Injecting a stubbed dependency into an es6 class with Sinon - javascript

I have the following modules:
const rp = require('request-promise');
// dummies.repository.js
exports.getDummiesData = () => {
const options = {
url: '',
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'Request-Promise',
json: true
return rp(options)
.then(r => r)
.catch(err => { throw err; });
The above file is a dependency to a class that I would like to test. I inject it to the below class via its constructor like so:
// dummies.service.js
const Dummies = require('./dummies.model');
class DummiesService {
constructor(dummiesRepository) {
this.dummiesRepository = dummiesRepository;
getDummies() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then((response) => {
// business logic
const dummies = => new Dummies(d));
.catch((response) => {
module.exports = DummiesService;
In the above, I want to test the method getDummies with sinon. My approach so far has been to stub out the dummiesRepository and inject that to my dummies service during instantiation, but I am getting an error. Here is how my test looks:
const DummiesService = require('../dummies.service');
const dummiesRepository = require('../dummies.repository');
let dummiesRepositoryStub;
afterEach(() => {
describe('unit: dummies.service - when getting dummies data', () => {
it('it should resolve and return dummies data', () => {
const dummiesResponse = [
{ id: 1, login: 'dummy1', additionalData: 'data' },
{ id: 2, login: 'dummy2', additionalData: 'data' },
{ id: 3, login: 'dummy3', additionalData: 'data' },
dummiesRepositoryStub = sinon
.stub(dummiesRepository, 'getDummiesData')
dummiesService = new DummiesService(dummiesRepositoryStub);
// act + assert
return dummiesService.getDummies()
.then((response) => {
This test fails with error TypeError: this.dummiesRepository.getDummiesData is not a function. I am not sure why this is not working, I injected a stub implementation of dummiesRepository to the DummiesService class. Please assist.

I could not find a way to do constructor injection in the above code, but I found a work around to allow sinon to stub my method.
I had to remove dummyRepository from being a constructor dependency to just using require to include it. If the code looks as follows
const Dummies = require('./dummies.model');
const dummiesRepository = require('./dummies.repository');
class DummiesService {
constructor() {
this.dummiesRepository = dummiesRepository;
getDummies() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then((response) => {
// business logic
const dummies = => new Dummies(d));
.catch((response) => {
module.exports = DummiesService;
and the test is written the same as above, but instantiating DummyService without the dummyRepositoryStub as a parameter, everything works fine.
This works, but I would still like to know if there is a way to inject the dependency via the constructor, because this approach requires me to refactor a lot of my code.


how to unit test if handler function is called when using middy

im using an http request function as the handler function in middy and then use the ssm middleware to fetch some ssm parameters before initiating the http request.
like this:
const makeThirdPartyServiceRequest = middy(async ({ params }) => {`SENDING Request to ${endpoint} API`)
const url = `https://someurltoathirdpartyservice`
const options = {
method: 'POST',
body: params
return helpers.makeRequest(url, options)
However in my jest unit test Im trying to mock makeThirdPartyServiceRequest and explicitly say it should resolve to a value:
jest.mock('../src/thirdPartyService', () => ({
__esModule: true,
default: {
...(jest.requireActual('../src/thirdPartyService') as { default: {} }).default,
makeThirdPartyServiceRequest: jest.fn()
export {}
import thirdPartyService from '../src/thirdPartyService'
And then in the test i say:
describe('makeThirdPartyServiceRequest()', () => {
it('should makeThirdPartyServiceRequest', async () => {
// Given
// })
const mockedThirdPartyServiceRequest = mocked(thirdPartyService.makeThirdPartyServiceRequest).mockResolvedValue({})
// When
const result = await thirdPartyService.makeThirdPartyServiceRequest(something)
// Then
However for some reason the middy middleware is still being invoked, which i clearly dont want and i have tried to mock away... what am i doing wrong?
You need to mock middy instead, to make it becomes a useless function. That function recipe a function as a parameter and return that parameter.
import thirdPartyService from '../src/thirdPartyService'
jest.mock('#middy/core', () => {
return (handler) => {
return {
use: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(handler), // ...use(ssm()) will return handler function
describe('thirdPartyService()', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
jest.spyOn(helpers, 'makeRequest') // spy on helpers unit
describe('makeThirdPartyServiceRequest', () => {
it('should make a request with correct parameters', async () => {
// Given
const url = `https://someurltoathirdpartyservice`
const params = 'any params'
const apiResponse = 'any response'
// When
const actual = await thirdPartyService.makeThirdPartyServiceRequest(params)
// Then
method: 'POST',
body: params
hoangdv answer is also valid, but i will answer as well how i continued.
if you completely want to mock middy you mock like following:
jest.mock('#middy/core', () => {
return (handler) => {
return {
use: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
// ...use(ssm()) will return handler function
return {
before: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(handler)
However if you dont want to completely mock middy, you can instead mock the async getInternal function from middy/util called in before like this:
jest.doMock('#middy/util', () => ({
...(jest.requireActual('#middy/util') as {}),
getInternal: jest.fn()
import { getInternal } from '#middy/util'
and then in the test
describe('thirdPartyService()', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
jest.spyOn(helpers, 'makeRequest') // spy on helpers unit
describe('makeThirdPartyServiceRequest', () => {
it('should make a request with correct parameters', async () => {
// Given
const url = `https://someurltoathirdpartyservice`
const params = 'any params'
const apiResponse = 'any response'
twilioSecrets: { accountSid: 'someSID', serviceId:
'someServiceID', token: 'someToken' }
// When
const actual = await thirdPartyService.makeThirdPartyServiceRequest(params)
// Then
method: 'POST',
body: params
this will mock the async part of middy.

