Drawing shapes javascript - javascript

I have a web project that I have to create a virtual screen for example screen for mobile pc, in this screen I want to partition it into zones to subsequently assign displays on these areas, are they javascript libraries that facilitate drawing and recover the dimensions of these areas.
Thank you.

D3 is the best option for doing so, https://d3js.org/
You can learn more about D3 in https://benclinkinbeard.com/d3in5days/ (easy email starter course) since D3 can be used in really complex ways to display data and figures


GUI programming in Clojure/Clojurescript - 'zoomable directed acyclic graphs'

I'm designing a GUI and want to find a library on the JVM or for javascript that I can use with Clojure or Clojurescript.
The problem:
I need to display 'zoomable' directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). A picture is worth 1000 words, so here is what the interface ought to look like, and how the screen changes under 'zooming':
Specifically, every node can have its own internal graph, with the restriction that each inner graph has the same number of inputs and outputs as the node itself.
My experience with graphics is limited in Javascript and nonexistent in Java, but...
My ideas:
Naively draw the whole graph with all 'inner graphs' already inside the nodes, and fade the inner graphs out for text when the zoom level is sufficiently far away. Use click events to change the zoom to and from this level. I don't think this will behave well when there are several nested inner graphs.
Draw the unzoomed graph and zoom into a node when clicked so that its background fills the screen, then overlay the inner graph. For nested inner graphs do the same trick, maintaining a 'background node' and 'inner graph'.
Is option 2 sensible? If so is there a library (ie graphviz) I can modify to achieve this behaviour? If there isn't a library, what framework (ie JavaFX) should I use?
If you don't care about struggling with Java interop syntax, I can highly recommend FXDiagram:
Selected features:
Modern graphics [based on JavaFX]
Suggestive metaphors
Optimized for usability
Multi-touch gestures
Smooth transitions/animations
Animated auto-layout (based on KIELER and Graphviz)
Animated undo/redo
JSON persistence
SVG export
Xtext/Eclipse integration
Graphical context menu
…and much more
It's open source (and active), written in Xtend and easily integrates models expressed in Xtext-based DSLs.

Javascript library or framework for drawing charts on client side

I'm looking for an library, to generate charts on client side.
I found a lot, by searching on web and stackoverflow, like here
or this very good collection:
There are so much alternatives, I'm a bit overwhelmed. Which one can use JSON data, which one is up to date, which one is easy to use (because I'm absolutely new on this topic), which one is robust, works on mobile phone (or not), which project is still alive, etc.
I need different chards, an line chart is mandatory. Also zoom in and zoom out is mandatory.
So I took a closer look on jqplot an flot.
Both providing zoom, but it looks like zooming is more an scaling. Which means: the granularity will not change by zoom in.
Because the graph will have a lot of data/points, i need to consolidate informations before sending them to the client. By zooming in, I need to rise the granularity, so the chart should be able to process new data for the zoomed area. (I hope I've made ​​myself clear.)
Thanks for any kind of attention.
Raphael.js http://raphaeljs.com/
HTML5 Graph http://chrisvalleskey.com/html5-graph/
Google Visualization API: http://code.google.com/apis/chart/interactive/docs/gallery.html
Flot: http://code.google.com/p/flot/
Unfortunately there is no helpful answer, so I like to write down, what i learned the last days for this question.
jqPlot and frot are supporting zooming at an basic level. That means, it's more an scaling.
By looking at the google groups for qjPlot and flot, the support for jqPlot is better (lot's of unanswered questions at the flot group).
jqPlot has an better axis-label-handling by zooming.
jqPlot also provides hooks. By using those hooks, it's seems to be possible to combine zooming and loading new JSON data in order to get an better granularity of the zoomed view.

Pie, bar, line: SVG/VML better than Canvas

I need to choose a library for "standard" charting: pies, lines and bars.
From what I've read, it seems to me that the best format is SVG/VML, like Highcharts for example. SVG is becoming standard across all major browsers, now that IE 9 accepts it. It seems easier to rescale and export than Canvas.
Still, I see that several charting libraries rely on Canvas. Am I missing something? Is there any reason for considering Canvas over SVG for such applications?
You can generally achieve the same results with either. Both end up drawing pixels to the screen for the user. The major differentiators are that HTML5 Canvas gives you pixel-level control over the results (both reading and writing), while SVG is a retained-mode graphics API that makes it very easy to handle events or manipulate the artwork with JavaScript or SMIL Animation and have all redrawing taken care of for you.
In general, I'd suggest using HTML5 Canvas if you:
need pixel-level control over effects (e.g. blurring or blending)
have a very large number of data points that will be presented once (and perhaps panned), but are otherwise static
Use SVG if you:
want complex objects drawn on the screen to be associated with events (e.g. move over a data point to see a tooltip)
want the result to print well at high resolution
need to animate the shapes of various graph parts independently
will be including text in your output that you want to be indexed by search engines
want to use XML and/or XSLT to produce the output
Canvas isn't needed unless you want heavy manipulation/animation or are going to have 10,000+ charts. More on performance analysis here.
It is also important to make the distinction: Charting and diagramming are two different things. Displaying a few bar charts is very different from (for instance) making diagramming flowcharts with 10,000+ movable, link-able, potentially-animated objects.
Every SVG element is a DOM element, and adding 10,000 or 100,000 nodes to the DOM causes incredible slowdown. But adding that many elements to Canvas is entirely doable, and can be quite fast.
In case it may have confused you: RaphaelJS (in my opinion the best charting SVG Library) makes use of the word canvas, but that is no way related to the HTML <canvas> element.
In the past two years, my preference has been to use svg, as I mainly deal with relatively small datasets to build pies, column charts or maps.
However one advantage I have found with canvas is the ability to save the chart as an image thanks to the toDataURL method. I haven't found an equivalent for svg, and it seems that the best way to save an svg chart client side is to convert it to canvas first (using for example canvg).

How to create a multiple linked & directed graph with javascript?

This is my problem: For a school project we are trying to create a directed graph and make it fit in a typical html website. We figured out it had to be written in javascript, because a java applet isn´t an option. So this is how it should look like: image.
The data visualised in the graph will be gathered from some xml files.
We took a look at flare and some other packages, but real thing is making a two-way link between the nodes (where the thickness of the arrow represents importance) in our graph. Making the whole thing moveable is also required.
Any ideas? Thank you.
Have a look at jsPlumb - a not featurerich but easy customizable jQuery Plugin for directed graphs

Timeline Charts like Github.com

Has anyone seen an open-source library that produces charts similar to Github.com's commit timeline charts? Check out this profile (picked one at random) and note the bar graphs below each project.
I've been trying to dominate Flot into behaving correctly but it just doesn't have the flexibility of formatting options to come up with a decent clone. Personally, I'd prefer a Javascript implementation but I'm open to looking at server-side stuff as well.
Definitely has to be a stand-alone implementation, the application is headed to a network separated from the Internet, so Google Charts API is out of the question.
I'd suggest using jQuery Sparklines. You'll need to create two separate graphs and position them on top of one another (one for the blue bars, another for the gray bars). You'll also need to make the dotted line/legend an image, but github also uses an image for that.
Here are some decent values to get you started:
EDIT: I originally overlapped two separate sparklines with relative positioning, but it would be better to use the "composite" option to draw two graphs on the same canvas.

