is it conflicting for multiple users on one backend server websockets - javascript

I'm planning on building some backend logic on a server for personal use. Its connected to a websocket from another server and I've set code to handle data from that socket. I'm still fairly new to using websockets so the whole concept is still a little foreign to me.
If I allowed more users to use that backend and the websocket has specific logic running wouldn't it be conflicted by multiple users? Or would each user have their own instance of the script running?
Does it make any sense of what I'm trying to ask?

If I allowed more users to use that backend and the websocket has specific logic running wouldn't it be conflicted by multiple users? Or would each user have their own instance of the script running?
In node.js, there is only one copy of the script running (unless you use something like clustering to run a copy of the script for each core, which it does not sound like you are asking about). So, if you have multiple webSocket connections to the same server, they will all be running in the same server code with the same variables, etc... This is how node.js works. One running Javascript engine and one code base serves many connections.
node.js is an event-driven system so it will serve an incoming event from one webSocket, then return control back to the Javascript system and serve the next event in the event queue and so on. Whenever a request handler calls some asynchronous operation and waits for a response, that is an opportunity for another event to be pulled from the incoming event queue and another request handler can run. In this way, multiple requests handlers can be interleaved with all making progress toward completion, even though there is only one single thread of Javascript running.
What this architecture generally means is that you never want to put request-specific state in the global or module scope because those scopes are shared by all request handlers. Instead, the state should be in the request-specific scope or in a session that is bound to that particular user.
Is it conflicting for multiple users on one backend server websockets
No, it will not conflict if you write your server code properly. Yes, it will conflict if you write your server code wrongly.


Managing multiple long-running tasks concurrently in JS (Node.js)

Golang developer here, trying to learn JS (Node.js).
I'm used to working with goroutines in Go, which for the sake of simplicity let's assume are just threads (actually they're not exactly threads, more like Green Threads, but bear with me!).
Imagine now that I want to create some kind of service that can run some endlessTask which, for example, could be a function that receives data from a websocket and keeps an internal state updated, which can be queried later on. Now, I want to be able to serve multiple users at the same time and each of them can also stop their specific ongoing task at some point. In Go, I could just spawn a goroutine for my endlessTask, store some kind of session in the request dispatcher to keep track to which user each task belongs.
How can I implement something like this in JS? I looked through Node.js API documentation and I found some interesting things:
Cluster: doesn't seem to be exactly what I'm looking for
Child processes: could work, but I'd be spawning 1 process per client/user and the overhead would be huge I think
Worker threads: that's more like it, but the documentation states that they "are useful for performing CPU-intensive JavaScript operations" and "Node.js built-in asynchronous I/O operations are more efficient than Workers can be"
I'm not sure how I could handle this scenario without multi-threading or multi-processing. Would the worker threads solution be viable in this case?
Any input or suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks!
Imagine now that I want to create some kind of service that can run some endlessTask which, for example, could be a function that receives data from a websocket and keeps an internal state updated
So, rather than threads, you need to be thinking in terms of events and event handlers since that's the core of the nodejs architecture, particularly for I/O. So, if you want to be able to read incoming webSocket data and update some internal state when it arrives, all you do is set up an event handler for the incoming webSocket data. That event handler will then get called any time there's data waiting to be read and the interpreter is back to the event loop.
You don't have to create any thread structure for that or any type of loop or anything like that. Just add the right event handler and let it call you when there's incoming data available.
Now, I want to be able to serve multiple users at the same time and each of them can also stop their specific ongoing task at some point.
Just add an event listener to each webSocket and your nodejs server will easily serve multiple users. When the user disconnects their webSocket, the listener automatically goes away with it. There's nothing else to do or cleanup in that regard unless you want to update the internal state, in which case you can also listen for the disconnect event.
In Go, I could just spawn a goroutine for my endlessTask, store some kind of session in the request dispatcher to keep track to which user each task belongs.
I don't know goroutines but there are lots of options for storing the user state. If it's just info that you need to be able to get to when you already have the webSocket and don't need it to persist beyond that, then you can just add the state directly to the webSocket object. That object will be available anytime you get a webSocket event so you can always have it there to update when there's incoming data. You can also put the state other places (a database, Map object that's indexed by socket or by username of by whatever you need to be able to look it up by) - it really depends what exactly the state is.
I'm not sure how I could handle this scenario without multi-threading or multi-processing. Would the worker threads solution be viable in this case?
What you have described doesn't sound like anything that would require clustering, child processes or worker threads unless something you're doing with the data is CPU intensive. Just using event listeners for incoming data on each webSocket will let nodejs' very efficient and asynchronous I/O handling kick into gear. This is one of the things it is best at.
Keep in mind that I/O in nodejs may be a little inside-out from one what you're used to. You don't create a blocking read loop waiting for incoming data on the webSocket. Instead, you just set up an event listener for incoming data and it will call you when incoming data is available.
The time you would involve clustering, child processes or Worker Threads are when you have more CPU processing in your Javascript to process the incoming data than a single core can handle. I would only go there if/when you've proven you have a scalability issue with the CPU usage in your nodejs server. Then, you'd want to pursue an archicture that adds just a few other processes or threads to share the load (not one per connection). If you have specific CPU heavy processes (custom encryption or compresssion are classic examples), then it you may help to create a few other processes or Worker Threads that just handle a work queue for the CPU-heavy work. Or if it's just increasing the overall CPU cycles available to process incoming data, then you would probably go to clustering and just let each incoming webSocket get assigned to a cluster and still use the same event handling logic previously described, but now you have the webSockets split across several processes so you have more CPU to throw at them.

