React refs how are they used, and when are they used? - javascript

Hello and thank you for reading this question!
I have been learning React for some weeks and I have difficulties trying to understand how refs can get React's instance and put it into a JS variable.
For example we could discuss the documentation's example:
class CustomTextInput extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.focusTextInput = this.focusTextInput.bind(this);
focusTextInput() {
// Explicitly focus the text input using the raw DOM API
render() {
// Use the `ref` callback to store a reference to the text input DOM
// element in an instance field (for example, this.textInput).
return (
ref={(input) => { this.textInput = input; }} />
value="Focus the text input"
I understand that the ref gets the input element which will be rendered and stores it into a class field using this.textInput.
However I do not understand why the parameter being passed to the refs is (input) what could happen if there were jsx tags nested? For example two inputs?
Also is there not a clear way to reference the elements being created with React render/return? I am talking about something like object oriented programming: className.instanceName or creating instance from the HTML elements with: new elementName().
Thank you for your help!

React supports a special attribute that you can attach to any component. The ref attribute takes a callback function, and the callback will be executed immediately after the component is mounted or unmounted.
When you write
ref={(input) => { this.textInput = input; }} />
React extracts the ref attribute and invokes a callback after the component is mounted. In that callback function react passes the instance of the input, which is what you get as the parameter here. Think of the above as a function
ref={this.callback} />
and that callback will look like
const callback = (input) => {
this.textInput = input;
According to the docs:
When the ref attribute is used on an HTML element, the ref callback
receives the underlying DOM element as its argument.
Regarding your next question:
However I do not understand why the parameter being passed to the refs
is (input) what could happen if there were jsx tags nested
The parameter being passed to div is just referenced as input in your example, you can call it anything you want, like input, inputRef, instance
In multiple jsx tags are nested, the ref is applied on the element on which ref attribute is passed. For instance
<div ref={this.getRef}>
<div>Hello React</div>
The ref gets the instance of is applied to the outer div from which you can access the child elements.
Also is there not a clear way to reference the elements being created
with React render/return
Well refs is a way provided by React to reference, elements being created. However you should only use refs when
Managing focus, text selection, or media playback.
Triggering imperative animations.
Integrating with third-party DOM libraries.
Most often, props are the only way that parent components interact with their children. To modify a child, you re-render it with new props. For example if you wish to change the class on an element, instead of getting an access to the element and changing it class, you would pass the dynamic prop to it instead like
<div className={this.props.className} />
Or as a matter of fact, use state to make necessary updates

To explain what is happening with the ref tag, let's break it down into smaller pieces...
This block:
ref={(input) => { this.textInput = input; }} />
Says to call this (input) => { this.textInput = input; } when this input field is mounted and unmounted. The (input) is just a parameter name, and you could call it whatever you want. So you could rewrite it as:
ref={(myinputfield) => { this.textInput = myinputfield; }} />
And it will do the same thing. In both case, input and myinputfield both reference the text field on which the ref attribute was defined.
For your second question,
Also is there not a clear way to reference the elements being created
with React render/return? I am talking about something like object
oriented programming: className.instanceName or creating instance from
the HTML elements with: new elementName().
The react model is a bit different. state is the primary way to have components interact with each other, rather than one component calling another. It's not entirely clear what you're trying to do, but when you want to update one component based on some action another component does, you would typically update the state, which would re-render the components with the new state.
You can still lookup other components in the DOM, but I'd encourage you to think more in the react model that uses state to update components.


Function inside component in reactjs

I have the following snippet of code
return (
*some other prop*
{(inputProps) => (
onSubmit={*Does something*}
this is the return of a custom component, my question is regarding the syntax... how can a function be defined inside a component? Is this function being called whenever this component is rendered? What is passed into this function (in this case, how is InputProps passed in and what does it contain)?
As you can deduce, I am quite new to frontend development and react in general so any guidance or reference to any documentation will be of great help!
So firstly a quick definition. Here's some JSX where I'm using children:
This bold element
And this text are children of MyComponent.
Inside MyComponent is a regular render method, except importantly, it also has a props.children that it can do whatever it wants with:
return <div className="my-component">{this.props.children}</div>;
Importantly, children is just a prop like anything else. It can be anything you'd like it to be, including a function. This can be particularly powerful if a component wants to give some information to its unknown children. A nice example is some sort of iterator:
<Loop over={[1,2,3]}>
{item => <span>{item}</span>}
Where the Loop component is calling this.children, as it expects it to be a function:
// For each item in the 'over' prop, call this.props.children
Essentially this is what you have - in terms of when that function runs and what the inputProps object is, it's entirely up to that InputMask component, but it almost certainly will be running it when it renders.

