Is it a good idea to mutate Node's global object? - javascript

Is it a good idea to add properties to Node's global object? Searches for this lead me to a discussion of global variables in Node, and frankly I can't find much about the global object for some reason.
From my understanding, global in Node is analogous to the window object that's used in the conventional JS environment, and mutating that is generally frowned upon.
I ask because I'm using Electron whose docs list all sorts of examples that use global, and they even provide an API that lets us set/get global properties from other processes.
From a recent code review, my team was asked to replace the use of global with our own Node module so to avoid overwriting important global attributes set by Node/Electron/3rd party resources.
This seems like a good idea, but why then does Electron recommend the use of global? Why is that the paradigm?
Taking a closer look at the examples, it looks like they recommend only adding one property to the global (sharedObject), so this isn't as bad as I thought, but is this good enough, or should I really take the time to create a separate Node module?
Perhaps this is an opinion-based question.


JS: Best practice on global "window" object

Following a rapid-prototyping approach, I am developing an application in Marionette.js/backbone.js and heavily used the window-object to bind collections and views to the global stack (e.g.,
Of course, it is always better (smoother!) to encapsulate objects in a single class and pass them as parameters where needed. However, this has some limitations when an app and its potential use-cases become really big. And as the data I deal with comes from an API and therefore would be anyway accessible to anybody interested, does that justify storing data in the window-object? Or are there other best-practices in ES6 (or especially Marionette.js) to achieve the same results, but in a more private manner?!
I already go into details about a simple namespacing pattern in JavaScript in another answer. You seem to be already close to this with etc.
But it looks like you have a lot of misconceptions about how JavaScript works.
a namespace-based solution that integrates nicely with Browserify/AMD-modules
Then why not use RequireJS? Browserify? or Webpack? There's nothing that a global ridden spaghetti code can do that a modular approach can't do better.
such would be read-only
No. While not impossible to set an object property to read-only, you must explicitly do it with something like Object.seal or Object.freeze.
I do not want to attach objects to the namespace, but actual instances
JavaScript do not have "namespaces" as part of the language, it's just a pattern to scope all your code within literal objects (key-value).
You can put whatever you'd like.
const MyNamespace = {
MyType: Backbone.Model.extend({ /*...*/ }),
instance: new Backbone.Model(),
anyValue: "some important string",
Ideally, you would define the namespace within an IIFE to avoid leaking any variable to the global scope.
const app = app || {};
app.MyModel = (function(app){
return Backbone.Model.extend({
// ...
[...] data I deal with comes from an API and therefore would be anyway accessible to anybody interested
Even if the data is contained within a module that do not leak to the global scope, anybody can access the data. That's how JavaScript works, it's in the user's browser, he can do whatever he wants with the code and the data.
does that justify storing data in the window-object?
Or are there other best-practices in ES6
ES6 has nothing to do with the architecture and patterns you take for your app.
but in a more private manner?!
Like I said earlier, privacy in JavaScript can't be expected.
[encapsulate objects in a single class and pass them as parameters where needed] has some limitations when an app and its potential use-cases become really big.
That's just incorrect. It's the other way around. Software patterns exist solely to help alleviate any limitations that arise as a project grows in scope.
There are multiple patterns you can use that will help deal with the complexity of a bigger app, like:
Modular approach with components
Dependency injection
Service containers
I didn't read specifically this book, but JavaScript Design Patterns seems to be a good way to learn more and it demonstrates specific implementations of software patterns in JS.

Referring to non-widget objects in Dojo without "polluting" global namespace

What's a clean best practice for keeping track of and referring to general JavaScript objects - most likely Dojo-declared - that may have been declared in one area (read module) of an application but that need to be used in another area? We're assuming AMD here.
As mentioned by the "Non-Widgets" section of Dojo's "Using Declarative Syntax" reference guide:
... regular objects don't have a registry like Dijit based widgets do, therefore in order to be able to reference them after you instantiate them, you have to create a reference to them in the global scope.
Global scope? Rrraaughh?! One of the biggest things about "Modern Dojo" is the frowning upon willy-nilly usage of the global namespace:
One of the core concepts of "modern" Dojo is that things in the global namespace are bad. There are numerous reasons for this, but in a complex web application, the global namespace can easily become polluted with all manner of code [...]. This means in "modern" Dojo, if you are about to access something in the global namespace STOP because you are doing something wrong.
Also, from that guide:
Again, repeat after me "the global namespace is bad, the global namespace is bad, I will not use the global namespace, I will not use the global namespace".
In light of that, have there been any other popular ideas expressed about maybe having a general-purpose object registry that exists in the application's context? Is it feasible or perhaps obvious to just Dojo-define a module whose sole purpose is to be a mixed bag of references to objects that get used throughout the application?

Which is the fastest way of accessing JavaScript object?

