Mouseover function not working for first time - javascript

With this function i want to replace a static image with an animated image (gif) on mouseover. But it's not working only on FIRST mouseover. Is there someone that could help me?
JQuery function:
function mouseListener(imageDiv, image, animated, static)
$(function() {
function() {
$(image).attr("src", animated);
function() {
$(image).attr("src", static);
<div onmouseover="mouseListener('#would_youDiv','#would_you','images/would_you.gif','images/would_you.jpg');" id="would_youDiv" class="container">
<a href="work.html">
<img id="would_you" class="img-fluid" src="images/would_you.jpg" width="100%" height="100%" />
<div class="overlay">
<div class="text">WOULD YOU</div>

You could make this much easier by generalizing the logic with classes and data elements.
$(document).ready(function() {
function() {
//find the image in the container
var $img = $(this).find('img');
//set the src to the animaged src on it
$img.attr('src', $'animated-src'));
function() {
//find the image in the container
var $img = $(this).find('img');
//set the src to the original src
$img.attr('src', $'src'));
<script src=""></script>
<div class="container hover-image-container">
<a href="work.html">
<img src="images/would_you.jpg" data-src="images/would_you.jpg" data-animated-src="images/would_you.gif" width="100%" height="100%" />
<div class="overlay">
<div class="text">WOULD YOU</div>

Your mouseListener method is called when the mouseover event occurs, which is when it creates the listener to the event, instead of acting on the event. You don't need to add the listener, since you've already registered the function to be called on mouse over, you just need to do the action you want for that event.
You need to either put that binding somewhere else, or create two methods that are bound to onmouseover and onmouseout.
For example, if you want to go the two methods route (as that's most similar to your current code):
<div onmouseover="mouseOverListener('#would_youDiv','#would_you','images/would_you.gif','images/would_you.jpg');" onmouseout="mouseOutListener('#would_youDiv','#would_you','images/would_you.gif','images/would_you.jpg');" id="would_youDiv" class="container">
<a href="work.html">
<img id="would_you" class="img-fluid" src="images/would_you.jpg" width="100%" height="100%" />
<div class="overlay">
<div class="text">WOULD YOU</div>
And then in your Javascript:
function mouseOverListener(imageDiv, image, animated, static) {
$(image).attr("src", animated);
function mouseOutListener(imageDiv, image, animated, static) {
$(image).attr("src", static);

You don't need a js function
<div class="container">
<a href="work.html">
<img class="img-fluid" src="images/would_you.jpg" width="100%" height="100%" onmouseover="this.src='images/would_you.gif'" onmouseout="this.src='images/would_you.jpg'"/>
<div class="overlay">
<div class="text">WOULD YOU</div>


