mocha "describe" is not defined - javascript

I read all the related mocha "describe" is not defined posts but none of them seem to be suitable for my situation.
I use meteor and installed the "mocha": "^3.5.0" package by npm
I have created a /testfolder in my meteor root directory.
and a sample test mochatest.js
var assert = require("assert"); // node.js core module
describe('Array', function(){
describe('#indexOf()', function(){
it('should return -1 when the value is not present', function(){
assert.equal(-1, [1,2,3].indexOf(4)); // 4 is not present in this array so indexOf returns -1
When i run mocha the test passes.
But when i start my normal server i get: ReferenceError: describe is not defined
ReferenceError: describe is not defined
at meteorInstall.test.mochatest.js (test/mochatest.js:3:1)
at fileEvaluate (packages/modules-runtime/.npm/package/node_modules/install/install.js:153:1)
at require (packages/modules-runtime/.npm/package/node_modules/install/install.js:82:1)
at project-i18n.js:6:1
at .meteor/local/build/programs/server/boot.js:297:10
at Array.forEach (native)
at Function._.each._.forEach (.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.1.3.5_1.1wj76e8++os.linux.x86_64+web.browser+web.cordova/mt-os.linux.x86_64/dev_bundle/server-lib/node_modules/underscore/underscore.js:79:11)
at .meteor/local/build/programs/server/boot.js:133:5
I have a feeling that meteor wants to run the test on startup but can't find mocha stuff.
So what to do?

You need to rename the /test folder to /tests.
From the official Meteor Testing Guide:
The Meteor build tool and the meteor test command ignore any files
located in any tests/ directory. This allows you to put tests in this
directory that you can run using a test runner outside of Meteor’s
built-in test tools and still not have those files loaded in your
You could also consider renaming your test files with extensions like:
*.test[s].*, or *.spec[s].* -- So your file could be named mocha.test.js.
Such files are ignored by Meteor build tool as well.

Looks like the test file is somehow invoked when the server runs. It should not be included anywhere in the server code.
If you can't figure out what's happening, you can try to debug the server and put a breakpoint at the "describe" line - try to see how you got there.


unti testing in sails js [duplicate]

I'm completely new to sails, node and js in general so I might be missing something obvious.
I'm using sails 0.10.5 and node 0.10.33.
In the sails.js documentation there's a page about tests, but it doesn't tell me how to actually run them.
I've set up the directories according to that documentation, added a test called test/unit/controllers/RoomController.test.js and now I'd like it to run.
There's no 'sails test' command or anything similar. I also didn't find any signs on how to add a task so tests are always run before a 'sails lift'.
UPDATE-2: After struggling a lil bit with how much it takes to run unit test this way, i decided to create a module to load the models and turn them into globals just as sails does, but without taking so much. Even when you strip out every hook, but the orm-loader depending on the machine, it can easily take a couple seconds WITHOUT ANY TESTS!, and as you add models it gets slower, so i created this module called waterline-loader so you can load just the basics (Its about 10x faster), the module is not stable and needs test, but you are welcome to use it or modify it to suit your needs, or help me out to improve it here ->
I've added the info related to running your tests with mocha to the docs under Running tests section.
Just to expand on what others have said (specially what Alberto Souza said).
You need two steps in order to make mocha work with sails as you want. First, as stated in the sails.js Docs you need to lift the server before running your test, and to do that, you create a file called bootstrap.test.js (It can be called anything you like) in the root path (optional) of your tests (test/bootstrap.test.js) that will be called first by mocha, and then it'll call your test files.
var Sails = require('sails'),
before(function(done) {
// configuration for testing purposes
}, function(err, server) {
sails = server;
if (err) return done(err);
// here you can load fixtures, etc.
done(err, sails);
after(function(done) {
// here you can clear fixtures, etc.
Now in your package.json, on the scripts key, add this line(Ignore the comments)
// package.json ....
scripts": {
// Some config
"test": "mocha test/bootstrap.test.js test/**/*.test.js"
// More config
This will load the bootstrap.test.js file, lift your sails server, and then runs all your test that use the format 'testname.test.js', you can change it to '.spec.js' if you prefer.
Now you can use npm test to run your test.
Note that you could do the same thing without modifying your package.json, and typying mocha test/bootstrap.test.js test/**/*.test.js in your command line
PST: For a more detailed configuration of the bootstrap.test.js check Alberto Souza answer or directly check this file in hist github repo
See my test structure in we.js:
You can copy and paste in you sails.js app and remove we.js plugin feature in bootstrap.js
And change you package.json to use set correct mocha command in npm test:
-- edit --
I created a simple sails.js 0.10.x test example, see in:
Given that they don't give special instructions and that they use Mocha, I'd expect that running mocha from the command line while you are in the parent directory of test would work.
Sails uses mocha as a default testing framework.
But Sails do not handle test execution by itself.
So you have to run it manually using mocha command.
But there is an article how to make all Sails stuff included into tests.

