Using array.filter down multiple levels - javascript

I have a filter function, which uses filter to quickly search a text in an array:
filtered = filtered.filter((row) => {
return Object.keys(row).some((key) => {
return String(row[key]).toLowerCase().indexOf(this.quickSearch.toLowerCase()) > -1
This works great for single level array, but not sure how to adapt it to work down unknown number of levels of array of objects like this
'name': 'james',
'post': {
'name': 'my favorite teams'
The code above finds james, no problem, but it will not find teams as its not going deep enough.
Naturally I don't want to hardcode something like if row[key] == 'post', because I'm using this code for multiple data sources and need it to be dynamic.
How do I adapt this to work in multi level arrays like the example above?

If there are many levels, then recursion is the best solution:
let searchString = this.quickSearch.toLowerCase(); // do this only once instead of calling toLowerCase over and over again, besides we are using a regular function (not an arrow one) so "this" will be messed up anyways
filtered = filtered.filter(function search(row) { // name the function so we can use recursion (thus we can't use an arrow function)
return Object.keys(row).some((key) => { // ...
if(typeof row[key] === "string") { // if the current property is a string
return row[key].toLowerCase().indexOf(searchString) > -1; // then check if it contains the search string
} else if(row[key] && typeof row[key] === "object") { // oterwise, if it's an object
return search(row[key]); // do a recursive check
return false; // return false for any other type (not really necessary as undefined will be returned implicitly)

You could use a recursive function that calls itself on the values of objects and arrays (using Object.values and Array#some):
const containsDeep = (text) => (value) => {
if(!value) return false;
const valueType = typeof value;
if(valueType === 'string') {
return value.toLowerCase().indexOf(text.toLowerCase()) > -1;
if(Array.isArray(value)) {
return value.some(containsDeep(text));
if(valueType === 'object') {
return Object.values(value).some(containsDeep(text));
return false;
const data = [
'name': 'bar',
'post': {
'name': 'my favorite teams'
'name': 'fizz',
'posts': [{'name': 'buzz'}]
'name': 'bla',
'post': {
'name': 'blee',
'comments': [null, {'name': 'bar'}]
'name': 'foo',
'post': {
'name': 'bar'
const result = data.filter(containsDeep('bar'));


React extracting a nested json object

How can I extract the 'jobs' object from a nested json list like this:
name: ""
address: ""
jobs: [
Thank you
Write a generic method to extract object properties.
function onExtract(key, data) {
if (isObject(data)) {
for (let item in data) {
if (key === item) {
return data[item];
const res = onExtract(key, data[item]);
if (res !== null) return res;
if (isArray(data)) {
for (let item of data) {
const res = onExtract(key, item);
if (res !== null) return res;
return null;
function isObject(obj) {
return === "[object Object]";
function isArray(arr) {
return === "[object Array]";
// test
const data = {
person: [
name: "",
address: "",
jobs: [
company: ""
company: ""
console.log(onExtract("jobs", data));
let's say you have a return var that contains this json value
let mappedCompanies = => =>
).flatMap(m => m)
mappedCompanies would contain an array with all the companies names for each one of the registers in "person", all as one array of strings
you can read more about here:
A dynamic way to query the person[] and find jobs, is to use the javascript map() method.
Here is the code without comments.
const personsJobs = (personName, personAddress) => {
const jobs = => {
if ( === personName && el.address === personAddress) {
} else {
return null;
.filter((el) => el !== null);
return jobs;
console.log(personsJobs("wyatt", "1234 test ln"));
Here is the code with comments to explain how the personsJob function works.
// Blow is an ES6 arrow function with the parameters 'personName' and 'personAddress',
// which represents the person in which you are querying for jobs (using both a persons
// name and address so in the case of persons with the same name, you only find the jobs
// of the person you want).
const personsJobs = (personName, personAddress) => {
// Since 'person' is an array, we can use the 'map' method as stated before, which
// will create a new array (jobs) that will store the jobs a specific person has.
const jobs = => {
// el stands for the current position in the person array.
// if el's (the current person) name and address values are equal to that of the
// parameters personName and personAddress, then that persons jobs are added to the jobs // array, however, if el does not satisfy the two parameters, null is added to the jobs
// array.
// The array, upon completion, will look something like this: ["programmer", null, null]
if ( === personName && el.address === personAddress) {
} else {
return null;
// Finally, the filter method is called to remove all null values so that you will
// only have the persons job in the jobs array.
// After filtering, the array will look like this: ["programmer"]
.filter((el) => el !== null);
return jobs;
// Prints the array of wyatt's jobs
console.log(personsJobs("wyatt", "1234 test ln"));
So, following the conclusion of the function, you will have dynamically found the jobs of a specific person.
you can use flatMap function like:
const jobsData = result.person.flatMap(item =>;
Here is a flexible solution using object-scan
// const objectScan = require('object-scan');
const data = { person: [{ name: '', address: '', jobs: [{ company: '' }, { company: '' }] }] };
console.log(objectScan(['person[*].jobs'], { reverse: false, rtn: 'value' })(data));
// => [ [ { company: '' }, { company: '' } ] ]
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}
<script src=""></script>
Disclaimer: I'm the author of object-scan

