Executing a Php Mysql function from Onclick NO POST - javascript

I have a php Mysql interaction and i wish to trigger the Mysql Search through an ONCLICK event.
iv thought about using a JS function or JQ and parsing the ID of selected through JS function but then im unsure as how i would re-execute the php to re-search the database with the new JS Veriable...
The code below is accurate and is what im working with...
How would i re execute the php with the new ID.. Much appreciated..
<div class="contentheader">
<header> Welcome Please Choose a Catagory</strong></header>
<div id='smallpagination' class='smallpagination'>
//search according to chosen search critera NOT LIMITED//
$startit = 0;
$startfrom = rand(0, 20);
$displayto = $startfrom + 10;
$search = "";
$startedfrom = $startfrom;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM testdata
WHERE title LIKE '%%$search%%'
LIMIT $startfrom , $displayto";
// check how many results //
$result = $conn->query($sql);
$row_cnt = $result->num_rows;
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$videos = $row['videos'];
$v_id = $row['id']; //<!---important is Video ID and needed for video click selection---->
$id = $row['id'];
$Name = $row['Name'];
if (empty($Name)) {
$Name = 'Annonymous';
$image = $row['image'];
$info = $row['info'];
if (empty($info)) {
$info = 'Contact Listee (if Provided) , No Item Information Given';
$phone = $row['phone'];
if (empty($phone)) {
$phone = 'See Listing';
$title = $row['title'];
$locate = $row['locate'];
if (empty($locate)) {
$locate = 'Not Provided';
$postcoded = $row['postcode'];
if (empty($postcoded)) {
$postcoded = '???';
$price = $row['price'];
if (empty($price)) {
$price = '?';
if ($price == '0') {
$price = '?';
$date = $row['stamp'];
if (empty($date)) {
$date = '';
if ($startit < 1) {
$gotid = $row['id'];
$startit = $startit + 1;
$vidd = $row['id'] - 0.01;
$pidd = $row['id'] - 0.02;
$type = $row['type'];
$showinglocate = $row['id'] - 0.03;
$showingphone = $row['id'] - 0.04;
$displaytype = "minlist";
//Thumbnails sized listings
if ($displaytype == "minlist") {
echo "
<div class='floaterminhomepage'>
<div class='innerfloaterminhomepage' >";
if (!empty($videos)) {
echo "
<video id='$v_id' style='position:absolute; top:0%; left:0%; width:100%; height:100%; background-size: cover; object-fit:fill;' preload='metadata' onclick='showdata({$v_id});'>
<source src='vid/{$row['videos']}.mp4' type='video/mp4'>
<source src='vid/{$row['videos']}.mp4' type='video/ogg'>
<source src='vid/{$row['videos']}.mp4' type='video/webm'>
</video >";
if (empty($videos)) {
echo "<img id='$vidd' src='pageimages/blank.png' style='position:absolute; top:0%; left:0%; width:100%; height:100%;'>";
echo "
</div> <!---smallpagination--->
------ > SHOWDATA
HERE < -----
Then re-execute the folling php
$displayto = $startfrom;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM testdata
WHERE id={$gotid};
// check how many results //
$result = $conn->query($sql);
$row_cnt = $result->num_rows;
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$videos = $row['videos'];
$v_id = $row['id']; //<!---important is Video ID and needed for video click selection---->
$Name = $row['Name'];
if (empty($Name)) {
$Name = 'Annonymous';
$image = $row['image'];
$info = $row['info'];
if (empty($info)) {
$info = 'Contact Listee (if Provided) , No Item Information Given';
$phone = $row['phone'];
if (empty($phone)) {
$phone = 'See Listing';
$title = $row['title'];
$locate = $row['locate'];
if (empty($locate)) {
$locate = 'Not Provided';
$postcoded = $row['postcode'];
if (empty($postcoded)) {
$postcoded = '???';
$price = $row['price'];
if (empty($price)) {
$price = '?';
if ($price == '0') {
$price = '?';
$date = $row['stamp'];
if (empty($date)) {
$date = '';
$type = $row['type'];
echo "<div id='smallpagdata' class='smallpagdata'>

Does "NO POST" mean "no GET" as well? Otherwise you could put your retrieval script in a different file and call that with jQuery.get or XMLHttpRequest.


