Read a file with script - javascript

I want to get the content of a file (as string) with google script. It's a txt or html file which I want to edit as string after.
The file is stored on Google Drive and I know the ID.
What I know that you can access the file with:
var Template = DriveApp.getFileById('18DEuu91FJ4rhTYd-xrlNpP2U9jfyheEI');
But I can nothing find how to read the content of this file like "file_get_contents" in PHP.

According to Googles Reference on the Apps Script you can use the getAs() method to return the file contents. I haven't tested this myself, but you could try something like:
var Template = DriveApp.getFileById('18DEuu91FJ4rhTYd-xrlNpP2U9jfyheEI');
var contents = Template.getAs('text/plain');


Loading dynamic javascript

I got problem loading dynamic JS in my script, so here the case, I have a plan to build android app with local webview something like webView.loadUrl("file:///android_asset/filename.html");
Everything work fine since its only html file, but the problem came when I need to read local js contain array data that need to read by other js file.
To make it clear,
I have 100++ data_1.js data_2.js etc who contain something like
data = [{
Those data will be read by one of my js script and display it on html file, basically I only need 1 data each time the page open, so its like when I open file://.../folder/file.html?no=1 it will only need to read data_1.js, file://.../folder/file.html?no=2 it will only need to read data_2.js
This is what I try to do.
Using getScript("assets/data/data_"+number+".js");
This work when we use local server, when I access via localhost/folder/file.html?no=1 its work, but when I access file://..../folder/file.html?no=1 it not load because cors block
Using ajax, result same with #1
Add all data_x.js directly in file.html
<script src="folder/data_1.js"></script>
<script src="folder/data_2.js"></script>
<script src="folder/data_3.js"></script>
Its work when we access file://..../folder/file.html?no=1 but the page load very slow because need to include and load whole data_x.js (more than 100++)
Is there any other way to solve this problem?
Note: I don't want to connect to any server because I want the apps can be access offline so all data will be included inside the apps
You can make use of URLSearchParam in combination with createElement, which is similar to your solution #3 but only loads the file from parameter id.
So you can also make use of: webView.loadUrl("file:///android_asset/filename.html?id=N");
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(,
id = urlParams.get('id');
if (id != null) {
const script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = `folder/data_${id}.js`;
script.onload = function() {
// do something ...?
At least at desktop it works fine.

set file attribute filesystemobject javascript

I have created a file as part of a script on a network drive and i am trying to make it hidden so that if the script is run again it should be able to see the file and act on the information contained within it but i am having trouble doing this. what i have so far is:
function doesRegisterExist(oFs, Date, newFolder) {
dbEcho("doesRegisterExist() triggered");
sExpectedRegisterFile = newFolder+"\\Register.txt"
newFile = oFs.OpenTextFile(sExpectedRegisterFile,8,true)
newReg = oFs.GetFile(sExpectedRegisterFile)
newReg.Attributes = newReg.Attributes+2
Windows Script Host does not actually produce an error here and the script runs throgh to competion. the only guides i have found online i have been attempting to translate from VBscript with limited success.
variables passed to this function are roughly declared as such
var oFs = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
var Date = "29-12-2017"
var newFolder = "\\\\File-Server\\path\\to\\folder"
I know ActiveX is a dirty word to a lot of people and i should be shot for even thinking about using it but it really is a perfect fit for what i am trying to do.
Please help.
sExpectedRegisterFolder resolves to \\\\File-Server\\path\\to\\folder\\Register which is a folder and not a file.
I get an Error: file not found when I wrap the code into a try/catch block.
I tested the code on a text file as well, and there it works.
So you're either using the wrong method if you want to set the folder to hidden.
Or you forgot to include the path to the text if you want to change a file to hidden.
( Edit: Or if Register is the name of the file, add the filetype .txt ? )
If you change GetFile to GetFolder as described in
the folder will get hidden correctly.

I need to overwrite an existing Google Sheets file with an attached Script

I have a Google Sheets file with an attached Script. The script does a number of things, one is it makes a clone of it self using makeCopy. This portion works. Now I want to be able to keep the same cloned Google file name and same Google file ID and just update the content which includes a Spreadsheet and the associated Google script.
if (!fileFound){
var file = masterSSFile.makeCopy(reportFileName, RepFolder);
} else {
When I use makeCopy with the same file name it creates a second file with the same name but with a different file ID.
The else portion fails because .setContent argument seems to just accept text. The result is the word "Blob" in the oldFile, everything else is gone.
I have other scripts that update the contents of a existing spreadsheet by overriding the contents of the various sheets, but I also want the associated script to also be included in the updated file keeping the same file ID.
I found this....
Overwrite an Image File with Google Apps Script
and tried using
var masterSpreadsheetID = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getId();
var masterSpreadsheetFile = DriveApp.getFileById(masterSpreadsheetID);
var oldFileID = oldFile.getId();
var oldFileName = oldFile.getName();
var newBlob = masterSpreadsheetFile.getBlob();
var file = {
title: oldFileName,
mimeType: 'application/'
var f = Drive.Files.update(file, oldFileID, newBlob);
I get error: "We're sorry, a server error occurred. Please wait a bit and try again. " on this line: "Drive.Files.update(file, oldFileID, newBlob);"
After reading this:
it looks like Drive.Files.update(), does not support bound scripts.

External JavaScript file is not defined

For a web project, I've included a JavaScript file as a script src, as shown here.
<script src="xml2json.js"> //same directory as the web project
Next, I tried to invoke a method within xml2json, called xml_str2json.
downloadUrl("ship_track_ajax.php", function(data) {
var xml_string = data.responseText; //an XML string
//A parser to transform XML string into a JSON object is required.
//Use convert XML to JSON with xml2json.js
var markers = xml2json.xml_str2json(xml_string);
However, console log indicates "Uncaught ReferenceError: xml2json is not defined", even though xml2json is included as a script src. Can anyone tell me as to what is wrong?
You have to call the function directly in javascript without reffering the filename as like
If the function is defined in any of the included file it will be invoked.
I hope this will solve your problem
Maybe you should try this:
var json = xml2json(parseXml(xml), " ");
See Demo from

Get / Read Text File from URL - Javascript for After Effects

I'm used to selecting, opening and reading a text file (CSV, JSON) from my local directory. I now have access to our data feeds online but don't know how to do the same thing with a URL instead of a local file.
For a local file I simply use something like this:
var myFile = File.openDialog();;;
Is there a way to do this with a feed from a URL in javascript for AE?
Here is one of the feeds:
No need to save file, just one line do the trick =)
data = JSON.parse(system.callSystem('curl -s "https://path_to_json"'));
I think in After Effects the easiest way is to do a system call.
The Socket object from ExtendScript is complicated. Look at GetURLs.jsx by Rorohiko.
You need to allow your script to access the network. See this stackoverflow
# Mac Osx
var curlcmd = "curl > ~/Desktop/test/schedules.json";
var stdout = system.callSystem(curlcmd);
var file = File("~/Desktop/test/schedules.json");;
var content =;

