how to serve data from multiple urls (languages) from wikipedia API - javascript

Some data I need is only available in the es (spanish version) of wikipedia and this is breaking my script I am using this tidbit to call the data as you can see it calls from but this particular data is only available from
However I still need the english data as well
So how can i convert this to fetch from both api urls my knowledge of JS is minimal so please bear that in mind when replying thanks
url: '',
data: {
format: 'json',
action: 'parse',
page: this_target,
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function (data) {
var markup = data.parse.text['*'];
var i = $('<div></div>').html(markup);
i.find('a').each(function() { $(this).replaceWith($(this).html()); });
setTimeout(function() {
$(id_target).find('.o-modal__title').html( data.parse.title).fadeIn(300);
}, 1000);

You could check for data.error in top of success callback and if so for english page, resend ajax request just by replacing the subdomain:
if (data.error && new URL(this.url).hostname === "") {
this.url = this.url.replace('en', 'es')
} else if(data.error) {
console.log('No data to display from both english & spanish wiki');


How to send a POST request with Advanced Custom Fields data

I'm trying to send a post request to the rest api with some custom fields. THis is my code
let newCharacter = {
'title': $('.create-char-name').val(),
'acf': {
'char_class': $('#char-class').val(),
'char_subclass': $('#char-subclass').val(),
'char_level': $('#char-level').val()
'status': 'publish'
beforeSend: (xhr) => {
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-WP-Nonce', spbk_data.nonce);
url: spbk_data.root_url + '/wp-json/wp/v2/character/',
method: 'POST',
data: newCharacter,
success: (response) => {
error: (response) => {
The request goes through without any problems, but when I check the json, the "acf" field returns false.
I'm using the acf to wp api plugin, if that information is useful.
The only info I found about this issue was this post, but I don't really understand what the answer meant. I tried adding xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', application/json); (I also tried with lower case initials), below the nonce, like the post seems to suggest, but that returns this error:
"{"code":"rest_invalid_json","message":"Invalid JSON body passed.","data":{"status":400,"json_error_code":4,"json_error_message":"Syntax error"}}"
Try something like below:
function NewCharacter(){
function CharInfo(){
var charInfo = new CharInfo();
var newCharacter = new NewCharacter();
beforeSend: (xhr) => {
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-WP-Nonce', spbk_data.nonce);
url: spbk_data.root_url + '/wp-json/wp/v2/character/',
method: 'POST',
data: JSON.stringify(newCharacter),
success: (response) => {
error: (response) => {
Yeah, I'm kinda dumb. I tried another plugin to make the bridge between acf and the rest api, and it worked.
It came to my mind many times to try another plugin, but I thought "they do the same thing, there's no point in trying that". It goes to show that you shouldn't just brush off solutions that seem too obvious or stupid.

How to get nested JSON data values with a "data-" attribute?

I'm trying to create an elegant way of binding json data to html using data-attributes without having to write a bunch of custom code or using an external library/framework.
I can get this to work just fine without nested data and re-writing my function a little.
The problem is that it's reading my data-api-value as a I'm trying to find the correct way to convert it. I'm open to other suggestions/ work-arounds though.
Here's the code in a (codepen)
Here's a dumb'd down version of the code
function getApiData(apiUrl, callback) {
apiData = $.ajax({
type: 'GET',
url: apiUrl,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(json) {
error: function(req, err) {
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"
function dataAPIrealtime() {
const url = 'https://someapi/v1/exchange/getinstrument/bitmex/XBTUSD';
getApiData(url, function(apidata){
$('[data-api]').each(function() {
let api = $(this).data("api");
let value = $(this).data("apiValue");
let data = apidata + value;
if (data || data != data) {
/* Run Functions
$(document).ready(function() {
setInterval(dataAPIrealtime, 1000); // Refresh data every 1 second
<script src=""></script>
<span data-api="exchange/getinstrument" data-api-value="[instrument][symbol]"></span>

