How to create OData V2 entity path dynamically in UI5? - javascript

I want to update a table populated with OData service. I am using this approach:
oModel.update("/Products(999)", data, {/*...*/});
I have the selected index stored in a variable (myVar1) and I need to pass that variable to the path string. The problem is Products(999) - this is working with the hard coded row but how to replace 999 with a variable?

Create the path dynamically via the API createKey from the V2 ODataModel:
const path = myODataV2Model.createKey("/Products", {
// Key(s) and value(s) of that entity set
"ProductID": myVar1, // with the value 999 for example
"AnotherKeyProperty": "...",
myODataV2Model.update(path/*, ...*/);
Compared to concatenating strings for the path manually, createKey offers the following advantages:
It outputs the key value always in the correct format corresponding to the EDM type of the given property (using ODataUtils.formatValue internally). E.g.: If ProductID has the type Edm.Int64, UI5 appends the character "l" in the output string aligning with the OData specification: "999" → "999l"
It makes sure that all keys are encoded according to the URI standard (using encodeURIComponentapi internally). E.g.: ProductID='sp ace' → ProductID='sp%20ace'
It outputs the key values always in the correct order no matter which backend system serves the metadata. Given the same metadata definition, it is possible that one system serves the metadata with keys in different orders than others. In such cases, if keys are just concatenated manually, the app would fail horribly throwing vague errors when it's transported to the system serving different key orders.
Since createKey relies on the information from the service metadata, the API should be performed after $metadata is loaded. For this, the promise based API metadataLoaded can be used.

use the javascript concatenation operator + to merge the value of the variable into the url string:
var sIndex = "123";
oModel.update("/Products(" + sIndex + ")", oData, {success: mySuccessHandler, error: myErrorHandler});
by the way: numeric types convert hereby automatically into strings.


React how to address a key from string name

Ok, so I have a database with data sets in it. the application performs a base API call to retrieve that base data set containing all other data sets. I will receive a string variable with the name of the key I need to access so let's say const addon = "Book". However, I don't know the key name beforehand. So the following code works but I need to somehow not hard code the key parameter but rather use the string value incoming from the const addon. I am not quite sure how to do this please point me to the right documentation or explain how to achieve the wanted result.
const columns = levelOne.Book && Object.keys(levelOne.Book);
However, as the incoming param might not be "Book" but anything else it will only work for this case. It is guaranteed that there is a key-value pair where the key bears the name stored in the string value of addon.
You can use a variable as the key. For example, levelOne[variable] where variable is the string that you want to use as the key.
Also, you can get the keys through Object.keys(levelOne) and then you can set variable value from the keys array.

Axios get one parameter with multiple values separated by comma

I have a table in React with data about tests which I get from API. I have to do filters on frontend and be able to join them, for example filter tests from chosen category, chosen difficulty and created before some data.
If I wanted to filter for example tests from category "Javascript" and difficulty "Junior", I should get the uri:
If I wanted to filter tests for "Junior" or "Mid" I should get:
Note apostrophe here which stands for "or".
I should also be able to filter by creation date, for example:
/api/admin/filters?filter=creationDate<2019-09-23 17:34:21,creationDate>2019-09-12 17:34:21
I wonder how I can create such queries? URLSearchParams or axios params adds parameters separated by & so I can't use it here because I have one parameter "filter" with multiple values. Or maybe I should use it and also use js replace method for replacing & for comma? I have also no idea how to add apostrophe.
I saw similar question here:
but I can't use an array in my case because I have multiple filters. I suppose I have to create object like:
options = {
difficulty: [junior, mid],
category: [javascript],
created before: 2019-09-23 17:34:21,
created after: 2019-09-12 17:34:21
and now how to add keys and values from such object to uri so it looks like backend expects?
Any help would be appreciated.
Encoding parameters with encodeURI before passing to axios might solve your issue.
If you need to pass parameters with special characters (like '[',']' ...etc) you should give the parameter as a string '["junior","mid"]' instead of giving parameter as an array.
(Giving as an array will just remove the brackets)
var params = '["junior","mid"]'
encodeURI(params) // it returns "%5B%22junior%22,%22mid%22%5D"
var params = ["junior","mid"]
encodeURI(params) // it returns "junior,mid"

