A sinonjs stub in the "then" - javascript

I have a class A , and I want to test the eventHandler method.
class A () {
eventHandler (controller) {
controller.exec().then((() => {
this._afterHandler(); // I can't stub it.
// this._afterHandler(); // I can stub it !!!
_afterHandler() {
This is my test code . I find that I can not stub the _afterHandler method. when the method in the then. but when I move the method to the "then" outside. I can stub it.
it('xxxx', () => {
const a = new A();
const stub = sinon.stub(a,'_afterHandler');
a.eventHandler({ exec: () => {return Promise.resolve(1)} })
How can I stub the _afterHandler method ?? Thanks ~~

_afterHandler is getting stubbed by Sinon.
The problem here is that sinon.assert.calledOnce(stub) is getting called before the stubbed _afterHandler - thanks to the use of promises.
In terms of making this testable, one option is like:
class A {
eventHandler (controller) {
return controller.exec().then(() => {
_afterHandler() {
and the test:
it('xxxx', async () => {
const a = new A();
const stub = sinon.stub(a,'_afterHandler');
await a.eventHandler({ exec: () => {return Promise.resolve(1)} });


How can I mock a class using jest?

How can I mock something to test something like the following codes. I tried to follow this official doc, but still not working for me https://jestjs.io/docs/es6-class-mocks#calling-jestmock-with-the-module-factory-parameter
// somefile.ts
export const myPublish = async (event: any, context: any): Promise<any> => {
const myExportHelper = await ExportHelper.getInstance({
// just some other stuff
// just some other stuff
await myExportHelper.transfer(arg1, arg2);
export class ExportHelper {
private readonly bucket: string,
private readonly read: AWS.S3,
private readonly write: AWS.S3
) {}
static async getInstance(props: {
param1: string;
}) {
return new ExportHelper(arg1, arg2, arg3);
async transfer(param1, param2) {
console.log('bla bla bla');
// testfile.test.ts
import { myPublish, ExportHelper } from '../somefile';
beforeEach(() => {
afterEach(() => {
describe('myTest', () => {
it('should run successfully', async () => {
// Arrange
const eventMock = {
Records: [
const mockActualExportHelper = jest.requireActual('../somefile').ExportHelper;
const mockGetInstanceImpl = () => {};
// this says cannot read property instances of undefined
const mockExportHelper = mockActualExportHelper.mock.instances[0];
// Act
await myPublish(eventMock, jasmine.any({}));
// Assert
expect(ExportHelper.transfer).toBeCalled(); // also not sure if this is valid to use ExportHelper
I think what you're looking for is not a mock. If you want to spy what functions are called, you will need to use the spyOn. In jest you can do the following:
jest.spyOn(MyClass, 'myMethod');
And you can also mock the implementation to subtitute the default behavior of a method, a generalist example can be like this:
jest.spyOn(MyClass, 'myMethod').mockImplementation(jest.fn());
With that said, I would rewrite the test to spy the methods from ExportHelper and avoid external calls:
import {ExportHelper, myPublish} from '../app';
beforeEach(() => {
afterEach(() => {
describe('myTest', () => {
it('should run successfully', async () => {
// Arrange
const eventMock = {
Records: [
// ...
jest.spyOn(ExportHelper, 'getInstance').mockImplementation(jest.fn());
jest.spyOn(ExportHelper, 'transfer').mockImplementation(jest.fn());
// Act
await myPublish('arg1', 'arg2');
// Assert
I just replaced this piece of code:
const mockActualExportHelper = jest.requireActual('../somefile').ExportHelper;
const mockGetInstanceImpl = () => {};
// this says cannot read property instances of undefined
const mockExportHelper = mockActualExportHelper.mock.instances[0];
jest.spyOn(ExportHelper, 'getInstance').mockImplementation(jest.fn());
jest.spyOn(ExportHelper, 'transfer').mockImplementation(jest.fn());
Because jest will track down and watch any of these method's calls and then we can use jest's matchers to test if both of them were called. And the mockImplementation will isolate any further calls to be maded.
One thing that I noticed while reproducing your example, is that the transfer method is not being treated as a method when you get the instance from getInstance and therefore, the tests will not pass. But I think this question is not in the scope of the topic. Dunno if just happens to me.