Nginx and Node.js server - multiple tasks

I have a few questions about the combination of Nginx and Nodejs.
I've used Nodejs to create my server and now I'm facing with an issue about catching the server for an actions (writing, removing and etc..).
We are using Redis to lock the server when there are requests to the server, for example if a new user is doing a sign up action all the rest of the requests are waiting until the process is done, or if there is another process (longer one) all the other requests will wait longer.
We thought about creating a Load balancer (using Nginx) that will check if the server is locked, and if the server is locked it will open a new task and won't wait until the first process is done.
I used this tutorial and created a dummy server, then I've struggled with the idea of do this functionality of opening a new ports.
I'm new with load balancing implementation and I will be happy to hear your thoughts and help.
Thank you.
The gist of it is that your server needs to not crash if more than one connection attempt are made to it. Even if you use NGINX as a load balancer and have five different instances of your server running...what happens when six clients try to access your app at once?
I think you are thinking about load balancers slightly wrong. There are different load balancing methods, but the simplest one to think about is "round robin" in which each connection gets forwarded to the next server in the list (the rest are just more robust and complicated versions of this one). When there are no more servers to forward to, the next connection gets forwarded to the first server again (whether or not it is done with its last connection) and the circle starts over. Thus, load balancers aren't supposed to manage "unique connections" from clients...they are supposed to distribute connections among servers.
Your server doesn't necessarily need to accept connections and handle them all at once. But it needs to at least allow connections to queue up without crashing, and then accept and deal with each one by one.
You can go the route you are discussing. That is, you can fire up a unique instance of your server...via Heroku or other...for every single connection that is made to your app. But this is not efficient and will ultimately create more work for you in trying to architect a system that can do that well. Why not just fix your server?

Node.js chat without Socket.IO

I just started learning Node.js and as I was learning about the fs.watchFile() method, I was wondering if a chat website could be efficiently built with it (and fs.writeFile()), against for example Socket.IO which is stable, but I believe not 100% stable (several fallbacks, including flash).
Using fs.watchFile could perhaps also be used to keep histories of the chats quite simply (as JSON would be used on the spot).
The chat files could be formatted in JSON in such a way that only the last chatter's message is brought up to the DOM (or whatever to make it efficient to 'fetch' messages when the file gets updated).
I haven't tried it yet as I still need to learn more about Node, and even more to be able to compare it with Socket.IO, but what's your opinion about it? Could it be an efficient/stable way of doing chats?
fs.watchFile() can be used to watch changes to the file in the local filesystem (on the server). This will not solve your need to update all clients chat messages in their browsers. You'll still need web sockets, AJAX or Flash for that (or, which handles all of those).
What you could typically do in the client is to try to use Web Sockets. If browser does not support them, try to use XMLHttpRequest. If that fails, fallback to Flash. It's a lot of programming to do, and it has to be handled by node.js server as well. does that for you.
Also, is pretty stable. Fallback to Flash is not due to it's instability but due to lack of browser support for better solutions (like Web Sockets).
Storing chat files in flatfile JSON is not a good idea, because if you are going to manipulating the files, you would have to parse and serialize entire JSON objects, which would become very slow as the size of the JSON object increased. The watch methods for the filesystem module also don't work on all operating systems.
You also can't compare Node.js to Socket.IO because they are entirely different things. Socket.IO is a Node module for realtime transport between the browser and the server. What you need is dependent on what you're doing. If you need chat history, then you should be using a database such as MongoDB or MySQL. Watching files for changes is not an efficient way and you should just send messages as they received.
In conclusion no, using fs.watchFile() and fs.writeFile() is a very bad idea, because race conditions would occur due to concurrent file writes, besides that fs.watchFile() uses polling to check if a file has changed. You should instead use Socket.IO and push messages to other clients / store them in a database as they are received.
You can use long pooling method using javascript setTimeout and setInterval
long pooling
basically long pooling working on Ajax reqest and server responce time.
server will respond after a certain time (like after 50 seconds ) if there is not notification or message else it will respond with data and from client side when client gets response client javascript makes another request for new update and wait till response this process is endless until server is running