How can I get similar count of data

I want to get set if statement of no. of count of array from database. I already have a if statement checking the count but I am unable to use it in my file.
Help me replicate the count if statement here. I want to wrap pro_type and is_pro in if statement of no. of counts similar in reaferandearn page .
My function where I need if count statement :
users.php file
public function update_valid_refer_point($id){
global $db;
$user_balance = $db->where('id',$id)
$_POST['pro_type'] =4;
$_POST['is_pro'] =1;
$bal =$user_balance['balance']+500;
$updated = $db->where('id', $id)
->update('users', array('pro_type' => 4,'is_pro' => 1,'balance' => $bal));
return TRUE;
The file where I have similar if count statement but I have no idea how to use it above :
if(count($data['refferal_data']['data']) > 0){
for($u=0; $u<count($data['refferal_data']['data']);$u++){
$userFirstName = $data['refferal_data']['data'][$u]->first_name;
$userLastName = $data['refferal_data']['data'][$u]->last_name;
$userName = $userFirstName.' '.$userLastName;
$userProfilePhoto = $data['refferal_data']['data'][$u]->avater;
$refferalDate = date('d - M - Y',strtotime($data['refferal_data']['data'][$u]->refferalDate));
$userRefferalCode = $data['refferal_data']['data'][$u]->refferalCode;
<img src="<?php echo $userProfilePhoto;?>" width="75" height="75" viewBox="0 0 24 24" style="margin-right: 15px; border-radius: 50%;"/>
<?php echo $userName."<br>".$refferalDate;?>
<?php echo 'No reffered user yet';?>
referandearn controller :
Class Referearn extends Theme {
public static function LoadreffralUsers() {
$data = '';
$ajax_class = realpath($_CONTROLLERS . 'aj.php');
$ajax_class_file = realpath($_AJAX . 'loadmore.php');
if (file_exists($ajax_class_file)) {
require_once $ajax_class;
require_once $ajax_class_file;
$_POST['page'] = 1;
$loadmore = new Loadmore();
$refferal_users = $loadmore->refferal_users();
parent::$data['refferal_data'] = $refferal_users;
/*if (isset($refferal_users['html'])) {
$data = $refferal_users['html'];
return $data;
And loadmore referusers function :
function refferal_users() {
global $db, $_BASEPATH, $_DS,$_excludes;
if (self::ActiveUser() == NULL) {
return array(
'status' => 403,
'message' => __('Forbidden')
$error = '';
$page = 0;
$perpage = 7;
$html = '';
$html_imgs = '';
$template = '';
if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) {
if (isset($_POST[ 'page' ]) && (!is_numeric($_POST[ 'page' ]) || empty($_POST[ 'page' ]))) {
$error = '<p>• ' . __('no page number found.') . '</p>';
} else {
$page = (int) Secure($_POST[ 'page' ]) - 1;
if ($error == '') {
$limit = $perpage;
$offset = $page * $perpage;
//$query = GetRefferalUserQuery(self::ActiveUser()->id, $limit, $offset);
//$refferal_users = $db->rawQuery($query);
$sql = 'SELECT U.id,U.online,U.lastseen,U.username,U.avater,U.country,U.first_name,U.last_name,U.location,U.birthday,U.language,U.relationship,U.height,U.body,U.smoke,U.ethnicity,U.pets,U.gender, RU.refferalDate, RU.refferalCode FROM users U INNER JOIN refferalusers RU ON RU.refferalBy = U.id ';
$sql .= ' WHERE RU.refferalTo = '.self::ActiveUser()->id.' AND ( ';
$sql .= ' U.verified = "1" AND U.privacy_show_profile_random_users = "1" ';
// to exclude blocked users
$notin = ' AND U.id NOT IN (SELECT block_userid FROM blocks WHERE user_id = '.self::ActiveUser()->id.') ';
// to exclude liked and disliked users users
$notin .= ' AND U.id NOT IN (SELECT like_userid FROM likes WHERE ( user_id = '.self::ActiveUser()->id.' OR like_userid = '.self::ActiveUser()->id.' ) ) ';
$sql .= ' ) ';
$sql .= ' ORDER BY U.id DESC LIMIT '.$limit.' OFFSET '.$offset.';';
$random_users = $db->objectBuilder()->rawQuery($sql);
$theme_path = $_BASEPATH . 'themes' . $_DS . self::Config()->theme . $_DS;
//$template = $theme_path . 'partails' . $_DS . 'find-matches' . $_DS . 'random_users.php';
//$template1 = $theme_path . 'partails' . $_DS . 'find-matches' . $_DS . 'matches_imgs.php';
if (file_exists($template)) {
foreach ($random_users as $random_user) {
$html .= ob_get_contents();
return array(
'status' => 200,
'page' => $page + 2,
'html' => $html,
'data' => $random_users
} else {
return array(
'status' => 400,
'message' => $error

