React app - IconMenu not expanded on Click event. - javascript

I need help with react app and IconMenu from material-ui.
Studying many similar issues without results :(
Having following code, I want to trigger menu expand manually - I need it in tests framework to simulate clicking on submenu item.
const Menu = () => {
return (
iconButtonElement={<FlatButton style={{height: '100%'}
onClick={() => console.log('clicked!')}
<MenuItem primaryText="submenu" leftIcon={<SignOutIcon />} />
The problem is that, when I do click on menu item, the onClick event is triggered, but menu is not expanded at all:
I was trying to send custom event by dispatchEvent function, but even onClick is not triggered.
Is something what i missed?

It looks like by using onClick you override the default behaviour, so you'll need to use IconMenu's open prop and tell it when you want it to be open (true) or closed (false).
You'll need to have some code in your component that toggles open between true and false. To do this, the component will need to be stateful instead of functional. If you haven't done this before, check out the react docs on converting a function to a class
class Menu extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
menuOpen: false
_toggleOpen = () => {
menuOpen: !this.state.menuOpen
_handleClick = () => {
// .. do your other on click stuff here
iconButtonElement={<FlatButton style={{height: '100%'}
<MenuItem primaryText="submenu" leftIcon={<SignOutIcon />} />
so now we've got a state that the Menu component can update which will decide whether the menu should be open and which gets passed down into the open prop.


How would you transfer data between components in React?

I recently learned a bit about react and I'm confused about how I would transfer data between two components.
Currently, I have 2 functions implemented as such:
I have topbar.tsx which shows the topbar information, such as showing some button to open the sidebar (which is my next function).
import Sidebar from './sidebar'
export default topbar(props) {
return (
<Sidebar />
I also have sidebar.tsx which contains the implementation of sidebar. (This is, if I understand react terminology correctly, the child).
import CloseButton from 'react-bootstrap/CloseButton';
export default Sidebar() {
return (
<CloseButton />
The issue I'm facing is that, since the topbar is the function that controls the opening and closing of the sidebar, however, I want a close button to appear on my sidebar and do exactly as is said. How would I be able to transfer state information between these two files such that I can open sidebar and close it with the button in sidebar.
Thank you!
You elevate your state to the parent component, and pass event handler functions through.
For instance:
// Holds state about the drawer, and passes functions to mamange that state as props.
function Topbar() {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false)
return (
<Drawer isOpen={isOpen}>
<Sidebar onClose={() => setIsOpen(false)} />
// Drawer will show it's children if open.
function Drawer({ isOpen, children }: { isOpen: boolean, children: React.ReactNode }) {
if (!isOpen) return null
return <div>{children}</div>
// Sidebar will send onClose to the button's onClick
function Sidebar({onClose}: { onClose: () => void }) {
return (
<CloseButton onClick={onClose} />
// Close button doesn't care what happens on click, it just reports the click
function CloseButton({onClick}: { onClick: () => void }) {
return <div onClick={onClick} />
First of all, rename topbar to Topbar. Otherwise you can't render your component.
For your question, you can pass the props directly to Sidebar component too.
export default Topbar(props) {
return (
<Sidebar open={isOpen}

Close menu when clicking outside the React component

I have a menu component which I want to close when I click anywhere on the page if it’s open.
Is there a way to close the menu without the need for an event listener being added to the document and checking the
There is no way to send the close function back upto the parent component as it lives on a separate Route.
-> MenuComponent
-> MainContent
Yes. This is easily accomplished by wrapping the component in the ClickAwayListener provided by material ui. Then you pass a function to the onClickAway attribute and that should close your menu for you. I've provided a template below and you can also check out the MUI docs:
import ClickAwayListener from '#mui/material/ClickAwayListener';
export default function MenuComponent() {
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
const handleClick = () => {
const handleClickAway = () => {
return (
<ClickAwayListener onClickAway={handleClickAway}>
<button type="button" onClick={handleClick}>
Open menu dropdown
{open ? (
Click me, I will stay visible until you click outside.
) : null}

