Javascript: sequential, not parallel - javascript

I'm working on a project and have trouble to make my javascript work in a sequential way. I know that javascript can execute tasks in parallel so it won't get stuck when you do a request to a server that doesn't respond. This has It's advantages and disadvantages. In my case, It's a pain in the bum.
The scenario is the following, I'm using Firebase to store how many people agree with an opinion. This looks as follows:
I like javascript
- I like it a lot
- I like it
- like nor dislike it
- don't like it
- I basically hate it
People can now select 1 of the options. A record of their selection is then placed under the option. The structure:
-dfd21DeH67 : {
Title : "I like javascript"
options : {
0 : {
option : "I like it a lot"
agrees : {
-dfd21DQH6sq7 : "Jhon"
-dfd21DQH6sq8 : "Luke"
-dfd21DQH6sq9 : "Bruce"
1 : {
option : "I like it"
agrees : {
-dfd21DQH6sqA : "Harry"
-dfd21DQH6sqB : "Jimmy"
2 : {
option : "like nor dislike it"
agrees : {
-dfd21DQH6sqC : "Timmy"
-dfd21DQH6sqD : "Paul"
-dfd21DQH6sqE : "Danny"
-dfd21DQH6sqF : "Robin"
-dfd21DQH6sqG : "Dan"
3 : {
option : "don't like it"
agrees : {
-dfd21DQH6sqH : "Nathan"
-dfd21DQH6sqI : "Jerry"
4 : {
option : "I basically hate it"
agrees : {
-dfd21DQH6sqJ : "Tony"
Now, I want to query it. The results I need for each option are:
- Option (ex. "I like it a lot")
- agree count (ex. n people agreed on this one)
- Percentage (ex. 3 out of 13 said: "I like javascript". this would be ~23%)
Now, getting the "option" and showing this in the browser: success
getting the "agree count": success thanks to numChildren()
getting the "percentage": challenge because I need the sum of them all to calculate this.
Any ideas on how to pull this off? Tried pulling off some callback tricks. Unfortunatly to no avail. Below is my vision:
var hash = "-dfd21DeH67";
var fbDB = new Firebase("https://<MyDB>");
var buffer = [];
var sum;
fbDB.child(hash).once("value", function(opinion) {
var thisOpinion = opinion.val();
// First section
$.each(thisOpinion.options, function(i) {
fbPoll.child(hash + "/options/" + i + "/agrees").once("value", function(agrees) {
sum += agrees.numChildren();
// execute only if the First section is done
// this is currently not the case, this gets executed before
// the first one finishes => result: #ResultsPanel stays empty
$.each(buffer, function(i) {
"<div class=\"OptionStatsBlock\">" +
"Option: " + thisOpinion.options[i].option + "<br>" +
"Total: " + buffer[i] + "<br>" +
"Percentage: " + ((buffer[i] / sum) * 100) +
Thanks in advance,

As covered in the comments already: you seem to struggle with the asynchronous nature of Firebase (and most of the modern web). I would encourage you to spend as much time on understanding asynchronous programming as it takes to get rid of the pain it currently causes. It will prevent you far more pain down the line.
One possible solution
Firebase DataSnapshots always contain all data from under the node that you are requesting. So instead of doing a once in a loop (which is almost always a bad idea), you can just request the data one level higher and then loop and use child:
// First section
$.each(thisOpinion.options, function(i) {
var agrees = opinion.child("/options/" + i + "/agrees");
sum += agrees.numChildren();
This code executes synchronously.
Note that I didn't test this, so there may be typos. It's basically just a slight modification of your code, that uses DataSnapshot.child:

You can use jQuery Promise to handle this async nature of calls.
Even this post might help you out -

For one the second $.each is running on an empty buffer array. So it should never even run.
A better approach may be adding an event listener to the "child_added" event similar to below: Referenced from here
var ref = new Firebase("");
// Retrieve new posts as they are added to Firebase
ref.on("child_added", function(snapshot) {
var newPost = snapshot.val();
console.log("Author: " +;
console.log("Title: " + newPost.title);


