Using an Observable to detect a change in a variable - javascript

I think I misunderstand how Observables are supposed to be used. I want to put a value in, and when the value changes it should emit the new value. I thought that was what they were for, but all the tutorials and docs don't seem to do this, but at the same time, I always see them being applied this way. For example, in angular when you subscribe to a "FirebaseListObservable", when the value in firebase changes it fires off a snapshot in the subscription. I want to make that for my own variable. Let's say I just have a string variable, and when it changes, it fires off any subscriptions.

Normally I would have my observables in services that get subscribed to in components, but I bundled them all in one class for the convenience of this answer. I've listed comments explaining each step. I hope this helps. : )
import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject';
export class ClassName {
// ------ Creating the observable ----------
// Create a subject - The thing that will be watched by the observable
public stringVar = new Subject<string>();
// Create an observable to watch the subject and send out a stream of updates (You will subscribe to this to get the update stream)
public stringVar$ = this.stringVar.asObservable() //Has a $
// ------ Getting Your updates ----------
// Subscribe to the observable you created.. data will be updated each time there is a change to Subject
public subscription = this.stringVar$.subscribe(data => {
// do stuff with data
// e.g. = data
// ------ How to update the subject ---------
// Create a method that allows you to update the subject being watched by observable
public updateStringSubject(newStringVar: string) {;
// Update it by calling the method..
// updateStringSubject('some new string value')
// ------- Be responsible and unsubscribe before you destory your component to save memory ------
ngOnDestroy() {

Try this using ReplySubject. I used typescript, angularfire to explain in the below code example
export class MessageService {
private filter$: ReplaySubject<any> = new ReplaySubject(1);
return, {
query: {
orderByChild: 'type',
equalTo: this.filter$
getClosedMessage(): void {
getOpenMessage(): void {
// in some other class
// MessagesSubject is assigned to messageService
// this list will be updated when the this.filter$ updated see below functions
// update this.filter$ like this to get
// to get open messges in


Modify data in stream used with angular async pipe reactive way

iam trying to use async pipes instead of manually subscribing in components, in case, iam just displaying data which i get from server, everything works fine. But what if i need to change displayed part of displayed data later, based on some event?
For example, i have a component which displays timetable, which can be later accepted by user. I create timesheet$ observable and i use it in my template with async pipe. For accepting i created subject, so i can emit, when user accepts the timesheet. But how do i combine these two streams(approvementChange$ and timesheet$), so the $timesheet gets updated? I was trying combineLatest, but it returns the latest values, so i cant decide, if the value from approvementChange stream is new or old. Any ideas how to solve this?
export class TimesheetComponent {
errorMessage: string = '';
timesheet$: Observable<Timesheet>;
private approvementSubject = new Subject<TimesheetApprovement>();
approvementChange$ = this.approvementSubject.asObservable();
private planService: PlanService,
private statusService: StatusService,
private notifService: NotificationService
) {}
this.timesheet$ = this.statusService.appStatus.pipe(
switchMap((status) => {
return this.planService.getTimesheet(
); //get data every time user changed selected month
approveTimesheet(isApproved: boolean = true) {
const approvement: TimesheetApprovement = {
isApproved: isApproved,
approveTs: new Date(),
isLock: true,
But what if i need to change displayed part of displayed data later, based on some event?
RxJS provides lots of operators for combining, filtering, and transforming observables.
You can use scan to maintain a "state" by providing a function that receives the previous state and the newest emission.
Let's look at a simplified example using a generic Item interface:
interface Item {
id : number;
name : string;
isComplete : boolean;
We will use 3 different observables:
initialItemState$ - represents initial state of item after being fetched
itemChanges$ - represents modifications to our item
item$ - emits state of our item each time a change is applied to it
private itemChanges$ = new Subject<Partial<Item>>();
private initialItemState$ = this.itemId$.pipe(
switchMap(id => this.getItem(id))
public item$ = this.initialItemState$.pipe(
switchMap(initialItemState => this.itemChanges$.pipe(
scan((item, changes) => ({...item, ...changes}), {} as Item),
You can see we define item$ by piping the initialItemState$ to the itemChanges$ observable. We use startWith to emit the the initialItemState into the changes stream.
All the magic happens inside the scan, but the set up is really simple. We simply provide a function that accepts the previous state and the new change and returns the updated state of the item. (In this case, I'm just naively apply the changes to the previous state; it's possible this logic would need to be more sophisticated for your case.)
This solution is completely reactive. The end result is a clean item$ observable that will emit the updated state of the current item (based on id), whenever the id changes or the changes occur on the item.
Here's a StackBlitz where you can see this behavior.
you need to track only approvementChange
after that you can pick the latest timesheet via withLatestFrom
.subscribe(([accepted, latestTimesheet]) => accepted ? save(latestTimesheet) : void 0)