React - How do I detect if a child component is clicked

I have a test site HERE
Please do:
Visit the site and click on the hamburger icon in the top right. The
side nav should open.
Perform the same action again and you will see the problem I am
currently having.
The side nav does not close properly because I have two conflicting functions operating.
The first conflicting function is an onClick toggle function within the actual hamburger component which toggles an associated context state.
The second conflicting function is used by the side nav panel component. It is bound to a hook which uses its ref to check whether the user has clicked inside or outside of the component.
These functions work up until the user clicks on the hamburger menu whilst the side nav is open. The hamburger is technically outside of the side nav component but overlayed on top of it, so the click does not register as outside. This results in both functions firing one after the other. The "click outside" hook fires and sets the side nav context to false, closing it. The hamburger toggle function then fires, finds the context set to false and changes it back to true. Thus instantly closing and then reopening the side nav.
The solution I have attempted looks like the below. I tried to assign a ref within the hamburger child component and pass it to the side nav parent. I wanted to try and compare the callback returned from useClickedOutside to the toggleRef given to the parent but the hamburger component and then if they match then do nothing. This, I was hoping, would knock one of the functions out of action for that interaction. Not entirely sure this is the best way to attempt to achieve something like this.
Perhaps I could get the side nav bounding box and then check if the click coordinates land within it?
const SideToggle = ({ sideNavToggle, sideIsOpen, setToggleRef }) => {
useEffect(() => {
const toggleRef = React.createRef();
}, []);
return (
<Toggle onClick={sideNavToggle}>
<Bar sideIsOpen={sideIsOpen} />
<Bar sideIsOpen={sideIsOpen} />
<Bar sideIsOpen={sideIsOpen} />
export default function SideNav() {
const [toggleRef, setToggleRef] = useState(null);
const { sideIsOpen, sideNavToggle, setSideIsOpen } = useContext(
const handlers = useSwipeable({
onSwipedRight: () => {
preventDefaultTouchmoveEvent: true,
trackMouse: true,
const sideRef = React.createRef();
useClickedOutside(sideRef, (callback) => {
if (callback) {
if (callback === toggleRef) {
return null;
} else setSideIsOpen(false);
return (
<div ref={sideRef}>
<Side sideIsOpen={sideIsOpen} {...handlers}>
<Col xs={12}>{/* <Menu /> */}</Col>
The useClickedOutside hook used above.
export default function useClickedOutside(ref, callback) {
useEffect(() => {
function handleClickOutside(event) {
if (ref.current && !ref.current.contains( {
} else return null;
document.addEventListener("mousedown", handleClickOutside);
return () => {
document.removeEventListener("mousedown", handleClickOutside);
}, [ref]);
Managed to fix part of the problem by moving the toggle component inside of the side nav component. It now has its own problem in that the hamburger component completely rerenders when the side nav props change. Trying to figure out how to stop the hamburger rerendering in a hooks scenario such as this. I've been reading that React.memo may be the answer but unsure how to implement it as of yet.
export default function SideNav() {
const { sideIsOpen, sideNavClose, sideNavOpen } = useContext(
const handlers = useSwipeable({
onSwipedRight: () => {
preventDefaultTouchmoveEvent: true,
trackMouse: true,
const sideRef = React.createRef();
useClickedOutside(sideRef, (callback) => {
if (callback) {
const SideToggle = () => {
const handleClick = () => {
if (!sideIsOpen) {
return (
<Toggle onClick={() => handleClick()}>
<Bar sideIsOpen={sideIsOpen} />
<Bar sideIsOpen={sideIsOpen} />
<Bar sideIsOpen={sideIsOpen} />
return (
<SideToggle />
<div ref={sideRef}>
<Side sideIsOpen={sideIsOpen} {...handlers}>
<Col xs={12}>{/* <Menu /> */}</Col>
I'd recommend using this package: . It handles some edge cases you mention, you can check their source code if you are interested in the details.
Then you need to keep the information about whether the sidebar is opened in the state and pass it down to the affected components somewhat like this (this way you can also change how the site looks in other places depending on the toolbar state, eg. disable scrollbar etc):
function Site() {
const [isOpened, setToolbarState] = React.useState(false);
return (
<Toolbar isOpened={isOpened} setToolbarState={setToolbarState} />
{isOpened ? (<div>draw some background if needed</div>) : null}
<RestOfTheSite />
function Toolbar(props) {
const setIsClosed = React.useCallback(function () {
}, [props.setToolbarState]);
const setIsOpened = React.useCallback(function () {
}, [props.setToolbarState]);
return (
<OutsideClickHandler onOutsideClick={setIsClosed}>
<div className="toolbar">
<button onClick={setIsOpened}>open</button>
{props.isOpened ? (<div>render links, etc here</div>) : null}
This way you won't necessary need to juggle refs and handlers around too much.
The way I answered this was to avoid detecting a click outside of the side nav altogether and instead detected if the click was outside of the main body of the site.
If true, then I call the navigation context and set side nav to false the same as I was trying in the side nav itself.

