system.js build config for pdf.js - javascript

I'm trying to build pdf.js in order to embed the viewer into an app I'm working on.
I want to build the viewer by hand so it can be included in the application that is getting packaged by webpack.
The application entrypoint, index.js, has the line
import viewer from 'pdfjs-dist/web/pdf_viewer';
This results in the viewer being included in the transpiled app code, however the pdf.js viewer uses System.js to load modules that it needs to run.
In the compiled version that Mozilla serves, the code has been transpiled to not use System.js; see view-source: in the the webViewerLoad function on line 3774.
function webViewerLoad() {
var config = getViewerConfiguration();
window.PDFViewerApplication = pdfjsWebApp.PDFViewerApplication;;
This differs from the non-transpiled source that can be found on, and the source map for the Mozilla hosted viewer retains these SystemJS lines.
function webViewerLoad() {
let config = getViewerConfiguration();
if (typeof PDFJSDev === 'undefined' || !PDFJSDev.test('PRODUCTION')) {
]).then(function([app, ...otherModules]) {
window.PDFViewerApplication = app.PDFViewerApplication;;
} else {
window.PDFViewerApplication = pdfjsWebApp.PDFViewerApplication;;
What I want to know is how this was achieved, and how to replicate the configuration to build this.

The production viewer.js has been compiled with webpack. In gulpfile.js you will find the following block:
function createWebBundle(defines) {
var viewerOutputName = 'viewer.js';
var viewerFileConfig = createWebpackConfig(defines, {
filename: viewerOutputName,
return gulp.src('./web/viewer.js')
In my case I simply installed pdfjs-dist and imported pdfjs-dist/web/pdf_viewer. Building with webpack worked fine. Getting the web worker to work right required some extra effort.


How to access feature files in cucumber using Cypress latest version (10.2.20)

I have been working on Cypress's latest version (10.2.0) with BDD in cucumber. Everything's working fine just my feature files are not accessible. I have tried using SpecPattern as written in the documentation but no help.
The spec pattern line is as follows:
specPattern: "/cypress/e2e/**/*.feature"
Also, My cucumber is imported and running fine
Cypress.config file:
const { defineConfig } = require("cypress");
const cucumber = require('cypress-cucumber-preprocessor').default
module.exports = defineConfig({
e2e: {
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
// implement node event listeners here
Package.Json File:
"devDependencies": {
"cypress-cucumber-preprocessor": "^4.3.1"
"nonGlobalStepDefinitions" : false
Image showing there is no feature file in this directory
While my feature file is present in the same directory shown in the above picture
Any help would be appreciated
You should change your cypress-cucumber library.
This indicates you have an old version
const cucumber = require('cypress-cucumber-preprocessor').default
You should use this version
// package.json
"#badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor": "^11.3.0",
// cypress.config.js
const preprocessor = require("#badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor");
Repo, instructions etc Github
Update your specPattern to "**/*.feature". This will search for .feature files throughout your project and not just a specific folder.

Webpack replace module runtime

I have a rather complex scenario.
We are building a desktop application with React which is wrapped with Electron, Webpack takes care of the Babel transpilation and chunking.
The application receives configuration data from a cms.
Part of the configuration may be a javascript class that needs to override one that resides in the application. The JS code as specified in the CMS will be vanilla Javascript code (ES6/7/8 same as what we use for the application)
I see 2 problems here:
How to transpile just this one class and
How to replace it runtime in the application
Is this even possible?
If with "The application receives configuration data from a cms." you mean runtime data, then, because Webpack acts at compile time, it cannot help you to transpile/replace your code (Runtime vs Compile time).
if your data from a CMS can be fetched at compile time, then, notice that you can return a promise from webpack.config.js.
module.exports = function webpackConfig(env) {
const configs = {
context: __dirname,
plugins: []
// etc...
return CMS
.then(cmsConfigs => {
const vars = {
replaceClass: JSON.stringify(cmsConfigs.classINeed.toString())
configs.plugins.push(new webpack.DefinePlugin(vars));
return configs;