i wanna return correctly children's object. how can i?

function Ha8(arr, id) {
let result = [];
for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if(Array.isArray(arr[i].children)) {
// if it is a array, it going to be run recursive
const col = Ha8(result[i], id);
if(col === id) {
// find it in array in array
return result
// then return the id object,
} else {
continue; // still can't find.. go ahead!
} else if (arr[i]['id']===id) {
return arr[i] // will return valid id object
return null // if its none , return null, or parameter id is undefined.
I m write Intended direction. but its not work..
how can i fix ? give me some tip please.
let input = [
id: 1,
name: 'johnny',
id: 2,
name: 'ingi',
children: [
id: 3,
name: 'johnson',
id: 5,
name: 'steve',
children: [
id: 6,
name: 'lisa',
id: 11,
id: '13',
output = Ha8(input, 5);
console.log(output); // --> { id: 5, name: 'steve', children: [{ id: 6, name: 'lisa' }] }
output = Ha8(input, 99);
console.log(output); // --> null
I wanna return like that, but only return 'null' ..
need to check children's id and return children's object by using recursive.
so i write like that. but i have no idea..
how to return correctly children id's element?
I will give you an answer using a totally different approach, and using the magic of the JSON.stringify() method, more specifically the replacer optional parameter, which allows the use of a callback function that can be used as a filter.
As you can see, it simplifies a lot the final code. It could also be modified to introduce not only an id, but also any key or value, as I did in my final approach.
EDIT: Following your suggestion, as you prefer your function to be recursive, I recommend you to use the Array.reduce() method. It allows an elegant iteration through all the properties until the needs are met.
Using null as initial value, which is the last argument of the reduce method, it allows to iterate through all fields in the array in the following way:
The first if will always be skipped on the first iteration, as the initial value is null.
The second if will set the currentValue to the accumulator if the property id exists and is equal to the value you are trying to find
The third if, which you could add an Array.isArray() to add a type validation, will check if the property children exists. As it is the last one, it will only work if all the other conditions aren't met. If this property exists, it will call again Ha8Recursive in order to start again the process.
Finally, if neither of this works, it should return null. The absence of this last condition would return undefined if the input id doesn't exist
const Ha8 = (array, inputKey, inputValue) => {
let children = null;
JSON.stringify(array, (key, value) => {
if (value[inputKey] && value[inputKey] === inputValue) {
children = value;
return value;
return children;
const Ha8Recursive = (array, inputKey, inputValue) => {
return array.reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => {
if (accumulator) {
return accumulator;
} else if (currentValue[inputKey] && currentValue[inputKey] === inputValue) {
return currentValue;
} else if (currentValue.children) {
return Ha8Recursive(currentValue.children, inputKey, inputValue);
} else {
return null;
}, null)
const input = [{"id":1,"name":"johnny"},{"id":2,"name":"ingi","children":[{"id":3,"name":"johnson"},{"id":5,"name":"steve","children":[{"id":6,"name":"lisa"}]},{"id":11}]},{"id":"13"}];
console.log('JSON stringify function');
console.log(Ha8(input, 'id', 5));
console.log('Recursive function')
console.log(Ha8Recursive(input, 'id', 5));

How the java script complex object and complex array iterate?