Problems with toggling more than one Image when clicking

I have my code set so that an image can change after clicking the image. I understand getElementById is meant to get results from one class name, but I don't know how to expand on that, and have the same result without changing the class name. I tried querySelector, but I think I am missing something. Any help would be appreciated. Here is my code:
<!--how do I make this apply to all images?-->
function changeImage() {
let displayImage = document.querySelector('#img-area, #star-picture, #colorful')
if (displayImage.src.match('Kabuto.jpg')) {
displayImage.src = 'PersonalCreations/LylatForce.jpg'
} else {
displayImage.src = 'Kabuto.jpg'
<!--image area or main img-->
<div class="row">
<div class="column">
<img id="img-area" src='Kabuto.jpg' class="responsive" alt="" onclick="changeImage()" height="200" with="200">
<button class="first" onclick="document.getElementById('img-area').src='PersonalCreations/LylatForce.jpg'">Change Image</button>
<div class="column">
<img id="star-picture" src="Kabuto.jpg" height="200" with="200" />
<button onclick="document.getElementById('star-
picture').src='PersonalCreations/Year6969.jpg'">Change Image</button>
<div class="column">
<img id="colorful" src="Kabuto.jpg" height="200" with="500" />
<button onclick="document.getElementById('colorful').src='PersonalCreations/BallInTheShoeProductions.jpg'">Change Image</button>
<div class="column">
<img id="holiday" src='Kabuto.jpg' alt="" onclick="changeImage()" height="200" with="200">
<button onclick="document.getElementById('holiday').src='PersonalCreations/ChristmasFestivalProject.jpg'">Change Image</button>
<p>Hello World</p>
<script src="imgchanger.js"></script>
First, CSS styling and JavaScript should not be used inline with HTML. You should separate out those things.
Your issue is that you have:
let displayImage = document.querySelector ('#img-area, #star-picture, #colorful')
But, .querySelector() will only return the first matching element. You need .querySelectorAll(), which will return a collection of all matching elements.
Or, you can avoid all of that and do this:
// Set up a single event handler for all clicks in the document
document.addEventListener("click", function(evt){
// But test to see if the click originated at a button
if( === "BUTTON"){
// Get the button's parent div and then the source of the first img within that
let img ="div").querySelector("img").src;
// Find out which button was clicked by looking at its class
switch ({
case "first":
// Change the source
img = "PersonalCreations/LylatForce.jpg";
case "second":
img = "PersonalCreations/Year6969.jpg";
case "third":
img = "PersonalCreations/BallInTheShoeProductions.jpg";
case "fourth":
img = "PersonalCreations/ChristmasFestivalProject.jpg";
console.log("Image source is now: " + img);
.img200x200 { height:200px; width:200px; }
.img200x500 { height:200px; width:500px; }
<!-- See how much cleaner the HTML is now that the CSS and
JavaScript have been separated out? -->
<div class="row">
<div class="column">
<img src="Kabuto.jpg" class="responsive img200x200" alt="">
<button class="first">Change Image</button>
<div class="column">
<img src="Kabuto.jpg" class="responsive img200x200" alt="">
<button class="second">Change Image</button>
<div class="column">
<img src="Kabuto.jpg" class="responsive img200x500" alt="">
<button class="third">Change Image</button>
<div class="column">
<img src="Kabuto.jpg" class="responsive img200x200" alt="">
<button class="fourth">Change Image</button>
<p>Hello World</p>

Getting element values in jquery

I spent lots of time trying to figure out getting a values from an element using jquery. Here's the code
<div class="school">
<div class="school-prev">
<img src="images/photos.png" class="img-responsive" alt="" />
<h5 class="school-title">Admin</h5>
<small class="text-muted">School Board</small>
<div class="school">
<div class="school-prev">
<img src="images/photos2.png" class="img-responsive" alt="" />
<h5 class="school-title">Finance</h5>
<small class="text-muted">School Board</small>
Jquery Coe
$(".school").click('.school-title', function(e){
var showValue=$(this).text();
Example of return values: Admin School Board;
Expected value is should be "Admin or Finance"
NB: Any solution should consider outside div(school) clickable and not school-title div alone.
Warm regards.
Try the following jQuery code:
// console.log('th');
$(document).on('click','.school .school-title', function(e){
var th = $(this); //change over here
You can change $(".school").click('.school-title', function(e){ to $(".school").on('click', '.school-title', function(e) { and it will solve the problem for you.
After updating your NB, you can use:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".school").click(function(e) {
var showValue = $('.school-title',this).text()
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".school").click(function(e) {
var showValue = $('.school-title',this).text()
<script src=""></script>
<div class="school">
<div class="school-prev">
<img src="images/photos.png" class="img-responsive" alt="" />
<h5 class="school-title">Admin</h5>
<small class="text-muted">School Board</small>
<div class="school">
<div class="school-prev">
<img src="images/photos2.png" class="img-responsive" alt="" />
<h5 class="school-title">Finance</h5>
<small class="text-muted">School Board</small>
You want a click anywhere in the school div to get the title - not just on the title itself. To do that, you just need to check for the school-title child element in the click function on school.
This will get all children with the class school-title (of which there will only be one - it works the same as find except on direct children only) and get the text from it:
$(".school").click('.school-title', function(e){
var showValue=$(this).children('.school-title').text();
/* Just for illustration to make it easier to see what is happening */
.school { border: 1px solid #ccc;}
<script src=""></script>
<div class="school">
<div class="school-prev">
<img src="images/photos.png" class="img-responsive" alt="" />
<h5 class="school-title">Admin</h5>
<small class="text-muted">School Board</small>
<div class="school">
<div class="school-prev">
<img src="images/photos2.png" class="img-responsive" alt="" />
<h5 class="school-title">Finance</h5>
<small class="text-muted">School Board</small>
You only have one child with school-title in this case, but it will work with multiple titles if needed (e.g. if you did want to get "Admin School Board" for example, you could simply add the school-title class to the text-muted element).
Reference: jQuery children documentation
You are using 'school' class name for the click event and want to get the value child element of div. That is not possible in this way.
Simply Change the code "$(this).text();" to "$(classname,this).text();".
Happy coding.

