location.href works like browser back button click in angularJS - javascript

I am working with a big application, in that most of the pages are already build and the current architecture use location.href for changing the url. We are using angularJS and I know it is not the right way to do routing in angularJS but changing everywhere will be a headache.
The issue is I have a requirement that to show a dynamic breadcrumb in each page, and it should show the correct breadcrumb path when a user click on browser back button. I have created a history array for the same and when ever a browser back button click event happens I will remove one item from array and push last item to breadcrumb. Everything works fine with links as url, but logic fails when the redirection is happens inside a function like below
This below code is treated as a browser back button click by code. Below is my back button detecting code .
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function() {
$rootScope.actualLocation = $location.path();
$rootScope.$watch(function () {return $location.path()}, function (newLocation, oldLocation) {
if($rootScope.actualLocation === newLocation) {
I can use a rootScope variable for condition check before each redirection code , but it is not a proper solution because the redirection code is there in more than 500 places in the application.
So is there anyway to detect whether the call is coming from a browser back button or from some location.href ??


Click back button twice to go back in history

I have a single page application and would like to navigate through the history using browser back and forward button. I am facing an issue when i click the back button once it does not navigate to the previous page but stays on the current page. Then when i click the browser back again it takes me to the previous page. I have tried out the following.
class PageModule {
constructor() {
handleHistory(popStateEventFired = false){
When i issue a search i add the search param as a query param in the url ?question=testsearch and call the method handleHistory(). I have checked other answers to similar problem but they dont seem to help.
I have to do this using vanilla javascript or knockoutjs as we maintain HTML bindings using knockoutjs but am not able to achieve this properly.
Any help is appreciated

How can I warn user on back button click?

I want to warn users if they leave create-template page. I mean whether they go to another page or to templates.
I use this code to warn users on a page reload and route changes should the form be dirty.
function preventPageReload() {
var warningMessage = 'Changes you made may not be saved';
if (ctrl.templateForm.$dirty && !confirm(warningMessage)) {
return false
$transitions.onStart({}, preventPageReload);
window.onbeforeunload = preventPageReload
It works as expected on a page reload and route changes if it is done by clicking on the menu or if you manually change it. However, when I click the back button, it does not fire the warning. only it does if I click the back button for the second time, reload the page, or change route manually.
I am using ui-router. When you click back button, you go from app.templates.create-template state to app.templates state.
How to warn if they press Back button?
First of all, you are using it wrong:
from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowEventHandlers/onbeforeunload:
Note: To combat unwanted pop-ups, some browsers don't display prompts
created in beforeunload event handlers unless the page has been interacted
with; some don't display them at all. For a list of specific browsers, see the
Browser_compatibility section.
window.onbeforeunload = funcRef
funcRef is a reference to a function or a function expression.
The function should assign a string value to the returnValue property of the Event object and return the same string.
You cannot open any dialogs in onbeforeunload.
Because you don't need a confirm dialog with onbeforeunload. The browser will do that for you if the function returns a value other than null or undefined when you try to leave the page.
Now, as long as you are on the same page, onbeforeunload will not fire because technically you are still on the same page. In that case, you will need some function that fires before the state change where you can put your confirm dialog.
How you do that depends on the router that you are using. I am using ui-router in my current project and I have that check in the uiCanExit function.
You can keep your preventPageReload for state changes in angular. But you need a different function for when the user enters a new address or tries to leave the page via link etc.
window.onbeforeunload = function(e) {
if (ctrl.templateForm.$dirty) {
// note that most broswer will not display this message, but a builtin one instead
var message = 'You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to leave the site?';
e.returnValue = message;
return message;
However, you can use this as below:(using $transitions)
$transitions.onBefore({}, function(transition) {
return confirm("Are you sure you want to leave this page?");
Use $transitions.onBefore insteadof $transitions.onStart.
Hope this may help you. I haven't tested the solutions. This one also can help you.

