How to process string so to keep characters up to last digit? - javascript

Given strings such as G08a, Professor3, Obs...
How to slice these strings after the last digit, so it returns :
G08a ==> G08
Professor3 ==> Professor3
Obs ==> Obs
Starting jsfiddle :

You can use a regex for this.
var ss = ["G08a", "Professor3", "Obs"];
var res = => (/^(.*?\d)\D*$/.exec(s) || [,s])[1]);
This collects all characters up through a digit that is followed by a series of zero or more non-digits that continue to the end of the string. The initial characters and that last digit before the non-digits are captured in a group.
I used .map() as a convenience for the demo, and substituted a temporary array when the regex finds no match.

Short and simple:
let str = "foo9bar";
str = str.match(/(.*\d)|(.*\d?)/g)[0]; // str is now foo9
let elem = document.getElementById('txt');
elem.innerHTML = elem.innerHTML.match(/(.*\d)|(.*\d?)/g)[0];
<p id="txt">foo9bar</p>

First you need to find first digit' position in string
var str = "G08a";
var match = str.match(/(\D+)?\d/)
var index = match ? match[0].length-1 : -1;
Then make substring
var result =str.substring(0,index);

You could match the string by using a search for any character foolowd by a digit or any character which are followed ba a non digit or end of string.
console.log(['G08a', 'Professor3', 'Obs', 'abc123def456ghi'].map(function (s) {
return s.match(/^.*\d|.*(?=\D|$)/)[0];


How to slice optional arguments in RegEx?

Actually i have the following RegExp expression:
So the accepted input should be something like ,IGORA but even ,IGORA,GIANC,LOLLI is valid and i would be able to slice the string to 3 group in this case, in other the group number should be equals to the user input that pass the RegExp test.
i was trying to do something like this in JavaScript but it return only the last value
var str = ',GIANC,IGORA';
var arr = str.match(/^(?:(?:\,([A-Za-z]{5}))?)+$/).slice(1);
So the output is 'IGORA' while i would it to be 'GIANC' 'IGORA'
Here is another example
test of regexp may have at least 5 chart string but it also can have other 5 chart string separated with a comma so from input
I would have an array of ["IGORA","CIAOA","POPOP"]
You can capture the words in a capturing surrounded by an optional preceding comma or an optional trailing comma.
You can test the regex here: ,?([A-Za-z]+),?
const pattern = /,?([A-Za-z]+),?/gm;
const str = `,IGORA,GIANC,LOLLI`;
let matches = [];
let match;
// Iterate until no match found
while ((m = pattern.exec(str))) {
// The first captured group is the match
There are other ways to do this, but I found that one of the simple ways is by using the replace method, as it can replace all instances that match that regex.
For example:
var regex = /^(?:(?:\,([A-Za-z]{5}))?)+$/g;
var str = ',GIANC,IGORA';
var arr = [];
str.replace(regex, function(match) {
arr[arr.length] = match;
return match;
Also, in my code snippet you can see that there is an extra coma in each string, you can solve that by changing line 5 to arr[arr.length] = match.replace(/^,/, '').
Is this what you're looking for?
\b word boundary (starting or ending a word)
\w a word ([A-z])
{5} 5 characters of previous
So it matches all 5-character words but not NANANANA
var arr = str.match(/\b\w{5}\b/g);
console.log(arr); //['IGORA', 'CIAOA', 'POPOP']
If you only wish to select words separated by commas and nothing else, you can test for them like so:
(?<=,\s*|^) preceded by , with any number of trailing space, OR is the first word in list.
(?=,\s*|$) followed by , and any number of trailing spaces OR is last word in list.
In the following code, POPOP and MOMMA are rejected because they are not separated by a comma, and NANANANA fails because it is not 5 character.
var arr = str.match(/(?<=,\s*|^)\b\w{5}\b(?=,\s*|$)/g);
console.log(arr); //['IGORA', 'CIAOA', 'MEOWI']
If you can't have any trailing spaces after the comma, just leave out the \s* from both (?<=,\s*|^) and (?=,\s*|$).

How to replace numbers with an empty char

i need to replace phone number in string on \n new line.
My string: Jhony Jhons,,380967574366
I tried this:
var str = 'Jhony Jhons,,380967574366'
var regex = /[0-9]/g;
var rec = str.trim().replace(regex, '\n').split(','); //Jhony Jhons,,
Number replace on \n but after using e-mail extra comma is in the string need to remove it.
Finally my string should look like this:
Jhony Jhons,\n
You can try this:
var str = 'Jhony Jhons,,380967574366';
var regex = /,[0-9]+/g;
str.replace(regex, '\n');
The snippet above may output what you want, i.e. Jhony Jhons,\n
There's a lot of ways to that, and this is so easy, so try this simple answer:-
var str = 'Jhony Jhons,,380967574366';
var splitted = str.split(","); //split them by comma
splitted.pop(); //removes the last element
var rec = splitted.join() + '\n'; //join them
You need a regex to select the complete phone number and also the preceding comma. Your current regex selects each digit and replaces each one with an "\n", resulting in a lot of "\n" in the result. Also the regex does not match the comma.
Use the following regex:
var str = 'Jhony Jhons,,380967574366'
var regex = /,[0-9]+$/;
// it replaces all consecutive digits with the condition at least one digit exists (the "[0-9]+" part)
// placed at the end of the string (the "$" part)
// and also the digits must be preceded by a comma (the "," part in the beginning);
// also no need for global flag (/g) because of the $ symbol (the end of the string) which can be matched only once
var rec = str.trim().replace(regex, '\n'); //the result will be this string: Jhony Jhons,\n
var str = "Jhony Jhons,,380967574366";
var result = str.replace(/,\d+/g,'\\n');

