How can you programmatically create a user in a Cognito User Pool? - javascript

The AWS documentation indicates that it is possible for an admin to create a user pool user in AWS Cognito using the API.
Here is the documentation I am referring to:
However the documentation provides scant details and not even an example of how this is done. It makes no mention of what endpoint to call, what SDK function to use, or anything regarding authentication, etc.
Does anyone have experience creating new users directly from your code ?

It's actually quite easy if you follow the development documentation (, more specifically the "signUp" function.
From the Docs:
var params = {
ClientId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
Password: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
Username: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
AnalyticsMetadata: {
AnalyticsEndpointId: 'STRING_VALUE'
SecretHash: 'STRING_VALUE',
UserAttributes: [
Name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
/* more items */
UserContextData: {
EncodedData: 'STRING_VALUE'
ValidationData: [
Name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
/* more items */
cognitoidentityserviceprovider.signUp(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
else console.log(data); // successful response
And using this, it's simple to create a user (example in Lambda, but can easily be modified as JS on its own):
'use strict'
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var resp200ok = { statusCode: 200, headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, body: {} };
var cognitoidentityserviceprovider = new AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider({apiVersion: '2016-04-18'});
// ^ Hard to find that this is the way to import the library, but it was obvious in docs
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback){
var params = {
ClientId: 'the App Client you set up with your identity pool (usually 26 alphanum chars)',
Password: 'the password you want the user to have (keep in mind the password restrictions you set when creating pool)',
Username: 'the username you want the user to have',
UserAttributes:[ {
Name: 'name',
Value: 'Private'
Name: 'family_name',
Value: 'Not-Tellinglol'
cognitoidentityserviceprovider.signUp(params, function(err, data) {
if (err){ console.log(err, err.stack); }
else{ resp200ok.body = JSON.stringify(data); callback(null, resp200ok); }
Anything you set to required in your Cognito pool setup has to be in the UserAttributes section (usually the email is defaulted to required, check if yours is). The list of things you can assign values to is found in (Cognito pool) General Settings -> App Clients -> Show Details -> Set Read/Write -> (list of things), here you can add custom attributes (like if you want to specify what city your user is from, or if you want to add whatever else (String/Number)).
When assigning a value to a custom field, your "Name" in the UserAttributes will be "custom:whatever", so if the custom field is "city" the Name is "custom:city".
Hopefully I wasn't stating too much of the obvious, but these are things it took me a while to figure out with the broken up SO info, and AWS docs, and I figured I'd plop it all together.

Here is an example using python/Flask
import traceback
import boto3
from flask import Flask, render_template, request
app = Flask(__name__)
def cognito_register_user(email):
print("sign up user: ", email)
aws_client = boto3.client('cognito-idp', region_name = "us-west-2",)
response = aws_client.admin_create_user(UserPoolId="us-west-2_sdfgsdfgsdfg",Username=email,UserAttributes=[{"Name": "email","Value": email},{ "Name": "email_verified", "Value": "true" }],DesiredDeliveryMediums=['EMAIL'])
print("response=", response)
return response
return None
def root():
return render_template('register_email.html', title='register mail')
#app.route('/register/email', methods=['POST'])
def sign_up():
if request.method == 'POST':
email = request.form['email']
print("email=", email)
return render_template('register_email_complete.html', title='flask test', email=email)
if __name__ == "__main__":


why messaging().sendtodevice is not working sometimes?

