Passing both event and parameter to onchange bound function in JavaScript - javascript

In JavaScript I'm attempting to set an onchange callback that accepts a parameter. However, how I'm currently doing it overrides the event object that is created. I don't actually need the event for my purposes, but I would like to know how I can capture both the event and any passed in parameters in case my needs change.
EDIT: For clarity, this onchange event could be called both programatically and by a user. There may be an instance where I'm creating an empty select element so the user can pick what they want, or creating a populated one based on some other interaction.
EDIT: Also, the below is a simplified example of a much larger code base. Assume that the scoping is not global of any of the variables. I'm really looking for an answer of how to specifically be able to capture both and event object (when called via user interaction) and another object (when called via code). It feels like having the atr parameter mean different things in different contexts is hacky - but I come more from a strongly typed background so it might be just me.
function update(atr) {
document.getElementById("myelement").onchange = update;
var atr = {"id":1,"param":"val1"};
// This gives me atr in the function as defined above
// This way, however, gives me atr in the function as the event
What I would really like is something like this:
function update(e, atr) {
// Now I have e as the event and atr as the value I've passed in
document.getElementById("myelement").onchange = update;
var atr = {"id":1,"param":"val1"};
// This gives me atr in the function as defined above
However the above code doesn't work. I suspect that I have to do something with bind() but as far as I can understand that I would simply be overriding the event's (this) object in the function like I'm doing now implicitly.
The accepted answer in this question Similar Question is basically what I want to do, but that is with React JS and I would like to do this without any frameworks. I've been trying to search for multiple parameters and onchange events and primarily getting React or unrelated responses. Either this is a harder question than I think, or I'm searching for the answer in completely the wrong way.

I will explain what happens in the linked answer as you mentioned that you want to achieve the same behaviour.
<fieldset onChange={(e) => this.props.handleChange("tags", e)}>
This React code attaches anonymous function with one parameter e to the fieldset as onChange listener. This function in its body invokes another function, passing e with additional parameters.
Translating this into your code, you would like to achieve something like this:
function update(e, attr) {
// e is instance of Event
// attr is additional parameter
document.getElementById("myelement").onchange((e) => update(e, attr));
// or without ES6 arrow function:
document.getElementById("myelement").onchange(function(e){ update(e, attr); });
Also, be advised that proper way of attaching event listeners is by addEventListner API.

I'm not sure I understand exactly what you're trying to do, but first you need to distinguish between the case that the event is triggered by the user and the case that you call the event programatically, when you call it programatically there is no event.
you can do something like this:
You mentioned that you use select, the logic is that when a change in the select occurs the event is thrown and you get the selected value, in your case the value can be the content of the atr var:
<select id="myelement" onchange="update(event)">
<option value='{"id":1,"param":"val1"}'>val1
<option value='{"id":2,"param":"val2"}'>val2
function update(e) {
var atr = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("myelement").value);
//now you have access both to the event and the 'parameter'
This covers the case when the event is triggered by the user, when you want to trigger the event programatically, since there is no event, use a different function that take the atr parameter.


Is it a bad practice to use the bind() method for many elements?