ajax error, the data is burried

this is my code
var save_method, table;
//Menerapkan plugin datatables
table = $('.table').DataTable({
"processing" : true,
"ajax" : {
"url" : "ajax/ajax_user.php?action=table_data",
"type" : "POST"
include "../config/database.php";
include "../library/view.php";
if ($_GET['action'] == "table_data") {
$query = mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT p.*, v.nama_provinsi, k.nama_kota, j.nama_tagihan FROM pelanggan P
INNER JOIN provinsi v ON p.id_provinsi = v.id_provinsi
INNER JOIN kota k ON p.id_kota = k.id_kota
INNER JOIN jenis_tagihan j ON p.id_jenis_tagihan = j.id_jenis_tagihan
$data = array();
$no = 1;
while($p = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
$row = array();
$row[] = $no;
$row = $p['nama_masjid'];
$row = $p['nama_pengurus'];
$row = $p['id_pelanggan'];
$row = $p['tagihan'];
$row = $p['nama_provinsi'];
$row = $p['nama_kota'];
$row = $p['nama_tagihan'];
$data[] = $row;
$output = array("data" => $data);
echo json_encode($output);
and this is my error
The last data in the array appears but the previous data disappears what's wrong ?
try this :
$data = [];
while($p = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
$data[$i]['nama_masjid'] = $p['nama_masjid'];
$data[$i]['nama_pengurus']= $p['nama_pengurus'];
echo json_encode($data);

How to put validation on a dynamic dropdown when inserting in PHP?

I'm constructing a survey and I have a textbox that generates dynamic dropdowns based on user input which displays the same data.
This is the script
function load_questions(){
var xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.open("GET","ajax.php??main=1&subcategory="+document.getElementById("subcategorydd").value +"&cnt="+document.getElementById("q_num").value,false);
function checkValues() {
_values = [];
$('.form-control-static').each(function() {
sameValue = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < (_values).length; $i++) {
for ($w = 0; $w < (_values).length; $w++) {
if (_values[$i] === _values[$w] && $i != $w) {
sameValue = true;
if (sameValue) {
alert('has the same value .');
return false;
alert('there is no the same value');
//do something .
This is the insert code when I'm creating the survey
$con = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","imetrics");
$title = $_POST['surveytitle'];
$catdd = $_POST['catdd'];
$subcatdd = $_POST['subcatdd'];
$gender = $_POST['gender'];
$age = $_POST['age'];
$occupation = $_POST['occupation'];
$occupationtwo = $_POST['occupdd'];
$relstatus = $_POST['relationshipstatus'];
$q_num = $_POST['q_num'];
$insert = mysqli_query($con, "INSERT INTO `surveyform` (`surveytitle`,`surveycategory`,`surveysubcategory`,`gender`,`age`,`occupation`,`occupation_status`,`status`) VALUES ('$title','$catdd','$subcatdd','$gender','$age','$occupation','$occupationtwo','$relstatus')");
echo mysqli_errno();
$getMaxID = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT MAX(survey_id) as maxid FROM surveyform");
$row_2 = mysqli_fetch_array($getMaxID);
$survey_id = $row_2[0];
for( $a = 1; $a <= $q_num; $a++)
mysqli_query($con, "INSERT INTO surveyform_questions ( survey_id, question_id) VALUES ('$survey_id', ". $_POST['question_dropdowns'.$a] .")");
//echo "INSERT INTO surveyform_questions ( survey_id, question_id) VALUES ('$survey_id', ". $_POST['question_dropdowns'.$a] .")";
echo '<script language="javascript">';
echo 'alert("Survey Created!")';
echo '</script>';
And this is my dropdown code
if($question !="" && $cnt!="" && $addQues!="yes" && $main != 1){
$i = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $cnt; $i++)
$query=mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM question WHERE question_subcat = $question ");
echo "<b>Question #". $i."</b>";
echo "<select id='question_dropdown".$i."' class='form-control-static' name='question_dropdowns".$i."'>";
echo "<option selected>"; echo "Select"; echo "</option>";
echo "<option value='$row[question_id]'>";
echo $row["questiontitle"];
echo "</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "<br />";
echo "<div id='insertQuesHere".$i."'></div>";
echo "<a href='#add_question' onclick='return addQues();'>Add Question</a>";
here's my submit button
<input type="submit" name="" id="btnSaveSurvey" class="form-control-static" onclick="checkValues();" value="check" />
What's the validation code that will prevent me from inserting if the data chosen from the dropdown is the same? For example I generated 2 dropdowns and I chose the same datas from the dropdown, what's the validation code for it?
Please call checkValues method your submit button click
<input type="submit" name="" id="btnSaveSurvey" class="form-control-static" onclick="checkValues();" value="check" />
checkValues method below :
function checkValues() {
_values = [];
$('.form-control-static').each(function() {
sameValue = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < (_values).length; $i++) {
for ($w = 0; $w < (_values).length; $w++) {
if (_values[$i] === _values[$w] && $i != $w) {
sameValue = true;
if (sameValue) {
alert('has the same value .');
return false;
alert('there is no the same value');
//do something .
Also , you can see an example Example

