something wrong with jsonp data, How to get the data - javascript

But it returns -403 why
but when I click that, It comes out this
how can I get the message

The HTTP 403 Forbidden client error status response code indicates that the server understood the request but refuses to authorize it.. After one-line check with Fetch API the answer is: server is not handling Cross Origin Resource Sharing - making cross-origin AJAX is not possible. You can avoid it by using simple local HTTP server (e.g. in Python) to get data from server (e.g. with requests) and self-serve it (e.g. with Flask).
Check it in JS console:


"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" Request Error When Accessing API [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load XXX No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header
(11 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm unable to retrieve data from the Rescue Time API. I'm making a request in a JavaScript file using the jQuery get() method. Here is a look at the JavaScript related to the API GET request:
$.get('', function(data) {
// callback function code...
The "key=########################" is the paramater that includes my API key.
When running the script (either locally or on my personal domain), I receive a cross origin error:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access.
I understand that this is happening because i'm requesting content that is on a different domain than the one that is making the AJAX request. That being said, how do I get around this? I've read the CORS MDN documentation, but could not decode what actionable steps I need to follow in order to resolve this issue.
I need some actionable steps.
Set up a CORS proxy using the code from or similar. is a public instance running that code, and the way you could use it is by changing your existing code to this:
$.get('', function(data) {
// callback function code...
Be aware though that if you do that, your key would potentially be exposed to the operator of that instance. So if that’s a concern then don’t try it, and instead set up your own proxy at https://some.url.for.your.proxy and change your code to:
$.get('https://some.url.for.your.proxy/', function(data) {
// callback function code...
Either way the result will be that your request gets sent through the specified CORS proxy, which forwards the request to the… endpoint and then receives the response. The proxy backend then adds the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to the response and finally passes that back to your requesting frontend code.
Your browser then allows your frontend code to access the response, because that response with the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header is what the browser sees. Otherwise, if the response lacks Access-Control-Allow-Origin, browsers won’t let your code access it.
A CORS proxy like that is the only option if you want to make the request from frontend JavaScript code running in a browser, and want to consume the response from that frontend code. Otherwise, without the use of such a proxy, browsers will block your code from accessing the response—because the… API endpoint doesn’t itself send the necessary Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header.
Your only other option otherwise is to not make the request from your frontend code but instead make the request from whatever backend server-side code you’re running. In that case there’s no browser in the middle enforcing cross-origin restrictions on the request.

Getting error: XMLHttpRequest cannot load - Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 405

I am using ionic framework and angular js, I use chrome for viewing my logs but here I am doing a login page I am trying to post the user entered data to serve but I am getting this error like -
XMLHttpRequest cannot load - Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 405.
My code works fine on a device but I am getting the error in chrome. Anyone know the root cause of this error.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing actually specifies that two requests should be made to the server on an AJAX call (if certain conditions apply, like sending custom headers).
The first request (the one with the OPTIONS method) is called pre-flight and is used to check if it's safe to send the full request to the server. The response from the server should contain a valid Access-Control-Allow-Origin header containing the URL of the client or *.
HTTP 405 means Method Not Allowed. You may be sending the request with a different method on chrome. If you try the URL directly in browser it triggers a GET request on that URL.

GET working with Postman, but not with Ajax?

I'm attempting to do a simple GET request from a server hosting some account data. The request requires an Authorization header in order to function correctly. I have performed the GET request and retrieved the data successfully in Postman, but attempting to do so in Javascript via Ajax results in a "Invalid HTTP status code 405" error.
Below is a link to a fiddle and a screenshot of the Postman settings. Thanks.!
beforeSend: function(xhrObj){
xhrObj.setRequestHeader("Authorization","Bearer tj7LTLycpQC6DRup5BkHUO7uVbYaAZI40");
type: "GET",
url: "",
success: function(e){
From Chrome's JS console:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 405 (Method Not Allowed)
Because you are adding an Authorization header, you have made the request complex. This requires the browser to make a preflight OPTIONS request to ask for permission to send the complex request.
The server you are making the request to is responding saying that OPTIONS requests are not allowed to that URL.
You will need to modify the server so that it responds appropriately to the preflight CORS request.
Postman doesn't need to make a preflight request because your browser trusts Postman's code. It doesn't know if it can trust the code it received from JSFiddle (AKA potential evil hacker site) with the data (AKA potential online banking or company Intranet site) is willing to share with it.
Look at the console errors:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Origin '' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 405.
This is the CORS issue. Browsers sent OPTIONS aka pre-flight request to the server if the domain doesn't match with the domain of the running code.
And you must add the required headers to the responses as well.
You must modify server to handle that.
You can also use JSONP as an alternative.

post json stringify response 403 Forbidden

I'm trying to post json data
var details= jQuery("#list").jqGrid('getRowData');
$.post("someurl", { szVoucherNo: VoucherNo, dtmTransaction: Transaction, details: JSON.stringify(details) } );
but then i got 403 forbidden response from server.
Please could you tell me what I did wrong?
From the client side you can NOT make a request into any other domains (not even the same domains different port like :81) then the host itself. This is the same origin policy.
However there are some workarounds to just proxy such requests, see Q: Make cross-domain ajax JSONP request with jQuery and Q: Ajax cross domain call

Ajax request works in remote server but not in local server (with Codeigniter)

I've a web application wich makes Ajax requests to a server with Codeigniter-php code. The Ajax requests work correctly in local server but not when the application is hosted in remote server.
The console errors are:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost/CI-example/index.php/control/controlHome. Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
Surprisingly, the request is made in the server but not the response.
The URL that I use to Ajax request is:
AJAX_URL = "http://localhost/CI-example/site/index.php/control/controlHome";
But, also I've tried with:
AJAX_URL = "";
And the next error is captured:
POST 500 (Internal Server Error)
How can I do?
Edit: is a subdomain. Is necessary to do some configuration when a subdomain is used to Ajax request?
And the folders organization is:
As I am getting here, while you are sending ajax requests to the server than it's returning 500 (Internal Server Error). I'm sure that the error is from server side, and there may be following reason-
If everything is fine in the codes, then may be your base_url is different from what you are requesting. Yes this can cause the problem, for example if you have hosted your web application and your base_url is and you are requesting for
Next reason may be, that you have developed your project in windows or any system which is in-case-sensitive but when you will upload to any linux like server than each and every file name will be case-sensitive. For example suppose a model file name you have given is MyModel.php but when you will load the model, it will generate the error like Unable to find the specific class.
You cannot make HTTP POST requests using AJAX to a different domain, unless that page allows you to do so using a special header called "Access-Control-Allow-Origin".
localhost is different to which is why this will not work.
Response on the's url say something has gone wrong during the page execution. Your PHP error log should help you to find what.
Adding the line ini_set('display_errors', 1) might return the error to the ajax request, in the error handler. Don't forget to remove the line after use, you don't want this lying around in production code.
The second error is : 500 (Internal Server Error)
This means there was an error on the server side - not a cross-origin policy problem.
This is probably an error in the execution of your PHP script.
Check your error log (e.g : if you use the standard LAMP stack, the error log should be somewhere in /var/log/apache2/)
try this,
instead of
in your ajax URL.
As from your folder structure, there is no need to include "site" in your URL