Assuming there are many popups (like more than 30) in my page, and I need to make them listen to a click event handler. Below is Example 1 in the jQuery syntax:
$('.popup').on('click', function () {
// do something
I have learned a suggestion in the past that the Example 1 approach is bad for performance/memory (I can't recall the exact reason) because each element listens to an independent anonymous function. And the suggestion said that it is better to name the event handler and then make all the elements listen to the named event handler, like the following Example 2:
function clickEventHandler() {
// do something
$('.popup').on('click', clickEventHandler);
Now, for each popup, I need to pass a variable which is specific to the popup, into the named event handler. The approach I think of is using the .bind() mehtod like the following Example 3:
function clickEventHandler(someInfo) {
// do something
$('.popup').each(function () {
$(this).on('click', clickEventHandler.bind(null, $(this).attr('data-some-info')));
However, it concerns me that the description of the .bind() method says:
The bind() method creates a new function...
My question is: What does "creates a new function" mean exactly? Does it mean creating an independent anonymous function every time the method is used and is as bad as Example 1 when it comes to performance/memory?
Approach 1 is just fine - you're only creating a single function, and passing it to every event handler.
Now, if you had something like
$('.popup').each(function() {
$(this).on('click', function () {
// do something
that would indeed be very slightly wasteful, because you'd be creating a new callback function for every iteration in the loop.
Assuming there are many popups (like more than 30) in my page
30 is absolutely nothing with modern hardware. Now, if you had a thousand, or ten thousand, then there might be something to consider, maybe.
My question is: What does "creates a new function" mean exactly? Does it mean creating an independent anonymous function every time the method is used and is as bad as Example 1 when it comes to performance/memory?
Example 1 is just fine - but calling .bind in a loop is somewhat similar to my snippet above, in which there are many separate functions in memory.
To achieve what you want:
Use event delegation (optional - this way you only attach a single listener to a parent, instead of a
listener to every single element)
Check the attribute inside the handler instead of outside it
function handleClick(e) {
const someInfo = this.dataset.someInfo;
// rest of function
$(document.body).on('click', '.popup', handleClick);

logging events with an inline onevent listener

I want to do an inline catch of an event and console.log data from the event like this <select onchange="(e)=>{console.log(}"> but I can't get it to work. I'm guessing it's not allowed to define a method like this.
It works with no variables and plain method call like this <select onchange="console.log('foo')"> and of course if I define a method somewhere else I can call that and get the event, but is there no way to get the event variable and log it directly?
For reference if someone finds this question.
As Teemu said, in my question I'm just defining an anonymous function. I got it to work by using IIFE and arguments like this onchange="((e)=>{console.log(arguments[0].target.value)})()"

Understanding arrow functions - why does this not work and this does?

I am trying to convert all of my older code to use arrow functions...
The following works:
$p_worklist.mouseover (()=> {
console.log ("Show Worklist");
However this does not
$p_worklist.mouseover =()=> {
console.log ("Show Worklist");
The difference is that the first function wraps the body in parens while the second does not but rather replaces the first paren with equals sign and eliminates the second one.
Trying to learn...
The first one is calling $p_worklist.mouseover, and passing in a function. Jquery will then do whatever internal code it needs to do to set up the event listener, and when a mouseover happens, it will call the function you gave it.
The second one is assigning to $p_worklist.mouseover, thus overwriting what used to be there with the function you created. No other code is run, and no event listeners are set up.
Jquery's api expects you to call it, so option 1 is the right way to go.
In Your first example You invoke mouseover method, hovewer in next exaple You just overwrite that method and You don't invoke it
The problem is not the arrow function, but your usage of the mouseover attribute to set an event listener.
In JQuery (which, given your use of $, I'm assuming you're using), mouseover is a function that takes another function as an argument. So, you would pass an anonymous arrow function exactly as you do.
In vanilla JavaScript, however, the mouseover attribute is a pointer to the function to be called as an event listener.
If you're using JQ:
$('selector').mouseover(() => {
// ...
If you're using JS:
element.mouseover = event => {
// ...
Of course, you can override the JQuery method yourself by using the setter, but that's probably not what you're looking for.
mouseover() is a jQuery method. Like all jQuery event-handling methods, it takes the handler function as a parameter, so you have to call the method.
When you assign to $p_worklist.mouseover, you're replacing the method with a new function, not calling the method. That's not how you bind event handlers in jQuery.
You're confusing the jQuery method calls with DOM onXXX properties, where you write something like
element.onmouseover = ()=> {
console.log ("Show Worklist");

How does the onmouseover attribute know to accept an event object?