javascript array into object with same key names

I have an unusual problem to solve here. I have an array of Guids
This array has to be transformed into:
id: "c01f8237-72c8-4fa6-9c53-1915750385aa",
id: "2c8a471b-c408-436c-81b1-3f3867d8ffb4",
id: "27a44d46-12bd-4784-ceed-57ada31b0e33"
I know that shouldn't be done, but unfortunately cannot control the back end part. Any idea?
The whole point of a dictionary key is that it uniquely maps to some value. Your desired output attempts to duplicate a key and therefore is neither possible nor does it make sense.
If you're passing this to a backend (as you suggest), then of course you can manually build a string to pass over the wire that duplicates keys in the payload, but you won't be able to actually do it in JavaScript first. You'll have to manually build the string.
Also note that you can call this format whatever you want, but you can't call it JSON and you can't use JSON libraries to build it (because it's not JSON). If your API expects a custom format, then you need to write code to build that custom format.
If all you want is a string just do something like
var str = '{' + {
return "id: "+id
I have no idea what mime type you would put on that though since its not valid JSON.

Breezejs automatic GUID parsing

I am using Breezejs in 'NoDB' mode, meaning I write my metadata by hand. When I create a Breeze query with OData parameters I add a filter by id, say
new breeze.Predicate('iD', datacontext.breeze.FilterQueryOp.Equals, myId)
The var myId is indeed a GUID value (though it's defined as a String), but in my DB and in both my server-side and client-side model it's a string (I can't change the DB structure). the property definition in my metadata model is
dataProperties: {
iD: { dataType: DataType.String },
(I know the property name looks weird, but I have to use this syntax since I have the breeze.NamingConvention.camelCase.setAsDefault() on my datacontext, and the property's name on the DB is ID uppercased)
When I execute the query I see that the corresponding oData filter option in the WebAPI url is like
$filter=ID eq guid'65BEB144-5C0C-4481-AC70-5E61FDAA840D'
which leads me to this server error: No coercion operator is defined between types 'System.Guid' and 'System.String'.
Is there a way to disable this automatic 'parsing' of GUIDs and leave them as strings?
I have temporarily solved this by removing the parsing directly inside breeze's source code so that my webAPI call would look like
$filter=ID eq '65BEB144-5C0C-4481-AC70-5E61FDAA840D'
but I don't like this solution and I would be glad if there was a better one, like parametrize this behaviour in some way. I didn't find anything about this on Breeze's official website.
Breeze uses its metadata to determine that datatype of each property in a query and then uses this information to generate the correct OData filter. So your metadata definition of ID as a string should be correct.
However, in order to perform this operation breeze needs to know the EntityType of your query. For example in the following query
var q = EntityQuery.from("Foo").where(....)
breeze needs to know the EntityType that "Foo" ( a resourceName) corresponds to. Once it has the entity type it can correctly format any filters for specific properties of this entityType. If breeze does not have 'EntityType', then it falls back to guessing about the datatype of each property. In your case, its guessing that the datatype is a 'Guid'
So the fix is to either tell the query directly about the EntityType that you are querying
var q = breeze.EntityQuery.from("Foo).where(....).toType(FoosEntityType);
or you can handle it more globally via via the MetadataStore.setEntityTypeForResourceName method.
breeze.MetadataStore.setEntityTypeForResourceName("Foo", FoosEntityType);
var q = breeze.EntityQuery.from("Foo).where(....); // your original query

How to compare Two data stores in Dojo

I have two data store of type of the data store having old data and other one having new data.How can i compare these two data stores?
I call the fetch method on both of the stores and did a compare but didn't work for me.
IF a same item can be in two stores, then you could fetch all items from one store, on Complete, foreach item, otherStore.isItem(someItem) which will return a boolean :)
Have you tried that?
The format used by ItemFileReadStore is not a requirement of the API. The
format it uses is designed to work well for the specific situations
ItemFileReadStore is used for, which are moderately sized data sets that can be easily
represented in a JavaScript Object tree.
Structure of Input Data Format
"label": "some attribute", // Optional attribute used to indicate which attribute on
an item should act as a human-readable label for display purposes.
"identifier": "some attribute", // Optional attribute used to indicate which
attribute on an item acts as a unique identifier for that item. If it is not defined,
then the ItemFileReadStore will simply number the items and use that number as a
unique index to the item.
"items:" [ // The array of JavaScript objects that act as the root items of the data
{ /* Some set of name/value attributes */ },
{ /* ... */ },
solution 1: in our application we have used this method:
_equal: function(objA, objB) {
return dojo.json.stringify(objA) === dojo.json.stringify(objB);
the data inside objects should also have the same order, otherwise comparison will fail.
solution 2: but in dojo 1.8 they have introduced dojox/mvc/equals function.
it compares two given objects.
please also consider using dojo/store instead of deprecated dojo/data