Moving node.js server javascript processing to the client

I'd like some opinions on the practical implications of moving processing that would traditionally be done on the server to be handled instead by the client in a node.js web app.
Example case study:
The user uploads a CSV file containing a years worth of their bank statement entries. We want to parse the file, categorise each entry and calculate cumulative values for each category so that we can store the newly categorised statement in a db and display spending analysis to the user.
The entries are categorised by matching strings in the descriptions. There are many categories and many entries and it takes a fair amount of time to process.
In our node.js server, we can happily free up the event loop whilst waiting for network responses and so on, but if there is any data crunching or similar processing, the server will be blocked from responding to requests, and this seems unavoidable.
Traditionally, the CSV file would be passed to the server, the server would process, save in db, and send back the output of the processing.
It seems to make sense in our single threaded node.js server that this processing is handled by the browser, and the output displayed and sent to server to be stored. Of course the client will have to wait while this is done, but their processing will not be preventing the server from responding to requests from other clients.
I'm interested to see if anyone has had experience build apps using this model.
So, the question is.. are there any issues in getting browsers rather than the server to handle, wherever possible, any processing that will block the event loop? Is this a good/sensible/viable approach to node.js application development?
I don't think trusting client processed data is a good idea.
Instead you should look into creating a work queue that a separate process listens on, separating the CPU intensive tasks from your node.js process handling HTTP requests.
My proposed data flow would be:
HTTP upload request
App server (save raw file somewhere the worker process can access)
Notification to 'csv' work queue
Worker processes uploaded csv file.
Although perfectly possible, simply shifting the processing to the client machine does not solve the basic problem.
Now the client's event loop is blocked, preventing the user from interacting with the browser. Browsers tend to detect this problem and stop execution of the page's script altogether. Something your users will certainly hate.
There is no way around either delegating or splitting up the work-load.
Using a second process (for example a 2nd node instance) for doing the number crunching server-side has the added benefit of allowing the operating system to use a 2nd CPU core. Ideally you run as many Node instances as you have CPU cores in the server and balance your work-load between them. Have a look at the diode module for some inspiration on how to implement multi-process communication in node.

Using Node.js to track XMLHTTPRequests

I've just started learning Node.js and was very interested in its real-time capabilities, especially with Since then, I've written a very basic script to connect to Twitter's streaming server and broadcast tweets to all connected clients.
To build that, I used http.createClient to connect to and added in the relevant response and data event handlers. Everything works quite well.
Obviously, Twitter's Streaming API pretty much outputs an infinitely loading webpage and what why using a data event handler works fairly well with it. However, is it possible to make other types of websites 'streamable'?
For example, if a client (browser) updates a website periodically using an XMLHTTPRequest, would it be possible to track the output of those requests using the HTTP API of Node.js? Or similar Node.js extension?
websites do not periodically use XMLHTTPRequest. Clients periodically send XMLHTTPRequests to an URL.
A simple call to http.request(options, callback) with the correct headers should emulate XHR's. Most of these servers will also accept normal POST or GET requests.
If you want node.js to connect to a server and simulate a browser then something like zombie would serve you well. It claims to support XMLHTTPRequest.
The best case for you would be to use web-sockets between your dashboard and node server. This way node will be notified immediately that something has updated at your dashboard ( I am assuming that you can modify your dashboard a bit to accept such connections, won't be difficult as long as you have access).
Then you can use long polling at client-end i.e. send a request to the node server and wait. Node will receive the request and then register an event to it. The moment it receives the updates from dashboard, it'll fire the event which will send the response to all the clients one by one waiting.
I would recommend take a look at . It does something similar but the functionality is ofcourse different.