I'm using the following code to send a notification from one device to another using FCM. Everything works fine until before return admin.messaging().sendToDevice(...). The 'Token ID: ' log displays token ID of the receiver, but when I set the variable token_id to the sendToDevice function, the notification is not called, therefore the notification is not sent. Can someone tell me what's wrong?
var firebase = require("firebase-admin");
var serviceAccount = require("./julla-tutorial.json");
console.log("enter in then Firebase Api");
const firebaseToken = [
credential: firebase.credential.cert(serviceAccount)
const payload = {
notification: {
title: 'Demo 2345',
body: 'dfghj',
sound: 'default',
color: 'yellow',
android_channel_id: 'default',
channel_id: 'default'
data: { id: 'broadcast', channelId: 'default' }
const options = {
priority: 'high',
timeToLive: 60 * 60 * 24, // 1 day
firebase.messaging().sendToDevice(firebaseToken, payload, options).then(function (response) {
}) .catch(function (error) {
It looks like you did not change the code from this tutorial:
you will need to change the 2nd line of code:
var serviceAccount = require("./julla-tutorial.json");
to actually point to your own firebase-push-admin.json file which holds your private keys registering your backend app with the firebase cloud messaging api. you can download this file from the firebase console as mentioned in the above article.
I recommend hiding this file from your git history by adding it to .gitignore so you dont accidentally push your private keys to a public repo.
I will link you another resource in addition to above link which helped me implement firebase push notifications in a nodeJS backend app.
Further I will also link you another repo where I am currently working on a fully functional firebase push notification implementation. Maybe it helps to actually see some example code.

MemberOf in Graph Me api azure AD

I am trying to get the member groups of the user to whom user belongs using azure graph api but it is not returning memberof in the api. I am using auth0 for the authentication.
Here is the java script code which I am using.
function(accessToken, ctx, cb) {
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken#7.1.9');
console.log('azure - retrieve user profile');
// Retrieve the profile from Azure
'$select=id,mail,givenName,surname,userPrincipalName,otherMails,department,memberOf', {
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + accessToken,
json: true
function(e, r, profile) {
if (e) {
console.log('azure - error while retrieving user profile:');
return cb(e)
if (r.statusCode !== 200) {
console.log('azure - error while retrieving user profile: ' + r.statusCode);
return cb(new Error('StatusCode: ' + r.statusCode));
console.log('azure - retrieved user profile.');
// Get the tenant id from the access token
let decodedToken = jwt.decode(accessToken);
let auth0Profile = {
given_name: profile.givenName,
family_name: profile.surname,
email: profile.mail || profile.otherMails[0] || profile.userPrincipalName,
email_verified: true,
name: profile.givenName + ' ' + profile.surname,
tenant_id: decodedToken.tid,
identification_value: decodedToken.tid,
user_principal_name: profile.userPrincipalName,
user_department: profile.department,
user_member: profile.memberOf
cb(null, auth0Profile);
I have added scope (User.Read Directory.Read.All) in Auth0 for the api call.
Can some one let me know why I am not getting memberOf?
If you want to get member groups of the user, along with multiple attributes, the query will not return the expected results.
I tried checking the same query in Microsoft Graph Explorer.
for that, except memberOf, all objects displayed:
For getting memberOf, you have to query separately like below:
So, for the workaround, you can make use of the above query by giving it separately without querying with other attributes.
Also please make sure to add GroupMember.Read.All permissions in the scope as mentioned in this Microsoft Doc.
Please find below links if they are helpful: Ref1, Ref2

How can I send email notifications with Parse and Mandrill?