Below is running code snippet for the javascript object and array.
I have one jsonObj and here the ResultElementLevel could be the array or
According to I just put if else condition and compare if Array and 'object'.
My question is,How would it be possible without if else condition?
can we write one function which compare object and Array inside single if.
The jsonObj is populating dynamically.
Here it would be possible CHECK object is also come into the Array or Object.
var jsonObj = {
"Response": {
"Errors": {
"Check": {
"_attributes": {
"id": "51416",
"name": "lucyocftest090601"
"CheckLevel": {
"ResultElementLevel": {
"_text": "Line No (2) [Missing Reporting Category] "
"Success": {
function iterateObjorArr(jsonObj){
let checkArr = jsonObj.Response.Errors.Check;
let checkID =;
let checkName =;
let status = 'failed';
let resultElementLevel = checkArr.ResultElementLevel;
let errorUploadArr = [];
let errorUploadObj;
if (Array.isArray(resultElementLevel)) { (data, index) {
errorUploadObj = {
'id': checkID,
'checkName': checkName,
'status': status,
'errors/warnings': data._text
} else {
if (typeof (resultElementLevel) === 'object') {
errorUploadObj = {
'id': checkID,
'checkName': checkName,
'status': status,
'errors/warnings': resultElementLevel._text
console.log("errorUploadArr", errorUploadArr);
You can test to see if resultElementLevel has the length property or not using hasOwnProperty(). Arrays have a length while objects do not (generally):
if (resultElementLevel.hasOwnProperty('length')) {
// Handle it as an array
} else {
// Handle as an object
This will, however, only work if the object assigned to resultElementLevel is guaranteed to not have a length property.
My question is,How would it be possible without if else condition? can we write one function which compare object and Array inside single if.
I don't think you'd want to get rid of the condition, but being able to deal with the passed data the same way, wether it's an array, a single item, or null/undefined
You could normalize the data first
function toArray(value){
return value == null? []:
Array.isArray(value)? value:
//isArrayLike(value)? Array.from(value):
//Objects that look like Arrays
function isArrayLike(value){
return value !== null && typeof value === "object" && value.length === (value.length >>> 0);
so that from here on, you always deal with an Array:
let errorUploadArr = toArray(checkArr.ResultElementLevel)
return {
id: checkID,
checkName: checkName,
status: status,
"errors/warnings": item._text
var jsonObj = {
Response: {
Errors: {
Check: {
_attributes: {
id: "51416",
name: "lucyocftest090601"
CheckLevel: {},
ResultElementLevel: {
_text: "Line No (2) [Missing Reporting Category] "
Success: {}
function toArray(value) {
return value == null ? [] :
Array.isArray(value) ? value :
//isArrayLike(value)? Array.from(value):
//Objects that look like Arrays
function isArrayLike(value) {
return value !== null && typeof value === "object" && value.length === (value.length >>> 0);
function iterateObjorArr(jsonObj) {
let checkArr = jsonObj.Response.Errors.Check;
let checkID =;
let checkName =;
let status = "failed";
let errorUploadArr = toArray(checkArr.ResultElementLevel)
.map(function(data) {
return {
id: checkID,
checkName: checkName,
status: status,
"errors/warnings": data._text
console.log("errorUploadArr", errorUploadArr);

How to deeply remove keys in object?

I have this json object returned from an API that has a few quirks, and I'd like to normalize it so I can process the input the same for every response. These means getting rid of superfluous keys:
_links: {...},
_embedded: {
foo: [
id: 2,
_embedded: {
bar: []
So I'd like to remove all the _embedded keys and flatten it, like so:
_links: {...},
foo: [
id: 2,
bar: []
This is what I have at the moment, but it only works for the top level and I don't think it'll play well with arrays.
_.reduce(temp1, function(accumulator, value, key) {
if (key === '_embedded') {
return _.merge(accumulator, value);
return accumulator[key] = value;
}, {})
Loop in recursion on all of your keys, once you see a key which start with _
simply remove it.
// The keys we want to remove from the Object
KEYS_TO_REMOVE = ['_embedded'],
// The data which we will use
data = {
_links: {'a': 1},
_embedded: {
foo: [
id: 2,
_embedded: {
bar: []
id: 3,
_embedded: {
bar: [
id: 4,
_embedded: {
bar: []
* Flatten the given object and remove the desired keys if needed
* #param obj
function flattenObject(obj, flattenObj) {
var key;
// Check to see if we have flatten obj or not
flattenObj = flattenObj || {};
// Loop over all the object keys and process them
for (key in obj) {
// Check that we are running on the object key
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
// Check to see if the current key is in the "black" list or not
if (KEYS_TO_REMOVE.indexOf(key) === -1) {
// Process the inner object without this key
flattenObj[key] = flattenObject(obj[key], flattenObj[key]);
} else {
flattenObject(obj[key], flattenObj);
return flattenObj;
So, basically you already have almost all of the code you need. All we have to do is wrap it in a function so we can use recursion. You'll see we only add a check to see if it is an object, if it is, we already have a function that knows how to flatten that object, so we'll just call it again with the key that we need to flatten.
function flatten(temp1) { // Wrap in a function so we can use recursion
return _.reduce(temp1, function(accumulator, value, key) {
if (key === '_embedded') {
return _.merge(accumulator, value);
} else if (value !== null && typeof value === 'object') // Check if it's another object
return _.merge(accumulator, flatten(value)) // Call our function again
return accumulator[key] = value;
}, {})
I'll be able to test it in a bit, but this should be what you need.
Got it!
function unEmbed(data) {
return _.reduce(data, function(accumulator, value, key) {
const returnableValue = _.isObject(value) ? unEmbed(value) : value;
if (key === 'embedded') {
return _.merge(accumulator, returnableValue);
accumulator[key] = returnableValue;
return accumulator;
}, {});
Problem before I was returning return accumulator[key] = returnableValue, which worked out to be return returnableValue.

