where is create-react-app webpack config and files? - javascript

I create a ReactJS project with the create-react-app package and that worked well, but I cannot find webpack files and configurations.
How does react-create-app work with webpack? Where are the webpack configuration files located in a default installation with create-react-app? I'm unable to find configuration files in my project's folders.
I have not created an override config file. I can manage config settings with other articles but I want to find the conventional config file(s).

If you want to find webpack files and configurations go to your package.json file and look for scripts
You will find that scripts object is using a library react-scripts
Now go to node_modules and look for react-scripts folder react-script-in-node-modules
This react-scripts/scripts and react-scripts/config folder contains all the webpack configurations.

The files are located in your node_modules/react-scripts folder:
Webpack config:
Start Script:
Build Script:
Test Script:
and so on ...
Now, the purpose of CRA is not to worry about these.
From the documentation:
You don’t need to install or configure tools like Webpack or Babel.
They are preconfigured and hidden so that you can focus on the code.
If you want to have access to the config files, you need to eject by running:
npm run eject
Note: this is a one-way operation. Once you eject, you can’t go back!
In most scenarios, it is best not to eject and try to find a way to make it work for you in another way.
If you need to override some of the config options, you can have a look at https://github.com/gsoft-inc/craco

A lot of people come to this page with the goal of finding the webpack config and files in order to add their own configuration to them. Another way to achieve this without running npm run eject is to use react-app-rewired. This allows you to overwrite your webpack config file without ejecting.

Assuming you don't want to eject and you just want to look at the config you will find them in /node_modules/react-scripts/config
webpack.config.dev.js. //used by `npm start`
webpack.config.prod.js //used by `npm run build`

Webpack config used by create-react-app is here:

You can find it inside the /config folder.
When you eject you get a message like:
Adding /config/webpack.config.dev.js to the project
Adding /config/webpack.config.prod.js to the project

Webpack configuration is being handled by react-scripts.
You can find all webpack config inside node_modules react-scripts/config.
And If you want to customize webpack config, you can follow this customize-webpack-config

Ejecting is not the best option as well as editing something under node_modules.
react-app-rewired is not maintained and has the warning:
...you now "own" the configs. No support will be provided. Proceed
with caution...
Solution - use craco.

Try ejecting the config files, by running:
npm run eject
then you'll find a config folder created in your project. You will find your webpack config files init.

I'm using create-react-app with craco, and I was able to override my webpack configuration when updating to webpack 5 with the craco.config.js:
module.exports = {
style: {
postcssOptions: {
plugins: [
webpack: {
configure: (webpackConfig, { env, paths }) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
webpackConfig.resolve.fallback = {
fs: false,
return webpackConfig;

I know it's pretty late, but for future people stumbling upon this issue, if you want to have access to the webpack config of CRA, there's no other way except you have to run:
$ npm run eject
However, with ejection, you'll strip away yourself from CRA pipeline of updates, therefore from the point of ejection, you have to maintain it yourself.
I have come across this issue many times, and therefore I've created a template for react apps which have most of the same config as CRA, but also additional perks (like styled-components, jest unit test, Travis ci for deployments, prettier, ESLint, etc...) to make the maintenance easier. Check out the repo.


Proper way to add jquery packages to an Angular 10+ project?

I am trying to install jquery and jquery-slimscroll packages to an Angular project (version > 10), but the packages are not seems to be installed properly. So, regarding to this issue, could you please clarify me about the following issues below?
Assume that I have the following client structure:
ClientApp ---
|--- node_modules
|--- package.json
|--- angular.json
1. What is the proper way to add jquery and jquery-slimscroll to the project?
Should I run npm install on the ClientApp folder? Or is there a better way for the latest Angular versions?
2. I think there are several ways to add these packages as script like the following:
in angular.json:
"scripts": [
Is it not a good approach to add them like this? Should I add them in npm as in the 1st question?
3. What about the packages.json? Some packages are added to packages.json instead of angular.json. What is the difference and why some packages are added another?
First of all, you have to understand the function of angular.json and package.json.
A file named angular.json at the root level of an Angular workspace
provides workspace-wide and project-specific configuration defaults
for build and development tools provided by the Angular CLI. Path
values given in the configuration are relative to the root workspace
Initially, this package.json includes a starter set of packages, some
of which are required by Angular and others that support common
application scenarios. You add packages to package.json as your
application evolves. You may even remove some.
The package.json is organized into two groups of packages:
Dependencies are essential to running applications. DevDependencies
are only necessary to develop applications.
So, for the questions of the proper way to add these jquery dependencies, you can do both, the npm install jquery or add to the package.json and if needed to the angular.json.
The difference of both ways is that if you use npm install jquery it will add the dependencies automatically and download the packages to your node_modules, you add it manually, you will need to run npm install anyway, tp get the packages.