How to pass a value from a service, to a component's method

I've got a service that I use to share data between 2 components. That part works flawlessly, but now I need to call a method of component A, when something triggers on the service (and pass a value to that component). How can I do this? I read on older questions that this is a wrong approach but since Im a noob I dont know what to search for a solution.
Do I need to use observables?
I think Joseph's idea is the way to go.
Here's how I'd implement it:
class FooService {
private _newEvents = new Subject();
newEvents$ = this._newEvents.asObservable();
addNewEvent (ev) {;
// Allow `A` class to communicate with `B` class
class A {
addEvent (ev) {
class B {
private subscription: Subscription;
ngOnInit () {
this.subscription = this.fooService.newEvents$
.subscribe(e => {})
ngOnDestroy () {
Note that if your B class subscribes to multiple observables, you should unsubscribe from them using, among other solutions, takeUntil.
Observables / Subjects are one way. You would have one Subject in the service, and would use .next(value) on it to exchange values. Each component which is interested in the value may subscribe to that subject.
Example: (taken from RxJS docs
//your Service
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
const subject = new Subject<number>();
//Component A (and others as well)
next: (num) => console.log(num)
//this should work as well with prettier syntax:
service.subject.subscribe(sum =>
//Component B //passing number 7 to Component A
Whenever you create a subscription, make sure to always unsubscribe! Else you might end up with stacks of subscriptions, which will all get triggered simultaneously in the very same component.
From personal experience, I found it more helpful to outsource any functions and variables that could be considered as global into a dedicated service, if possible. If you directly read the variables of a service from your components (and modify them if necessary), you'll have the same effect. That works as long as you keep a proper service structure. Some examples of dedicated services with global use are:
Translations (TranslationService)
Rights Management (PermissionService)

Observable / Subject loosing subscribers in Angular

I'm using a Static variable in my Class to store an initialised BehaviourSubject, so that I can provide a default, while I load the user's settings from the server.
(have put a cut down example version below)
export class AppSettings {
// Using a static to globalize our variable to get
// around different instances making lots of requests.
static readonly currency: Subject<string> = new BehaviorSubject('USD');
// Return a property for general consumption, but using
// a global/static variable to ensure we only call once.
get currency(): Observable<string> { return AppSettings.currency; }
loadFromServer():any {
// Broadcast the currency once we get back
// our settings data from the server.
this.someService.getSettings().subscribe(settings => {
// this is called lastly, but AppSettings.currency.observers
// seems to show as an empty array in the Inspector??;
When I subscribe to it later in my code, it will run through it once (since it's a BehaviorSubject), but it won't fire after that.
export class myComponent {
public currency: string;
constructor(settings: AppSettings) {
// Called once with the default 'USD'
settings.currency.subscribe(currency => {
// only gets here once, before loadFromServer
this.currency = currency;
// Load from the server and have our subscription
// update our Currency property.
The loadFromServer() is working exactly as expected, and the line is being called, and after the first event. What is interesting however, is at this point, the AppSettings.currency.observables[] is empty, when it was previously filled in.
My thoughts we're initially an issue of different instances, but I'm using a static variable (have even tried a global one) to avoid different instances.
This is the current workflow...
myComponent.constructor subscribes
that subscription fires, giving the default 'USD'
the server data is loaded, and is called
I'm expecting that at part 4 the Observer that subscribed in part 1 would be fired again, but it isn't, making my glorified Observer a constant. :(
Am I missing something?
Well I feel sheepish....
Figured out the issue was due to my import statement having the (wrong) file suffix on the file reference. So, in the myComponent file I had...
import { AppSettings } from './settings.js';
While everywhere else I have been using (the correct)
import { AppSettings } from './settings';
which was causing WebPack to compiling two versions of the class, the TypeScript and the (compiled) Javascript version, thus creating two different instances. I managed to see an AppSettings_1 somewhere, that lead me down the rabbit hole to finally gave it away.

Return subject only for subscription

my question is regarding returning a reference to a subject without allowing the receiver to do .next() on the subject.
For instance, I have a service which contains a subject and can trigger new events on the subject
class ExampleService {
private exampleSubject = new Subject<boolean>;
// Ideally the only way to call next on the subject
doNext() {;
getSubject() {
// Ideally returning a reference to the subject but only with the
// ability to subscribe and listen for events, not to call .next()
return this.exampleSubject;
Again, what I am looking for is a way to have other components call this service and get the subject but only be able to subscribe and listen for changes, they should not be able to make changes.
ExampleService.getSubject().subscribe(() => {
//do something
}) // ok
ExampleService.getSubject().next(true) // error/not allowed
The officially recommended way of doing this (assuming you're using TypeScript) is to force retype the Subject to an Observable (Subject is Observable like any other):
class ExampleService {
private exampleSubject = new Subject<boolean>();
observable$: Observable<boolean> = this.exampleSubject;
Now observable$ can be public because it's just a regular Observable. TypeScript won't allow you to call eg ExampleService.observable$.next() because this method doesn't exist on Observables.
If you're using just JavaScript you can use exampleSubject.asObservable() to return Observable from a Subject.
This discussion on RxJS's GitHub is also relevant:

Why is this change emitted using Rxjs

I'm a little bit confused as why the following snipped works as expected.
The idea of this service is to have a list of strings where if you add a string, it is removed 5 seconds later. Rxjs is used here:
export class ErrorService {
private errors: Array<string> = [];
private emitErrorsChanged = new Subject<any>();
public emitErrorsChanged$ = this.emitErrorsChanged.asObservable();
constructor() {
() => {
if (this.errors.length > 0) {
public emitErrorChange(error: string) {
An error component is subscribed to this service errorService.emitErrorsChanged$.subscribe(...) and shows the strings in a list. Other components/services add strings by this.errorService.emitErrorChange(error.message).
My question is: why are the removed errors (5s) emitted to the error component? The errors are just removed from the list this.errors.shift(); but the change is not emitted by;
The behavior occurs because you are passing reference to your object (list in this case). The changes made by this.errors.shift(); are not emitted, but I guess you can see current state of this.errors thanks to Angular's change detection. I have prepared a demo (click) so you can see that the object reference is passed in your case - what means that the list in subscription is the exactly same array list. To prevent it you can pass a copy of your list, e.g. using spread operator like in this example:[...this.errors]);