Replace div contents with jQuery on form submit within PHP loop

I have this jQuery form being outputted in a PHP while loop if the button has not previously been clicked and just an image with the value if it has, the function is like facebooks like button where when the user clicks the button the icon changes so its not clickable any longer and the value increments by 1. The form submission works but I cannot seem to update the icon image and value count in the feed without effecting all the other buttons and values in the feed… I tried jQuery replaceWith() but it replaces all the #bumpCont divs in the feed…
<div class="images">
while($row = $result2->fetch_assoc()){
$path = $row['path'];
$user = $row['user'];
$id = $row['id'];
$desc = $row['desc'];
$update = $row['update_date'];
$bump = $row['bump'];
$timeFirst = strtotime($date);
$timeSecond = strtotime($update);
$timeSecond = $timeSecond + 86400;
$timer = $timeSecond - $timeFirst;
<?php if(empty($desc)){}else{?><div id="desc"><?php echo $desc;?></div><?php }?>
<img id="pic" src="uploads/<?php echo $path;?>"/>
<div id="userCont">
<div id="user"><a rel="external" href="user_profile.php?user='.$user.'"><?php echo $user;?></a></div>
<div id="timer"><?php echo $timer;?></div>
if(in_array($path, $mypath)) {
echo '<div id="bumpCont"><img id="bump" style="height:55px;right:8px;top: 2px;position: relative;" src="../img/bumpg.png"/><span id="bumpCount">'.$bump.'</span></div>';
echo '<form method="post" id="bumpF" data-ajax="false">';
echo '<input name="id" data-ajax="false" id="field_'.$id.'" type="hidden" value="'.$id.'" />';
echo '<div id="bumpCont"><input type="image" style="height:55px;right:8px;top: 2px;position: relative; " id="bump" src="../img/bump.png" id="searchForm" onclick="SubmitForm('.$id.');" value="Send" /><span id="bumpCount">'.$bump.'</span></div>';
echo ' </form>';
//Submit Form
function SubmitForm(id) {
var name = $('#field_'+id).val();
$.post("bump.php", {name: name},
function(data) {
$( "#bumpCont" ).replaceWith( '<div id="bumpCont"><img id="bump" style="height:55px;right:8px;top: 2px;position: relative;" src="../img/bumpg.png"/><span id="bumpCount">' + data + '</span></div>' );
Bump.php -
$id = $_POST['name'];
$sessionUser = $_SESSION['userSession'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM userbase WHERE user_id='$sessionUser'";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$myname = $row['username'];
$bump = 1;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM images WHERE id=$id";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$bump = $row['bump'];
$path = $row['path'];
$desc = $row['desc'];
$post_user = $row['user'];
$bumpC = 0;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM bumped WHERE path='$path' AND myname ='$myname'";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
echo $bump;
if($bumpC >= 1){
$sql = "INSERT INTO `bumped` ( `myname`,`path`, `description`, `post_user`) VALUES ( '$myname','$path', '$desc', '$post_user')";
if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
} else {
echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error;
$sql = "UPDATE images SET update_date='$date' WHERE id=$id";
if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
} else {
echo "Error updating record: " . $conn->error;
$sql = "UPDATE images SET bump=$bump WHERE id=$id";
if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
} else {
echo "Error updating record: " . $conn->error;
First look shows me a problem of Elements with same ID in loop.
You could have same class to multiple elements.
<div class="bumpCont"><span class="bumpCount">1</span></div>
<div class="bumpCont"><span class="bumpCount">2</span></div>
Use $(this)
Based on the click on particular element, you can change contents.
$(this).html(parseInt($(this).html) + 1);
Hope this helps you.
$(this).html(parseInt($(this).html()) + 1);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="bumpCont"><span class="bumpCount">1</span></div>
<div class="bumpCont"><span class="bumpCount">2</span></div>

