Pushing variable to an array depending on the checkbox selected - javascript

I have an simple example here, the check boxes were already given by the framework we are using so it just checks weather it is checked or not(returns true or false). And I have three variables with different options that will be pushed in an array and gets removed when unchecked. By the way I have made it worked but I think there is more proper way to do this.
var chk1 = data.config.chk1; // returns true or false only
var chk2 = data.config.chk2; // same as above
var chk3 = data.config.chk3;
var settA = "settingsA";
var settB = "settingsB";
var settC = "settingsC";
if (chk1) {
if (chk2) {
if (chk3) {

I would eidt your Object that contains the chk# keys (with true or false values) with the actual settings value instead. Then if its in the object you know its true. That way you can make your code easier to handle like so.
var Chks = data.config;
for(var key in Chks)
Now if your object contained data.config.chk3 = 'SettingsA' your array will contain 'SettingsA'.
Maybe this wont work for you, but as a rule of thumb if your repeating the same commands over and over you should probably abstract, like use an itterator.


using javascript with a string that contains

Hi I am currently using java to hide certain tabs and fields on my forms depending on the population of dropdowns, for example here is a code that is working:
//Display Transfer tab if it is a transfer application
var ctrlApplicationType = Runner.getControl(pageid, 'ApplicationType');
ctrlApplicationType.on('change', function(e)
if (this.getValue() == 2)
var tabs = pageObj.getTabs(); tabs.show(2);
var tabs = pageObj.getTabs(); tabs.hide(2);
In the example above the dropdown is fed from a lookup table and returns the primary key INT, hence ==2 works fine.
However I now have a problem when I am trying to get this to work with a checkbox, because the problem is a checkbox can have multiple options.
My lookup table for checkbox has 5 options, so if i ticked option 1, 2 and 3, the field (string) is stored as 1,2,3.
What I need to do is to do change the above code so it returns true if it contains 1, ie
if (1,2,3) contains 1 then true
if (2,3) contains 1 then false.
Any ideas would be much appreciated
Okay, against my better judgement (I'd really like to see you make your own attempt based on the information I've already given you), here you go...
var selectedString = "1,2,3"; // from your code, this is this.getValue()
var selectedArray = selectedString.split(","); // split the string into an array using a comma (,) as the split point
var foundInArray = selectedArray.includes('1'); // foundInArray is now a boolean indicating whether or not the value '1' is one of the values in the array.
// do the found action
// do the not found action
If you want to compare against integer values instead of string values, that's easy enough too.
var integerArray = selectedArray.map(function(x){ return parseInt(x); });
var foundInArray = integerArray.includes(1);
Finally, all of this can be chained into a one-liner:
if(selectedString.split(",").map(function(x){return parseInt(x);}).includes(1))
// do found action
// do not found action
To iterate through a fixed list and show/hide each, you can do this...
var possibleTabs = [1,2,3,4,5];
for(n in possibleTabs)
if(selectedString.split(",").map(function(x){return parseInt(x);}).includes(n))
var tabs = pageObj.getTabs(); tabs.show(n);
var tabs = pageObj.getTabs(); tabs.hide(n);
This, of course, assumes that there is a relation between the checkbox value and the tabs. If there's not, then you're going to have to list them all out as individual if/elseif/else statements, and that is going to get out of hand really quickly.

How to detect if a user input has been repeated?