Click on button after page reload

I have some links on the page and when user click on link, page is reloaded.
All links have some ID and all have the one same class.
I need to click on some other link after page is reloaded, but only if user click on some of the link with particular class (not anywhere, like menu link).
How I can do something like this using JS or jQuery?
It sounds like you are attempting to build a single page application, ie the application is mostly run by JavaScript instead of server side rendering. In this case page reloads are you enemy. A page reload is basically a restart of your page, and while you can keep state using cookies or localStorage, this will provide you with a rather poor user experience.
In this case, you would just add event handlers to any actions your user would take, and simply handle them in javascript without reloading the page from the server. If you need to get more data in response to the user's actions, you can use AJAX to pull that data from the server.
If you have to use links with urls (still unclear to me why that would be necessary), I would recommend using hash urls like so '#some-action' which will not reload the page when clicked. You can then attach an event handler to the link, or even listen for the url hash to change using the hashchange event. In this way you can know what link the user pressed.
If you are not trying to build a single page application, you will need to add code on the server to store the information you need in the page.
I did it.
So, I created function:
* Click on delivery link after page reload
* #return {boolean} [loacalStorage is available]
$.fn.openDelivery = function(){
if (localStorage) {
var addedToCart = localStorage["addCart"];
if (addedToCart) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1500);
$(this).click(function(e) {
localStorage["addCart"] = true;
return true;
return false;
And then called that function:
$(document).ready(function () {
// Trigger delivery click
In my case, page reloads after user add some item in shopping cart. With this function I click on link (with 1.5s delay) that opens cart of the user that is shown on the right side of the screen.

framework 7 on click not working while navigation

I have used framework built-in formToJSON() to get the form values. I have used click event to console the value.
$$("#query-submit").on("click", function () {
var queryForm = app.formToJSON("#query-form");
It works fine when page loads first time. But if I changed navigation to other page and return back to first page.
On debug, I found click event is not working when I went back to form page.
Also found this warning in console.
What is wrong here.
Note All pages were loaded via AJAX
Try this:
$$(document).on('click', '#query-submit', function(){
// your code

Prevent user to navigate away with unsaved changes

I'm currently using Backbone.Marionette to create a SPA and in one of the views it is possible for the user to navigate away with unsaved changes. I can control some of these events, like buttons and menu options within the view that would take the user away, but some others would require to manipulate either Backbone.Router or work with the DOM events directly.
I already tried listening to beforeunload (doesn't work as the application is still loaded) and hashchange (doesn't work as you cannot stop the browser from navigating away). These solutions (1, 2, 3) don't work in this case, the Javascript is never unloaded.
Changing the Backbone.Router seems to be the best option, but because of how it is initialized I don't think it is possible to introduce this feature or at least I cannot find a way of doing it. This solution, for example, doesn't work because hashchange is not cancelable (you cannot call stopPropagation on it), and this other solution doesn't work because navigate is not defined on the Backbone.Router object.
Any suggestions?
I've managed to find a solution to this, although some more work is required. For this solution, I am assuming that you keep track when a view is dirty.
There are 4 main ways of moving out of a view;
Click on a link on the view
Click on link outside the view
Click on refresh or external link
Click on back/forward on the browser
1. Application link
This is the easiest case. When you click on your own link, you have to check if your view is dirty. For example, I have an in-app back button that is handled by a historyBack function. On the view:
historyBack: function() {
if (this.isDirty) {
answer = confirm("There are unsaved changes.\n\nDo you wish to continue?")
if (answer) {
this.isDirty = false
else {
2. Links outside your view
This type of interaction can be handled by extending the Router prototype's execute method, not the navigate method as proposed in other places.
There should be a variable somewhere accessible by the Router that stores the state of the view. In my case, I'm using the Router itself and I update this variable every time I change the dirty flag on the view.
The code should look something like this:
_.extend(Backbone.Router.prototype, {
execute: function (callback, args, name) {
if (Backbone.Router.isDirty) {
answer = confirm "There are unsaved changes.\n\nDo you wish to continue?";
if (!answer) {
return false;
Backbone.Router.isDirty = false
if (callback) callback.apply(this, args)
3. Refresh or external link
Refresh and external links actually unload your Javascript so here the solutions based on beforeunload (see question) actually work. Wherever you manage your view, I use a controller but let's assume it's on the same view, you add a listener on show and remove it on destroy:
onShow: function() {
$(window).bind("beforeunload", function (e) {
if (this.isDirty) {
return "There are unsaved changes.";
onDestroy: function() {
4. Back/Forward on the browser
This is the trickiest case and the one I haven't figured out completely yet. When hitting back/forward, the user can navigate out of the app or within the app, both cases are covered by the code on 1 and 3, but there is an issue I can't figure out and I will create another question for it.
When hitting back/forward, the browser changes the address bar before calling the router so you end up with an inconsistent state: The address bar shows a different route to the application state. This is a big issue, if the user clicks again on the back button, after saving or discarding the changes, she will be taken to another route, not the previous one.
Everything else works fine, it shows a pop up asking the user if she wants to leave or continue and doesn't reload the view if the user chooses to stay.