JS : Remove all strings which are starting with specific character

I have an array contains names. Some of them starting with a dot (.), and some of them have dot in the middle or elsewhere. I need to remove all names only starting with dot. I seek help for a better way in JavaScript.
var myarr = 'ad, ghost, hg, .hi, jk, find.jpg, dam.ark, haji, jive.pdf, .find, home, .war, .milk, raj, .ker';
var refinedArr = ??
You can use the filter function and you can access the first letter of every word using item[0]. You do need to split the string first.
var myarr = 'ad, ghost, hg, .hi, jk, find.jpg, dam.ark, haji, jive.pdf, .find, home, .war, .milk, raj, .ker'.split(", ");
var refinedArr = myarr.filter(function(item) {
return item[0] != "."
Use filter and startsWith:
let myarr = ['ad', 'ghost', 'hg', '.hi', 'jk'];
let res = myarr.filter(e => ! e.startsWith('.'));
You can use the RegEx \B\.\w+,? ? and replace with an empty String.
\B matches a non word char
\. matches a dot
\w+ matches one or more word char
,? matches 0 or 1 ,
[space]? matches 0 or 1 [space]
const regex = /\B\.\w+,? ?/g;
const str = `ad, ghost, hg, .hi, jk, find.jpg, dam.ark, haji, jive.pdf, .find, home, .war, .milk, raj, .ker`;
const subst = ``;
// The substituted value will be contained in the result variable
const result = str.replace(regex, subst);
console.log('Substitution result: ', result);

Need help finding a plus sign using javascript regex

I am using the code below to find a match for a plus sign but it keeps returning false. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Any help will be really appreciated it. Thanks!
var str = '+2443';
var result = /d\+1/.test(str);
console.log(result); // true
var str = '+2443';
var result = /\+/.test(str);
console.log(result); // true
Your /d\+1/ regex matches the first occurrence of a d+1 substring in any string.
To check if a string contains a +, you do not need a regex. Use indexOf:
var str = '+2443';
if (~str.indexOf("+")) {
console.log("Found a `+`");
} else {
console.log("A `+` is not found");
A regex will be more appropriate when you need to match a + in some context. For example, to check if the string starts with a plus, and then only contains digits, you would use
var str = '+2443';
var rx = /^\+\d+$/;
where ^ assets the position at the end of the string, \+ matches a literal +, \d+ matches 1+ digits and the $ anchor asserts the position at the end of the string.

How can I remove all characters up to and including the 3rd slash in a string?

I'm having trouble with removing all characters up to and including the 3 third slash in JavaScript. This is my string:
The result should be:
Does anybody know the correct solution?
To get the last item in a path, you can split the string on / and then pop():
var url = "http://blablab/test";
//-> "test"
To specify an individual part of a path, split on / and use bracket notation to access the item:
var url = "http://blablab/test/page.php";
//-> "test"
Or, if you want everything after the third slash, split(), slice() and join():
var url = "http://blablab/test/page.php";
//-> "test/page.php"
var string = 'http://blablab/test'
string = string.replace(/[\s\S]*\//,'').replace(/[\s\S]*\//,'').replace(/[\s\S]*\//,'')
This is a regular expression. I will explain below
The regex is /[\s\S]*\//
/ is the start of the regex
Where [\s\S] means whitespace or non whitespace (anything), not to be confused with . which does not match line breaks (. is the same as [^\r\n]).
* means that we match anywhere from zero to unlimited number of [\s\S]
\/ Means match a slash character
The last / is the end of the regex
var str = "http://blablab/test";
var index = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
index = str.indexOf("/",index)+1;
str = str.substr(index);
To make it a one liner you could make the following:
str = str.substr(str.indexOf("/",str.indexOf("/",str.indexOf("/")+1)+1)+1);
You can use split to split the string in parts and use slice to return all parts after the third slice.
var str = "http://blablab/test",
arr = str.split("/");
arr = arr.slice(3);
console.log(arr.join("/")); // "test"
// A longer string:
var str = "http://blablab/test/test"; // "test/test";
You could use a regular expression like this one:
// -> ['http://blablab/test', 'test]
A string’s match method gives you either an array (of the whole match, in this case the whole input, and of any capture groups (and we want the first capture group)), or null. So, for general use you need to pull out the 1th element of the array, or null if a match wasn’t found:
var input = 'http://blablab/test',
re = /^(?:[^/]*\/){3}(.*)$/,
match = input.match(re),
result = match && match[1]; // With this input, result contains "test"
let str = "http://blablab/test";
let data = new URL(str).pathname.split("/").pop();