React createRef() vs callback refs. Is there any advantage of using one over the other?

I have started working on React recently and understood how refs can be used to get hold of a DOM node. In the React docs, they mention the two approaches of creating Refs. Can you please let me know in what situation a callback ref is better than createRef()? I find createRef to be simpler. Although the docs say "callback refs give you more fine grain control" I can't understand in what way.
Thank you
Besides what jmargolisvt said, one thing I found callback is very interesting that I can set multiple refs in an array so that I can control it better.
Like this:
class A extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.inputs = [];
render() {
return [0, 1, 2, 3].map((key, index) => (
ref={input => this.inputs[index] = input}
createRef is returning either a DOM node or a mounted instance of a component, depending on where you call it. Either way, what you have in hand is indeed straightforward as you've noted. But what if you want to do something with that reference? What if you want to do it when the component mounts?
Ref callbacks are great for that because they are invoked before componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate. This is how you get more fine-grained control over the ref. You are now not just grabbing DOM elements imperatively, but instead dynamically updating the DOM in the React lifecycle, but with fine-grained access to your DOM via the ref API.
In terms of use cases, callback refs can do anything createRef can do, but not vice versa. createRef gives us a simplified syntax, but that's it.
Things you can't do with createRef:
React to a ref being set or cleared
Use an externally and internally provided ref on the same React element at the same time. (e.g. you need to measure a DOM element's clientHeight whilst, at the same time, allowing an externally provided ref (via forwardRef) to be attached to it.)
Practically you will see no difference except callback ref returns null before initial rendering.
This answer is a little biased on React-Native but still it is applicable if a React component similar to the following example.
<Animated.View> is a wrapper component for <View> that can be animated.
However if you want to access the <View> directly for something like calling the measure() method, then you can do it like:
interface State {
ref: View;
public render() {
<Animated.View ref={(component) => {
if (component !== null) {
this.state.ref = component.getNode();
Otherwise, you need to do: this.state.ref.getNode().
TL;DR: you have control of what to do with an element or how to store it.
If the ref callback is defined as an inline function, it will get called twice during updates, first with null and then again with the DOM element. This is because a new instance of the function is created with each render, so React needs to clear the old ref and set up the new one. You can avoid this by defining the ref callback as a bound method on the class, but note that it shouldn’t matter in most cases.

