using javascript with a string that contains - javascript

Hi I am currently using java to hide certain tabs and fields on my forms depending on the population of dropdowns, for example here is a code that is working:
//Display Transfer tab if it is a transfer application
var ctrlApplicationType = Runner.getControl(pageid, 'ApplicationType');
ctrlApplicationType.on('change', function(e)
if (this.getValue() == 2)
var tabs = pageObj.getTabs();;
var tabs = pageObj.getTabs(); tabs.hide(2);
In the example above the dropdown is fed from a lookup table and returns the primary key INT, hence ==2 works fine.
However I now have a problem when I am trying to get this to work with a checkbox, because the problem is a checkbox can have multiple options.
My lookup table for checkbox has 5 options, so if i ticked option 1, 2 and 3, the field (string) is stored as 1,2,3.
What I need to do is to do change the above code so it returns true if it contains 1, ie
if (1,2,3) contains 1 then true
if (2,3) contains 1 then false.
Any ideas would be much appreciated

Okay, against my better judgement (I'd really like to see you make your own attempt based on the information I've already given you), here you go...
var selectedString = "1,2,3"; // from your code, this is this.getValue()
var selectedArray = selectedString.split(","); // split the string into an array using a comma (,) as the split point
var foundInArray = selectedArray.includes('1'); // foundInArray is now a boolean indicating whether or not the value '1' is one of the values in the array.
// do the found action
// do the not found action
If you want to compare against integer values instead of string values, that's easy enough too.
var integerArray ={ return parseInt(x); });
var foundInArray = integerArray.includes(1);
Finally, all of this can be chained into a one-liner:
if(selectedString.split(",").map(function(x){return parseInt(x);}).includes(1))
// do found action
// do not found action
To iterate through a fixed list and show/hide each, you can do this...
var possibleTabs = [1,2,3,4,5];
for(n in possibleTabs)
if(selectedString.split(",").map(function(x){return parseInt(x);}).includes(n))
var tabs = pageObj.getTabs();;
var tabs = pageObj.getTabs(); tabs.hide(n);
This, of course, assumes that there is a relation between the checkbox value and the tabs. If there's not, then you're going to have to list them all out as individual if/elseif/else statements, and that is going to get out of hand really quickly.


PDF.js Setting a field value?

I hope you're all doing well. So I've been working with PDF.js by Mozilla for a while now. We're using it to display PDF forms to be filled out on a mobile app. Everything works great, I'm just trying to implement a feature where you can cache the users entries so that they can resume from where they left off. For a few reasons I can't just download the PDF to save it and then load it back up when they wat to resume.
Essentially I want to store all the user entries and the Field ID for each of them, which I've already gotten working, and then when the user wants to resume I want it to load the empty PDF, and then automatically re-populate all the fields with the cached entries.
I know I could set the individual text fields, but when I do that it doesn't apply to the annotationStorage so when I parse the form, those fields are read as blank.
I've tried the following lines of code in an attempt to set a field value with the id "5R"
PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument.annotationStorage.setValue('5R', "Shirboogle");
PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument.annotationStorage.getAll()['5R'].value = "Shirboogle";
var objs = await PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument.getFieldObjects();
objs['Address 1 Text Box'][0].value = "Shirboogle";
// and
objs['Address 1 Text Box'][0].defaultValue = "Shirboogle";
// This will actually set the value of the text field, but when I look for it in annotationStorage OR
// getFieldObjects() the value is still unchanged.
document.getElementById('pdfjs_internal_id_5R').value = 'Shapoopsies';
along with many other attempts. I've looked all over and nothing seems to be available, so if you have any ideas please let me know!
In case anyone is having trouble with this, here is the solution I came up with. It seems to work great for my use case but may not be sufficient for every case. I figured I'd at least share what I got to work.
It basically sets everything manually. There are still some UI elements I need to make an if statement for to set, but anyways. Here's my code. Good luck :)
function getFieldValue(id) {
return PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument.annotationStorage.getAll()[id].value;
async function getFieldObjById(id) {
var objs = await PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument.getFieldObjects();
for(var i=0; i<Object.values(objs).length; i++) {
if(Object.values(objs)[i][0].id == id) {
return Object.values(objs)[i][0];
async function setFieldValue(id, val) {
var fElementId = "pdfjs_internal_id_" + id;
var fObject = await getFieldObjById(id);
var objType = fObject.type;
// Depending on the element type we set the value accordingly.
if(objType == 'text') {
document.getElementById(fElementId).value = val;
PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument.annotationStorage.setValue(id, {value: val});
else if(objType == 'checkbox') {
document.getElementById(fElementId).checked = val;
PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument.annotationStorage.setValue(id, {value: val});
else if(objType == 'combobox') {
document.getElementById(fElementId).selectedIndex = val;
var sLabel = document.getElementById(fElementId).options[document.getElementById(fElementId).selectedIndex].label;
PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument.annotationStorage.setValue(id, {value: sLabel});