Jest spy not working while testing a function within a function

I'm trying to test a function in a class-based entity and trying to spy on another function that is being called inside the one I'm testing. But even though the child function is being called once, Jest fails to spy on it and says it was called 0 times.
Let's say this is my class:
class Example {
function1() {
const data = this.function2();
return data;
function2() {
...some code
So to test function1, I'm doing this:
describe('ExampleComponent', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
client = new Example();
it('should call function2 once', async() => {
const callFunction1 = client.function1();
const function2Spy = jest.spyOn(client, 'function2');
What am I missing here?
You are calling function first then spying on another function.
Try spying before function call
describe('ExampleComponent', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
client = new Example();
it('should call function2 once', async() => {
const function2Spy = jest.spyOn(client, 'function2');

How to mock a node module with jest within a class?

I need to mock the DNS node module in a class but I am unsure how to do so as it is enclosed in the class. Here is a sample of what the class looks like...
import { lookup } from 'dns';
class Foo {
// ...
protected async _bar(IP: string) {
// I want to mock "lookup"
await new Promise<undefined>((resolve, reject) => {
lookup(IP, (err, addr) => {
if (err) reject(new Error('DNS Lookup failed for IP_ADDR ' + IP));
// If dns found then return true
return true;
// ...
I would like to create a test file foo.spec.ts that contains a test similar to the following:
import { Foo } from './Foo';
describe('Foo', () => {
it('Bar Method returns true on success', () => {
const test = new Foo();
I am unsure how to mock the lookup call within the class Foo given that the class definition is in a separate file from the test itself.
Any help would be appreciated!
The way you are using lookup won't work since it doesn't return a Promise...
...but you can convert it to a version that does return a Promise by using util.promisify.
The code would end up looking something like this:
import { lookup as originalLookup } from 'dns'; // <= import original lookup...
import { promisify } from 'util';
const lookup = promisify(originalLookup); // <= ...and promisify it
export class Foo {
async _bar(IP: string) {
await lookup(IP).catch(err => { throw new Error('Failed'); });
return true;
You could then mock lookup in your test using jest.mock like this:
import { Foo } from './Foo';
jest.mock('dns', () => ({
lookup: (hostname, callback) => {
hostname === 'example.com' ? callback() : callback('error');
describe('Foo', () => {
it('Bar Method returns true on success', async () => {
const test = new Foo();
await expect(test._bar('example.com')).resolves.toBeTruthy(); // Success!
await expect(test._bar('something else')).rejects.toThrowError('Failed'); // Success!
Note that the mock needs to be created using jest.mock (and not something like jest.spyOn) since calls to jest.mock get hoisted and run first. The mock needs to be in place before Foo.js is imported since the first thing it does is create and store the promisified lookup.
From jest's tutorial,
jest.mock('./sound-player', () => {
return function() {
return {playSoundFile: () => {}};
so you could do sth like jest.mock('dns', () => ({ ... }));

how can I spy on a function with jest

I have a function that calls another function
const getArtist = (id) => {
// builds params for other function
return otherFuntion(params);
I want to verify that when I call getArtist(someValue), otherFunction gets called with the right arguments.
How can I accomplish that with jest ?
describe('getArtist function', () => {
it('should call otherFunction with the right params', () => {
// how can I get a handle on the mock of otherFunction to see
// if it was called correctly ?
You could use proxyquire to mock out the imported function at compile time if it's a public function. If it's a private function then you definitely don't want to mock it out.
You should probably just test the return value of otherFuntion instead.
So you are really calling the function otherFuntion(params) so I would rather check if return of your getArtist functions gives the same results as otherFunction called with right params.
describe('getArtist function', () => {
it('should call otherFunction with the right params', () => {
Or create special function for generate params and test it separatly. Like prepareArtistParams and use it inside:
const getArtist = (id) => {
const params = prepareArtistParams(id);
return otherFuntion(params);
describe('otherFuntion function', () => {
it('should create right params', () => {

How to stub methods in a Mongoose model?

How to stub the instance method bark of the following fictitious schema?
var dogSchema = mongoose.Schema({
// ...
dogSchema.methods = {
bark() { console.log('Woof!') },
For example, if I want to test the following function barkOne():
function barkOne() {
Dog.findOne().exec().then(dog => dog.bark());
How would I be able to stub it, in order to test it like this?
describe('barkOne', () =>
it('should make all dogs bark', () => {
barkOne().then(() => {
As of mongoose 4.4.5, I was able to stub methods with Model.prototype. e.g.
const stub = sandbox.stub(Dog.prototype, 'bark');
Dog.findOne().exec().then(dog => {
// dog[0].bark === stub