How can I get coverage of protractor with cucumber

My project is build on Django and Angular.
I use protractor with cucumber and chai as my e2e test.
And using "grunt-protractor-coverage" to report code coverage.
I have question here that if I use jasmine as protractor framework, when I run "grunt test" it's just fine.
But when I use cucumber, error happens.
[launcher] Process exited with error code 1
throw e;
Error: Spec patterns did not match any files.
at (/Users/paizanmay/Documents/ichef/Superadmin2.0/node_modules/protractor/lib/runner.js:249:11)
at (/Users/paizanmay/Documents/ichef/Superadmin2.0/node_modules/protractor/lib/taskRunner.js:123:19)
at createNextTaskRunner (/Users/paizanmay/Documents/ichef/Superadmin2.0/node_modules/protractor/lib/launcher.js:220:20)
at /Users/paizanmay/Documents/ichef/Superadmin2.0/node_modules/protractor/lib/launcher.js:243:7
at _fulfilled (/Users/paizanmay/Documents/ichef/Superadmin2.0/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/q/q.js:797:54)
at self.promiseDispatch.done (/Users/paizanmay/Documents/ichef/Superadmin2.0/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/q/q.js:826:30)
at Promise.promise.promiseDispatch (/Users/paizanmay/Documents/ichef/Superadmin2.0/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/q/q.js:759:13)
at /Users/paizanmay/Documents/ichef/Superadmin2.0/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/q/q.js:573:44
at flush (/Users/paizanmay/Documents/ichef/Superadmin2.0/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/q/q.js:108:17)
at process._tickCallback (node.js:355:11)
I really don't know how to solve it
Is "specs: ['features/store_id_admin.feature']," useless in "grunt-protractor-coverage" ?
It doesn't look like grunt-protractor-coverage was designed to work with CucumberJS. Whilst I managed to get it to read my spec list (I moved protractor.conf.js to the root of my app and specified full paths) the plugin expects specs to written as JavaScript so that they can be rewritten to collect/push coverage data back. When your tests run a small service runs in the background (coverage-collector) to collate the coverage data from each scenario.
In theory CucumberJS also provides similar hooks that could be specified along with the step definitions to record the data from window.__coverage__ object after each feature/step:
(You can see the template used to write coverage data to the collector here:
It might be possible to add an option to the plugin to stop it trying to parse/alter spec files and get coverage data working.
Update: I've made some tweaks to grunt-protractor-coverage on my Github fork ( There's a pull request to get it back to actual grunt-protractor-coverage:

Running Jasmine Tests from Grunt on JavaScript that uses Require

I am writing some extensions to lodash. The code related to this question can be download from here. The structure is that code is located in /shared/modules/myExtensions.js. Currently, my code is very basic and looks like this:
'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
'myFunction' : function(s) {
return 'Hello ' + s;
module.exports = _;
My code will grow in complexity. For that reason, I want to setup unit tests from the start on this. Right now, my tests are located at /shared/tests/myExtensions.tests.js. That file looks like this:
'use strict';
describe('myModule', function() {
it('should work', function() {
This test always asserts to true. I'm trying to execute this Jasmine test via grunt. When I execute the this via Grunt, I get an error. The error confuses me because the grunt-jasmine-node module is defined in my package.json file. I've also checked that it got downloaded when I ran npm install. Either way, here is the error:
>> Local Npm module "grunt-jasmine-node" not found. Is it installed?
Running "jasmine:testShared" (jasmine) task
Testing jasmine specs via PhantomJS
>> Error: notloaded: Module name "../" has not been loaded yet for context: _. Use require([])
>> at
>> ..\..\C:\Tests\jasmine\_SpecRunner.html:21
>> ..\..\C:\Tests\jasmine\.grunt\grunt-contrib-jasmine\require.js:12 v
>> ..\..\C:\Tests\jasmine\.grunt\grunt-contrib-jasmine\require.js:26 h
>> ..\..\C:\Tests\jasmine\.grunt\grunt-contrib-jasmine\require.js:31
>> ..\..\C:\Tests\jasmine\node_modules\glob\examples\g.js:1
>> Error: notloaded: Module name "../" has not been loaded yet for context: _. Use require([])
>> at
>> ..\..\C:\Tests\jasmine\_SpecRunner.html:21
>> ..\..\C:\Tests\jasmine\.grunt\grunt-contrib-jasmine\require.js:12 v
>> ..\..\C:\Tests\jasmine\.grunt\grunt-contrib-jasmine\require.js:26 h
>> ..\..\C:\Tests\jasmine\.grunt\grunt-contrib-jasmine\require.js:31
>> ..\..\C:\Tests\jasmine\node_modules\glob\examples\usr-local.js:1
>> ReferenceError: Can't find variable: module at
>> ..\..\C:\Tests\jasmine\node_modules\glob\glob.js:37
>> Error caught from PhantomJS. More info can be found by opening the Spec Runner in a browser.
Warning: SyntaxError: Parse error Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
This is so frustrating. My code can be downloaded from here. I've been working on this for 2 days now. If I don't get it done today, I'll have to go back to .NET. Can someone please help me get this resolved? I really want to keep moving in this direction. I believe this is just something really small.
grunt-jasmine-node is not defined in your package.json as Andy pointed out.
You can define and install it using the command npm-install --save grunt-jasmine-node that will fix that error.
This issue might be related
Also you might want to seperate your dev dependencies and normal dependencies.
npm install --save-dev module includes the module in 'devDependencies' config, and
npm install --save module includes the module in dependencies config, in package.json.
I hope this will fix your problem, i am looking for that 500 bounty.
Also it appears to me that you are mixing your client libraries with the server sides.
Namely you include vendor path like this:
File: tasks/options/jasmine.js
options: {
specs: "shared/tests/unit/**.tests.js",
// server libs
vendor: "node_modules/**/*.js",
// should be browser libs
// vendor: "shared/libs/lodash/dist/lodash.js",
All your node_modules folder gets included inside the browser.
Really what you should be doing is define your libraries in shared/libs
and use that path for the vendor option.
You can use bower to automatically install them.
And finally your actual code,
var _ = require('lodash');
'myFunction' : function(s) {
return 'Hello ' + s;
module.exports = _;
This is again server side code, that gets loaded into the browser.
You should write this for the browser.

How to run QUnit tests from command line?