npm global installed packages and a automated and recursive build process

OK so, I have a WordPress site which a custom theme and several custom plugins (mu-plugins to be exact) which all use the exact same build processes. That is to say, they all have package.json files and use webpack. Technically there are a couple gulpfiles but I am migrating those to webpack configs.
So I want to be able to deploy my app, and after composer install all the plugins and theme, I would have a node script run which would:
Install all the NPM packages the build processes need - but install them globally
CD into the custom theme's src directory and run webpack --config webpack.production.js to build the theme's assets
CD into each of the custom plugins' src directories and run web run webpack --config webpack.production.js to build each plugin's assets in their respective locations
By doing this, I hope to
avoid committing compiled assets to my repos
avoid committing 3rd party packages to my repos
cut down on deployment time (because all packages would be installed globally, and only 1 time vs in each location)
I have already written the node scripts which:
installs the NPM packages
sets the node_path and node_prefix settings so my webpack (and gulp) scripts know where to find things
and CDs into each location and runs something like
This script simply runs child_process('webpack --config webpack.production.js' {cwd:' whatever/plugin/src'})
Now, the issues I having are (and how I have fixed some of them):
while my init node script could find node modules, the spawned processes that ran webpack could not
fixed this by setting NODE_PATH before the npm run command or by adding the node path via export in my .profile scrip
webpack files were unable to find the various loaders
fixed this by adding the global node path to the resolveLoaders option
my scss files couldn't find 3rd party packages like bulma
I fixed this by including the global node_modules path into the includePaths arg for sass-loader
The last, well most current issue I am facing is with webpack and vuejs.
I get this error:
ERROR in (webpack)/node_modules/timers-browserify/main.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'setimmediate' in '/usr/local/bin/npm-global/lib/node_modules/webpack/node_modules/timers-browserify'
# (webpack)/node_modules/timers-browserify/main.js 54:0-23
# /usr/local/bin/npm-global/lib/node_modules/vue/dist/vue.js
# ./src/js/entry.js
# ./src/entry.js
timers-browserify is apparently a dependency of VueJs. My entry js file has this vue import:
import Vue from 'vue/dist/vue';
and that appears to be throwing the error. If I remove it then webpack compiles everything as expected. If I install my node_modules in that folder (there is a package.json file in there) then it also compiles as expected.
I have already updated my webpack config to "resolve" module and loader dependencies to use their globally installed locations:
resolve: {
// Configure how Webpack finds modules imported with `import`.
modules: [
path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules'),
resolveLoader: {
// Configure how Webpack finds `loader` modules.
modules: [
path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules'),
So it seems that Vue, or maybe some npm packages in general seem to have some expectations of where certain node_modules live?
This is likely going to be a continuous issue with the path I have decided on so I want to know whats causing it or what to look for?
One way I can fix this is by symlinking my globally install node_module folder into each plugin/theme. But I still want to know what is causing this as this entire process has exposed me to a couple concepts that have just helped me in general so I feel like the answer to this problem might also do the same.

Is Babel and uglify.js included by default in Webpack 4

I was learning webpack and babel and majority of tutorials on YouTube teach to install webpack and babel separately. But I tried to install webpack only without installing babel( and uglify.js). So, I used webpack then it automatically uglified and changed my ES6 code into ES5 how is that possible?. The question is Does webpack 4 use uglify.js and babel behind the scenes even if I do not install them manually?
Webpack does not contain Babel or uglify by default. These are contained within the loaders. These are seperate npm packages you need to install used in the configuration.
this question can give you an idea of how these are configured:
In order to check yourself if a package contains another package you can easily make an empty folder and run one of the following:
npm install --save webpack#4
yarn add webpack#4
and then check the 'yarn.lock' or 'package-lock.json' file and search for the dependency.

Are --save-dev modules included when electron packaging? If so, how can I exclude them all?

