how to access DOM elements in angular 4 service? - javascript

I am able to access DOM elements components like below
declare var jQuery: any;
declare var $: any;
//component stuff
I am trying to implement the same inside the service class, but dom elements and template is not accessible in the service class.
p.s: this is not duplicate of how to access them in components.

You can access DOM from an Angular service using the plain javascript document object, with some little additions to your service:
// We import not only "Injectable", but "Inject" too, from #angular/core
import { Injectable, Inject } from '#angular/core';
// We import DOCUMENT from #angular/common. Be careful, because the old import from '#angular/platform-browser' is deprecated.
import { DOCUMENT } from '#angular/common';
// Our standard service class in the usual way
export class LoadingSpinnerService {
// In the constructor we inject a dependency to DOCUMENT, of type HTMLDocument
constructor(#Inject(DOCUMENT) private document: HTMLDocument) {
// We create a new div in the DOM, child of the body tag, <div id="LoadingSpinner"></div>
var NewDomElement = this.document.createElement("div");
NewDomElement.setAttribute("id", "LoadingSpinner");
As you will probably know, you crete the service from the command line with something like:
ng g s loading-spinner
Don't forget to edit the app.module.ts to add the "import" to the service, and the item to the "providers" array in its "#NgModule" decorator:
import { LoadingSpinnerService } from './WHATEVER-DIRECTORY-YOU-CREATE-THE-SERVICE/loading-spinner.service';
providers: [LoadingSpinnerService,
About the topic of using angular services only for data, i don't agree. As you can read in the official architecture guide for services:
Service is a broad category encompassing any value, function, or feature that an app needs.
A component can delegate certain tasks to services, such as fetching data from the server, validating user input, or logging directly to the console.
The provided example just in this documentation is for a log data service.
Hope this helps someone.

You can't in services. You can do it javascript way like document.getElementById.
In components and directives You can use ViewChild from #angular/core
<div class="my_class" #myElement></div>
import { ElementRef, ViewChild } from '#angular/core';
#ViewChild('myElement') myElement:ElementRef;
console.log(this.myElement.nativeElement.offsetHeight); // inside any function.
I guess you cannot directly access with CSS selectors by Angular way. Alternatively, you can just use plain old JavaScript
Note: You can only do this in components and directives not inside services
Why Services
Components shouldn't fetch or save data directly and they certainly shouldn't knowingly present fake data. They should focus on presenting data and delegate data access to a service.
In Simpler terms:
component, directive for presenting, manipulating and interacting with DOM
services are for data handling between your component and backend


Databinding in Angular, understanding in detail

I am new to Angular and I just started learning it recently. I came across the concept of Databinding in Angular. I was able to understand the syntax and stuff but there were some questions that I couldn't find an answer for. These are the queries I had:
When we export a class from the component TS file, we can use the class properties in HTML file. For eg: Databinding a class property to a HTML element works. But how does this HTML element know the class or the class attribute? How does the HTML file have access to it?
Why exactly are we exporting a class for a component to be used? Is the component a class too? If yes, then wehen we use the component are we calling that class and this leads to rendering the HTML and CSS mentioned in the component?
Please let me know.
Answering your question in details requires having an in-depth knowledge about how Angular internally works, but here's a starting point:
I've generated a component using angular CLI:
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
selector: 'app-example',
templateUrl: './example.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./example.component.scss']
export class ExampleComponent implements OnInit {
public myProperty: number = 0;
constructor() { }
ngOnInit(): void {
Is the component a class too?
Yes, as you can see from the labels "export class", your component is first of all a regular JS class, which implements the OnInit interface, has an empty constructor and defines a public variable.
If yes, then when we use the component are we calling that class?
Exactly: Angular does a bit of magic (see the next point of the answer), so whenever finds a html tag named <app-example></app-example>, it creates an ExampleComponent instance and replaces that tag with the html you defined on example.component.html
and this leads to rendering the HTML and CSS mentioned in the component?
The magic happens just above the class definition: Angular heavily relies on Typescript Decorators, which are an (still) experimental feature of Typescript. Decorators allows you (or Angular in our case) to alter the behaviour of a class, for example by intercepting methods call, property changes (did you just say databinding?) and constructor parameters (and this is how Angular's dependency injection works).
In the #Component decorators, which is linked to the below ExampleComponent class, you're defining three things:
the selector, or tag name that Angular will search in the DOM and replace with your component's html
Where to find your component's html, which will be linked to each of your ExampleComponent instance
Stylesheets for your component's html
So, when a property on your component changes (for example myProperty), Angular intercepts that change thanks to the #Component decorators you've defined (to understand how, do a little search about decorators), and will re-render his html. Inserting that property value on a paragraph like <p>{{myProperty}}</p> is just a matter of string replacement.
So, now you have the answer to your first question:
But how does this HTML element know the class or the class attribute? How does the HTML file have access to it?
It's not the html that knows which component it belongs, it's the component (or Angular that handles that component) that knows which html has to render and which css needs to apply.
Why exactly are we exporting a class for a component to be used?
This is simply to let Angular know that we have defined a component. Exporting something from a .ts file makes it available on the rest of the project, and particularly on the AppModule file, where you will find your ExampleComponent among the declarations array:
declarations: [
// Something else

