data-bind in the .js file - javascript

I am writing in .js file and trying to loop through each element and add this "self.renderButtons". when i click on delete it should call the remove function. It is not doing that, can anyone help?
self.renderButtons = function (id) {
return ('<span class="fa fa-file-text-o"></span> Details'
+ '<button class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" data-bind="click: removeItem"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> Delete</button>');
self.removeItem = function (item) {
self.service.delete(item.Id, self.handleDelete, self.handleError);

Manipulating the DOM is Knockout's job. If you want to have a button that corresponds to each element of an array, that is a job for the foreach binding. You manipulate the observableArray, and Knockout will take care of making the DOM reflect that state.


ng-model not binding to input data within ng-repeat

Using AngularJs 1.6.7, I have created a table which pulls project details from a database and displays these details within a table. Each row has a modify/update button using ng-show/hide. When modify is clicked, the div changes to editable input fields, when update is clicked, the new input data will be update in the database.
I am trying to access input items within an ng-repeat and using ng-model to bind the input to update projects in a database using Flask.
The problem is that when I access the data in AJS once update is clicked, no data has binded to the new input values.
My HTML looks like this.
<tr data-ng-repeat="(key, value) in projects" >
<div data-ng-hide="edditable_project[value.project_name]">{[value.project_name]}
<div data-ng-show="edditable_project[value.project_name]">
<input class="form-control" data-mg-model="updatedProjectName" value="{[value.project_name]}">
<button class="btn btn-danger add-on pull-right btn-sm" data-ng-click="removeProject(value)">Delete</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary add-on btn-sm pull-right" data-ng-hide="edditable_project[value.project_name]" data-ng-click="modify(value.project_name)">Modify</button>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success pull-right btn-sm " data-ng-show="edditable_project[value.project_name]" data-ng-click="update(value)">Update</button>
And my controller looks like this:
app.controller('projectSettingsController', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {
$scope.modify = function(project) {
$scope.edditable_project[project] = true;
$scope.update = function(project) {
data = {
project_name: $scope.updatedProjectName,
// Update project.
$'/api/project/update-project', data).then(function(response) {
$http.get('/api/project/get-all-project-details').then(function (response) {
$scope.projects =;
$scope.edditable_project[project] = false;
The current output for ng-model="updatedProjectName" is undefined.
Am I doing something wrong within the scope?
well you should define your binding vairable in the scope of your controller like
$scope.updatedProjectName =""; by default it`s null as you have described, but for all your inputs you will have one data binding, i think you should have some
tr data-ng-repeat="(key, value) in projects" >
<input data-ng-model="data[key]">
and you don`t need to set value in your input, ng-model will make it for you
You are trying to access a variable which is defined inside of ng-repeat's scope. What you would want to do in this case is pass value and work on the project variable inside the update function.
Change your mark up to data-mg-model="value.project_name". Now the ng-model binds to same. When the update completes set the latest data(if needed) as properties on project. It will reflect in the view because of 2 way data binding
Inside update you should do as follows
$scope.update = function(project) {
// Update project.
$'/api/project/update-project', project).then(function(response) {
// If needed set new properties on the project variable
// based on the response
You seem to have a typo:
<input class="form-control" data-mg-model="updatedProjectName" value="{[value.project_name]}">
Use ng-model instead of mg-model.

How to remove an entry from localstorage in javascript?

I store some data in a localstorage in my Javascript file. I want to create a delete button on the details grid that allows me to delete an individual item. I need to first identify the key of the selected item and then use the localStorage.removeItem(key) method to delete the item. But my method doesn't seem to work.
This is in my factory:
removeItem: function (data) {
var prefixLength = prefix.length;
.forEach(function (key) {
if (key.substring(0, prefixLength) == data) {
var item = window.localStorage[key];
Then I call it in my controller.js:
$scope.remove = function () {
my button is:
<button type="button"class="btn btn-sm btn-danger pull-right" id="remove" ng-click="remove()">
<span class="glyphicons glyphicons-bin"></span>
In my case, I had to delete a localstorage data on button click. Here is how I achieved that.
<button onclick="deleteFavorite('Id or name what you set as key')"> Delete </button>
function deleteFavorite(Id){
Please note that you can add id dynamically to the function using javascript and you have to reload the page to see if the item is deleted or not.
I didnt see error but simple to do it
<button type="button"class="btn btn-sm btn-danger pull-right" id="remove" ng-click="remove(expense)">
<span class="glyphicons glyphicons-bin"></span>
and js
$scope.remove = function (itemTodelete) {
localStorage.remove('itemTodelete'); or