I'm trying to make hangman in javascript and I want to check if the user has used a letter already. I made a var letterGuessValue = to 0 and if they add an input it = 1. I know this would say know to everything if i got it to work (it doesn't even do anything) but am I on the right track maybe? Here's my code. http://jsbin.com/aWOnAfe/5/edit
I would say add an input to a list and whenever they add another input (aka letter), check this list to see if it is already in there. If it is, then its because they've already used that letter before. If not, then it is a new letter.
I don't see where the difficult part is.
Sample code
var used = {};
var val = this.value;
alert( used[val] ? "Used" : "Not used" );
this.value = "";
used[val] = true;
How it works
Assign true to used.LETTER when a letter is entered. Before assigning it though, if it was undefined then it hasn't been used. If it is true then it is used.
Sometimes developers tend to use an Array to record pressed keystrokes when doing key combinations, but in this case, iterating an Array would require both more memory and computation power. A simple object is an enough fit.
Use an array to store all of the used letters and function like this to add new ones.
var inputs = []
function addLetter(letter){
var used = false;
for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++){
if(inputs[i] == letter){
used = true;
The easiest way is to append each letter to a string, like this:
var letters = '';
var letterPressed = 'X'; // uppercase it if appropriate for your language
if (letters.indexOf(letterPressed) > -1)
// you already pressed it
letters += letterPressed;
You can also use an array to store your list of presses, although IMO that's overkill.

Greasemonkey testing if array element exists

I'm writing a script that adds labels to things on a page using an element from an array based on part of the link... so my array looks like this:
var componentList[9] = "Sunnyseed"
var componentList[10] = "Echoberry"
var componentList[11] = "Riverstone"
var componentList[13] = "Auraglass"
var componentList[14] = "Skypollen"
You'll notice there is no '12'... I want the label to be 'Unknown' when the array item doesn't exist. Now, I can't exactly test my solution since I can't cause the target page to throw me a 12... so I was hoping somebody would tell me whether this will do what I want or not...
var component = ""
if(typeof componentList[critterIDval] == 'undefined'){
This is obviously not the full script, but it should be the important stuff... I just want to know if that will make it say 'Unknown' when the critterIDval is 12 - since it could take years to come across the situation for testing.
You're pretty much there. You're using a single-equals sign in your comparison, so that will mess it up, and I'm not sure you can create a JS array like that, but aside from that, you're good.
Here is the test I ran for it:
var componentList = [];
componentList[9] = "Sunnyseed";
componentList[10] = "Echoberry";
componentList[11] = "Riverstone";
componentList[13] = "Auraglass";
componentList[14] = "Skypollen";
for (var critterIDval = 9; critterIDval < 15; critterIDval++) {
if (typeof componentList[critterIDval] == 'undefined') { // double equals here
component = "Unknown";
} else {
component = componentList[critterIDval];
It looks fine.
Though if you are sure that the value will never be an empty string(like componentList[14] = '';) then you can try
var component = componentList[critterIDval] || 'Unknown'
I want the label to be 'Unknown' when the array item doesn't exist.
The typeof operator does not tell you if a property exists or not as it returns undefined when the property doesn't exist but also when it does exist and has been assigned a the value undefined or simply created but hasn't been assigned a value.
There are two primary ways to test for the existence of a property: the in operator, which also looks on the [[Prototype]] chain and the hasOwnProperty method of all Objects. So
if (componentList.hasOwnProperty(critterIDval)) {
component = "Unknown"
} else {
component = componentList[critterIDval]
which you could also write as:
component = componentList.hasOwnProperty(critterIDval)? componentList[critterIDval] : 'unknown';
PS. there are other methods, such as looking at Object.keys(componentList) and componentList.propertyIsEnumerable(critterIDval), but the above are the most common.
If your requirement is not just to test for property existence but to also test for a "truthy" value, then:
if (componentList[critterIDval])
may be sufficient and will return false where the value is '' (empty string), 0, false, NaN, undefined or null.
Maybe just testing for a non–empty string or number will do:
if (/.+/.test(componentList[critterIDval]))
but that returns true for NaN, null and so on. So you need to specify what you are actually testing for, otherwise you may get undesired results for some values.