How to make a component with a runtime template in Angular?

I need to code a page that will have its template defined in the server. The page makes an HTTP GET to the server and get a string that will be the template.
I'm trying to follow an example I found here: runtime-content.component.ts
However, in this template I'm going to have references to other components, such as <app-hello></app-hello> and when I try to render that I get that 'app-hello' is not a known element.
How can I tell this component to use a certain module or recognize certain components?
You just have to include the component references here (declarations):
#NgModule({ imports: [CommonModule, RouterModule], declarations: [decoratedCmp, ...declarations] })
class RuntimeComponentModule {}
And to send data add on compileTemplate
(this.componentRef.instance as any).data =;
So your wrapper will have data available to be used on your template.
And on your dynamic template you can use data to send info to other components:
<app-something [content]="data?.content"></app-something>

How can I access angular-redux store from child module?

In my angular app I use angular-redux for application state management. In my main module I defined my redux store. Like this:
export class MainModule {
constructor(private ngRedux: NgRedux<MainAppState>,
private devTools: DevToolsExtension) {
let enhancers = [];
if (environment.production === false && devTools.isEnabled()) {
enhancers = [...enhancers, devTools.enhancer()];
{} as MainAppState,
I created new child module, which contains some components. These components should access to application state. In one of these components I access via #select to store, but this doesn't work. Here is how I access to store:
export function getLanguage(state: LanguageState) { return state.userLanguage; }
And this code I have in my ChildComponent class:
export class ChildComponent implements OnInit {
#select(getLanguage) savedUserLanguage$: Observable<LanguageState>;
// more code
How can I access to application state store from child modules? What should I import in child module? Will It be better to create own module only for redux store handling? Maybe I forgot something?
I use Angular v4 and #angular-redux/store v6.
I'd recommend creating a separate module that just contains your store, e.g. StoreModule. You can then import your StoreModule into all your child modules and access your store from there.
This is the way they go in the official example app:
Child Module:
Component in child module:
I was thinking about refactoring some ugly old JavaScript code that uses prototypal inheritance into an Angular 7+ project. I was asking myself pretty much the same question. Inspired by my udemy Angular course, I tried an experiment with a ngrx store and lazy loaded modules.
(Keep in mind that ngrx is SIMILAR to #angular-redux, but it's NOT the same thing. See for details.)
Here it is.
I create the store in the main module with StoreModule.forRoot and in each lazy loaded module, I create a reference to the store with StoreModule.forFeature.
(See for details.)
When I dispatch actions on the store with the lazy loaded components, those actions (and corresponding reducers) seem to change the value to which the main app component subscribes.
Also, when I dispatch actions on the store with the main app component, those actions (and corresponding reducers) seem to change the value to which the lazy loaded components subscribe.
Also, it's hard to explain what I did in a simple 200-500 character block so I had to use a github project.

How to include external JavaScript libraries in Angular 2?