Remove item from array by pressing button

I'm using angularJS to build a SPA. I am trying to delete an object from an array in my controller. I am using ng-repeat and can't seem to get my head around this. Here is the related html:
<div class="cat-button" ng-repeat="category in cats" category="category">
<button class=" close-button" ng-click="removeCat()">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-sign" aria-hidden=true> </span> </button>{{}}
This created a div with a button for every object that gets saved to my $scope.cats array. It works fine but I cant figure out how do I use the button in each div to delete that specific object.
When I click on the button , the function on my controller gets called, but this is where I get lost, how do I delete the specific object created dynamically by the user.
This is the related code on my controller:
//Function to delete category
$scope.removeCat = function () {
//I know I have to use splice on my array but how do I Identify the object that needs to be deleted from my array?
You can either pass on $index like so:
<button class=" close-button" ng-click="removeCat($index)">
and in your function:
$scope.removeCat = function (index) {
or pass the whole item and use indexOf (the saver way)
<button class=" close-button" ng-click="removeCat(category)">
$scope.removeCat = function (item) {
$scope.cats.splice(myArray.indexOf(item), 1);
You can pass the index of the item you want to delete in the ng-click function:
<div class="cat-button" ng-repeat="category in cats" category="category">
<button class=" close-button" ng-click="removeCat($index)">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-sign" aria-hidden=true> </span> </button>{{}}
Then you can use this in your Angular controller like this:
$scope.removeCat = function (index) {
$scope.cats.splice(index, 1);
Incase you don't want to pass in the index, instead you can also pass in the entire object and locate the index in your controller. The code below is setup to work on all browsers. (Just haven't tested it ;) )
$scope.removeCat = function (cat) {
// Using underscore
var index = _.indexOf($scope.cats, cat);
// Or using a for loop
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.cats.length; i++) {
//Assuming your cat object has an id property
if($ === {
index = i;
Or any other way to locate the index of an object in an array.
$scope.removeCat = function (categoryToDelete) {
var index = $scope.cats.indexOf(categoryToDelete);
$scope.cats.splice(index, 1);

Save items from controller into array on Yes / No basis

Having some trouble with angularJS i've only been working with it for two weeks and my javascript knowledge aswell is rather no existent so please take this into account.
Im currently making a hearing test app which all functionality is working apart from a reporting system im building into it.
Im wanting on a yes / no basis record at what frequency and DB they heard the sound from these two buttons.
<button ng-click='' type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></button>
<button ng-click='' type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-lg glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></button>
Here is an example of one of my controllers for 125HZ at 0DB as an example.
myApp.controller('125Zero', ['$scope','ngAudio', function($scope, ngAudio) {
$scope.title = "Frequency: 125Hz";
$scope.frequency = "0Db";
$scope.sound = ngAudio.load("audio/125_0.mp3"); // returns NgAudioObject
$scope.previous =""
$ ="125Ten"
Im wishing to record the $scope.title and $scope.frequency attribute into and array for later processing.
this is as far as ive got with the idea
function result() {
$scope.results = [];
$scope.resultService = function(){
with no results, i want to save both title and frequency into the array, and allow the program to move onto the next controller and do the same if the frequency is heard.
Thanks for any help or ideas.
Apologies if my code isn't the cleanest or ideal but as i explained this is my second week working with AngularJS
Add event listeners to the buttons:
<button ng-click='buttonPressed('okay")' type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></button>
<button ng-click='buttonPressed("remove")' type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-lg glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></button>
In your controller, add those methods:
myApp.controller('125Zero', ['$scope','ngAudio', function($scope, ngAudio) {
$scope.title = "Frequency: 125Hz";
$scope.frequency = "0Db";
$scope.sound = ngAudio.load("audio/125_0.mp3"); // returns NgAudioObject
$scope.previous ="";
$ ="125Ten";
$scope.buttonPressed= function(outcome) {
$scope.result = [];
var tempObj = {};
tempObj.title = $scope.title;
tempObj.frequency = $scope.frequency;
// check for outcome to find out if it's okay or remove.
//based on that set the frequency here.
// add this to service
To get this value in next controller:
You need to store that $scope.result inside a service. So create a service and push the $scope.result into that.
In your second controller, inject that service as a dependency and access the value there.

twitter bootstrap modal -- how to pass data to callback function

is there a way to pass additional data to bootstrap modal function callback?
for example, lets say my link that causes the modal to open has an extra attribute in it with a bit of useful data in it, how could I reference that attr?
<span listid="80" href="#editTaskList" data-toggle="modal" class="btn btn-mini right"><i class="icon-edit"></i> Edit Task List</span>
$('#editTaskList').on('show', function () {
// get the source of the click, and then get the data i need.
Could this work for you ?
<span listid="80" href="#editTaskList" data-toggle="datamodal" class="btn btn-mini right"><i class="icon-edit"></i> Edit Task List</span>
var $editTaskList = $('#editTaskList');
$('body').on('', '[data-toggle="datamodal"]', function (e) {
var $this = $(this);
$editTaskList.on('show', function () {
var myData = $'anyAttr');
I know that this is an old question, but this is the first thing i've found on google. So, I want to put some important information here...
You NEED to put your callback function binded on events BEFORE you call the modal, for example:
$('#modal').on('shown', function(){
// Do something when the modal is loaded
This is very important and helped me a lot, so, here it is...
Like this -
<span id="modal_opener" data-extrastuff="stuff" listid="80" href="#editTaskList" data-toggle="modal" class="btn btn-mini right"><i class="icon-edit"></i> Edit Task List</span>
$('#modal_opener').click(function() {
var stuff_i_want = $(this).attr('data-extrastuff');