I recently started working on a Rails app that has a large amount of QUnit tests already in place for testing ember. I have been charged with the task of setting the app with a CI (I decided to use CodeShip). The issue I currently face is that the only way for me to run the qunit tests is to go to http://localhost:3000/qunit. I need to setup a way to run the tests from the command line. I have done a large amount of research, and have tried at least 10 different solutions but non have managed to work.
Currently I am attempting to use teaspoon but it I have not managed to get it to work. Any help would be much appreciated. Please let me know if I need to post more information about the setup.
node-qunit-phantomjs gets the job done easy enough and is standalone, not a Grunt-, Gulp-, whatever-plugin:
$ npm install -g node-qunit-phantomjs
$ node-qunit-phantomjs tests.html
Testing tests.html
Took 8 ms to run 1 tests. 0 passed, 1 failed.
$ echo $?
Use out-of-the-box qunit command (do npm install -g qunit beforehand), so you don't need additional dependencies.
Extending a bit Arthur's answer because he mentioned only simplest case which works only for simplest projects.
As mentioned on QUnit page, there is built-in possibility to run tests from command line. There is no need to install additional weird frameworks on top of QUnit!
npm install -g qunit
qunit # Will search for tests in "test" directory
This works for artificial tests as on their website, but in real project you probably will have your logic in some other .js file.
Having following structure:
│ index.js <--- Your script with logic
│ package.json <--- most probably you'll have npm file since qunit executable is installed via npm
tests.html <--- QUnit tests included in standard HTML page for "running" locally
tests.js <--- QUnit test code
And let's imagine that in your index.js you have following:
function doSomething(arg) {
// do smth
return arg;
And the test code in tests.js (not that it can be the whole content of the file - you don't need anything else to work):
QUnit.test( "test something", function( assert ) {
Running in browser
This is not related directly to the question, but just want to make a reference here.
Just put both your script and tests to tests.html and open the page in browser:
<script type="text/javascript" src="../index.js"></script>
<script src="tests.js"></script>
Running from command line
With the setup described below you can try to run qunit, but it will not work because it cannot find your function doSomething. To make it accessible you need to add two things to the scripts.
First is to explicitly "import" your script from tests. Since JS doesn't have sunch a functionality out-of-the box, we'll need to use require coming from NPM. And to keep our tests working from HTML (when you run it from browser, require is undefined) add simple check:
// Add this in the beginning of tests.js
// Use "require" only if run from command line
if (typeof(require) !== 'undefined') {
// It's important to define it with the very same name in order to have both browser and CLI runs working with the same test code
doSomething = require('../index.js').doSomething;
But if index.js does not expose anything, nothing will be accessible. So it's required to expose functions you want to test explicitly (read more about exports). Add this to index.js:
//This goes to the very bottom of index.js
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
exports.doSomething = doSomething;
When it's done, first check tests.html still working and not raising any errors (testing test infrastructure, yeah) and, finaly, try
And the output should be like
TAP version 13
ok 1 Testing index.js > returnTrue returns true
# pass 1
# skip 0
# todo 0
# fail 0
I don't want to deal with node for my simple (or not) project
This is an open question and I cannot answer this. But you'll need some runner to run QUnit tests anyway. So maybe having package.json with one devDependency like "qunit": "^2.6.1" is not the worst option here. There are several 3rd-party runners: grunt-qunit, PhantomJS runnner, ember-qunit-cli, also see more on official QUnit Plugins page
What if I have class, not function?
In JS everything is a function, right :)? So no problem, just change your script exports and tests import acordingly
exports.exportedMyClass = MyClass; // in index.js
MyClass= require('../index.js').exportedMyClass ; // in tests.js
See example a.k.a. small getting started here.
QUnit now has its own CLI:
$ npm install -g qunit
$ qunit 'tests/*-test.js'
TAP version 13
ok 1 Module > Test #1
ok 2 Module > Test #2
# pass 2
# skip 0
# todo 0
# fail 0
Run qunit --help for more usage information.
You can use Grunt (task runner) for this. You would also need to install these two packages: grunt-contrib-qunit and grunt-contrib-connect
I did just recently set up a GitHub repository when trying to figure out how to run QUnit on Travis CI:
You're welcome to fork it and try it out for yourself.

TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'sinon.spy()')

I'm trying to use sinon.js in testing of a backbone application. But unfortunately I cannot use spy method due to error:
TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'sinon.spy()')
Here is the steps to reproduce the error:
Create an empty project with backbone yeoman generator
Install sinon: cd test && bower install sinon
Include in test/index.html <script src="bower_components/sinon/lib/sinon.js"></script>
Create spy in test/spec/test.js:
describe('Give it some context', function () {
describe('maybe a bit more context here', function () {
it('should run here few assertions', function () {
var spy = sinon.spy();;
Run the test with grunt: grunt test
The test will fail with a described error.
Could anyone help to find out what is wrong?
I'll just leave here the list of files that sinon conveniently forgets to load if it is loaded as a <script> or with require.js (as AMD module) - basically anything else than in node.js:
Feel free to skip any of those but expect sinon to fail in curious ways.
It turned out that such functionality as spies, stubs, etc should be added manually by including scripts from lib/sinon folder. This fact is mentioned in Installation section. And due to the code of the core sinon.js file only in Node.js environment it is done automatically.
I encountered the same problem with sinon 1.17.2 and Chrome 47.0. After trying the above solutions and variations of those, I ended up using the nuclear option and switching to Jasmine.
For my test suite, it only took about 15 minutes of some global find-and-replace to convert my chai 'expects' into Jasmine ones and some differences around mocha before syntax; Jasmine flagged the unexpected syntax clearly. Jasmine spy objects were a fine substitute for sinon.
Unlike the other answers, I didn't install simon manually by including each individual source file. Instead I followed the advice of How To Install Sinon.JS In The Browser With Bower.
bower install
bower list -p
'sinon-1.17.6': 'bower_components/sinon-1.17.6/index.js'
<script src="bower_components/sinon-1.17.6/index.js"></script>
Worked for me.