Two requests in one time immediatly. ASP MVC + JQuery Ajax

MVC application (ASP.NET MVC, client: jquery).
Problem: The second ajax-request wait, when the first ajax request will done.
I need, when the first and the second ajax-requests executes immediatly in one time.
The page sends to server to determine the count of records (the first ajax-request), very long (~5-7 seconds).
The operator click the buttom to open the card to edit it (the second ajax-request, fast, get the Dto-model).
The user doesn't need to wait the first request, he wants to work immediatly.
As a result, in Chrome in network page, two requests in status 'pending'. The second waits the first.
Question, how can I send requests, to execute asynchronously ?
The first ajax-request:
type: 'POST',
url: Url.Action("GetCountBooks", "Book");
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: 'json',
data: JSON.stringify({ typeBook: "...", filter: "..." };),
success: function (data) {
// show in UI page the count of books by filter and params
error: function (data) {
//show error
public class BookController : Controller
public NJsonResult GetCountBooks(string typeBook, Filter filter)
var data = DbProvider.GetCountBooks(typeBook, filter)
if (data.Result == ResultType.Success)
var count = data.Data;
return new NJsonResult
Data = new { Data = count }
return new NJsonResult
Data = new { Error = "Error while counting the books." }
The second ajax-request:
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
contentType: "application/json",
url: Url.Action("GetBookById", "Book"),
data: JSON.stringify({ id: bookId }),
success: function (data) {
// show jquery dialog form to edit dto-model.
error: function (data) {
//show error
public class BookController : Controller
public NJsonResult GetBookById(int id)
var data = DbProvider.GetBookById(id)
if (data.Result == ResultType.Success)
var book = data.Data;
return new NJsonResult
Data = new { Data = book }
return new NJsonResult
Data = new { Error = "The book is not found." }
return new NJsonResult
Data = new { Error = "Error while getting the book." }
I Cannot union ajax requests into one! The user can send various second request.
You need a fork-join splitter to fork 2 tasks and join based on some condition.
For example here is my implementation:
function fork(promises) {
return {
join: (callback) => {
let numOfTasks = promises.length;
let forkId = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 1000);
fork_join_map[forkId] = {
expected: numOfTasks,
current: 0
promises.forEach((p) => {
p.then((data) => {
if (fork_join_map[forkId].expected === fork_join_map[forkId].current) {
if (callback) callback(data)
Pass any number of async tasks (promises) into fork method and join when all are done. The done criteria here is managed by simple global object fork_join_map which tracks the results of your fork-join process (global is not good but its just an example). The particular fork-join is identified by forkId which is 0..1000 in this example which is not quite good again, but I hope you got the idea.
With jQuery you can create promise with $.when( $.ajax(..your ajax call) )
In the end you can join your promises like this
$.when( $.ajax(..your ajax call 1) ),
$.when( $.ajax(..your ajax call 2) )
]).join(() => {
// do your logic here when both calls are done
It's my own implementation, there may be already-written library functions for this in jQuery - I dont know. Hope this will give you a right direction at least.
The solution is to add attribute to Asp Controller: [SessionState(System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateBehavior.ReadOnly)]

Pass object from javascript to Perl dancer framework

I have following ajax code to pass values to dancer framework.
BookSave: function(data) {
### data is an object that contain more than one key value pair
var book = Book.code;
$.ajax ({
type: "GET",
url : 'textbook/save/' + book + '/' + data,
success: function(data) {
if(data.status == 1) {
} else {
In dancer:
any [ 'ajax', 'get' ] => '/save/:book/:data' => sub {
set serializer => 'JSON';
my $book = params->{book};
my $data = params->{data}; ## This I am getting as object object instead of hash
Is there any way to pass object from js and getting as hash in dancer?
First and foremost, consider using the http PUT or POST verbs, and not GET. Not only is doing so more semantically correct, it allows you to include more complex objects in the http body, such as your 'data' hash (serialized, per my comments below).
I've had limited success with Dancer's native AJAXy methods, plus there is a bug that causes problems in some versions of Firefox. So instead, I serialize and then deserialize the JSON object.
Suggested changes (note I suggested changes to your routes as well):
$.ajax ({
type: "PUT",
url : '/textbook/' + book,
data: {
myhash : JSON.stringify(data)
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function (response) {
if (response.status == 1) {
} else {
and your Perl Dancer code changes as follows:
any [ 'ajax', 'put' ] => '/textbook/:book' => sub {
set serializer => 'JSON';
my $book = param('book');
my $data = from_json(param('myhash'));
I did not go as far as testing this code, but it should at least give you a good starting point to finish solving this problem.
Good luck with your project!

Ajax post not received by php

I have written a simple code. In order to avoid flooding a JSON server, i want to break up the JSON response in pieces. So my jquery code should be parsing one variable ("page") to the php page that handles the JSON Oauth Request. On success, it should append the DIV with the latest responses.
My code should be working, except for the fact that my ajax post is not being received by my php file.
Here goes
$("#klik").click(function() {
console.log("fire away");
page = page + 1;
type: 'POST',
url: "trytocombinenewageandgettagsendates.php",
data: page,
success: function() {
$.get("trytocombinenewageandgettagsendates.php", function(archief) {
error: function(err) {
return false;
The php file doesn't receive anything.
gives me array(0) { }.
Very strange, i'd really appreciate the help!
You are sending a string instead of key-value pairs. If you want to use $_POST you need to send key-value pairs:
type: 'POST',
url: "trytocombinenewageandgettagsendates.php",
data: { 'page': page },
success: function() {
If you send a single value or string, you would need to read the raw input.
Also, you are sending 2 GET requests and 1 POST request to the same file. Is that intentional? Note that only the POST request will have the $_POST variable set.
Thank you for your help and not letting me post "this still doens't work" posts :)
I made the mistake of loading the "unConsulted" php file [$.get("trytocombinenewageandgettagsendates.php"] upon success. Instead, i append the response of the PHP.
The working code below:
$("#klik").click(function() {
console.log("fire away");
page = page + 1;
type: 'POST',
url: "trytocombinenewageandgettagsendates.php",
data: { 'page': page },
success: function(response){
error: function(err) {
return false;