Replace the main image with thumbnails in Javascript

Here my script :
function changeImage(event){
event = event || window.event;
var targetElement = || event.srcElement;
if (targetElement.tagName == "IMG"){
document.getElementByClass("img-big-wrap").src = targetElement.getAttribute("src");
document.getElementById("mainimageLink").href = 'link'+targetElement.getAttribute("data-link")+'.html';
Inspired of this Answer : Javascript Gallery - Main Image href change
<div class="gallery-wrap">
<div class="img-big-wrap">
<a id="mainimagelink" href="<?php echo $data[0][gallery][0][photo];?>">
<img class="img-big-wrap" src="<?php echo $data[0][gallery][0][photo];?>" alt="">
<div class="img-small-wrap" onclick="changeImage(event)">
<div class="item-gallery"> <img src="<?php echo $data[0][gallery][1][thumb];?>" data-link="1"> </div>
<div class="item-gallery"> <img src="<?php echo $data[0][gallery][2][thumb];?>" data-link="2"> </div>
<div class="item-gallery"> <img src="<?php echo $data[0][gallery][3][thumb];?>" data-link="3"> </div>
<div class="item-gallery"> <img src="<?php echo $data[0][gallery][4][thumb];?>" data-link="4"> </div>
The code is actualy just open me the link of the main image only
I want to change the main image with the thumbnails when I click On, I dont know if what i'm doing is the good solution
Working Plunk:
<div class="gallery-wrap">
<a id="mainimagelink" href="">
<img class="img-big-wrap" src=">" alt="">
<div class="img-small-wrap" ">
<div class="item-gallery " onclick="changeImage(event) "> <img src=" " data-link="1 "> </div>
<div class="item-gallery " onclick="changeImage(event) "> <img src=" " data-link="2 "> </div>
A couple of things you've missed.
The HTML DOM was not well constructed. The tag with id mainimagelink was left unclosed, leading to opening of the main image everytime you clicked on any image.
Not sure of your use case but I believe you were trying to create a thumbnail gallery with a preview. Added Image URLs and CSS to simulate the API response.
'img-big-wrap' class was used for the image container and the actual Image itself, which would lead to errors when you try to locate your element with js.
document.getElementByClass is not the right name for the method. I believe you were going for 'document.getElementsByClassName' which returns an array as multiple elements can have the same className.
Refer to querySelector (most useful of them all):
All the best!
First of all, you have used the same class more than once and tried to access it img-big-wrap.
There is also no accessor called getElementByClass instead use
getElementsByClassName which is an array since you can have multiple divs with the same class.
Typo here "mainimageLink" which you called your div with id="mainimagelink", case matters.
I have moved onclick into JS using addEventListener which saves me passing parameters from the div.
Add an id into your thumbnail parent div myImgDiv and used it to hook an Event Listener to it.
Here is what the code looks like (Not many changes were made):
let smallImgDiv = document.getElementById('myImgDiv');
smallImgDiv.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
let targetElement = || e.srcElement;
let tagName = targetElement.tagName;
if(tagName === "IMG") {
document.getElementById('bigImage').src = targetElement.getAttribute("src");
document.getElementById("mainimagelink").href = 'link' + targetElement.getAttribute("data-link") + '.html';
.img-small-wrap img{
width: 150px;
height: 150px;
.img-big-wrap {
height: 200px;
<div class="gallery-wrap">
<div class="img-big-wrap">
<a id="mainimagelink" href="#">
<img id="bigImage" class="img-big-wrap" src="" alt="">
<div id="myImgDiv" class="img-small-wrap">
<div class="item-gallery"> <img src="" data-link="1"> </div>
<div class="item-gallery"> <img src="" data-link="2"> </div>
<div class="item-gallery"> <img src="" data-link="3"> </div>
<div class="item-gallery"> <img src="" data-link="4"> </div>

