Mongoose fetching data, setting in a list (undefined) - javascript

I am trying to fetch all messages of two users from MongoDB using a custom function. I am not able to set list. I have no idea how to use callback here.
fetchall = function(chatuser, me) {
var allmessage = [] ;
var promise = this.model.find({},function(err, docs) {
if (err) { return console.error(err);
console.log(docs); //working
// doSomethingElse(docs);
allmessage = JSON.stringify(docs);
return allmessage;
// promise.then(doSomethingElse(cc));
console.log('all',allmessage); // undefined
return allmessage;

here is Example
fetchall = function(chatuser, me, cb) {
var allmessage = [];
var promise = this.model.find({}, function(err, docs) {
if (err) {
// here cb is callback
return cb(err)
} else {
console.log(docs); //working
if (Array.isArray(docs) && docs.length > 0) {
// do it here
cb(null, docs)
} else {
// throw error here
// no result found like


Use async await inside mapping function

In my Node Express App, I want to get all comments for a lesson and modify each comment by adding a fullname field to each comment. For getting full name of a user, I have defined findFullNameByUserId function in UserController.js. I use findAllCommentsByLessonId() in CourseController.js as follows. However, when I'm using it, I always get an empty array. How can I use findFullNameByUserId in findAllCommentsByLessonId() so that fullname field can be added to each comment object?
findAllCommentsByLessonId: async (courseId,lessonId,callback) => {
Course.find({_id: courseId}, function(err, course) {
if (err) {
callback(err, null);
} else {
const lesson = course[0].lessons.filter(l => l._id !== lessonId)
const comments = lesson[0] async c => {
const name = await UserController.findFullNameById(c.user)
return (
userId: c.user,
name: name,
content: c.content
// console.log(comments) --> This always prints [{}]
callback(null, comments)
module.exports = {
findFullNameById: async (userId) => {
await User.find({_id: userId}, function(err, user) {
if (err) {
} else {
return user[0].name+" "+( user[0].lname ? user[0].lname : "")
in CourseController.js either you can use async-await or you can use callback
async-await way :
findAllCommentsByLessonId: async (courseId,lessonId) => {
let course = await Course.findOne({_id: courseId});
if (course){
let lesson = course.lessons.find(l => l._id == lessonId);
let comments = [];
for(let comment of lesson.comments){
let name = await UserController.findFullNameById(comment.user);
comments.push({userId: comment.user,name: name,content: comment.content});
return comments;
return [];
callback way :
findAllCommentsByLessonId: (courseId,lessonId,callback) => {
Course.findOne({_id: courseId},function(err, course) {
if (err) {
callback(err, null);
} else {
let lesson = course.lessons.find(l => l._id == lessonId);
let comments = lesson.comments;>{
return {userId: comment.user,name: name,content: comment.content};
callback(null, comments);
Start by dropping callbacks and actually using promises for await. You haven't specified what find is, but chances are it's a modern library supporting promises. So write
async function findAllCommentsByLessonId(courseId, lessonId) {
const [course] = Course.find({_id: courseId};
const lesson = course.lessons.find(l => l._id !== lessonId);
const comments = c => {
const name = await UserController.findFullNameById(c.user)
return {
userId: c.user,
content: c.content
module.exports.findFullNameById = async (userId) => {
const [user] = await User.find({_id: userId});
return + " " + (user.lname ? user.lname : "");
Then you'll notice that comments is not an array of users, but rather an array of promises for users, so wrap it in a await Promise.all(…) call.
As #SuleymanSah commented, I tried to use .populate and it worked well. I think this is the correct approach as for the exact reasons he's pointed out. The following is how I did it:
Lesson.findOne({ _id: lessonId }).
exec(function(err, lesson) {
if (err) {
return callback(err, null);
if (!lesson) {
console.log("No record found");
return callback(err, null);
return callback(null, lesson.comments);

Failing test - Mocha's done() called multiple times

I've tried looking at topics with a similar error but could not fit those solutions into the context of my issue.
When I try to run the the following test (function included that is tested):
function myFunc(next, obj) {
const pairs = {};
obj.listing.forEach((element) => {
if (element.x in pairs && pairs[element.x] !== element.y) {
const err = new Error('This was not ok');
} else {
pairs[element.x] = element.y;
it('should fail as 9 has been changed to 5 in the second object of the listing', function (done) {
const callback = (err) => {
if (err && err instanceof Error && err.message === 'This was not ok') {
// test passed, called with an Error arg
} else {
// force fail the test, the `err` is not what we expect it to be
done(new Error('Assertion failed'));
myFunc(callback, {
"listing": [
{ "x": 5, "y": 9 },
{ "x": 5, "y": 11 }
I get this error:
What is the cause of this and how can I fix it?
You need to add a return in the if block of your myFunc so that the callback function next is called only once and indeed the done() callback in the main test case:
function myFunc(next, obj) {
const pairs = {};
obj.listing.forEach((element) => {
if (element.x in pairs && pairs[element.x] !== element.y) {
const err = new Error('This was not ok');
return next(err);
} else {
pairs[element.x] = element.y;
#Ankif Agarwal's solution was not the correct one but it did point me in the right direction.
The forEach() method is not short circuited and therefor makes a call to next() more than once (Short circuit Array.forEach like calling break).
I was able to solve this in one of two way's.
By extracting the call to next() from the forEach() logic:
function myFunc(next, obj) {
const pairs = {};
let err = null;
obj.listing.forEach((element) => {
if (element.x in pairs && pairs[element.x] !== element.y) {
err = new Error('This was not ok');
} else {
pairs[element.x] = element.y;
if (err !== null) {
} else {
However this still makes the forEach() run through all element. If possible it seems better to short circuit it and break out of it soon as a violation occurs that sets the error, like so:
function myFunc(next, obj) {
const pairs = {};
const BreakException = {};
let err = null;
try {
obj.listing.forEach((element) => {
if (element.x in pairs && pairs[element.x] !== element.y) {
err = new Error('This was not ok');
throw BreakException;
} else {
pairs[element.x] = element.y;
} catch (e) {
if (e !== BreakException) throw e;
Hopefully someone can use this in the future.