JavaScript - Performing a recursive search, value not being retained

I am trying to perform a search on an array of vehicles to see if any match the "Make" of "BMW".
Problem: While matches are found and result is given the value true, that value is lost as the function continues the loop. I thought I would be able to break out of the function, anytime a true value is found. The break is not working.
If I cannot break out of the function and must continue looping thru the remainder of that parent node's properties, how can I retain the true value, as once true is found, I am basically done with this node (vehicle).
Here is a truncated look at my node tree:
"title": "2008 BMW 650",
"price": "30,995.00",
"type": "Coupes",
"details" : [{.....}],
"features" : [
{ ..... },
{ "name": "Make", "value": "BMW" },
{ ..... }
{ ..... }
let isPresent = recursiveFilterSearch(node, "Make", "BMW")
function recursiveFilterSearch(node, filterObj, filterValue) {
let result;
for (var key in node) {
// if the any node name & value matches, return true (on this vehicle)
if ( !== undefined) {
if ( === filterObj && node.value === filterValue) {
result = true;
break; // <-- not doing what I thought it would do
// if this node property is an array recursively loop thru the array's properties
if (result !== true &&, key)) {
var isArray =[key]) === '[object Array]';
if (isArray) {
var childrenNode = node[key]; (childNode) {
recursiveFilterSearch(childNode, filterObj, filterValue);
return result;
Struggled hard on this one, no help from those far smarter than I.
I hope this helps others.
I purposely did not do a search by features (as plalx above suggested), because I want to re-use this code on products that may not have a feature section. One can use this for any product, ie. from cars to shoes to TVs. The property names do not matter.
Make note I purposely lower-cased the respective variables, just to play it safe, as well as using indexOf on the value as my client has such values as "Automatic" & "6-speed Automatic", so index will pick up both when a search is done on "automatic".
collection-filter.js (javascript file)
function recursiveFilterSearch(node, filterObj, filterValue) {
let result = false;
for (const prop in node) {
if (node !== undefined) {
if (node.value !== undefined) { = (;
node.value = (node.value).toLowerCase();
if ( === filterObj && (node.value).indexOf(filterValue) > -1) {
result = true;
if (typeof(node[prop]) === 'object') {
recursiveFilterSearch(node[prop], filterObj, filterValue);
if (result) {
return result;
module.exports = {
filterCollection(coll2Filter, filterName, filterValue) {
const results = []; => {
const isMatch = (recursiveFilterSearch(node, filterName.toLowerCase(), filterValue.toLowerCase()));
if (isMatch) {
return results;
Inventory.js: (React.js file using alt flux)
import CollectionFilter from '../../components/forms/helpers/collection-filter.js';
render() {
if (!this.props.items) return <div>Loading ...</div>;
const products = this.props.items;
const result = CollectionFilter.filterCollection(products, 'Trans', 'Automatic');
return (
<div>{ result }</div>
You do not assign the return value of your recursive call:
if (result !== true &&, key)) {
var isArray =[key]) === '[object Array]';
if (isArray) {
var childrenNode = node[key]; (childNode) {
// assign recursive result
result = recursiveFilterSearch(childNode, filterObj, filterValue);
As a side note:
Such a generic search functionality will work but if you are developing new functionality and you have full control over the json structure keep things like 'searchability' in mind.
Were the structure like:
features: {
make: "Opel",
ft2: ""
You could loop all object and search like:
if (car.features.make == "Opel") {
// found in one liner