Discord.js searching on key terms

I'm trying to create a Discord bot for trading within certain games. So far I have most of the basic commands working--!create creates a trade listing in an SQL database, !find finds one--but it only finds it on the exact same word. What I'm trying to do is make the search less specific so the terms don't have to be exactly equal to show results.
My current code is pretty convoluted and, needless to say, very broken:
var searchTerms = args[1].split(" ");
var output = {};
for (var id in userData) {
for (var offer in userData[id].offers) {
var score = 0;
for (var key in searchTerms) {
if (offer.includes(key)) {
score ++;
if (score >= searchTerms.length / 2) {
output[id] = userData[id].offers[offer] + " - " + ((score / searchTerms.length) * 100) + "%";
if (output == {}) {
to: channelID,
message: 'No matching offers found.'
} else {
msg = ""
for (id in output) {
msg += '<#' + id + '> - ' + output[id] + " "
to: channelID,
message: Object.keys(output).length + ' offers found: ' + msg
I'm new to Javascript so I'm not really sure how to get this working. Any tips are appreciated, thanks!
It looks like what you're trying to implement is an mechanism called Fuzzy Search, which user can find similar results using typo or approximate strings.
( Reference: )
It not really an easy feature for a programming beginner to implement on your own, either the database have to support some kind of fuzzy query, or you'll have to get all the data from database first, and use a JavaScript fuzzy search library to accomplish that.
If you still want to do it, I recommend using Fuse.js, which is able to accomplish fuzzy search in a few lines
//list to be searched
var books = [{
'ISBN': 'A',
'title': "Old Man's War",
'author': 'John Scalzi'
}, {
'ISBN': 'B',
'title': 'The Lock Artist',
'author': 'Steve Hamilton'
// init the search
var options = {
keys: ['title', 'author'],
id: 'ISBN'
var fuse = new Fuse(books, options)'old')
// result
Fuzzy search is a complex computer science problem, if you want to know more about it and how Fuse.js is implemented, here are a few useful links
An intro to fuzzy string matching
source code of Fuse.js
bitap algorithm (used by fuse.js)

How to get "numFound" using JSON query for Solr?

I am simply trying to obtain the "numFound" figure from a Solr query in a piece of javascript.
At present the code I have outputs the number of responses, limited to X rows I specify, as well as X number of items.
What I want instead is the "numFound" value in the response, and to store it as a var in my javascript.
In the example below it would be 394.
"q":"names:\"Leo Varadkar\" AND region:\"ROI\""}},
I don't want any info from the fields of a specific entry or anything like that. In my python code I can obtain such a figure by something like "". However I have been unable to find an equivalent from poking around with this. I have tried to guess something like "data.response.hits" and the like but to no avail. I am really in the dark here!
I have been unable to find clear documentation on how to do this, or an example of someone doing the same thing, despite it seeming like quite an important aspect of the whole point of queries in Solr. Top 50 results are no use to me. I am dealing with tens of thousands of items. My confusion might suggest I am failing to understand some key aspect of the whole thing...but I don't think so?
All I want is that figure. Surely somebody knows how to get it? I bet it's very simple.
My javascript below:
<script src=""></script>
function on_data(data) {
var docs =;
$.each(docs, function(i, item) {
$('#results').prepend($('<div>' + + '</div>'));
var hits = 'Found ' + data.response. + ' hits'
$('#hits').prepend('<div>' + hits + '</div>');
var total = 'Found ' + docs.length + ' results';
$('#results').prepend('<div>' + total + '</div>');
function on_search() {
var query = $('#query').val();
if (query.length == 0) {
var url='http://localhost:8983/solr/articles/select?q=text:'+query+'&version=2.2&start=0&rows=10000&indent=on&wt=json&callback=?&json.wrf=on_data';
var urlB='http://localhost:8983/solr/articles/select?q=text:'+query+'&version=2.2&start=0&rows=50&indent=on&wt=json&callback=?&json.wrf=on_data';
function on_ready() {
/* Hook enter to search */
$('body').keypress(function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == '13') {
The structure is {"response":{"numFound":394 ... }}, which is loaded into your data variable.
var hits = 'Found ' + data.response.numFound + ' hits'
.. should give you the number you're looking for. The hits name is just given by various libraries (probably pysolr in your case) to the same value.
You can also use console.log(data) to see the parsed data structure in your developer tools' console window.

Passing parameters through scripting

Using Testcomplete (javascript) for our automation.
I have created a function:
function SelectDropdownBoxItem(object, property, item)
var dropDown = eval(object + "." + FindChild(property, item, 5));
Also tried without using eval...
When I call the method using something like this:
var AutoAddressSuggestionList = Aliases.b.pageGuidewireClaimc.panelBoundlist.AddressSuggestionList;
SelectDropdownBoxItem(AutoAddressSuggestionList,"contentText","1 Something Street*");
I get an error "Object Expected"... I have no idea why, because when I run this method without parameterizing it everything works.
Any ideas?
No need for eval here; you can call the method directly on the object:
var dropDown = object.FindChild(property, item, 5);
Also, it's a good idea to check that the list item was actually found:
if (dropDown.Exists) {
else {
"Drop-down list item was not found.",
"Object: " + object.FullName + "\r\n" +
"Item : " + item