I want to know what is the best way of accessing a JavaScript object, dot operator or []: or data["property"]?
Both are more or less the same, except in Safari in which case dot notation is significantly faster.
You're much better off concentrating on DOM manipulation, DOM size, and CSS complexity as major sources of performance problems in Javascript applications.
That said, if you are doing a lot of property access in a loop, a local variable will be much faster than either property access or array lookup. Copy an object property into a variable if it is going to be accessed repeatedly. Do not use the "with" statement, incidentally. It can slow down local variable access by introducing another object into the scope chain.
Variables defined in local scope will be accessed far more quickly than those in global, as the Javascript engine first looks through all of the variables locally, then checks all of the variables in global scope. Scopes can nest as well, so the farther up the nesting chain the variable resides the longer it will take to find. That's why it's best to cache something like "document" in a local variable if it is going to be accessed more than once.
Both are the same speed. Also, if you are concerned with the level of speed in accessing a field attached to a reference, I think you might be going down the wrong path to tuning your code.
I would venture to guess that is ever-so-slightly faster, but it may be difficult to measure. Indeed, JSPerf shows no distinction
The best way of accessing object properties has generally nothing to do with speed. Dot operator is used for syntactic sugar (I.E. this.hasElements() is easier to read, write and process in your brain than this["hasElements"]()) whenever possible and the brackets are used when the key name is a variable or has illegal characters.

Javascript variables

I am making a webapp. I have a fairly basic question about javascript performance. Sometimes I need a global variable to store information that is used the entire time the website is open.
An example is a variable called needs_saved. It is true or false to say whether the page needs saved. I might have another variable called is_ie, ie_version, or space_remaining.
These are all variable that I need in various functions throughout the app.
Now, I know global variables are bad because they require the browser to search each level of function scope. But, I don't know if there is any better way to store values that are needed throughout the program.
I know I could create a global object called 'program_status' and give it the properties is_ie, ie_version, etc... But is this any better since it would first have to find my program_status object (stored as a global variable), and then the internal property?
Maybe I'm overthinking this.
You have nothing to worry about.
The performance impact of a global variable is minute.
Global variables are discouraged because they can make code harder to maintain.
In your case, they won't.
The reason global variable use should be kept to a minimum is because the global namespace gets polluted when there's a lot of them, and there's a good chance of a clash if your program needs to use some 3rd party libraries which also create their own globals.
Creating a single object to hold all of your global state is a good idea since it limits the number of identifiers you need to reserve at the global level.
To solve performance problems, you can then create a local reference to that object in any scope where you need to access it multiple times:
So instead of
if (globalState.isIe) { alert(globalState.ieMessage); }
you can do
var state = globalState;
if (state.isIe) { alert(state.ieMessage); }
You don't need to do this if you only access the state object once. In any case, even if you never do this, the performance penalties will be negligible.
If you're worried about performance, code something clean then run a profiler on it to optimize. I know both Safari and Google Chrome have one, and it's pretty sure Firebugs includes one for Firefox too. Heck, even Internet Explorer 8 has one.

Why is it bad to make elements global variables in Javascript?

I've heard that it's not a good idea to make elements global in JavaScript. I don't understand why. Is it something IE can't handle?
For example:
div = getElementById('topbar');
I don't think that's an implementation issue, but more a good vs bad practice issue. Usually global * is bad practice and should be avoided (global variables and so on) since you never really know how the scope of the project will evolve and how your file will be included.
I'm not a big JS freak so I won't be able to give you the specifics on exactly why JS events are bad but Christian Heilmann talks about JS best practices here, you could take a look. Also try googling "JS best practices"
Edit: Wikipedia about global variables, that could also apply to your problem :
[global variables] are usually
considered bad practice precisely
because of their nonlocality: a global
variable can potentially be modified
from anywhere, (unless they reside in
protected memory) and any part of the
program may depend on it. A global
variable therefore has an unlimited
potential for creating mutual
dependencies, and adding mutual
dependencies increases complexity. See
Action at a distance. However, in a
few cases, global variables can be
suitable for use. For example, they
can be used to avoid having to pass
frequently-used variables continuously
throughout several functions.
Is it something IE can't handle?
No it is not an IE thing. You can never assume that your code will be the only script used in the document. So it is important that you make sure your code does not have global function or variable names that other scripts can override.
Refer to Play Well With Others for examples.
I assume by "events" you mean the event-handling JavaScript (functions).
In general, it's bad to use more than one global variable in JS. (It's impossible not to use at least one if you're storing any data for future use.) That's because it runs into the same problem as all namespacing tries to solve - what if you wrote a method doSomething() and someone else wrote a method called doSomething()?
The best way to get around this is to make a global variable that is an object to hold all of your data and functions. For example:
var MyStuff = {};
MyStuff.counter = 0;
MyStuff.eventHandler = function() { ... };
MyStuff.doSomething = function() { ... };
// Later, when you want to call doSomething()...
This way, you're minimally polluting the global namespace; you only need worry that someone else uses your global variable.
Of course, none of this is a problem if your code will never play with anyone else's... but this sort of thinking will bite you in the ass later if you ever do end up using someone else's code. As long as everyone plays nice in terms of JS global names, all code can get along.
There shouldn't be any problem using global variables in your code as long as you are wrapping them inside a uniqe namespase/object (to avoid collision with scripts that are not yours)
the main adventage of using global variable in javascript derives from the fact that javascript is not a strong type language. there for, if you pass somes complex objects as arguments to a function, you will probebly lose all the intellisence for those objects (inside the function scope.)
while using global objects insteads, will preserve that intellisence.
I personally find that very usfull and it certainly have place in my code.
(of course, one should alwayse make the right balance between locales and globals variables)