Show a DIV if the URL contains a certain list strings

I'm looking for a way to show/hide a certain DIV based on a list of URL's I have that need to display it. The problem Im running into is that these URL's may contain various parameters that I need to ignore and thats where Im running into trouble.
if(window.location.href == "" || window.location.href==""){}
I need a more clean way to do this and just check if multiple strings exist somewhere in the URL.
What about passing your url into a function and then doing a partial search to see if it includes the part of the url you care about withoug the params.
function CheckURL(url) {
var value = false;
value = url.includes('');
// value = check 2
// value = check 3
return value;
Or something similar but doing the work in a function that you can call and update as needed.
Based on question as example to hide a div.
function CheckURL(url) {
var x = document.getElementById("example"); = "none";
var value = false;
value = url.includes('');
// value = check 2
// value = check 3
if (value) { = "block";
This hides it initially and then shows it if it meets the criteria.

Pushing variable to an array depending on the checkbox selected

I have an simple example here, the check boxes were already given by the framework we are using so it just checks weather it is checked or not(returns true or false). And I have three variables with different options that will be pushed in an array and gets removed when unchecked. By the way I have made it worked but I think there is more proper way to do this.
var chk1 = data.config.chk1; // returns true or false only
var chk2 = data.config.chk2; // same as above
var chk3 = data.config.chk3;
var settA = "settingsA";
var settB = "settingsB";
var settC = "settingsC";
if (chk1) {
if (chk2) {
if (chk3) {
I would eidt your Object that contains the chk# keys (with true or false values) with the actual settings value instead. Then if its in the object you know its true. That way you can make your code easier to handle like so.
var Chks = data.config;
for(var key in Chks)
Now if your object contained data.config.chk3 = 'SettingsA' your array will contain 'SettingsA'.
Maybe this wont work for you, but as a rule of thumb if your repeating the same commands over and over you should probably abstract, like use an itterator.

PDF script return value of last non blank field in a group

Trying to teach myself javascript I can do some minor scripts by myself but this one has got me stumped. I have been trying for weeks and cant get anywhere.example image
MY goal is to have the field labeled end item automatically populate with the last item filled in on the list.
I know how to do this in excel but with javascript I am completely lost any guidance would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance.
I have tried this before:
var one = this.getField("a1");
var two = this.getField("a2");
var three = this.getField("a3");
//for all 25 fields
else if (three.value==''||three.value==null){
//for all 25 fields
The loop shown below loops over all of your fields. As long as it finds a value, it remembers that value (so "theResult" always contains the currently last found item). If no value is found (in other words, if we find the last item in the list, we simply break and know that "theResult" contains the last real value.
// Start by not having any result
var theResult = null;
// Loop over all fields
for (var theIndex = 1; theIndex < 26; theIndex++) {
// get this field
var theField = this.getField( "a" + theIndex );
// If this field has a value, take it, if not quit our loop
if (theField.value) {
theResult = theField.value;
} else {

How to detect if a user input has been repeated?

I'm trying to make hangman in javascript and I want to check if the user has used a letter already. I made a var letterGuessValue = to 0 and if they add an input it = 1. I know this would say know to everything if i got it to work (it doesn't even do anything) but am I on the right track maybe? Here's my code.
I would say add an input to a list and whenever they add another input (aka letter), check this list to see if it is already in there. If it is, then its because they've already used that letter before. If not, then it is a new letter.
I don't see where the difficult part is.
Sample code
var used = {};
var val = this.value;
alert( used[val] ? "Used" : "Not used" );
this.value = "";
used[val] = true;
How it works
Assign true to used.LETTER when a letter is entered. Before assigning it though, if it was undefined then it hasn't been used. If it is true then it is used.
Sometimes developers tend to use an Array to record pressed keystrokes when doing key combinations, but in this case, iterating an Array would require both more memory and computation power. A simple object is an enough fit.
Use an array to store all of the used letters and function like this to add new ones.
var inputs = []
function addLetter(letter){
var used = false;
for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++){
if(inputs[i] == letter){
used = true;
The easiest way is to append each letter to a string, like this:
var letters = '';
var letterPressed = 'X'; // uppercase it if appropriate for your language
if (letters.indexOf(letterPressed) > -1)
// you already pressed it
letters += letterPressed;
You can also use an array to store your list of presses, although IMO that's overkill.