How to mock DynamoDBDocumentClient constructor with Jest (AWS SDK V3)

I'm working with Jest to mock my AWS services, and more specifically DynamoDB and DynamoDBDocumentClient.
My code is currently similar to this :
import { DynamoDBClient } from "#aws-sdk/client-dynamodb"
import { DynamoDBDocumentClient } from "#aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb"
const ddbClient = new DynamoDBClient({})
const ddbDocumentClient = DynamoDBDocumentClient.from(ddbClient, config)
and the test spec looks like this:
jest.mock("#aws-sdk/client-dynamodb", () => ({
DynamoDBClient: jest.fn(() => ({
put: (params) => mockAwsResponse("DynamoDBClient", "GetCommand", params),
put: (params) => mockAwsResponse("DynamoDBClient", "PutCommand", params),
jest.mock("#aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb", () => ({
DynamoDBDocumentClient: jest.fn(() => ({
get: (params) => console.log("In DynamoDBClient get", params),
put: (params) => mockAwsResponse("DynamoDBDocumentClient", "PutCommand", params),
from: (params) => mockAwsResponse("DynamoDBDocumentClient", "from", params),
Unfortunately Jest returns me this error : TypeError: lib_dynamodb_1.DynamoDBDocumentClient.from is not a function and I believe it's because I'm incorrectly mocking DynamoDBDocumentClient, as its constructor is a static method.
Thanks in advance for your help!
EDIT: Just noticed that it used the AWS SDK v3 for JavaScript, if that helps.
In your example, you import your modules and run call your constructor right away (before entering any method in your script), this means that the object you are trying to mock needs to be available before entering any test methods.
Try to place your mocks before (and outside of) your tests something like this:
import { DynamoDBClient } from "#aws-sdk/client-dynamodb"
import { DynamoDBDocumentClient } from "#aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb"
/* whatever constants you need for your mocks */
jest.mock('#aws-sdk/client-dynamodb', () => {
return {
DynamoDBClient: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
return {};
jest.mock('#aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb', () => {
return {
DynamoDBDocumentClient: {
from: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
return {
send: jest.fn().mockImplementation((command) => {
let res = 'something';
if( == 'GetCommand'){
res = 'something else (a constant from earlier...)';
/* return whatever needs to be returned... */
return Promise.resolve(res);
/* Return your other docClient methods here too... */
GetCommand: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
return { name: 'GetCommand' };
// then you can implement your tests
describe('Endpoint something', () => {
it('Should pass or something...', async () => {
/* your test here... */
Now your functions should be available when they are needed.