Lifing state up: Communicating from child component and upward

When I try to modify a base component's variable from a child component. I find that I can only do it by strictly doing the following:
1: Base component must have defined an event handler, strictly a variable onVariableChange event handler, and have it assigned to a local function
2: Base component must have custom attribute variable that will be linked with the above onVariableChange function
3: Child component can now call the this.props.onVariableChange() to make the appropriate modification (from child to base)
in Base declaration:
changeFn(){ //do Something }
Base's render:
return <div> <Child variable={this.stateSomeVar} onVariableChange={this.changeFn} />
in Child:
Why is that? Why can't we just call the custom function from child to base directly without the use of custom property?
Am I incorrectly understanding the React's documentation?
in Base:
return <Child callFromChildFn={this.childFnAnsweredByBase} />
When I try to modify a base component's variable from a child
component. I find that I can only do it by strictly doing the
I think you mean with variable, base or more accurate parent component's state.
1: Base component must have defined an event handler, strictly a
variable onVariableChange event handler, and have it assigned to a
local function
I don't know what do you mean by saying "strictly", but yes in order to do that parent should have a handler method. The name here is not important, just pass this properly to your child component.
2: Base component must have custom attribute variable that will be
linked with the above onVariableChange function
This variable or state property doesn't need to be linked anywhere and you don't have to pass this to your child component. If child component will use it yes you can pass, but in order to change this in the parent component, it is not needed to be passed to the child.
Why is that? Why can't we just call the custom function from child to
base directly without the use of custom property?
If you mean saying by "property" the value itself, again, you don't need to pass it to the child. But, if you mean props, then you should use like that since this function is a part of the child's props.
Here is an example of how you do it without passing the "variable":
const Child = (props) => (
<input onChange={props.callFromChildFn} />
class App extends React.Component {
state = {
someVar: "initial value",
childFnAnsweredByBase = event =>
this.setState({ someVar: })
render() {
return (
<Child callFromChildFn={this.childFnAnsweredByBase} />
<p>someVar is: {this.state.someVar}</p>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
Am I incorrectly understanding the React's documentation?
Probably yes. Personally, I don't like that part of the documentation. They are trying to explain an edge case there. Two child components are syncing with some parent's state and show this value with an appropriate situation. Like, one of them shows this value as Fahrenheit and the other one shows it as Celcius. This is why they are passing the state variable (after some conversion) to these components.
In the example above we don't use this state variable in our child component, this is why we don't need it. Here is an example (just a simple, stupid example) showing that how can we use it and why the parent is passing it.
const Child = (props) => {
const { someNum, multiplyTheNumberBy, by } = props;
const handleMultiply = () => {
const newNum = someNum * by;
multiplyTheNumberBy( newNum );
return (
<button onClick={handleMultiply}>Multiply Number By {by}</button>
class App extends React.Component {
state = {
someNum: 1,
multiplyTheNumberBy = valueFromChild =>
this.setState({ someNum: valueFromChild })
render() {
return (
<p>someNum is: {this.state.someNum}</p>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
Update after comments
Also, why do we have to assign const localFn = props.CallFromChildFn ?
why can't we just invoke this.props.CallFromChildFn directly? Or is it
supposed to be props.CallFromChildFn?
First things first. We use this in a class component, so for a functional component, it is not necessary. We can use our props as props.something instead of this.props.something.
Now, the second question is about applying the best practice for performance reasons. For a small app this may not be a problem but for larger apps which has multiple children, components may be problematic.
When defining your functions in a JSX prop, if you use an arrow function and invoke them immediately, or bind it to this there to use it properly, this function is recreated in every render. This is why use references to this functions instead of immediately invoke them somehow or use bind.
Think about my first example.
<input onChange={props.callFromChildFn} />
Here, I used the reference of my function and it workes. Since I don't invoke any function here it is not recreated every time when my component renders. I would use it in this way:
<input onChange={e => props.callFromChildFn( e )} />
Here, we are using a callback for onChange as an arrow function. It takes an event and passes it to our callFromChildFn function. This works, too. But, since we used an arrow function here, this function is created in every render.
Let's see my second example.
const { someNum, multiplyTheNumberBy, by } = props;
const handleMultiply = () => {
const newNum = someNum * by;
multiplyTheNumberBy( newNum );
return (
<button onClick={handleMultiply}>Multiply Number By {by}</button>
Again, instead of using directly my function, I define a handler function here and use its reference. With this newly created function, I can do multiplication operation and use my multiplyTheNumber function from my props and pass it the calculated value. But again, I would use something like this:
const { someNum, multiplyTheNumberBy, by } = props;
return (
<button onClick={() => multiplyTheNumberBy(someNum * by)}>Multiply Number By {by}</button>
As you can see, without creating a new function we can use an onClick callback function and use our multiplyTheNumberBy from our props and do the multiplication directly there. But, this function also recreated in every render.
Yes, with the reference method we use a little more code and for small applications maybe this is not necessary. But, I like to use in this way.

React, how to access the DOM element in my render function from the same component

I'm wondering what's the best practice for accessing the DOM elements inside my render function from the same component. Note that I will be rendering this component multiple times on a page.
var TodoItem = React.createClass({
function oneSecLater(){
//select the current className? this doesn't work, but it gives you an idea what I want.
document.getElementsByClassName('name').style.backgroundColor = "red";
)}, 1000);
<div className='name'>{this.oneSecLater}</div>
You can use ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this) to access the underlying DOM node. But accessing the DOM node and manipulating like you do is against the React style of programming. It's better to use a state variable and called the setState method to re-render the DOM.
Here, no need to use setTimeout. There are lifecycle methods for component, of which componentDidMount is called after the render. So, you can get the reference to your div in the method.
var TodoItem = React.createClass({
componentDidMount: function () {
if(this.myDiv) { = "red";
<div className='name' ref = {c => this.myDiv = c}></div>
You can make use of ref callback to access the dom element in react, which is what React Docs recommend to follow
and do that in the componentDidMount lifecycle function as refs won't be accessible before the DOM is created
var TodoItem = React.createClass({
componentDidMount() {
setTimeout(function(){ = "red";
)}, 1000);
<div className='name' ref={(ele) => this.myDiv = ele}></div>
You should avoid accessing DOM element because the whole point of react is putting abstraction over dom. React keeps representation of DOM in memory which is referred as VirtualDom. Working with VirtualDom will make unit testing your application is easier.If you really know what you are doing, here is how to do it:
const //current will return the actual DOM
name=React.createRef() //create a ref object
<div ref={} className="anything" /> //your classname does not need to be named as "name". You access the element via the "ref" attribute not the classname.
In ComponentDidMount, when your component is mounted its style change will be applied.
Just came across this after trying to do form validation before opening a stripe checkout modal with React 14.
I would like to note that you're not actually accessing a DOM Element with references. You're simply accessing the React Component Object. Shown here:
The top one is calling ref.ticketForm, the bottom is showing document.getElementById('ticketform').
The reason I needed to do this was the following:
<Button color="success" size="lg" type="button" onClick={(e) => {
const ticketForm = document.getElementById('ticketForm');
const isValid = ticketForm.reportValidity();
if (!isValid) e.stopPropagation();
}}>Buy Tickets</Button>
reportValidity() is a DOM Element method:
Referencing this issue, this person showed this method being used on a reference object, which naturally isn't correct:
Hopefully this clears up that DOM Elements do not explicitly equal React Components. If you need to manipulate the DOM in any way, do it in a react way first. This is an edge case where I would rather rely on form validation for a dynamic form than manually doing very heavy custom validation.
here is my solution:
To get a computedCss of an specific element, you need to add a ref attribute to the elemenet first.
enter image description here
<Row className="chartline2">
<Col className="gutter-row" span={24}>
<div className="gutter-box lineChartWrap" id="lineChartWrap" ref="lineChartWrap">
<LineChart data={lineChartData} options={lineChartOptions} width="100%" height="300"/>
And then, in the componentDidUpdate() function, get your element's css by using window.getComputedStyle(this.refs.lineChartWrap).XXX
enter image description here
console.log("------- get width ---");
let ele = document.querySelector("#lineCharWrap");