Using Webpack to add JavaScript module to ASP.NET MVC app

I'm trying to use Webpack to create a couple of simple modules in an ASP.NET MVC 5 Visual Studio 2015 project. Following instructions on the Webpack site, I downloaded the latest version of Node.js. Then using the Node command prompt, changed to my project's folder. There, I ran this command to install Webpack locally:
npm install webpack --save-dev
It created a package.json file in the root of my project:
"devDependencies": {
"webpack": "^2.4.1"
Note that the project already has jQuery and Bootstrap as bundles via the BundleConfig.cs, which are then referenced on _Layout.cshtml; hence they're available on all pages of the app.
Now I'd like to create a very simple test to see how to create and require modules using Webpack; once I understand it better, I can add more complex modules. I've been reading about code-splitting: but it's still not clear how you do this.
The function test requires function isEmpty. I'd like to define isEmpty as a module and then use it with test.
var test = function(value){
return isEmpty(value);
var isEmpty = function(value) {
return $.trim(value).length === 0 ? true : false;
This article has been helping:
The Webpack documentation mentions import() and also require.ensure(). How do I use Webpack to modularize the isEmpty code and then use it?
Webpack allows you to use the commonJS approach for dependency management which Node.js uses, so if you have experience with Node.js it's very similar.
If not have a look at this article on the module system or the spec for a description of the module system.
For this problem I will assume all files are in the same directory. I think you will need to first move the isEmpty code into a separate file maybe isEmpty.js and change it's structure a bit so that it looks like this:
module.exports = function(value) {
return $.trim(value).length === 0 ? true : false;
then your test function can be moved into a separate test.js file and you can require the isEmpty module and use it like this:
var isEmpty = require('./isEmpty');
var test = function(value){
return isEmpty(value);
You will probably have to do something about the dependency on $ (I'm guessing jquery?) but I think that can be handled with shimming
If you have a number of functions you can do something like:
var self = {};
self.Double = function(value){
return value*2;
self.Triple = function(value){
return value*3;
module.exports = self;
var useFunctions = require('./someFunctions');
var num = 5;

Integrating React components with Pux - where does require() come from?

The Pux documentation tells me to use require() in the browser. Where does that function come from and how do I use it?
I'm trying to integrate the Quill editor with my web application that uses purescript-pux.
Following the Pux documentation I created a file MyEditor.js like this:
// module MyEditor
var React = require("react");
var Pux = require("purescript-pux");
var MyEditor = React.createClass({
displayName: "MyEditor",
onTextChange: function onTextChange(value) {
this.setState({ text: value });
render: function render() {
return React.createElement(ReactQuill, { value: this.state.text,
onChange: this.onTextChange });
exports.fromReact = Pux.fromReact(MyEditor);
and a file MyEditor.purs as follows:
module MyEditor where
import Pux.Html (Html, Attribute)
foreign import fromReact :: forall a. Array (Attribute a) -> Array (Html a) -> Html a
I then use MyEditor.fromReact [value p.description] in my Html Action and the code compiles, but the browser complains about ReferenceError: require is not defined.
I'm not very familiar with the javascript ecosystem. I'm aware that several libraries providing a require() function exist, but which one do I use with Pux and how?
require is the NodeJS way of importing modules, it's not supported in the browser so you'll need to run your project through a bundler like browserify or webpack to produce a bundle that the browser can understand.
If you are using the pulp build tool it's as simple as running
pulp browserify --to app.js
and then loading app.js in your html through a script tag.
pulp browserify documentation:
In addition to Christophs answer (but can't comment since comments don't allow code blocks):
Using Thermite 4.1.1 this worked for me:
add a package.json file with:
"dependencies": {
"react": "^0.14",
"react-dom": "^0.14"
run npm install
from then on pulp browserify --optimise gets the whole shebang packaged.
This is really badly documented and I opened an issue about that on purescript-react.

Require.js looking in the wrong path for the nested dependencies

I use WebJars to manage my JavaScript dependencies which means that most of the libraries I use are outside the Require.js base path. The config is created automatically and it works for most libraries. I only have problems with those libraries that call require() to load some inner dependencies (usually just external files) - for example when.js.
This is the require.js config generated for when library:
This file loads properly. But the problem is that it tries to load further files:
var timed = require('./lib/decorators/timed');
var array = require('./lib/decorators/array');
var flow = require('./lib/decorators/flow');
var fold = require('./lib/decorators/fold');
I would expect require.js to use the location of when.js to determine the correct locations of the other required files, i. e.:
But unfortunately require.js uses instead the location of the main.js file as the base path which obviously results in a lot of 404 errors and the application crashes.
How can I tell require.js to look in the correct subdirectory?
So according to the RequireJS documentation this seems to be the correct behavior. Unlike CommonJS, every require() call is resolved using the base path (it is relative to the base path, not to the location of the file it is called in).
The only way to get around this (as far as I know) is to configure the dependency as a package. The package location is then used for path resolution instead of the general base path. For the mentioned when package, the configuration should look something like this:
packages: [
{ name: 'when', location: '/path/to/when', main: 'when' }
To fix this problem automatically for all my current or future dependencies, I've replaced the Scala Play Framework loading script with my own solution which loads all WebJars as separate packages.
var require = {
callback : function () {
var packages = [];
var shim = {};
#for(webJarJson <- org.webjars.RequireJS.getSetupJson("").url).values()) {
].forEach(function (webjar) {
if (webjar.paths) {
for (var name in webjar.paths) {
if (webjar.paths.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
name: name,
location: webjar.paths[name][0].replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, ""),
main: webjar.paths[name][1]
if (webjar.shim) {
for (var name in webjar.shim) {
if (webjar.shim.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
shim[name] = webjar.shim[name];
packages: packages,
shim: shim