There are many dependencies and devDependencies in my project and I would like to package my project folder with electron-packager in asar mode.
While doing so, does it automatically exclude devDependencies?
Thank you in advance.
Dev dependencies are not included by default in electron package made with electron-packager.
Source: https://www.npmjs.com/package/electron-packager
If you put them [the node modules] in the devDependencies section of package.json, by default none of the modules related to those dependencies will be copied in the app bundles. (This behavior can be turned off with the --no-prune flag.) In addition, folders like .git and node_modules/.bin will be ignored by default.

How to verify an object instance? instanceof and ....prototype.isPrototypeOf(...) are not reliable [duplicate]

Whenever I make projects, I have to download all dependencies of node modules. Without copying the node_modules, Is there anyway to share the central node_modules in multiple projects?
like the followings, I have to run many commands every time..
npm install gulp-usemin
npm install gulp-wrap
npm install gulp-connect
npm install gulp-watch
npm install gulp-minify-css
npm install gulp-uglify
npm install gulp-concat
npm install gulp-less
npm install gulp-rename
npm install gulp-minify-html
You absolutely can share a node_modules directory amongst projects.
From node's documentation:
If the module identifier passed to require() is not a native module,
and does not begin with '/', '../', or './', then node starts at the
parent directory of the current module, and adds /node_modules, and
attempts to load the module from that location.
If it is not found there, then it moves to the parent directory, and
so on, until the root of the file system is reached.
For example, if the file at '/home/ry/projects/foo.js' called
require('bar.js'), then node would look in the following locations, in
this order:
/home/ry/projects/node_modules/bar.js /home/ry/node_modules/bar.js
/home/node_modules/bar.js /node_modules/bar.js
So just put a node_modules folder inside your projects directory and put in whatever modules you want. Just require them like normal. When node doesn't find a node_modules directory in your project folder, it will check the parent folder automatically. So make your directory structure like this:
So like this, even your sub-project's dependencies can draw on your main node_modules repository.
One drawback to doing it this way is you will have to build out your package.json file manually (unless someone knows a way to automate this with grunt or something). When you install your packages and add the --save arg to an npm install command it automatically appends it to the dependencies section or your package.json, which is convenient.
Try pnpm instead of npm.
pnpm uses hard links and symlinks to save one version of a module only ever once on a disk.
If you have npm installed, you can install in your terminal with:
npm install -g pnpm
To update your existing installations (and sub-directories) use:
pnpm recursive install
Or use the shorthand command (leave off -r if you need to target only one directory)
pnpm -r i
One helpful note: You may find some rare packages don't have all their dependencies defined. They might rely on the flat node_modules file directory structure of npm or yarn installs. If you run into issues of missing dependencies, use this command to hoist all the sub dependencies into a flat-file structure:
pnpm install --shamefully-hoist
It's best to avoid using the --shamefully-hoist flag as it defeats the purpose of using pnpm in the first place, so try using the command pnpm i your-missing-package first (See pnpm FAQ).
I found a trick, just take a look at the Symbolic Links (symlinks) on Windows or Linux, it is working just like shortcuts but more powerful.
Simply you need to make a Junction for your node_modules folder anywhere you want. The junction is nothing but a short cut to your original node_modules folder. Create it inside your project folder where the actual node_modules would have been created if used npm install.
To achieve this you need at least one node_modules real folder then make a Junction to it in the other projects.
On Windows, you can either use the Command Prompt, or use an application. Using the Command Prompt gives you a bit more control, using an application is easier I suggest Link Shell Extension.
Main directory should look like this
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Project 4
just open the file Project 1/.angular-cli.json
change the schema
"$schema": "./node_modules/#angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json",
"$schema": "./../node_modules/#angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json"
and don't forget to create node_modules empty folder inside your project directory
See also npm v7.0.0's support for workspaces
By looking at some articles it seems that Lerna
is a good tool for managing multiple projects inside a single directory (monorepo). It supports modules sharing without duplicating the entire packages in every folder and commands to install them in multiple projects.
Javascript monorepos
Monorepos by example
Building large scale apps in a monorepo
pnpm is also a simple and efficient tool, which doesn't duplicate those modules which are already installed for other projects.
Let's assume that having a single node_modules it should contain all the packages for all applications. thus your apps will also share most of the unique package.json entries (just the name should change)
my idea would be to have a single root and multiple src level as below
the only issue you might face would be having a backup of json (or tsconfig) for any app and restore them when you work on it or setup your startup scripts to serve any app

