Uncaught Error: Syntax error WordPress - Unable to Post Comments - javascript

I'm unable to post comments on my site, I've tried using the standard comments system and de:comments.
When using the standard comments system it takes me to a blank white page with:
You're spam! aren't you?
Written at the top (I've tried on several devices and on mobile, different IP etc).
De:comments shows this error in the console:
Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: You're spam! aren't you?
See image below for full error:
I've been looking at this for the past week and so far haven't found a solution. It is an adult site so won't post the link - I'm just hoping I've given enough information for someone to be able to help?


Telerik Error - Parameter name: panelsCreated[6]

I have a simple page that uses telerik:RadAjaxManager.
For some reason on page load I'm getting this error in browser console:
I googled it, and found lots of articles where they say I need to switch off debug mode in web.config. So it would hide the error, but it doesn't solve it at all.
Any suggestions?

Javascript Conflict?

this page is working
is an example of what I want to display on the following page:
this page is not working and I don't know why
although the code is identical the results are not the same, I'm assuming that there is some form of conflict with my wordpress themes javascript. Can anyone tell me what is causing this not to work and also how to recognise problems like this in the future?
Thanks in advance!
I have noticed that there are few errors in your site.
Unexpected token <
and the second one is map API key error.
Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError
Please check Unexpected token error and try to solve it, fix all 400 error and set map API key. might be the reason is because of this errors showing in your console.

Angular 2 ZoneAwareError in Tutorial, but only for chrome

Hello here and thanks for helping !
I'm performing the angular tutorial tour of heroes, and I have ended the point 4.Multiples Components, but the content does not load (we see "Loading AppComponent content here ...") and I have this error on chrome developper tools:
ZoneAwareError {__zone_symbol__error: Error: (SystemJS) Invalid or unexpected token
SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
at eval…, __zone_symbol__stack: "(SystemJS) Invalid or unexpected token↵ SyntaxErro…n.js↵ Error loading
I can't paste more because the error is displaying a very lot of information.
The real problem is here: At this point of the tutorial, my app work perfectly on edge and firefox... I don't understand what is wrong with chrome :/ ...
Ok it's seem it's a problem with chrome browser cache... The bug appear at randomly moment, and I have to delete it integraly if I want to see my code working...
I don't know why this error but that fix the problem. Sorry for this, and thanks.

Resolving Unexpected token < in Chrome for Custom 403 Page

I saw some previous topics related to this but was unable to find a related solution.
On my WordPress blog, WeLearnChess.com, I created a custom 403 error page, and now I am getting a seemingly related syntax error in Chrome. I enabled script debugging in the wp config file and checked with developer tools in Chrome, and I get this error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < inaccessible:1
This appears to refer to my custom 403 page (http://www.welearnchess.com/inaccessible/). I have BulletProof Security Pro installed, so, to create the custom 403, I replaced the default 403 code with the following line of code via the BPS custom code field:
ErrorDocument 403 http://www.welearnchess.com/inaccessible/
From various tutorials that I saw online, this seems like it should be correct, but I'm new to this so perhaps I've made a mistake that is causing the error. Another interesting point is that, after a hard browser refresh, sometimes the syntax error temporarily changes from :inaccessible to :index or maybe it was:index1 (I'm having trouble reproducing it now).
So, have I done something incorrect with my 403 custom code that could be causing the aforementioned error? Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide, and please let me know if I need to clarify the question further.
You plugin directory is throwing a 403 error, which means when including <script> tags with src like http://www.welearnchess.com/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-deux/public/assets/js/min/us.script-min.js?ver=6.0.4 get redirected to your custom 403 page which is http://www.welearnchess.com/inaccessible/. There are a few instances of this for plugins: ultimate-social-deux, zf-wordpress-category-accordian, rain - where their assets that should be publicly accessible are 403ing. Which means, instead of the actual script your custom page is loaded in the script tag, which is as expected, is invalid JavaScript and hence the errors in your console.

HTML Loader not working on certain pages

I am designing a website and am having some issues on certain computers. Most computers show the site perfectly, but certain computers just load a blank grey screen.
My work computer is one that has an issue,
The website is http://holidayinnkilgoretx.com and loads fine on the home page and photo page, but when I go to http://holidayinnkilgoretx.com/raa.php it messes up. Please let me know If i have something wrong in my code which is causing this. I checked all divs and closing tags etc.
It also only has the issue in google chrome.
Thank You
Getting the following load errors from Google developer tools which you should look into:
Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/html: "http://holidayinnkilgoretx.com/js/jquery.imagesloaded.min.js".
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'create' of undefined