I am trying to use Mandrill to send an event-based email notification to the users of my web app. I am using Parse with Back4App.
In this tutorial (, the hosting providers suggest using the following method to call the Mandrill cloud code from an Android application:
public class Mandrill extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Parse.initialize(new Parse.Configuration.Builder(this)
.applicationId("your back4app app id”)
.clientKey(“your back4app client key ")
Map < String, String > params = new HashMap < > ();
params.put("text", "Sample mail body");
params.put("subject", "Test Parse Push");
params.put("fromEmail", "");
params.put("fromName", "Source User");
params.put("toEmail", "");
params.put("toName", "Target user");
params.put("replyTo", "");
ParseCloud.callFunctionInBackground("sendMail", params, new FunctionCallback < Object > () {
public void done(Object response, ParseException exc) {
Log.e("cloud code example", "response: " + response);
How can I implement this in JavaScript with the Parse JavaScript SDK?
This is what I've done so far but it won't send an email. I have Mandrill set up, as well as a verified email domain and valid DKIM and SPF.
// Run email Cloud code"sendMail", {
text: "Email Test",
subject: "Email Test",
fromEmail: "",
fromName: "TEST",
toEmail: "",
toName: "test",
replyTo: ""
}).then(function(result) {
// make sure to set the email sent flag on the object
console.log("result :" + JSON.stringify(result));
}, function(error) {
// error
I don't even get a result in the console, so I figure the cloud code is not even executing.
You have to add the Mandrill Email Adapter to the initialisation of your Parse Server, as described on their Github page. Also check the Parse Server Guide for how to initialise or use their example project.
Then set up Cloud Code by following the guide. You'll want to either call a Cloud Code function using your Android app or from any Javascript app, or use beforeSave or afterSave hooks of a Parse Object directly in Cloud Code, which allow you to send Welcome Emails when a user signs up. That could come in handy if you want to implement behaviour based emails based on object updates. Plus, because it is on the server and not the client, it is easier to maintain and scale.
To make the Cloud Code function actually send an email via Mandrill, you need to add some more code to your Cloud Code function. First, add a file with these contents:
var _apiUrl = '';
var _apiKey = process.env.MANDRILL_API_KEY || '';
exports.initialize = function(apiKey) {
_apiKey = apiKey;
exports.sendTemplate = function(request, response) {
request.key = _apiKey;
return Parse.Cloud.httpRequest({
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
url: 'https://' + _apiUrl + '/messages/send-template.json',
body: request,
success: function(httpResponse) {
if (response) {
return Parse.Promise.resolve(httpResponse);
error: function(httpResponse) {
if (response) {
return Parse.Promise.reject(httpResponse);
Require that file in your Cloud Code file, and use it like any other Promise.
var Mandrill = require("./file");
template_name: "TEMPLATE_NAME",
template_content: [{}],
key: process.env.MANDRILL_API_KEY,
message: {
global_merge_vars: [{
content: "YOUR_CONTENT",
subject: "SUBJECT",
from_email: "YOUR#EMAIL.COM",
from_name: "YOUR NAME",
to: [{
important: true
async: false
function success() {
function error(error) {
Make sure you create a template on Mailchimp, right click it and choose "Send to Mandrill", so that you can use that template's name when sending via the API.
It's a bit involved, but once set up, it works like a charm. Good luck!

How to use servicebus topic sessions in azure functionapp using javascript

I have an Azure Functionapp that processes some data and pushes that data into an Azure servicebus topic.
I require sessions to be enabled on my servicebus topic subscription. I cannot seem to find a way to set the session id when using the javascript functionapp API.
Here is a modified extract from my function app:
module.exports = function (context, streamInput) {
context.bindings.outputSbMsg = [];
context.bindings.logMessage = [];
function push(response) {
let message = {
body: CrowdSourceDatum.encode(response).finish()
, customProperties: {
protoType: manifest.Type
, version: manifest.Version
, id: functionId
, rootType: manifest.RootType
, brokerProperties: {
SessionId: "1"
.......... some magic happens here.
But the sessionId does not seem to get set at all. Any idea on how its possible to enable this?
I tested sessionid on my function, I can set the session id property of a message and view it in Service Bus explorer. Here is my sample code.
var connectionString = 'servicebus_connectionstring';
var serviceBusService = azure.createServiceBusService(connectionString);
var message = {
body: '',
messagenumber: 0
SessionId: "1"
message.body= 'This is Message #101';
serviceBusService.sendTopicMessage('testtopic', message, function(error)
if (error)
Here is the test result.
Please make sure you have enabled the portioning and sessions when you created the topic and the subscription.