Changing an array of objects structure in Javascript for Sencha Touch Ext.ux.TouchCalendar

I'm building a Sencha Touch app that utilizes the awesome calendar plugin , however, some custom implementation is needed in order to utilize the events functionality.
I've already tied the events template to a store, which fetches data from the server. It works as planned, but the problem is the plugin looks for ALL records in the store and counts each one as an event (because in the event model, it looks for "date" as the start and end point). So every day looks like has an event, even though those without "items" are blank, see: I only want to display events with "items"
My data from the server that comes back in the following format (many days do not have "items"):
"author":"Bryan Fisher",
"classname":"English 9A",
"author":"Bryan Fisher",
"classname":"English 10",
So, I have to change the data array's structure into the following format:
"author":"Bryan Fisher",
"classname":"English 9A",
"author":"Bryan Fisher",
"classname":"English 10",
How can I change the original object to match the new format? (take the "date" and insert it into the "items" node) ?
I am completely open to something like underscore.js
Thanks in advance
Maybe I over thought this whole thing...
A bit of a hack...
in TouchCalendarEvents.js I added the following method to check for an empty event div
hideOthers: function(){
var bar = $('.event-bar');
for (var i = 0; i < bar.length; i++){
var allBars = bar[i];
if (allBars.innerHTML == ''){
console.log('number ' + i + 'is Empty!' );
and call it in refreshEvents
refreshEvents: function(){
// scroll the parent calendar to the top so we're calculating positions from the base line.
this.getViewModeProcessor().generateEventBars(); // in turn calls this.renderEventBars(this.eventBarStore);
if (this.getAllowEventDragAndDrop()) {
Works well enough for now!