Searching for an element in a Json object

I have an array of object (JSONized). Something like this :
popUpList = [{
"Name":"My Pop Up",
"addedToBasket": true
"Name":"My 2nd Pop Up",
"addedToBasket": false
My situation is a clip can be either added from he pop up or the main page. So, I need to edit the JSON object when something is added to basket from the page.
I tried using $.inArray() and similar methods. i reckon either I am not doing it the right way or missing something. Or, this cannot work for JSON objects and I have to loop through every object.
Any help will be appreciated.
Array.indexOf (what $.inArray is) does need the element to search for and returns its index.
If you need to search for an element you don't know before, you will need to loop manually (Libs like Underscore have helpers):
var idToSearchFor = …;
for (var i=0; i<popUpList.length; i++)
if (popUpList[i].id == idToSearchFor) {
// do something
If you want to build an index for faster accessing popups, you can do that as well. It also has the advantage of being unambiguous (only one element per id):
var popUpsById = {};
for (var i=0; i<popUpList.length; i++)
popUpsById[popUpList[i].id] = popUpList[i];
if (idToSearchFor in popUpsById)
// do something with popUpsById[idToSearchFor]
// create one?
I'm not quite sure what you want to search explicitely, you can access each value in your object by using:
vat id = "1";
// this given example wont work for you bec. of your structure
// but its all about the idea.
var objectOne = yourJsonObject[id];
// You can also append them
var myValue = yourJsonObject.address.zip;
And similiar on any other item of the fetched first object.
For that I would create a custom search function which would look like that:
$.each(popUpList, function(i, v) {
var entryYouWantToFind = "addedToBasket";
// do your stuff here.
I hope I could give you the hint.

Build a switch based on array

I want to create a Javascript switch based on an array I'm creating from a query string. I'm not sure how to proceed.
Let's say I have an array like this :
var myArray = ("#general","#controlpanel","#database");
I want to create this...
case "#general":
$("#controlpanel, #database").hide();
case "#controlpanel":
$("#general, #database").hide();
case "#database":
$("#general, #controlpanel").hide();
myArray could contain any amount of elements so I want the switch to be created dynamically based on length of the array. The default case would always be the first option.
The array is created from a location.href with a regex to extract only what I need.
Thanks alot!
#Michael has the correct general answer, but here's a far simpler way to accomplish the same goal:
// Once, at startup
var $items = $("#general,#controlpanel,#database");
// When it's time to show a target
$items.hide(); // Hide 'em all, even the one to show
$(target).show(); // OK, now show just that one
If you really only have an array of selectors then you can create a jQuery collection of them via:
var items = ["#general","#controlpanel","#database"];
var $items = $(items.join(','));
Oh, and "Thanks, Alot!" :)
I think you want an object. Just define keys with the names of your elements to match, and functions as the values. e.g.
var switchObj = {
"#general": function () {
$("#controlpanel, #database").hide();
"#controlpanel": function () {
$("#general, #database").hide();
"#database": function () {
$("#general, #controlpanel").hide();
Then you can just call the one you want with
Granted: this solution is better if you need to do explicitly different things with each element, and unlike the other answers it focused on what the explicit subject of the question was, rather than what the OP was trying to accomplish with said data structure.
Rather than a switch, you need two statements: first, to show the selected target, and second to hide all others.
// Array as a jQuery object instead of a regular array of strings
var myArray = $("#general,#controlpanel,#database");
// Loop over jQuery list and unless the id of the current
// list node matches the value of target, hide it.
myArray.each(function() {
// Test if the current node's doesn't matche #target
if ('#' + $(this).prop('id') !== target) {
In fact, the first statement can be incorporated into the loop.
var myArray = $("#general,#controlpanel,#database");
myArray.each(function() {
if ('#' + $(this).prop('id') !== target) {
else {
Perhaps you're looking for something like this? Populate myArray with the elements you're using.
var myArray = ["#general","#controlpanel","#database"];
var clone = myArray.slice(0); // Clone the array
var test;
if ((test = clone.indexOf(target)) !== -1) {
clone.splice(test,1); // Remove the one we've picked up
$(clone.join(',')).hide(); // Hide the remaining array elements
here you dont need to explicitly list all the cases, just let the array define them. make sure though, that target exists in the array, otherwise you'll need an if statement.
var target = "#controlpanel";
var items = ["#general","#controlpanel","#database"];
items.splice($.inArray(target, items), 1);

