Firestore is not a function in a SimulatedGREG/electron-vue application - javascript

I've been battling a tiresome error in my vue-electron application, since I began switching from Firebase to Firestore.
Oh yeah I know there is plenty of questions related to this console log error Uncaught TypeError: firebaseApp.firestore is not a function like here, here, here, or here. However, I think they were in some ways all related to the missing import 'firebase/firestore'; part.
I think my issue comes from the vue-cli template I use ( as, when building a VueJs app with the webpack template, I perfectly manage to implement the firestore SDK.
I add many details about my issue at and created a dedicated Git at
Has anyone here already faced this issue and can provide his help? :)
Thanks !


How can I fix the 'react-tilt' and 'particles.js'installation?

I'm new in web development, so I can't resolve this problem at my own.
I had a course where the mentor used "react-tilt" and "particles-js". Codding along teacher all was fine until I installed this two. From that moment I had a lot of vulnerabilities and I couldn't start my project. How can I fix the vulnerabilities and what can I use instead of "react-tilt" and "particles.js"?
Also I didn't understand how to use the Clarifai models to include in my project the face-recognition model. Can anyone explain me or send i guide?
That's the link of errors pictures:

Errors while using React Hooks with Electron JS and react-data-grid

I am trying to integrate react data grid with electron js and I am facing issues while using "useState". The console asks me to add error boundaries and adding that didn't help too. I searched for similar problems in stackoverflow and made sure that the react is upgraded to the latest version for using hooks and is same with react-dom. But even after following the above steps I cannot make this work.
I am trying to follow Advanced Filtering option from the react-data-grid documentation
But the only difference is I am trying to use react-data-grid on electron js. Since I'm new to javascript, I'm not sure where I am going wrong.
Repository link:
Screenshot of the error:
useState error
Any suggestions or help is appreciated.
Maybe it is uncompatable for a while .
I just import useState, din't do anything else,still has problem.
just wait
const App=()=>{
const [size,setSize]=useState(""); //just add this statement,make comment,is good
return (

React native redux - Connect (Cannot read property toLowerCase of undefined)

Pretty new to react-native developpement, apologies if my issue is obvious. I've been searching for quite a long time before posting.
It has been working perfectly for quite a long time.
I can't identify what I have done to break things up.
I believe I'm importing react redux properly, using {connect} properly. I didn't change the way I'm using it.
Also stacktrace is not really helping me ..
Stacktrace Image
Github to my project if need be :
And the most important file :
Also one thing weird I noticed, is that for some time this error was only occuring when I was using my phone, not emulator. Emulator was working fine. Now this error is also on emulator.
OK so this was actually pretty dumb, and not related to redux connect method (as I thought initially).
It was due to me using at some point a Sound module which I was initializing wrongly (should have done that outside of my PageLecture class, then I can use it inside this very class).
I'd like to mark as solve but looks like I don't have this option available.

ngCart only correctly works in Ionic app with syntax error

Currently I am developing a mobile app in Ionic for a local coffee roaster. Instead of building a cart from scratch I decided to integrate ngCart as a quick option that works with angular. After injecting the dependency into my app.js some individual components worked just fine, but the shopping cart summary and cart.html did not work. I am not very familiar with Jasmine, but searching my project I found a function I wanted in ngCart_test.html. So I copied the code from there into my CartController.js and that's when things get weird.
When I copied the code over it had an extra "})" which throws a syntax error, but everything works how it should. When I fix the syntax error it says, "describe not defined." I have tried unsuccessfully to fix the describe error but I am more curious as to why the syntax error makes ngCart work properly. I am guessing the syntax error breaks the js and causes the ngCart to load in the proper order, but I haven't been able to figure it out. I can send screenshots or additional info as needed.
Thanks for the help!

React Native - React.createElement is Not a Function

Figured I would see what React Native is all about, so I followed the instructions here and can't even get the out of the box project to run correctly. Chrome dev tools throws all sorts of errors. Here is the stack trace shown in the simulator, anybody else run into this?
It seems like what may have happened here is that you named your project "React". The CLI replaces the word "SampleApp" with the name that you specified in the sample files that it generates.
This is the original file here: You can see where it has "SampleApp" in a few places where on your file has "React" for all of them.
It really wasn't your fault, the CLI just needs to be a little smarter and not allow someone to create a project named "React". :)
I got the same error when I used different version of JSXTransformer.js and react.js . Using 0.13.3 from cdn solved the problem.