Iterating through list and make sequential network calls

How do i iterate through a list and make sequential network calls using a sdk?
I am trying to use Coinbase's Node sdk and get the first 10 transactions for all accounts.
I have a list of accounts, and i iterating through them and calling client.account, client.transactions, and client.transactions(pagination). And im adding the results to an array of transactions and returning that array.
I couldn't get this to work with async/await or request-promises.
Any ideas?
var rp = require('request-promise');
var coinbase = require('coinbase');
var client = new coinbase.Client({ 'apiKey': 'keyStuff', 'apiSecret': 'secretStuff' });
var accountList = ['acct1','acct2','acct3',];
var transactionList = [];
try {
let ps = [];
accountList.forEach(acctId => {
var account = client.getAccount(accountId, null);
.then(responses => {
for (var i = 0; i < responses.length; i++) {
var result = responses[i];
.then(res => {
res.pagination = 10;
return rp(result.account.getTransactions(null, res.pagination));
}).catch(err => console.log(err))
.then(txns => {
try {
if (txns.length > 0) {
txns.forEach(function(txn) {
var transaction = {
"trade_type": "",
"price": ""
transaction.trade_type = txn.type;
transaction.price = txn.native_amount.amount;
catch (err) {
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
return transactionList;
// if (accountList.length > 0) {
// for (let acctId of accountList) {
// console.log("account id: " + acctId);
// await delayTransactions(acctId);
// }
// console.log("got here last");
// return transactionList;
// }
catch (error) {
The commented-out delay method has nested async calls like this:
await client.getAccount(accountId, async function(err, account) {
if (err) {
else {
await account.getTransactions(null, async function(err, txns, pagination) {
Solved it by using async/await and promises. awaiting the coinbase methods wouldn't work because they aren't async functions (surprise!).
function delayedMethod() {
new Promise(resolve => {
client.getAccount(accountId, async function(err, account) {
if (err) {
else {
account.getTransactions(null, async function(err, txns, pagination) {

How to Send response after for each loop completed

Response.json should execute after foreach loop completes its execution
var todoarr = ( ? : undefined
todoarr.forEach(function(element) {
if(element.done == true) {
TodoService.removeTodo(element, function(success) {
You can try to use async.js .
each method
Or you can try use Promise.all.
For example:
let promiseArr = [];
todoarr.forEach(function(element) {
if(element.done == true) {
//now execute promise all
.then((result) => res.send("success"))
.catch((err) => res.send(err));
More info here.
Some promise example:
function somePromiseMethod(element) {
return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
TodoService.removeTodo(element, function(success) {
Hope this helps.
You can't send multiple responses on single request, the only thing you can do it's a single response with the array of results:
es with async:
const async = require('async')
// FIX ME: this isn't correctly handled!
const todoarr = ( ? : undefined
let results = []
async.each(todoarr, function(element, callback) {
console.log('Processing todo ' + element)
if(element.done == true) {
TodoService.removeTodo(element, function(err, success) {
} else {
callback(null, success)
}, function(err) {
if(err) {
console.log('A element failed to process', err)
} else {
console.log('All elements have been processed successfully')
// array with the results of each removeTodo job
You can send the response inside the callback function of forEach.
Modify your function so that it will call res.json() on the last iteration only.
var todoarr = ( ? : undefined
todoarr.forEach(function(element,index) {
if(element.done == true) {
TodoService.removeTodo(element, function(success) {
However, it may not be according to coding standards but it can definitely solve the problem.

Collect asynchronous and synchronous data in loop

var data = [10,21,33,40,50,69];
var i = 0;
var dataSeq = [];
if(data[i]%2 == 0){
store.findOne({'visibility': true},function(err, data){
console.log(dataSeq) // Should Print [1,2,3,4,5]
return res.status(200).send({ message: 'Task Completed'})
I want to collect data as per loop excecutes.
I am aware about how to handle async calls in nodejs. But I want the callbacks in sequence.
e.g. Though there is a async call in if condition i want to hault the loop, so that I can push value of i in dataSeq and it will result in [1,2,3,4,5] array. I want that sequence because my post operations are dependent on that sequence.
I think asyncjs#eachSeries has what you need.
Your code would become something like this:
async.each(data, (item, callback) => {
if(item%2 == 0){
store.findOne({'visibility': true},function(err, data){
}, (err) => {
// if any of the callbacks produced an error, err would equal that error
You can use something like async#eachOf
var async = require('async');
var data = [10,21,33,40,50,69];
var dataSeq = [];
async.eachOf(data, function(value, key, cb) {
if (value % 2 == 0) {
store.findOne({ 'visibility': true })
.then(function(doc) {
.catch(function(err) {
return cb(err);
} else {
}, function(err) {
if (err) {
return res.status(500).send(); # handle the error as you want
return res.status(200).send({ message: 'Task Completed'})