I am trying to include an external JS library in my Angular 2 app and trying to make all the methods in that JS file as a service in Angular 2 app.
For eg: lets say my JS file contains.
var hello = {
helloworld : function(){
gmorning : function(){
console.log('good morning');
So I am trying to use this JS file and reuse all the methods in this object and add it to a service, so that my service has public methods, which in turn calls this JS methods. I am trying to reuse the code, without reimplementing all the methods in my typescript based Angular 2 app. I am dependent on an external library, which I cant modify.
Please help, thank you in advance.
With ES6, you could export your variable:
export var hello = {
and import it like this into another module:
import {hello} from './hello-module';
assuming that the first module is located into the hello-module.js file and in the same folder than the second one. It's not necessary to have them in the same folder (you can do something like that: import {hello} from '../folder/hello-module';). What is important is that the folder is correctly handled by SystemJS (for example with the configuration in the packages block).
When using external libs which are loaded into the browser externally (e.g. by the index.html) you just need to say your services/component that it is defined via "declare" and then just use it. For example I recently used in my angular2 component:
import { Component, Input, Observable, AfterContentInit } from angular2/angular2';
import { Http } from 'angular2/http';
//needed to use! io is globally known by the browser!
declare var io:any;
selector: 'my-weather-cmp',
template: `...`
export class WeatherComp implements AfterContentInit{
//the connection
public weather:any;
//the temperature stream as Observable
public temperature:Observable<number>;
//#Input() isn't set yet
constructor(public http: Http) {
const BASE_URL = 'ws://'+location.hostname+':'+location.port; = io(BASE_URL+'/weather');
//log any messages from the message event of'message', (data:any) =>{
//#Input() is set now!
ngAfterContentInit():void {
//add Observable
this.temperature = Observable.fromEvent(,;

Ember: Access ember data 'store' object from utility class

I have a utility class for validating usernames in my ember application and have it setup as specified in the ember-cli docs. I do client-side username validation in several places in my application (components and controllers) so I wanted to pull the validation logic out into a reusable method.
The file is at /app/utils/username-validator.js and I can successfully include the file in my app by importing it like so: import usernameValidator from 'my-app/utils/username-validator';
This works great so far and I've used the pattern for several utility classes. The problem I'm running into now is that I'd like the username-validator method to include a check to see if the username already exists.
As I am using Ember-Data I'd like to check the Ember-Data store. By default, the store appears to only be accessible in controllers and routes. How can I make it accessible in my utility class? All the injection examples I've seen deal with injecting the store into other first class Ember objects like components.
Is it possible to inject the store into a simple utility class as well?
Thank you!
I am using the following versions:
Ember-cli v0.2.6
ember.debug.js:4888 DEBUG: -------------------------------
ember.debug.js:4888 DEBUG: Ember : 1.12.0
ember.debug.js:4888 DEBUG: Ember Data : 1.0.0-beta.18
ember.debug.js:4888 DEBUG: jQuery : 1.11.3
ember.debug.js:4888 DEBUG: Ember Simple Auth : 0.8.0-beta.2
ember.debug.js:4888 DEBUG: -------------------------------
===== Updated with detailed solution based on answer from torazaburo ======
Creating a service works great. Here is how I did it using ember-cli (v0.2.6) and ember v1.12.0
Create your service inside of /app/services/<service-name>.js
The service blueprint will look like this (note the name of the service is based on the name of the file):
import Ember from "ember";
export default Ember.Service.extend({
myFunction: function(){
Create an initializer for your service in /app/initializers/<service-name>.js which is used to inject your service into the different top level Ember objects (such as routes, controllers, components etc). Note that the file name of the initializer should match the file name of your service.
The blueprint for the initializer will look like this:
export function initialize (container, app) {
// Your code here
export default {
name: '<service-name>',
initialize: initialize
To give a concrete example, lets say your service is called validator and contains a bunch of validation routines. You want to inject the validator into all controllers, and you also want to inject the Ember Data store into the validator itself. You can do it like this:
export function initialize (container, app) {
// Inject the Ember Data Store into our validator service
app.inject('service:validator', 'store', 'store:main');
// Inject the validator into all controllers and routes
app.inject('controller', 'validator', 'service:validator');
app.inject('route', 'validator', 'service:validator');
export default {
name: 'validator',
initialize: initialize
Make your utility into a "service", into which you can inject the store. Actually, it sounds like your utility should be a service anyway, even if it doesn't need the store. By making it a service, for instance, it becomes much easier to stub it out when writing tests. With a service, you need neither import anything nor do any global injections in initializers, you can simply say
export default Ember.Component.extend({
myService: Ember.inject.service(), // inject services/my-service.js
foo: function() {