Modal element is not hiding [React & React - Bootstrap]

I've created modal with React Bootstrap. Despite the fact, that I'm using onHide function, nothing happens. Here's my modal:
<Button id = "closeModal" variant="danger" onClick=
Save and close
I'm passing "show" from other component, when click occurs on some element. onClick on that element is specified to: "showModal: true". Then I'm passing showModal to other component that is rendering different elements according to option choosed:
{this.state.addingState && (
At last in MyForm component I have function that passes props to component with modal:
createModalComponent {
let modalComponentProps= {
So, this is the way "show" is going. In my file with modal component I have function for handling hide:
handleHide() {
this.setState({ showModal: false });
Now in this component showModal is initialize in state like so:
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
this.handleHide = this.handleHide.bind(this);
I've tried many things. Other state variables, without initializing showModal in state and many more. When clicking on the button or beyond the modal, modal is still visible and not hiding. I will be very grateful for your help and/or suggestions how to fix this.
So, the way showModal is going: parent component (where this.state.addingState is happening) -> MyForm component (where let modalComponentProps= { show:, ... happens) -> actual modal component
Code on CodePen
you have 2 possibilities: you can add the method to your parent and pass the method + the result of show like this (use same name of props and method for best practice, so you will be not confuse):
To use the modal from parent, you can call it like this in child: this.props.handleHide(true).
Or you let the child manage the state by itself, so you would place the method and state in child, not in parent (depending on the architecture).
It is not recommended to add the props in child state.
Also, you could use es6 function to avoid binding like this:
handleHide = () => this.setState({ showModal: false });
Look on the shouldComponentUpdate method
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) {
return !isEqual(this.props, nextProps);
You are checking only props but you are changing the state of the component. Fix the method or remove it and it will be working

componentWillReceiveProps in Vue

I am new pretty new to Vue, and coming from a rather React-y suburb. I am rebuilding my SideNav ("drawer") component from the latter. There, when one clicked the button (not being related to the navigation per se), it setStateed this.state.toggle that was tied to appropriate
class thePage extends React.Component {
this.handleToggleClick = this.handleToggleClick.bind(this);
this.state ={
toggleState: false
// Slide out buttons event handlers
toggleState: !this.state.toggleState
render() {
const button = <a href="#" onClick={this.handleToggleClick}>here</a>
const isOpenWithButton = this.state.toggleState;
return (
<SideNav logo="logo.png" isOpenWithButton={isOpenWithButton}>
. . .
export default SideNavPage;
the SideNav looks as follows:
class SideNav extends React.Component {
this.state = {
isThere: false,
showOverlay: false,
this.handleOverlayClick = this.handleOverlayClick.bind(this);
componentWillReceiveProps(NextProps) {
if (this.props.isOpenWithButton !== NextProps.isOpenWithButton) {
isThere: true,
showOverlay: true
isThere: false,
showOverlay: false
render() {
const {
tag: Tag,
} = this.props;
let isThere = this.state.isThere;
let showOverlay = this.state.showOverlay;
const overlay = <div class="overlay" onClick={this.handleOverlayClick}></div>
const sidenav = (
{logo &&
<div className="logo-wrapper">
<a href={href}>
<img src={logo} className="img-fluid flex-center d-block"/>
return (
{isThere && sidenav}
{showOverlay && overlay}
export default SideNav;
So, as you can see, clicking the button causes the isOpenWithButton props to change, and whenever it happens (componentWillReceiveProps), the sidenav with overlay appear.
I did some work on porting it to Vue, but as it lacks this lifecycle hook I am stuck with props. I have a following problem: clicking the button opens the overlay, but as you close it with clicking in the overlay, the Boolean prop sent by button does not change, what necessitates clicking the button twice if the sidenav has been already open. I know I must be missing a vital part in Vue logic, I just cannot grasp which.
Using .sync modifier
What you are looking for is called in vue a .sync modifier.
When a child component mutates a prop that has .sync, the value change will be reflected in the parent.
With this you can achive what you described:
clicking the button opens the overlay, but as you close it with clicking in the overlay, the Boolean prop sent by button does not change
Using a centralised store - (like vuex)
The same could also be achieved if you have a centralised state/store, in this case both of your components could rely on that state property.
See state management on Vue documentation:
Large applications can often grow in complexity, due to multiple pieces of state scattered across many components and the interactions between them
You could simple toogle the same property, for example:

