HTML form with PHP - submitting and staying on same page [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
PHP form - on submit stay on same page
(11 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a form on a website ( I have a PHP script that sends me an e-mail with information when somebody submits a form on my website. But with action="submitform.php" in the form, it updates the site to the URL I would like it to stay on the main site (index).
The solution for this: I added header("Location:"); die(); to my PHP code. In this way, users will be redirected to the main site when they have submitted code.
However, this pose a new problem.
Whenever someone submit the form, I would like to display a message such as "Mail has been sent". To make this work, I tried to have a small JavaScript code, basically
document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = "Mail has been sent."
... and <div id="message"></div> to my HTML code. Which works...... However, due to my PHP script redirecting me to my website (with header) when someone is submitting the form, the message will only be displayed for like half a second or something.
Anyone know any workarounds for this? Thanks in advance. I can provide more detail if needed, but my problem should be clear from this. Hope anybody is able to spot my mistake...

I use javascript and ajax for most of my form post. Works wonderful.
Ajax can grab the form information in a form object or pass it as an array. URL is your php proc page, there it will come back with whatever you "print/echo" in a data object that is passed into the success function.
Use this in your HTML,
<input type="button" onclick="submitForm();" value="Submit">
function submitForm(){
//Validate INPUT first. Then grab the form.
form = new FormData($('#frmIdHere')[0]);
$.ajax ({
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'text',
url: url,
data: form,
success:data => {
//Success message here.
//clear form here.
error: () => {
// error message here.
php process file use,
$inputFromForm = (isset($_REQUEST["NameOfInputFromForm"])) ? strip_tags($_REQUEST["NameOfInputFromForm"]) : "-";

Without using Ajax (which means you can send the form without refreshing the page), you have two options. Either send the form to a different file, process it, and redirect back - but with a GET parameter to indicate success or failure. Alternatively, just post to the same page (so the handling of the form happens in the same page - I recommend the first alternative).
If you want to use the post-redirect-get pattern, you would use
header("Location: /?status=success");
when the form was successfully handled in your submitform.php file.
Then you just check what the message in $_GET['status'] was, and display the message accordingly in your index.php file.
if (isset($_GET['status']) && $_GET['status'] == 'success') {
echo "Your message was successfully sent!";
This logic can be developed further to have different parameters, to post messages for success and failure, if that's needed for the application.

assumption: you want the user to stay on the page with the form.
in that case you probably don't return false / stop event propagation in your calling code.
let's say, you call your ajax like this:
<form onsubmit="submitform(this);" ...>[form]</form>
onsubmit does the following, it executes anything that is in it's attribute value (submitform(this)) and if it returns some non-false value, it will actually do the action of the form, as if the onsubmit wouldn't have existed. I assume this is exactly what's happening in your case.
To avoid this:
<form onsubmit="submitform(this); return false">[form]</form>
the return false will stop the form from being submitted, after it was already submitted by ajax. this also has the benefit of still working, if the user has javascript disabled.
if my assumption is false however ...
if you want to refresh the page, don't even use ajax and just add a parameter to the url that triggers the message to show. or add the message to the session in php and clear it out of there after displaying.

To doing this, You can use a SESSION var to store message send type (success or failed) and test it everytime on main page, if exist, display message and unset $_SESSION var !
Like this :
if($_SESSION['message'] == 'success'){
echo "Yeah !";
echo "Problem";

You can set interval and then redirect them to desired page.
setInterval(function(){ window.location.href="" }, 5000);


Load php file within javascript (AJAX or others)

I am trying to finish one page of my website the last couple of hours while achieving the following.
While clicking on a button, the following should happen
Download link appears (done - works)
The mySQL table should be opened and a counter should be incremented
As far as I got the points. Javascript cannot handle that and thus we can use AJAX or jQuery. I was already checking out different posts and websites such as:
how to execute php code within javascript
and much more. However, I guess I do have problems with the AJAX syntax and I actually don't know if the requested php files is loaded/opened or not. Especially the second link given above is almost similar to what I am searching for. However, it does not work. To check if the php file is called, I set an alert which works if I do call the file explicitly in the browser. Maybe this does not work with AJAX as I expect it. Here the code to get more familiar with the inconstency I am doing.
The page code:
echo '<div><button onclick="incrementAndDownload('testPath', 'fileName'); ">Click me</button></div>';
function incrementAndDownload (link, fileName)
url: 'openfoam/increment.php',
success: function(data) {
// Print something if necessary
//- Open the link
//[0], "_blank");
//- Increment download inside mysql
//var xhttp;
//xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
//"GET", "openfoam/increment.php?foo=nana", true);
The increment.php looks as follows:
echo '<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
alert("Test message if the script is called...");
// Code for accessing the mysql database and manipulate the data
//$page_id = mysql_real_escape_string(html_entities($_POST['file']));
Now when I click the button, the javascript is executed (e.g., if I uncomment the this works as expected. However, as already said, the second part is to open the database via php and increment a number (counter). For any reason, I am not able to figure out where the problem is located. I am even not sure if AJAX opens the increment.php file (the alert messages never appears so I guess it is never called). Any suggestion is appreciated and I hope that this question does not just contain a fundamental small error. Thank in advance, Tobi
It's not the way the AJAX works. If you call alert() on a destination page it won't show in your browser. Your case is very basic so I will keep my solution on a basic level.
In increment.php just echo something, it can be just OK string. So when you go to increment.php page you will see only OK, nothing more, nothing less.
Then go back to your javascript and check what is your response.
url: 'openfoam/increment.php',
success: function(data) {
if (data == 'OK') {
console.log('It works, sir!');
If you don't see a message in a console after these modifications something doesn't work. However, I think your page is executed properly, but you just don't get feedback, because you don't handle the response (data param in your case).
Check it out and don't forget to give me a feedback!🤓

Clients using `GET` requests for a form, even though `POST` is defined. is javascript iframe the cause?

I have two subsequent forms on my website with POST method.
The first page of my website first.php contains this code:
<form action="a.php" method="POST" target="_blank">
<input name="value" type="hidden" value="foo"/>
<div class="button"><label><span class="icon"></span>
<input type="submit" class="button-graphic ajax" value="Click Here"></label></div></form>
a.php can be accessed only via this POST request (otherwise user will get method not allowed 405 error)
Once submitted, this form opens a.php with an AJAX modal window.
a.php contains another form:
<form action="b.php" method="POST" target="_blank">
<input name="bar" type="hidden" value="none"/>
<div class="border"><label><input type="submit" class="button-graphic2 tracking" value="Continue"></label></div></form>
When a user clicks Submit in the second form, it will open b.php,
which can also be accessed only via POST request (otherwise - 405 error).
The only difference I can think about between these forms is that the second one contains a tracking js class (opening an iframe). this is the js code:
$(document).ready(function() {
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); = '0px'; = '0px'; = 'block';
iframe.src = '/track.htm';
This is done in order to track a conversion using a third party script which is being execuated from track.htm
I noticed that I am having a problem with about 5% of my iPad visitors.
they open a.php properly with a POST request, but when they go ahead to continue and open b.php as well, about 5% sends out a GET request instead of the desired POST request, causing them to get an 405 error and leave the website.
I know that these are real human users as I can see some of them trying several times to open b.php and keep getting these 405 errors.
Could this be caused because simultaneously their device is using a GET request to obtain track.htm? and this is some glitch?
How can this be solved?
EDIT 4.4.2015:
Since there's a chance that firing the tracking script is causing this, I would like to know if there's another fire to fire it (or track that adwords conversion), without causing these iPad user to use "GET" requests for the form as well.
EDIT 10.4.2015:
This is the jquery code of the ajax class, that effects both first.php and perhaps a.php, as first.php is the parent frame:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".ajax").click(function(t) {
var e = $(this).closest("form");
return $.colorbox({
href: e.attr("action"),
transition: "elastic",
overlayClose: !1,
maxWidth: $("html").hasClass("ie7") ? "45%" : "false",
opacity: .7,
data: {
value: e.find('input[name="value"]').val(),
}), !1
Technically, it shouldn't happen. The iframe created by your tracking script pointed to /track.htm, so there shouldn't be any GET request to your b.php page.
On the other hand, just thinking out loud here, there're a few scenario that could happen because of "real world" user.
The users happen to have bookmark the b.php page, thus causing them to open it using GET when they try to re-open the page using their bookmark.
The users tried to refresh the page b.php, then get warned about "Form re-submission". Being clueless as most real user are, they canceled the form re-submission, then click on the address bar and click GO on their browser with the sole intention of reloading the page. This could also cause the GET request to send to the b.php page.
Considering the best practice when designing the page flow for form submission, it might be better for you to only "process" your form data in b.php and then return a 302 Redirect to another page that show the result using a GET request. This will allow users to "refresh" the page without double submitting the form, and also allow user to bookmark the result page too.
This doesn't answer your question but as it entails to the GET glitch but as things stand, ~5% of your iPad visitors can't sign up because the code only accepts POST and so far no one can figure this out. So I propose a change of strategy, at least in the mean time.
Preventing CSRF by only accepting POST requests is already known to not work. Your choice of accepting only this request method as a means of security is what ultimately results in the 405. There are better ways.
One example of is using a CSRF token, specifically the Synchronizer Token Pattern.
The idea behind a CSRF token is that when you generate the form, you also generate a "key" which you tie to the form. When that form is submitted, if it doesn't have the key or the key isn't the right one, you don't bother processing the form. The Syncronizer Token Pattern gets fancy in that it changes the expect key each time (in the form field implementation, giving the <input type="hidden"> field a new name attribute each time) in addition to the value.
Have your code in a.php generate a random token and
store it as a session variable on the server. Output the token in the form as a hidden field.
Before processing the request in b.php, ensure the token value is in the request data and ensure it has the expected value.
You can first check for $_POST data and if it is missing, check for $_GET data. Regardless of which array contains the data, if the data does not have a valid CSRF token, respond with a 4xx error.
If the token is good, consume the token and process the request.
If the token is missing or is invalid, return a 4xx response code.
Another way would be to set your field names to random values each time the form is generated. So instead of <input name="value" type="hidden" value="foo"/> or <input name="bar" type="hidden" value="none"/>.
// ... in an importable file somewhere ...
// Generate our tokens
function token($len = 13) {
$chrs = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_';
$str = '';
$upper_lim = strlen($chrs) - 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
$idx = rand(0, $upper_lim);
$str .= rand(0, 1) ? strtoupper($chrs[$idx]) : $chrs[$idx];
return $str;
function magic_set_function($key, $value) {
$_SESSION[$key] = $value;
function magic_get_function($key) {
return (array_key_exists($key, $_SESSION) ? $_SESSION[$key] : NULL)
function validate_request() {
$data = !empty($_POST) ? $_POST : $_GET;
if ( empty($data) ) { return false; }
// Ensure the tokens exist (hopefully not too costly)
$field_tokens = magic_get_function('field_tokens');
if ( $field_tokens) === NULL ) { return false; }
$csrf_token_name = $field_tokens['token'];
$given_csrf_token = $data[$csrf_token_name];
// Get our CSRF token
$expected_csrf_token = magic_get_function('csrf_token');
// ensure we're expecting a request / that we have generated a CSRF
if ( $expected_csrf_token === NULL ||
$expected_csrf_token !== $given_csrf_token) {
return FALSE;
// After whatever other checks you want...
return TRUE;
function fetch_data() {
$data = empty($_POST) == FALSE ? $_POST : $_GET;
if (empty($data ) { throw new DataLoadException(); }
// Ensure the tokens exist (hopefully not too costly)
$field_tokens = magic_get_function('field_tokens');
if ( $field_tokens) === NULL ) { throw new TokenLoadException(); }
foreach ($field_tokens as $field_name => $token_name) {
if ( isset($data[$token_name]) ) {
$data[$field_name] = $data[$token_name];
return $data;
// first.php/a.php/b.php (wherever necessary)
// ...
$tokens = array();
// our csrf token
$csrf_token = token();
$field_names = array('value', 'bar', 'token');
$field_values = array('value'=>'foo', 'bar' => 'none', 'token' => $csrf_token);
// Tokenize errthing...
foreach ($field_names as $k => $field_name) {
// and generate random strings
$tokens[$field_name] = token();
// You NEED TO STORE THESE TOKENS otherwise submissions lose context
magic_set_function('field_tokens', $tokens);
magic_set_function('csrf_token', $csrf_token); // dup, but j.i.c.
// first.php
printf('<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s"/>', $tokens['value'], $field_values['value']);
// ...
// a.php
// Get the data... (POST/GET)
if (ensure_valid_request() !== TRUE) { handle_invalid_request(); }
$data = fetch_data();
// ...
// Tokenize errthing, generate a csrf, store the values, etc.
// ...
printf('<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s"/>', $tokens['bar'], $field_values['bar']);
// ...
// b.php
// ... You get the idea ...
It doesn't answer your question of why 5% are sending GET Requests but it does solve your overall problem on both a security and user level.
To specifically answer OPs questions in comments:
"(1) does this require using cookies? (a session means cookies right?)"
Read up on PHP Sessions and look for a session library. Plenty out there, one heavyweight being Zend( You can save to a database instead for protected server-side sessions. I made one similar to Kohana's.
(2) I didn't understand the "another way" part - how does it differ from the method you described at first?
First method is to just add a token to your form and look for the token to have the expected value upon submission. If the form doesn't have it, you throw an error complaining.
Second method dynamically sets the field names upon form generation AND adds a token field. Submitting the proper form data from a program, bot, or outside source now first requires fetching the form since they wont know what field names to use (instead of just posting data with set field names).
"(3) most important, I am less worried about CSRF attacks, I just don't want bots/crawler to crawl into my forms, would this method prevent it from them, as opposed to humans? why? and is there an easier method to achieve that?"
If you mean bots like Google/SEO/respectful web-crawlers, robots.txt exists
for this purpose. robots.txt is a very simple text file that is placed in your site's root directory. You'll see requests in your webserver's access logs for a /robots.txt. This file tells search engine and other robots which areas of your site they are allowed to visit and index. You can read more on the (Robot Exclusion Standard)4 on many (websites)5.
As the second link notes, don't use robots.txt to hide information. It is a public file and visible to anyone. Also, malicious bots wont respect the file.
I'm not sure if when you say bots you mean just crawlers or spambots (bots trying to submit data) and such. If it's crawlers, robots.txt takes care of them. If it's spambots, you can add a hidden field (hidden with CSS not html) with a common name that when filled out you know is invalid, you can add a captcha, etc, etc, etc.
Try doing the tracking on the callback of the original request to ensure its loaded?
Also you could look into something like ajaxFormPlugin by malsup
i would like to suggest to check the permission of your "b.php" page. Please make sure the page has "w" permission for all users. this is a chance for not making a "POST" request.
I know it's a workaround but if, as I suppose, you have a bunch of checks for the $_POST variables, if you receive a GET request you could try replace the POST with the GET:
if (empty($_POST) && !empty($_GET)) $_POST = $_GET;
//here the check of $_POST
since we don't know why this ipads ( -.-) have the issue, and between GET and POST there isn't so much difference - at least if you don't need to upload files...
The only way a post form can be sent as get is using script (changing the method attribute directly, or replacing the form behavior for example with an ajax request, binding to the event "submit" another function), so I suggest you to check every script that run in the parent and the children pages.
your ajax call doesn't contain method: "POST". This can be the cause.

Message shown before On page re- load , not working after page re-load

I have an ajax response code like the follows
function click_delete_reply(){
if ((ajMsgDel.readyState == 4) && (ajMsgDel.status == 200)) {
var restxt = ajMsgDel.responseText;
if (restxt == "success") {
"Message Delete has been successfully performed!");
I need to reload the page after ajax response success and then I need write a message in a 'div'. But here After message shown then only it performs the page load. What can I do to overcome this? Please help me!
Ok, fine, then try something likw this.
Before reload, attach some param to your url. With this, you can know in serverside if it was a reload from your ajax and return one more msg back like "reloaded". Then you do this:
//if the param in url is called "reloaded"
// then show message
$(function(){}); is the same as "DOM is ready"
Sorry i am in the bus, couldnot write much. Feel free to ask.
What you should do here is
1. Instead of Ajax Call give a server request and do the server side processing.
a) If the job is done successfully just send the message as the request parameter. Read that message and display where ever you want.
b) If the job fails then just return the values you need as response back to the page and display them where they should be.
Since a script is loaded everytime a page is loaded there is no way you can display a message by script message after the page is reloaded. You can either display the message and then reload page. or go with the way i mentioned above.

JS/jQuery passing array/variable/data to PHP in same page?

Im hoping you can point me in the right direction.
I have a php page, that includes some HTML markup and some JS/jQuery routines to build an array of 'user choices' based on the 'user input' (checkboxes..etc).
my question is, how can I pass off this (multidimensional) array to PHP, that is in the same page? (ultimately I want to save this data/array to my PHP session)
While looking around, I read about using another (external) .php script to do,, which is NOT what Im after, I'm hoping to do this to the SAME PAGE I'm in... WITHOUT A REFRESH.
will $.post() do this for me? without a page refresh (if we suppress the event or whatever)...
and -not- using an external .php script?
I understand PHP runs/executes FIRST... then everything else..
I'm not really trying to get PHP to do anything with the data being sent from JS/AJAX.. outside of save it to the SESSION array..
Ajax seems like it will be needed?
To summarize:
1.) PHP and JS are in/on same page (file)
2.) No page refresh
3.) No external PHP script to do 'anything'.
4.) Trying to get (multidimensional) array to PHP session in same page.
5.) I am trying to 'update' the PHP SESSION array each time a user 'clicks' on a checkbox.
I have read a little on using AJAX to post to the same page with the URL var left empty/blank?
to show the data, I want to pass...heres a snippet of the code.
its an array of objects.. where 1 of the poperties of each object is another array
var somePicks = [];
somePicks.push({casename:caseName, fullname:fullName, trialdate:trialDate, citystate:cityState, plaintiff:plaintiff, itemsordered:itemsOrdered=[{name:itemOrdered, price:itemPrice}]});
when from all the checkboxes.. I update the 'sub-array' (push or splice..etc)
somePicks[i].itemsordered.push({name:itemOrdered, price:itemPrice});
'this' is the array/data I want to get into my PHP session from JS using whatever I can AJAX most likely.
You can sort of do that, but in essence it won't be any different than using an external PHP file. The PHP code gets executed on the server before ever being sent to the browser. You won't be able to update the PHP SESSION array without reconnecting with the server.
If you really want to use post to call the current page (I don't think you can just leave the url blank, but you can provide the current file name), you can just have the PHP handler code at the top of the page. However, this would be the exact same as just putting that handler code in an external file and calling it.
Either way, the page will not refresh and will look exactly the same to the user.
You can use $.ajax function with $(#formid).serializearray (). And use url as ur form action in $.ajax function.
I hope it will work for you
<form id="formId" action="post.php" methor="post">
<input type="checkbox" name="test1" value="testvalue1">TestValue1
<input type="checkbox" name="test2" value="testvalue2">TestValue2
<input type="button" id="buttonSubmit" value="click here" />
$("document").ready(function ()
$("#buttonSubmit").click(function () }
var serializedata=$("#formId").serializeArray();
I suggest to use the .post method of Jquery, to call a PHP file, sending the array and processing in the PHP called.
Can find the jquery documentation about .post() here:
I used this case some time ago:
document.getElementById("promotion_heart_big").onclick = function(e){
$.post("' . URL_SITE . 'admin/querys/front.make_love.php",
id_element: ' . $business["promotion"]["id"] . ',
type: \'promotion\',
value: $("#field_heart").val()
function(data) {
if (data.result) {
//some long code....
from some preliminary testing..
this does NOT seem to be working, (will do more test tomorrow)
type : 'POST',
//url : 'sessionSetter.php',
data: {
userPicks : userPicks,
success : function(data){
error : function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
It was mentioned that posting to external .php script -or- posting the same page would produce the same results..
no page refresh
$_SESSION would update for future pages
Does anyone have an y example for that?

using reCAPTCHA with ajax....javascript loading problem

I trying to implement reCAPTCHA in one of my forms,...but i am using ajax as the submission. (More specifically the prototype ajax.updater)
Once I submit and error check my form I try to load the reCAPCHTA widget thingy (in my updated div element) which basically just calls a javascript file like so:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
However the JS file is not being read?...and i've tried all combination of evalScripts:true and evalJS:'force' etc. in the ajax.updater.....however i don't think I have a very good understanding of why the js file isn't processing :(
If anyone can shed some light on this issue I will be very appreciative.
Thanks, Andrew
This doesn't address your exact problem, but 'Dark Side of the Carton' has some excellent code for validating reCAPTCHA via jQuery AJAX which might help.
In summary:
Add the following Javascript:
$(function() {
function validateCaptcha() {
var challengeField = $('input#recaptcha_challenge_field').val(),
responseField = $('input#recaptcha_response_field').val();
// alert(challengeField);
// alert(responseField);
// return false;
var html = $.ajax({
type: 'POST',
url: 'ajax.recaptcha.php',
data: "recaptcha_challenge_field=" + challengeField + "&recaptcha_response_field=" + responseField,
async: false
if (html.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '') == "success") {
$('#captchaStatus').html(' ');
// Uncomment the following line in your application
return true;
} else {
'Your captcha is incorrect. Please try again'
return false;
// Modified as per comments in site to handle event unobtrusively
$('#signup').submit(function() {
return validateCaptcha();
Then add the ajax.recaptcha.php file which: "outputs only the word “success” if the captcha matches and a message and the response from reCaptchta if it fails. This is important because we are looking for the word success in our validateCaptcha() function."
$publickey = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'; // you got this from the signup page
$resp = recaptcha_check_answer(
if ($resp->is_valid) {
?>success< ?
} else {
"The reCAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly. Go back and try it again." .
"(reCAPTCHA said: " . $resp->error . ")"
The example is in PHP, but I adapted it easily to work with Zope/Python
Be careful using any sort of client-side script, such as JavaScript, for validation. You have no control over the end-user's browser. The purpose of a CAPTCHA is to prevent automated submissions of a form. Anyone sophisticated enough to set that up isn't going to have a problem overriding your JavaScript validation and CAPTCHA checking. For example, they could set validateCaptcha() to always return true, bypassing your careful checks - or just disable JavaScript.
That being said, there's nothing wrong with performing the entire form submission with ajax and using the results of the CAPTCHA check to determine if the form gets processed or not.
The important point is that the decision of whether or not to handle the form has to be made on the server-side, not the client-side.
Why client-side validation is not enough
to answer my own question...
there is a reCAPTCHA AJAX api....which is pretty easy way to get around this problem:
link text
Also,..the documentation on the site.....talks about the evalscript option and how is only puts any javascript through the native eval() function....which kind of screws me over trying to implement error checking with WMD...but that's another story.
If that's the literal code snippet you're using, you haven't closed the tag... so it wouldn't be evaluated.
call Recaptcha.reload(); on callback event in your Ajax code., it will reload new Recapcha every time that Ajax submitted
Hi Friend i found the answer
And in this how validate
Success for you
Securing AJAX calls with reCaptcha
function performAJAX() {
let captcha = $('[name=g-recaptcha-response]');
url: 'ajaxHandler.html',
data: {
captcha: (captcha.length?captcha[0].value:''),
// other data fields
I have had similar issues with getting reCaptcha to play nicely when loaded into the page using jQuery's .load() method. Here is a page that has a novel solution:
Basically the reCaptcha API uses document.write method to display the reCaptcha. When you get jQuery invloved this won't work. Use this PHP code in place of loading recaptcha.js
$api = file_get_contents('');
$api = str_replace('document.write','$("body").append',$api);
echo $api;
It just does a find for document.write and replaces it with $(selector).append.
Made my implementation work.