Structure role-management in meteor-app with alanning:roles

I need some advice for building a correct role schema and management in my meteor-app.
Im using alanning:roles#1.2.13 for adding role management functionallity to the app.
There are four different user-types: Admin, Editor, Expert and User.
Furthermore there are several modules with different content, i.e. Cars, Maths and Images. Every module is organized in an own meteor-package.
In every module there are several categories, which can be added dynamically by editors.
Categories in modules
Module is structured like this:
elementSchema = new SimpleSchema({
element: {type: String, optional: true}
Cars.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({
title: { type: String },
content: { type: String },
category: { type: [elementSchema], optional: true },
As you can see, all available categories are inside of the Collection of the module.
Admin: Complete rights
Editor: Can edit elements in selected moduls (i.e. editor_1 can edit elements in Cars and Images but not for Maths)
Expert: Can get rights to a complete module or just to some categories of a module (i.e.) expert_1 can edit Images, but only the elements in category "Honda" and "Mercedes" in Cars; no editing to Maths)
User: No editing
This is how I do the authentification technically:
var filters = {
authenticate: function () {
var user;
if (Meteor.loggingIn()) {
} else {
user = Meteor.user();
if (!user) {
Router.route('/car/:_id', {
name: 'car',
before: filters.authenticate,
data: function () {
return {
cars: Cars.findOne({ _id: this.params._id })
<template name="car">
{{#if isInRole 'cars'}}
Some form for editing
<h1>Restricted area</h1>
I put this router.js to every package. Only change is the data function which uses the Collection of each package (Cars, Maths, Images).
Update: As 'Eliezer Steinbock' commented it is necessary to restrict acces to the mongoDB itself. But until now I only did that on the routes.
insert: function(userId) {
var loggedInUser = Meteor.user()
if (loggedInUser && Roles.userIsInRole(loggedInUser, ['admin','editor'])) return true;
update: function(userId) {
var loggedInUser = Meteor.user()
if (loggedInUser && Roles.userIsInRole(loggedInUser, ['admin','editor'])) return true;
My problems
1) My first problem is how to use roles and groups. What would be the best way for using groups? And the second problem is, that there are no fixed categories in the modules. Right now I have no idea for a useful role/group schema.
2) How do I check for the roles? As there are different roles which can get access: admin, editor and expert. Also I got the problem with these experts who just get access to defined categories of this module.
3) Wouldn't it be better to make the permission.js more general. I mean, is it possible to make a dynamic function, so I don't have to put everywhere the same code? How do I implement the roles in the permission.js in a useful way?
if the logic for the permissions is the same you could just define it once in permissions.js
App = App || {}; // We are using Namespaces, so you don't have to.. but it's good
App.Permissions = {
insert: function(userId) {
var loggedInUser = Meteor.user()
if (loggedInUser && Roles.userIsInRole(loggedInUser, ['admin','editor'])) return true;
update: function(userId) {
var loggedInUser = Meteor.user()
if (loggedInUser && Roles.userIsInRole(loggedInUser, ['admin','editor'])) return true;
And then you can use it for your Collections:
Cars.allow(App.Permissions); // Or
Define roles somewhere..
// Give user the role "editor" in "cars" group
Roles.addUsersToRoles(someUserId, ['editor'], 'cars');
Roles.addUsersToRoles(someOtherId, ['admin'], 'cars');
Which you can prepare in permissions.js like this:
App = App || {};
App.Permissions = {
insert: function(userId) {...},
update: function(userId) {...},
getPermissionsForGroup: function(group) {
return {
insert: function(userId, doc) {
// Only admin can insert
return Roles.userIsInRole(userId, "admin", group);
update: function(userId, doc, fields, modifier) {
// Editor & Admin can edit
return Roles.userIsInRole(userId, ["editor","admin"], group);
remove: function(userId, doc) {
// Only admin can remove
return Roles.userIsInRole(userId, "admin", group);
In this example admins can insert and update.. and editors can only update, but insert.
Regarding the documentation of alanning:roles you define and use roles like this:
// Super Admin definition..
Roles.addUsersToRoles(superAdminId, ['admin'], Roles.GLOBAL_GROUP);
Roles.addUsersToRoles(joesUserId, ['manage-team','schedule-game'], '')
Roles.addUsersToRoles(joesUserId, ['player','goalie'], '')
Roles.userIsInRole(joesUserId, 'manage-team', '') // => true
Roles.userIsInRole(joesUserId, 'manage-team', '') // => false
Yeah, make sure, that the permission logic will be included before your Collection definition.. obviously :)

