Cloud foundry nodejs sample app not working - javascript

I'm just beginning to use cloud foundry.
I ran this node js sample app of cloud foundry on predix (I just changed the app name in manifest.yml). The code is fine locally and can be pushed to the cloud using cf CLI. The app status in the console is started for both of them. But when I go to the URL, the site can't be reached. Please help.
The microservice template is not running locally.

In the cloud, make sure you're using the https:// protocol. This is required in Predix cloud.
Locally, what errors do you see?


How to deploy the application of bodgeit store on Heroku

the bodgeit store ( was running on that same url. now its not working and I wanted to host it again but new for Heroku.
Here is the GitHub link for that application ( I tried deploying it on herokuapp but it failed with error "not able to identify Buildpack"
Can you please tell me that process to deploy it on Heroku app?
Thanks in advance!

Google Cloud Storage - "Error: Could not load the default credentials"

While developing my app in Node.js, I decided to persist my data by using the Google Cloud Storage client libraries.
I came across the error mentioned in the title when uploading to storage:
Error: Could not load the default credentials
I did some digging, and figured out how to solve the issue:
Navigating to google cloud console credentials and creating a service account.
Setting the role for the service account to have full object permissions across my project and my buckets
Creating a key for the service account and downloading the associated .json file
Installing Cloud SDK and running the commands:
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud config set project [MY_PROJECT_ID]
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=C:/path/to/json/file
In my code passing in the .json credentials file into my new client instance:
const storage = new Storage({keyFileName: "auth.json"})
These steps described fixed the issue... in development. When I deployed my app to production the same error message comes back
I tried a few things to solve the issue. I assumed it was an issue with my web host: A2. After talking with their tech support they reassured me my file paths are correct inside their file structure, but they would not help me troubleshoot the credentials error otherwise.
So, why would my credentials be working just fine in development, but then suddenly stop working in production? Is it because I had the localhost as the callback URI instead of the domain name (or something)? Do I need to specify the domain somewhere in SDK or in the cloud console?
The error message points me to, but I have read and reread the documentation many times, so if someone can point me to the specific place in the docs that says what I need to do that would be appreciated, but be aware that I have done my homework and I RTFM, but I am still unable to solve this issue.

Deploying elasticsearch with express js

I have developed a search engine app using express js and elastic search. Everything is working normally on localhost but when I deploy it on Heroku only express app gets deployed and elastic search client runs on localhost. So how can I deploy both of them together?
Simply speaking you will have to ssh into Heroku server and install an instance of elasticsearch there which is impossible if you're using free tier of Heroku. Other solution might be finding a cloud elasticsearch provider and update configs in your app to connect to it

How to start big nodejs project virtual classroom?

Developers i'm a nodejs developer with a experience of 1.5 years working in the company my question is i'm doing a project which is called a virtual classroom like a webinar platform where chat support, drawing and etc functionalities are available, so from last 2 month had been done of working in project i had gone through the each component directory and file with it's documents also they have used of docker, redis, proxy server, nginx, session, mongodb these kind of services and it's working fine on server end side but can't able to stablish on my local machine and it's a linux based project where have numbers of powershell files with PM2 library to make it run... so i followed a docs with some code also i success to make the service on and registered a local domain also in hosts file or nginx custom configuration it is working fine... but when i hit my ulr on browser with the local domain it not going to any of the route....
Example - like if we make a node simple project with hello world and it will working on 4500 port so we write localhost:4500 and it will print our responce on browser
but if the run my project through a PM2 or a simple node app.js bcoz this app.js have connected with all nodes services and virtual classroom and you the linux platform we don't need to make serivice on it's by default in runing state monogoDB, redis, docker, nginx but the real question is while firing the command node app.js it shows some json and told port:2178 but when in hit this on browser localhost:2178 not responce to GET request why??? but there is route called localhost:2178/landing/session/v1/classid(which is encrypted code) this url not working what to do ??

Firebase SDK signInWithPopup() not working with Electron

I have an electron app that fires up a lightweight express server allowing me to use http in production for firebase github authentication.
I have this working fine using the signInWithRedirect() firebase auth method. However, i cannot get the signInWithPopup() method to work.
A new electron window launches, but the content is blank. Does my electron entry file need configuring for the above to work as expected?
This is working fine when i launch the app in a regular browser window which leads me to think electron needs configuring...