Jest: How to properly test a Javascript service using MongoDB

I'm a total beginner with Jest.
I've got a UserService using Dependency Injection.
public async getAll() {
const userRecords = await this.userModel.find().select('name').catch((e) => {
throw new HttpException(500, 'Error while fetching users.', e)
return <[IUser]>userRecords;
I would like to test this feature. Here are the tests I could run:
Calling the route, and checking if the resulting JSON is OK
Ggetting DB content, and checking if it is as expected
Just test the getAll function
I think 1 and 2 are obvious, and cover different kind of things. 1 covers the request part, 2 covers the DB part. But what about number 3? How to "just test" the getAll function?
I've tried this:
const userModel = {
find: (user) => {
return [
{ id: 'user1' },
{ id: 'user2' }
const userService = new UserService(userModel);
const userRecords = await userService.getAll();
But obviously it's failing because select is undefined.
Should I also mock select()? Should I organize my code differently?
If were to write this test I would mock the functions using jest.fn(implementation) so that expectations can be enforced on the function calls.
const userQuery = {
select: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve([]))
const userModel = {
find: jest.fn(() => userQuery)
const userService = new UserService(userModel);
const userRecords = await userService.getAll();
Performing expectations on the function calls may sound like overkill, but it explicitly verifies that the mock is actually being used by getAll.
I would also structure the tests in such a way that I can test the various code paths without re-implementing the entire mock.
describe('getAll()', () => {
let userQuery, userModel, userService;
beforeEach(() => {
userQuery = {
select: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve([]))
userModel = {
find: jest.fn(() => userQuery)
userService = new UserService(userModel);
afterEach(() => {
it('should get the user names', async () => {
const users = [{
name: 'john'
}, {
name: 'jane'
}]; => Promise.resolve(users));
await expect(userService.getAll()).resolves.toBe(users);
it('should handle errors', async () => {
const error = new Error('Fake model error'); => Promise.reject(error));
await expect(userService.getAll()).rejects.toMatch({
status: 500,
message: 'Error while fetching users.',
cause: error
This code is untested, so it may not work correctly, but hopefully it outlines the idea sufficiently.
While this is not directly related to your question I would avoid mixing async/await with traditional promise handling.
public async getAll() {
try {
return <[IUser]> await this.userModel.find().select('name');
} catch (e) {
throw new HttpException(500, 'Error while fetching users.', e)
Yes, you should mock select. And not only that, but everything that is used inside the function and test if they are executed properly. I would do this:
class SomeClass {
public async getAll() {
const userRecords = await this.userModel.find().select('name').catch(this.errorHandler);
return <[IUser]>userRecords;
public errorHandler(e) {
throw new HttpException(500, 'Error while fetching users.', e);
// this is just an example, it should be the same type as your expected returned output
const whatever = Math.random();
const fakeCatch = jest.fn(() => whatever);
const fakeSelect = jest.fn(() => {
return {
catch: fakeCatch
const fakeFind = jest.fn(() => {
return {
select: fakeSelect
const fakeUserModel = {
find: fakeFind,
const userService = new UserService(fakeUserModel);
const userRecords = await userService.getAll();
// should return the correct result
// should execute find
// should execute select with 'name' parameter
// should execute catch with this.errorHandler

How to mock required files in Node.js?

I'm trying to mock a node module so that it will return mocked data. However in my tests it is still making an actual call. Considering the following code:
const makeRequestStructure = require('./modules/makeRequestStructure.js').makeRequestStructure
const normalizeFinalResponse = require('./modules/normalizeFinalResponse.js').normalizeFinalResponse
const doARequest = require('./modules/doARequest.js').doARequest
exports.addPost = (event) => {
const requestStructure = makeRequestStructure('POST', '/posts')
const requestPostData = {
title: event.body.title,
content: event.body.content
return doARequest(requestStructure, requestPostData).then((res) => {
const finalResponse = normalizeFinalResponse(200, res)
return finalResponse
}).catch((err) => {
const finalResponse = normalizeFinalResponse(400, err)
return finalResponse
I have the following test file:
const mock = require('mock-require')
const sinon = require('sinon')
const expect = require('chai').expect
const addPost = require('../addPost.js')
describe('the addPost API call', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
mock('../modules/doARequest', { doARequest: function() {
return Promise.resolve({})
it('Returns with a statusCode of 200', () => {
const event = { body: { title: 'Lorem ipsum', content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet' } }
const expectedReturn = { id: 20000000000000 }
return addPost.addPost(event).then((res) => {
This test is making an actual call to and it returns { id: 101 }. However i want it to return { id: 20000000000000 }.
I have tried to mock the request using Nock. However the hostname is defined in a .env file and could be different depending on the server the script runs on.
The doARequest.js file looks like this:
const https = require('https')
module.exports.doARequest = function (params, postData) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const req = https.request(params, (res) => {
let body = []
res.on('data', (chunk) => {
res.on('end', () => {
try {
body = JSON.parse(Buffer.concat(body).toString())
} catch (e) {
req.on('error', (err) => {
if (postData) {
What am i doing wrong here? Any help will be appreciated.
CommonJS modules produce singleton export objects. Once a module is imported, it isn't evaluated. mock(...) doesn't affect anything because original doARequest module was evaluated when addPost was imported.
mock-require provides a way to re-evaluate modules. addPost shouldn't be imported at the top of test file. Instead, it should be imported inside a test where it's used:
const addPost = mock.reRequire('../addPost.js');
As an alternative to estus solution with reRequiring the module, you could use "dependency injection".
The problem is that you're directly depending on the doARequest.js-module in addPost.js, thus making it difficult to mock its behaviour. This is where dependency injection comes in handy, since you can just pass a mocked doARequest-module in your unit test:
// addPost.js
exports.addPost = (event, doARequest) => {
const requestStructure = makeRequestStructure('POST', '/posts')
const requestPostData = {
title: event.body.title,
content: event.body.content
return doARequest(requestStructure, requestPostData).then((res) => {
const finalResponse = normalizeFinalResponse(200, res)
return finalResponse
}).catch((err) => {
const finalResponse = normalizeFinalResponse(400, err)
return finalResponse
// addPost.test.js
describe('the addPost API call', () => {
it('Returns with a statusCode of 200', () => {
const mockedDoARequest = () => Promise.resolve({ "whateverResponseYouLike": "12345" });
const event = { body: { title: 'Lorem ipsum', content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet' } }
const expectedReturn = { id: 20000000000000 }
return addPost.addPost(event, mockedDoARequest).then((res) => {
Everywhere else you'd pass the real module, i.e.
const doARequest = require('./modules/doARequest.js').doARequest
return addPost.addPost(event, doARequest).then(...)