Replace an image with another when a different image is hovered on

I am a total noob, so please go easy.
I am trying to replace one image with a second image while hovering on a different element. My problem is that only the first image is being replaced by the link images. I've give each image an ID, I just am not sure how to apply it.
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide!
Here is what I have so far:
function changeimage(towhat,url){
if (document.images){
function warp(){
<script language="JavaScript1.1">
var myimages=new Array()
var gotolink="#"
function preloadimages(){
for (i=0;i<preloadimages.arguments.length;i++){
myimages[i]=new Image()
preloadimages("", "","", "","", "","", "")
<div id="wrap">
<div id="upper">
<div class="u-top">
<img src="" name="targetimage" id="si" border="0" />
<img class="picright" src="" name="targetimage" id="dxm" border="0" />
<div class="u-mid">
<img src="" />
<div class="u-low">
<img class="picleft" src="" id="tsg" />
<img class="dxmlogo" src="" />
<img class="picright" src="" id="img" />
<div id="lower">
<div class="dots"><img src=""></div>
<div class="logos">
<a href="">
<img class="picll" src=""></a>
<img class="picmid" src="">
<a href="">
<img class="piclr" src=""></a>
<div class="dots"><img src=""></div>
How about something like this? Consider you have a div containing image1.png. When you mouse over a hyperlink, you want to replace image1.png with image2.png. Then, when you move your mouse away from the hyperlink, image2.png will once again be replaced with image1.png:
This is your div containing the image:
<div id="image">
<img src="image1.png" />
This is the hyperlink:
Mouse over to change image
Here are the JavaScript functions that will replace the inner HTML of the div with different images:
<script type="text/javascript">
function mouseOver() {
document.getElementById("image").innerHTML = '<img src="image2.png" />';
function mouseOut() {
document.getElementById("image").innerHTML = '<img src="image1.png" />';
Let me know if this is what you are looking for.

how to hide the element using jquery when clicked outside the element

Till now I can grab the src of the image and display it in a fixed division, kind of like a pop up. But I want to hide the div element when the mouse is clicked outside the div. Please guide me how to do it, and also please correct me if my code can be improved. Thanks!
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".screen").click(function () {
function display($this) {
var source = $("img", $this).attr("src");
$(".pic img").attr("src",source);
$(".pic img").css("width","450px");
<div id="album">
<div class="pic">
<img src="" />
<div class="screen">
<h1 class="title">Photo 1</h1>
<img src="images/1 png.png" class="image" />
<p class="description">This is a description</p>
<div class="screen">
<h1 class="title">Photo 1</h1>
<img src="images/2 png.png" class="image" />
<p class="description">This is a description</p>
<span class="clear_left"></span>
blur event of jquery can be used
$(".screen").bind('blur',function () {
function display($this) {
Try like this
$(document).click(function () {
if ($(this).class != "pic") {
Live Demo

