option: " + thisOpinion.options[i].option + "<br>" +
"Total: " + buffer[i] + "<br>" +
"Percentage: " + ((buffer[i] / sum) * 100) +
Thanks in advance,
As covered in the comments already: you seem to struggle with the asynchronous nature of Firebase (and most of the modern web). I would encourage you to spend as much time on understanding asynchronous programming as it takes to get rid of the pain it currently causes. It will prevent you far more pain down the line.
One possible solution
Firebase DataSnapshots always contain all data from under the node that you are requesting. So instead of doing a once in a loop (which is almost always a bad idea), you can just request the data one level higher and then loop and use child:
// First section
$.each(thisOpinion.options, function(i) {
var agrees = opinion.child("/options/" + i + "/agrees");
sum += agrees.numChildren();
This code executes synchronously.
Note that I didn't test this, so there may be typos. It's basically just a slight modification of your code, that uses DataSnapshot.child:
You can use jQuery Promise to handle this async nature of calls.
Even this post might help you out -
For one the second $.each is running on an empty buffer array. So it should never even run.
A better approach may be adding an event listener to the "child_added" event similar to below: Referenced from here
var ref = new Firebase("");
// Retrieve new posts as they are added to Firebase
ref.on("child_added", function(snapshot) {
var newPost = snapshot.val();
console.log("Author: " +;
console.log("Title: " + newPost.title);

covert large array of objects into smaller array objects using javascript

I have an list of values like this from a sql database.
UserName Email ComputerName DateIssued
jjsmith JTComputer 9/14/2013
ltjoseph LTComputer1 10/21/2013
KTsmith KTComputer1 01/25/2012
ltjoseph LTComputer2 01/11/2013
KTsmith KTComputer2 01/25/2012
I transform my list into an array of objects.
var user_array = [
{"username":"jjsmith", "email":"", "computerName":"JTComputer", "dateissued":"10/21/2013"}
{"username":"ltjoseph", "email":"", "computerName":"LTComputer1", "dateissued":"10/21/2013"}
{"username":"KTsmith", "email":"", "computerName":"KTComputer1", "dateissued":"01/25/2012"}
{"username":"ltjoseph", "email":"", "computerName":"LTComputer2", "dateissued":"01/11/2013"}
{"username":"KTsmith", "email":"", "computerName":"KTComputer2", "dateissued":"01/25/2012"}]
A function has been created by someone else that sends emails to users, it only accepts two parameters which are strings.
So I don't want to send more than 1 email per user. So I am trying to figure out how to combine the items together so that my an example set of strings look like this.
var str1 = "";
var str2 = "ltjoseph, LTComputer1-10/21/2013, LTComputer2-01/11/2013";
and then fire the other user function to send emails for each of the items in the list.
function sendEmails(str1, str2);
If anyone has any ideas how i can do this. Please advise..
var by_user = {};
for (var i = 0; i < user_array.length; i++) {
if (by_user[user_array[i].username]) {
// Found user, add another computer
by_user[user_array[i].username].str2 += ', ' + user_array[i].computerName + '-' + user_array[i].dateissued;
} else {
// First entry for user, create initial object
by_user[user_array[i].username] = {
str1: user_array[i].email,
str2: user_array[i].username + ', ' + user_array[i].computerName + '-' + user_array[i].dateissued
Now you have the by_user object, which has a single sub-object for each user, whose str1 and str2 properties are the variables you want.
by_user['ltjoseph'].str1 =>
by_user['ltjoseph'].str2 => ltjoseph, LTComputer1-10/21/2013, LTComputer2-01/11/2013
something like this:
var str1=array[0].email
var str2=array[0].username+", "+array[0].computerName+array[0].dateissued
or use a loop and iterate through the array
I strongly recommend bringing in a library like lodash for this sort of thing and using uniq (sample here:
var uniqs = lodash(user_array).pluck('email').uniq().value();
If you're doing javascript and aren't acquainted with lodash or underscore, go do that because it'll save you a lot of time. Using tried and true code is a good idea. Added bonus: if you want to see how the pros are doing something like uniq you can just look at the source code.

How to encode cookie with javascript/jquery?

I am working on an online shop together with my friend. He set a cookie for me with PHP with the amount of added products to the Cart. The cookie is called "cart", and the variable with the amount of the products is called "items".
And I have to read the cookie and get the value of "cart" back with javascript and print it in the HTML document, but I have no Idea how to use it, can you please help me? I have never worked with cookies or JSON before, but I think it should be done with JSON, can you please explain it to me how it works?
when I do : console.log(document.cookie);
I receive something like this: cart=%7B%22items%22%3A%7B%228%22%3A1%7D%7D;
And I have no idea how to encode it.
Thank you
That is the URL encoded equivalent of {"items":{"8":1}} which is the JSON string you want.
All you have to do is decode it and parse the JSON:
var cart = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(document.cookie.cart));
Then logging cart should give you an object with an 'items' property that you can access as needed.
As an example, here's a way to iterate through the items and determine the total number of items and the total of all their quantities.
var items_total = 0,
quantity_total = 0;
for (var prop in cart.items) {
items_total += 1;
quantity_total += cart.items[prop];
console.log("Total Items: " + items_total);
console.log("Total Quantities: " + quantity_total);
Looks like you just need to decode it, then you will want to parse/eval it to get a workable object:
var obj, decoded = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie.cart);
if(window.JSON && JSON.parse){
obj = JSON.parse(decoded);
} else {
eval('obj = ' + decoded);
// obj == {"items":{"8":1}};