What's the proper way of passing a ref to a prop?

I'm trying to pass a ref of a component to another component. Since string refs are being deprecated I'm using callback refs.
So I have something similar to this:
<One ref={c => = c}/>
<Two one={}/>
The problem is that whenever I try to access inside Two I get undefined.
I have even tried this on Two:
It seems the problem is that when the prop is created, the ref doesn't exist yet since it's created once One is mounted. But I don't know how to "refresh" the props on Two to get the ref to the mounted component.
So what's the proper way of passing a ref to another component?
Some users have suggested to encapsulate that logic in a higher component, which in itself renders those other child components.
The problem with that approach is that you can't create reusable logic and you have to repeat the same logic over and over in those encapsulating components.
Let's say you want to create a generic <Form> component which encapsulates the submit logic to your store, error checking, etc. And you do something like this:
In this example <Form> can't access the instances (and methods) of the children since this.props.children doesn't return those instances. It returns some list of pseudo components.
So how can you check if a certain <Input/> has detected a validation error without passing a ref?
You have to encapsulate those components in another component with the validation logic. For example in <UserForm>. But since each form is different the same logic has to be copied in <CategoryForm>, <GoupForm>, etc. This is terribly inefficient which is why I want to encapsulate the validation logic in <Form> and pass references of the <Input> components to <Form>.
In general the "ref" feature is an anti-pattern in React. It exists to enable side-effect driven development, however in order to benefit the most from the React way of programming you should try to avoid "refs" if possible.
As for your particular issue, passing a child a ref to it's sibling is a chicken vs. egg scenario. The ref callback is fired when the child is mounted, not during render which is why your example doesn't work. One thing you can try is pushing the ref into state and then reading from state into the other child. So:
<One ref={c => ! && this.setState({ one: c })}/>
<Two one={}/>
Note: without the ! this will cause an infinite loop.
Here is a codepen example of this working (look at the console to see the sibling ref logged):
This is now much simpler using the new ref api (available since React 16 - thanks to perilandmishap for pointing that out).
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor (props) {
this.oneRef = React.createRef();
render () {
return (
<One ref={this.oneRef} />
<Two one={this.oneRef} />
You would consume the prop in Two like:
A few things of note with this approach:
The ref will be an object with a current property. That property will be null until the element/component is mounted. Once it's mounted, it will be the instance of One. It should be safe to reference it once <Two /> is mounted.
Once the <One /> instance is unmounted, the current property on the ref returns to being null.
In general, if you need to pass a reference to something that may not be set at call time, you can pass a lambda instead:
<One ref={c => = c}/>
<Two one={() =>}/>
and then reference it as
If it has been set when you call it, you'll get a value. Before that, you'll get undefined (assuming it hasn't otherwise been initialized).
It bears noting that you won't necessarily re-render when it becomes available, and I would expect it to be undefined on the first render. This is something that using state to hold your reference does handle, but you won't get more than one re-render.
Given all that, I would recommend moving whatever code was using the ref to One in Two up into the component that is rendering One and Two, to avoid all the issues with both this strategy, and the one in #Carl Sverre's answer.