I was looking at this basic example below (which makes all images in the DOM semi-transparent on mouseover), and was confused as to how an arbitrary function, such as handleMouseOver, receives an event object if you give it an argument.
How is it that the act of assigning such a function to the onmouseover attribute tells it to modify this function in this way, as there's nothing inherent in the function definition itself that says: "please pass me an event"? Is the assignment operator being overloaded somehow? Or is the browser doing some extra work here? I would really appreciate a link to a detailed explanation of this phenomenon because it doesn't seem to make any sense looking at it as pure JavaScript (to me at least!)
function handleMouseOver(e) { = 0.5;
function handleMouseOut(e) { = 1;
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
elements[i].onmouseover = handleMouseOver;
elements[i].onmouseout = handleMouseOut;
Lets break it down by taking one browser's example. IE'S OnMouseOver Event for instance.
In the remarks section it says it passes IHTMLEventObj for ALL events even for the events that don't require it such as Body.OnLoad.
When we go into IHTMLEventObj's detail, we read the following remarks
Although all event properties are available to all event objects, some properties might not have meaningful values during some events
So, Event object is passed regardless; you have to access the object in some specific events and get event-specific properties to get event-related data.
onmouseover, for example, is an event handler. When the event handler needs to be called (in this case when the browser javascript engine decides it) then it will call it be passing it some pre-determined arguments (all good documentation will explain what those arguments are). Your use of those arguments is optional however.
This can be demonstrated with a manual function call like so:
function myFunction(e){
//assign the handler
var handler = myFunction;
//when required, create event parameter data and call the function assigned to the handler
var myE = { myProperty: "some data" };
It is not "exactly" how it works (because I don't know how browsers have chosen to implement their code), but it shows the concept.
Here is an example in action
Not only the event object is passed, but also the this value within the function is set to the event target. This is done by the browser, and dictated by the DOM specification.
I was hoping to find something more detailed in the DOM specification (I'm sure I've seen that before), but so far I found this:
In JavaScript, user-defined functions are considered to implement the EventListener interface. Thus the Event object will be provided as the first parameter to the user-defined function when it is invoked. Additionally, JavaScript objects can also implement the EventListener interface when they define a handleEvent method.
By the way, the last sentence is talking about an interesting way to bind event listeners, in an OO context.
You can pass whatever arguments you like to any JavaScript function.
Defining them in the function definition just means you have a named, local variable to access them with.
That is to say:
function foo() {
… won't throw an error.
When a function is treated as an event handler (which is what code provided by the browser will do if you assign a function to the onmouseover property of a DOM node) then the event object will be passed as an argument.

First parameter to event handler

If I have some event handlers registered inline with my markup (deprecated, I know) like
span id="..." onclick="foo(p1,p2,p3)"
how can I access the "event" object in the event handler function foo? Changing the above to
span id="..." onclick="foo(event,p1,p2,p3)"
and then using it in foo like:
function foo(e,p1,p2,p3)
if (!e) e = window.event;
seems to work but I don't see it documented anywhere so I am wary of using it. In other words, is the first parameter to a inline event handler always the event object if it is named as such in the onclick=... markup? Is this cross-browser so it can be safely used? And if it is not named as such (as in my first example), the parameters are treated like regular parameters and the event object is not passed?
You're misunderstanding your code.
The string that you put in the inline handler is a normal piece of Javascript code. It does not need to be a single function call; it can even contain multiple statements (separated by semicolons, as usual)
The code in the inline handler will be given a variable called event which refers to the event object.
When you write onclick="foo(event,p1,p2,p3)", you're making a regular function call, and passing the values of four variables named event, p1, p2, and p3 as parameters to the function.
Take a look here. This seems to line up with your example. However, there is some mention of this not working the same way in IE, so you have to check whether the first argument (event object) is defined and if not use window.event.
Another reference here. I frequently find MDC to be helpful.
Ok, so I ran a few tests in Firefox (3.5.8/linux) and here's what I've come up with. I was unaware of 'event' being used like in example 2, but it seems to work correctly in Firefox. However, it is NOT the case that the first variable passed to a function is always the event. 'event' seems to be registered in some global object, but I can't seem to determine which one. (It's not document, or window :P)
The line of code that you have in the foo function
if (!e) e = window.event;
is basically how you have to catch events in Internet Explorer anyway, so it will work in IE and Firefox for sure. And yes, therefore, if you are not passing a variable called 'event', as in your second example, the parameters will be treated as normal parameters, and the event object will not be passed.