sinon spy doesn't register call in a generator loop?

I want to check that a piece of code is being called, so I'm using a sinon spy to assert this. However, the spy seems to be failing, despite console.logs showing that the code has been called correctly.
I'm wondering if my function being a generator is causing my spy to misreport what it's doing.
my code (i've taken out some chunks for brevity):
isBlacklisted(release, jobUUID) {
names.forEach((name) => {
.then((data) => {
.catch((err) => {
this._errorEvent(release, name, err, jobUUID);
}, this);
_errorEvent(release, name, err, jobUUID) {
console.log('got here');
*_spawnPythonProcessGenerator(scriptSrc, name) {
const pythonProcess = this._childProcess.spawn(
yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
pythonProcess.stderr.on('data', (err) => {
pythonProcess.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
and my tests:
const Blacklist = require('../../src/Blacklist2');
const childProcess = require('child_process');
const uuid = require('uuid/v4');
describe('Blacklist', () => {
let blacklist;
beforeEach(() => {
blacklist = new Blacklist(childProcess);
blacklist.IS_BLACKLISTED_SCRIPT = './test/helpers/';
describe('isBlacklisted', () => {
it('should call the _errorEvent for every name in a release when the blacklist application is not available', async () => {
let release = {
id: 1001,
asset_controller: {
id: 54321,
display_name: 'Blah',
names: [
id: 2001,
name: 'Blah',
blacklist.IS_BLACKLISTED_SCRIPT = './test/helpers/'+ uuid() +'.py';
const spy = sinon.spy(blacklist, '_errorEvent');
blacklist.isBlacklisted(release, uuid());
my spy reports:
notCalled: true
I'll expand my comment into an actual answer, hopefully that helps.
Your problem lies with asynchrony, not with the generator. You need isBlacklisted to return a promise you can wait on. Otherwise your assertion happens before the spy is called.
Something like this:
isBlacklisted(release, jobUUID) {
let promises = => {
return this._spawnPythonProcessGenerator(
.then((data) => {
.catch((err) => {
this._errorEvent(release, name, err, jobUUID);
}, this);
return Promise.all(promises);
Then, in your test:
return blacklist.isBlacklisted(release, uuid())
.then(() => {
Also... This isn't related to your problem, but your _spawnPythonProcessGenerator method doesn't need to be a generator. You're only using the first value of it by calling next like that and calling the whole thing over again for each array item.
It will work the same if you take out the *, change yield to return, and skip the .next().value when you call it. You also probably want to rename it because it's not a generator.
_spawnPythonProcess(scriptSrc, name) {
const pythonProcess = this._childProcess.spawn(
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
pythonProcess.stderr.on('data', (err) => {
pythonProcess.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
When you call it:
let promises = => {
return this._spawnPythonProcess(
.then((data) => {
.catch((err) => {
this._errorEvent(release, name, err, jobUUID);
}, this);
return Promise.all(promises);

