How to remove an entry from localstorage in javascript? - javascript

I store some data in a localstorage in my Javascript file. I want to create a delete button on the details grid that allows me to delete an individual item. I need to first identify the key of the selected item and then use the localStorage.removeItem(key) method to delete the item. But my method doesn't seem to work.
This is in my factory:
removeItem: function (data) {
var prefixLength = prefix.length;
.forEach(function (key) {
if (key.substring(0, prefixLength) == data) {
var item = window.localStorage[key];
Then I call it in my controller.js:
$scope.remove = function () {
my button is:
<button type="button"class="btn btn-sm btn-danger pull-right" id="remove" ng-click="remove()">
<span class="glyphicons glyphicons-bin"></span>

In my case, I had to delete a localstorage data on button click. Here is how I achieved that.
<button onclick="deleteFavorite('Id or name what you set as key')"> Delete </button>
function deleteFavorite(Id){
Please note that you can add id dynamically to the function using javascript and you have to reload the page to see if the item is deleted or not.

I didnt see error but simple to do it
<button type="button"class="btn btn-sm btn-danger pull-right" id="remove" ng-click="remove(expense)">
<span class="glyphicons glyphicons-bin"></span>
and js
$scope.remove = function (itemTodelete) {

localStorage.remove('itemTodelete'); or


How can I target a button within a temperate literal, for use in a separate click function?

Currently, Im using temperate literals to generate buttons to go along with locally stored data per result. This data is generated via a click which handles calling the storage to get back the information, displaying it a container. However, when I want to target the button, it's unresponsive.
My code
$(document).ready(() => {
const genMonthlyQueueBtn = $("#genMonthlyQueue");
const genTransientQueueBtn = $("#genTransientQueue");
const monthlyPlateQueue = () => {
const $insertMonthly = $('#insertMonthlyPlates');
let monthlyPlates = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('Monthly Plates'));
for (i = 0; i < monthlyPlates.length; i++) {
<div class="container" id="generatedMonthlyPlates">
<input type="text" width="100px" name="monthlyLicensePlate" id="monthlyLicensePlate" class="licensePlate" placeholder="AB12345" value=${monthlyPlates[i]}/>
<div class="text-center">
<button class="btn btn-warning" type="submit" id="editMonthlyPlate" name="action">Edit
<i class="material-icons right">edit</i>
<button class="btn btn-danger" type="submit" id="deletePlate" name="action">Delete
<i class="material-icons right">delete</i>
// get the array from local storage through queue function => {
// call generated button and test functionality to edit and push back to storage
const editMonthlyPlateBtn = $('#editMonthlyPlate');
const editMonthlyPlate = () => {
console.log('I was clicked');
} => {
Is there a better way to do this? or am I going about it the wrong way?
This data is triggered with a previous button click, and when adding an onClick function to the button itself, It's just called every time I generate the list and not when I clicked the button itself which is expected but not what I need.

simple Previous/Next buttons

I'm triying to paginate the response of an API. This API, have 15 items per page.
Actualy, i'm using something like this: = function(currentPage){
vm.chuck =;
vm.previous = function(currentPage){
vm.chuck =;
vm.firstPage = 1;
My html view for buttons:
<div class="text-center">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-warning" ng-click="$ctrl.previous()">Previous</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-warning" ng-click="$">Next</button>
The idea was to had the increment/decrement on every click. It works, but only after the second click. Also, if i change the value of vm.firstPage to 2, it works since the very first click, but when i click Previous, it becomes a mess.
What can i do to have the increment/decrement on the buttons?
I'm using AngularJs and javascript
I think it's about the operator precedence. Make vm.firstPage++/vm.firstPage-- before API call = function(currentPage){
vm.chuck =;

data-bind in the .js file

I am writing in .js file and trying to loop through each element and add this "self.renderButtons". when i click on delete it should call the remove function. It is not doing that, can anyone help?
self.renderButtons = function (id) {
return ('<span class="fa fa-file-text-o"></span> Details'
+ '<button class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" data-bind="click: removeItem"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> Delete</button>');
self.removeItem = function (item) {
self.service.delete(item.Id, self.handleDelete, self.handleError);
Manipulating the DOM is Knockout's job. If you want to have a button that corresponds to each element of an array, that is a job for the foreach binding. You manipulate the observableArray, and Knockout will take care of making the DOM reflect that state.

AngularJS remove last element of array in scope

I have my controller in Angular which contains an array and a delete method
function($scope, $http){
$scope.arrayOfObjects = [];
$scope.remove = function(obj){
var i = $scope.arrayOfObjects.indexOf(obj);
if( i > -1 ){
$scope.arrayOfObjects.splice(i, 1);
// Some other things
<a href ng-repeat="(key, obj) in arrayOfObjects track by $index">{{}}
<button type="button" role="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="remove(obj)">
<i class="fa fa-trash"></i>
Now all works well when I delete an object other than the last. When the user presses on the delete button for the last object, the page gets redirected to localhost:3000/# which is not mapped to anything and I get a blank page.
Has anyone encountered such behavior?
While the other answers are addressing your link / redirect issue, which would be solved by not having additional clickable items inside an anchor tag, the bigger problem is that you're using the wrong syntax for iterating over the objects of an array.
To iterate over an array you want this:
ng-repeat="obj in arrayOfObjects"
The syntax you're using is for iterating over the properties of one single object. Where key and value are the arguments passed to your repeater
ng-repeat="(key, value) in object"
Most likely what you want is something like this:
<div ng-repeat="obj in arrayOfObjects">
<button ng-click="remove(obj)">Delete</button>
You can use 'filter' to return to original scope all itens that you want, just like that:
$scope.remove = function (objs) {
$scope.objs = objs.filter(function (obj) {
//Here you remove the item you do not want
return obj;
<button class="btn btn-danger btn-block" ng-click="remove(objs)">Delete</button>
Last element can be removed by using pop() and returns that element like $scope.arrayOfObjects.pop()
angular.module('app', [])
.controller('mycontroller', function($scope) {
$scope.arrayOfObjects = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 }]
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="mycontroller">
<button ng-click="arrayOfObjects.pop()">remove in inline</button>
<li ng-repeat="myobj in arrayOfObjects">{{}}</li>

twitter bootstrap modal -- how to pass data to callback function

is there a way to pass additional data to bootstrap modal function callback?
for example, lets say my link that causes the modal to open has an extra attribute in it with a bit of useful data in it, how could I reference that attr?
<span listid="80" href="#editTaskList" data-toggle="modal" class="btn btn-mini right"><i class="icon-edit"></i> Edit Task List</span>
$('#editTaskList').on('show', function () {
// get the source of the click, and then get the data i need.
Could this work for you ?
<span listid="80" href="#editTaskList" data-toggle="datamodal" class="btn btn-mini right"><i class="icon-edit"></i> Edit Task List</span>
var $editTaskList = $('#editTaskList');
$('body').on('', '[data-toggle="datamodal"]', function (e) {
var $this = $(this);
$editTaskList.on('show', function () {
var myData = $'anyAttr');
I know that this is an old question, but this is the first thing i've found on google. So, I want to put some important information here...
You NEED to put your callback function binded on events BEFORE you call the modal, for example:
$('#modal').on('shown', function(){
// Do something when the modal is loaded
This is very important and helped me a lot, so, here it is...
Like this -
<span id="modal_opener" data-extrastuff="stuff" listid="80" href="#editTaskList" data-toggle="modal" class="btn btn-mini right"><i class="icon-edit"></i> Edit Task List</span>
$('#modal_opener').click(function() {
var stuff_i_want = $(this).attr('data-extrastuff');

