Firebase SDK signInWithPopup() not working with Electron - javascript

I have an electron app that fires up a lightweight express server allowing me to use http in production for firebase github authentication.
I have this working fine using the signInWithRedirect() firebase auth method. However, i cannot get the signInWithPopup() method to work.
A new electron window launches, but the content is blank. Does my electron entry file need configuring for the above to work as expected?
This is working fine when i launch the app in a regular browser window which leads me to think electron needs configuring...


Getting ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED on my node api called from angular app on remote device access

I have an Node App and an Angular App running on my System (LG Gram- Windows), and the node server is my API server and the angular App is consuming those APIs. The Angular server is served with --host so that I can access the app through out my Local Network (WiFi). I tried to access the Angular app with my phone and other laptop (HP - Ubuntu), both the devices was able to access angular app, but the login call(Through the Angular APP) to node API from my phone is giving me an error, but the Ubuntu system is fine. I tried calling the Node API directly from both devices and was able to access it and got a response. The Ubuntu system had the same issue with login but it was somehow fixed. What could be the issue.
I have fixed the issue, Since both the Node and Angular server was running on the same machine, i have set the API url as http://localhost:4000/api which worked on the same laptop but not on my android device, which in fact is calling http://localhost:4000/api for the api calls, hence connection error (no server on port 4000 on my android device). When i changed the url to, my local network IP, it worked.

run nodejs app inside codeigniter application

I have a CodeIgniter application. For another service I have developed a Node.js app.
I have two questions:
How can I run the Node.js app to corresponding websites port number?
If I let it run locally, it is accessible through localhost:4000, but only via Chrome. When tried to access it via Firefox, the following error occurred which referrers me to this article from Mozilla.

webpage could not be loaded because net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE

we are using vue ui to manage a fresh vue project (vue cli 3) included vue-router, vuex and cordova plugins. we run the command 'npm run cordova-serve-android' and app be open in my device but webpage not available.
we tried open url in browser of PC: . this url after security alerts be open and request some info in fields that are filled automatically! I press enter(for 2 or 3 times) then web page be open my app but in android device no!
Note: device and PC connected to same Wifi modem and internet connection.
You may still have problems with your router setup. I would check corresponding options for allowing local devices to be discover-able on both your PC and router.

How login with okta oauth in new heroku app

I am using okta oauth in my express-node js app. When I deploy and run the new app in heroku and go through the login page I am getting 404 status code. For some reason, I’m not able to authenticate the legitime of my third part okta app. However, locally, it seems every things are working as expected.
There is anyone of you can help and support it? Thx

Cloud foundry nodejs sample app not working

I'm just beginning to use cloud foundry.
I ran this node js sample app of cloud foundry on predix (I just changed the app name in manifest.yml). The code is fine locally and can be pushed to the cloud using cf CLI. The app status in the console is started for both of them. But when I go to the URL, the site can't be reached. Please help.
The microservice template is not running locally.
In the cloud, make sure you're using the https:// protocol. This is required in Predix cloud.
Locally, what errors do you see?