Couchdb reverses start and end key when descending is true

I have a CouchDB that contains items with something called save_data (actual data I need), rel (as related account - account linked to that document) and created_at (date of creation).
When I first created my view which I called recent-items I thought that items in that view are sorted in order they were created in, but it didn't take long for me to discover just how wrong I was. I wanted to get all documents related to one user (rel, save_profile in my js which calls the db.view funcion) and then sort them based on created_at so I created map funcion:
function(doc) {
if (doc.rel) {
var p = doc.save_data || {};
var r = doc.rel || {};
var q = doc.created_at || {};
emit([doc.rel], {save_data: doc.save_data, rel: doc.rel});
and then I called it with these parameters:
db.view(design + "/recent-items", {
descending : "true",
limit : 10,
update_seq : true,
key : [save_profile],
success : function(data) {
and then I noticed that they didn't appear in the order I wanted, but sorted by their ID which makes sense now, but that's not what I needed. So I did this: I reworked map function so that it shows user and date in key (as fields to be sorted by)
function(doc) {
if (doc.rel) {
var p = doc.save_data || {};
var r = doc.rel || {};
var q = doc.created_at || {};
emit([doc.rel, doc.created_at], {save_data: doc.save_data, rel: doc.rel});
and then I used startkey instead of key in db.view like this:
db.view(design + "/recent-items", {
descending : "true",
limit : 10,
update_seq : true,
startkey : [save_profile, null],
success : function(data) {
so that I get all documents related to save_profile but sorted by date also. I did get them, but I also got documents from other users with it so that function is completely unreliable. What I did then is implement endkey also, like this:
db.view(design + "/recent-items", {
descending : "true",
limit : 10,
update_seq : true,
startkey : [save_profile, null],
endkey : [save_profile, {}],
success : function(data) {
but then I get empty view as result.
Dates I use are in this format:
and profiles are something like this:
{"rand":"0.26928815129213035","nickname":"Nickname","email":"Label for Gravatar","url":"URL","gravatar_url":"","name":"testacc"}
I also tried replacing [] and {} in start/endkeys with "0000-00-00T00:00:00.000Z" and "9999-99-99T99:99:99.999Z", but it changed nothing. So... Any ideas? As far as I've seen in other similar problems people just used {} as end key and left startkey without second parameter but that doesn't work here either.
Edit: Solved!
Alright folks, believe it or not I've done it in this way:
I changed my map function to display created at and profile in this way:
function(doc) {
if (doc.rel) {
var p = doc.save_data || {};
var r = doc.rel || {};
var q = doc.created_at || {};
emit([doc.rel, doc.created_at], {save_data: doc.save_data, rel: doc.rel});
and it appears that if you set descending to true before setting start and end keys you have to reverse the search interval so that endkey contains starting value and startkey containst ending value, like this:
db.view(design + "/recent-items", {
descending : "true",
update_seq : "true",
startkey : [, save_profile.rand, {}],
endkey : [, save_profile.rand, null],
inclusive_end : "true",
success : function(data) {
That did the trick and it works flawlessly (but also with a complete absence of logic).
I should have caught this before. So when you do the following, it works the way you'd like:
db.view('_design/test_views/_view/view1', startkey: ["account2"])
=> {"total_rows"db.view('_design/test_views/_view/view1')
=> {"total_rows"=>4, "offset"=>0, "rows"=>[{"id"=>"test1", "key"=>["account1", "2009-05-13T11:59:22.281Z"], "value"=>{"rel"=>"account1"}}, {"id"=>"test2", "key"=>["account2", "2012-05-13T11:59:22.281Z"], "value"=>{"rel"=>"account2"}}, {"id"=>"test3", "key"=>["account3", "2011-05-13T11:59:22.281Z"], "value"=>{"rel"=>"account3"}}, {"id"=>"test4", "key"=>["account4", "2010-05-13T11:59:22.281Z"], "value"=>{"rel"=>"account4"}}]}`
db.view('_design/test_views/_view/view1',startkey: ["account2"])
=> {"total_rows"=>4, "offset"=>1, "rows"=>[{"id"=>"test2", "key"=>["account2", "2012-05-13T11:59:22.281Z"], "value"=>{"rel"=>"account2"}}, {"id"=>"test3", "key"=>["account3", "2011-05-13T11:59:22.281Z"], "value"=>{"rel"=>"account3"}}, {"id"=>"test4", "key"=>["account4", "2010-05-13T11:59:22.281Z"], "value"=>{"rel"=>"account4"}}]}`
startkey: ["account2"],
endkey: ["account3",{}])
=> {"total_rows"=>4, "offset"=>1, "rows"=>[{"id"=>"test2", "key"=>["account2", "2012-05-13T11:59:22.281Z"], "value"=>{"rel"=>"account2"}}, {"id"=>"test3", "key"=>["account3", "2011-05-13T11:59:22.281Z"], "value"=>{"rel"=>"account3"}}]}`.
But when you set descending=true, you reverse the order first. Previously you were setting your start and end keys the way that you should when descending=false, but you need to reverse them when you change descending. The CouchDB Definitive Guide is great and talks about these reversed results, worth the read.
I totally missed that you were setting descending, sorry for the confusion.
I think the startkey [save_profile, null] is what is messing you up (although it works via curl). Whatever library you're using (db.view is some javascript lib or ruby CouchRest maybe?) may be recoding null as something else. You can always verify this compared to curl by breaking out the packet sniffer (i.e. Wireshark), although you'll get an idea how inefficient a library can be with all the extra requests it makes. Can make the troubleshooting more difficult.
What results do you get with curl? I mocked up your database, and here's what I get:
$ curl -X GET 'http://localhost:5984/test2/_design/test_views/_view/view1'
$ curl -X GET 'http://localhost:5984/test2/_design/test_views/_view/view1?startkey=\["account2"\]&endkey=\["account3",\{\}\]'
Notice that I am not using null, I'm just leaving that element of the key out. Also notice in curl (and possibly you're library), you have to be really careful what you put in start/end keys. I have to escape all bash stuff that even single quotes don't escape (i.e. [ { etc), and curl escapes spaces as %20, which is then used for the keys. A good approach is to run couchdb not forked out, or just watch its logs, and see what the incoming requests look like. Has been a source of issues for me.
You're using the wildcards in the keys, which is a cool feature. You may have seen this, I've re-read this snippet a few times to try to understand them.
I've beat my head on this similar problem too, until I really understood what views do. But what you're doing should be possible. Any more complicated searches, and I'd really consider Elasticsearch or something similar. The river install for it is really easy, and the queries are pretty similar. But you don't have to work around the limitations of views and orders.
Hope that helps.
Alright folks, believe it or not I've done it in this way:
I changed my map function to display created at and profile in this way:
function(doc) {
if (doc.rel) {
var p = doc.save_data || {};
var r = doc.rel || {};
var q = doc.created_at || {};
emit([doc.rel, doc.created_at], {save_data: doc.save_data, rel: doc.rel});
and it appears that if you set descending to true before setting start and end keys you have to reverse the search interval so that endkey contains starting value and startkey containst ending value, like this:
db.view(design + "/recent-items", {
descending : "true",
update_seq : "true",
startkey : [, save_profile.rand, {}],
endkey : [, save_profile.rand, null],
inclusive_end : "true",
success : function(data) {
That did the trick and it works flawlessly (but also with a complete absence of logic).