XML not parsing in jQuery

When I try to parse my PHP-generated XML file using the jQuery Feeds plugin, it doesn't do what it's supposed to - loop through the template below and output the XML <title> tag in the place of <!=title!>. Instead, it returns just one instance of the template with nothing in place of <!=title!>.
Nothing is returned in the Chrome JavaScript console.
Strangely, I have a similar PHP-generated XML file that works just fine.
Here's the jQuery I'm using:
feeds: {
feed1: 'http://www.comfyshoulderrest.com/scrape.php?id=1' // this one doesn't work
//max: 3,
loadingTemplate: '<h1 class="feeds-loader">Loading items...</h1>',
entryTemplate: '<div class="item"><div class="image"><img src="images/tie.jpg" style="width: 100%;"></div>' +
'<div class="text"><ul class="list-inline">' +
'<li><span class="price text-warning"><strong>£7.00</strong></span> <span class="text-muted"><strike>£14.00</strike></span></li>' +
'<li class="text-muted"><strong>Topman</strong></li></ul>' +
'<!=title!>' +
Here's the code that generates the XML file:
function scrape($list_url, $shop_name, $photo_location, $photo_url_root, $product_location, $product_url_root, $was_price_location, $now_price_location, $gender, $country) {
header("Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8");
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<rss/>');
$xml->addAttribute("version", "2.0");
$channel = $xml->addChild("channel");
$channel->addChild("product_url", $product_url);
$channel->addChild("shop_name", $shop_name);
$channel->addChild("photo_url", $photo_url);
$channel->addChild("was_price", $was_price);
$channel->addChild("now_price", $now_price);
$html = file_get_contents($list_url);
$doc = new DOMDocument();
if(!empty($html)) {
libxml_clear_errors(); // remove errors for yucky html
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$products = array();
$row = $xpath->query($product_location);
/* Create an array containing products */
if ($row->length > 0)
foreach ($row as $location)
$product_urls[] = $product_url_root . $location->getAttribute('href');
$imgs = $xpath->query($photo_location);
/* Create an array containing the image links */
if ($imgs->length > 0)
foreach ($imgs as $img)
$photo_url[] = $photo_url_root . $img->getAttribute('src');
$result = array();
/* Create an associative array containing all the above values */
foreach ($product_urls as $i => $product_url)
$result = array(
'product_url' => $product_url,
'shop_name' => $shop_name,
'photo_url' => $photo_url[$i]
$item = $channel->addChild("item");
$item->addChild("product_url", $result['product_url']);
$item->addChild("shop_name", $result['shop_name']);
$item->addChild("photo_url", $result['photo_url']);
echo "this is empty";
echo $xml->asXML();
$dbhost = "xxx";
$dbname = "xxx";
$dbuser = "xxx";
$dbpass = "xxx";
$con = mysqli_connect("$dbhost", "$dbuser", "$dbpass", "$dbname");
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
$id = $_GET['id'];
$result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM scrape WHERE id = '$id'");
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
$list_url = $row['list_url'];
$shop_name = $row['shop_name'];
$photo_location = $row['photo_location'];
$photo_url_root = $row['photo_url_root'];
$product_location = $row['product_location'];
$product_url_root = $row['product_url_root'];
$was_price_location - $row['was_price_location'];
$now_price_location - $row['now_price_location'];
$gender = $row['gender'];
$country = $row['country'];
scrape($list_url, $shop_name, $photo_location, $photo_url_root, $product_location, $product_url_root, $was_price_location, $now_price_location, $gender, $country);

