Chrome extension simulate hover over Youtube player - javascript

I am developing a Chrome extension for Youtube and when the user clicks a button that I have created I want to simulate a mouse hover over the player, without moving the mouse. When a video is playing and the mouse is, manually, hovered over the player, the controls (play, pause etc) and the progress bar shows and this is what I am trying to accomplish, but with a button click instead of hovering.
I don't want to pause the video, only show the bottom controls and progress bar when the user clicks the button I have created.
//name, description, background etc
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["*", "*"],
"js": ["jquery.js", "content.js"]
$('#myButton').on('click', function() {
//I have tried the following:
//I can play/pause the video with:
I have also tried "mouseover" (jQuery) and "onmouseover" (javascript) and I have also tried these on several different child elements of the #movie_player without success.
When hovering manually over the player, Chrome's DevTools shows me that the #movie_player element has a class (ytp-autohide) which gets removed/added when the mouse is entering/leaving the element. However. I can't just remove this class when the user clicks my button because then the progress bar/duration time is not updated.
Any ideas?

Managed to solve it if someone is interested (with help from this extension)
$('#myButton').on('click', function() {
const ytplayer = document.querySelector('.html5-video-player')
const video = ytplayer.querySelector('video')
const progressbar = ytplayer.querySelector('.ytp-play-progress')
const loadbar = ytplayer.querySelector('.ytp-load-progress')
//show controls and progress bar
//update red progress bar
video.addEventListener('timeupdate', updateProgressBar)
function updateProgressBar() { = 'scaleX('+(video.currentTime/video.duration)+')'
//update grey buffer progress
video.addEventListener('progress', updateBufferProgress)
function updateBufferProgress() { = 'scaleX('+(video.buffered.end(video.buffered.length-1)/video.duration)+')'
//update current time
$('.ytp-time-current').text(formatTime( video.currentTime ))
//update current time every second
const i = setInterval(function(){
$('.ytp-time-current').text(formatTime( video.currentTime ))
}, 1000)
//stop after 3 seconds
setTimeout(function() {
video.removeEventListener('timeupdate', updateProgressBar)
video.removeEventListener('progress', updateBufferProgress)
}, 3000)
function formatTime(time){
time = Math.round(time)
const minutes = Math.floor(time / 60)
let seconds = time - minutes * 60
seconds = seconds < 10 ? '0' + seconds : seconds
return minutes + ':' + seconds


How to run chrome extension in background automatically?

I want to create a chrome extension.
I have a popup.html and also a background.js file.
I want to create a countdown timer and also want it to run automatically.
but the background.js file cannot access the popup.html.
How to run scripts in backgrounds and automatically change the DOM?
<span class="time">20:00</span>
<script src="background.js"></script>
startTimer = (duration, display) => {
let time = duration, minutes, seconds;
setInterval(() => {
minutes = parseInt(time / 60, 10);
seconds = parseInt(time % 60, 10);
minutes = minutes < 10 ? "0" + minutes : minutes;
seconds = seconds < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds;
display.innerHTML = `${minutes}:${seconds}`;
if (--time < 0) {
time = duration;
}, 1000);
window.onload = () => {
let duration = 60 * .1, display = document.querySelector('.time');
startTimer(duration, display);
Currently your script is just a normal script that runs inside the popup page.
Just because it's named background.js it doesn't magically become a background script.
A real background script must be declared in manifest.json:
"background": {
"scripts": ["background.js"],
"persistent": false
It creates a separate hidden background page (or event page when using "persistent": false) where that background script will run and will have direct access to DOM of that background page (not to the popup). To inspect/debug the background script click the background page on chrome://extensions page when it's in developer mode: more info.
Another problem is that the popup exists only when it's shown so you will have to find another way of showing the timer. For example a separate small window (opened via or a small text badge on the extension icon (set via chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText), for which you can find examples by googling.

How to approach a setInterval triggering a setInterval within the same function

I a rewards site. Users earn points when they watch videos. Users want to skip to the end of the video to quickly earn their points. Therefore, the mechanism of the video being marked as completed is managed by a JS timer.
The Problem: When a user pauses the video, the timer needs to pause. When the user clicks play again, a setInterval is used to reopen the function, where a setInterval within the existing function does the same thing, creating a huge problem...
This is the code that is set every second to update the timer...
var video_percent_count = 0;
function video_percent() {
var prize_video = document.getElementById("prize_video");
total_duration = Math.floor(prize_video.duration) + 1;
percent = video_percent_count / total_duration;
convert_percent = (percent * 100).toFixed(2);
if(convert_percent == 100) {
if(prize_video.paused) {
if( {
setInterval("video_percent()", 1000);
function prize_video(count_prize) {
var back_count_prize = count_prize - 1;
video_percent_interval = setInterval("video_percent()", 1000);
How can I properly manage play and pause and still keep setInterval clean?

Play Html5 video and pause at specific points in time

I have an array of points in time (seconds) like this :
var points = [1,5,7,9,23,37];
I want the video to play from 1 to 5 and then pause. Then some event happens (like button click) and it plays from 5 to 7 and then pauses and so on. How can I do this using js/jquery ?
Just queue up the times (currentStopTime) and check the currentTime of the video. If currentTime >= currentStopTime then pause video, set currentStopTime to next time in the array.
var points = [1,5,7,9,23,37],
index = 1,
currentStopTime = points[index];
// start video using: video.currentTime = points[0], then
// run this from a timeupdate event or per frame using requestAnimationFrame
function checkTime() {
if (video.currentTime >= currentStopTime) {
if (points.length > ++index) { // increase index and get next time
currentStopTime = points[index]
else { // or loop/next...
// done
Then when paused, enable an action to happen, simply call play() to start video again. If you need an accurate restart time then force that time by adding:
if (video.currentTime >= currentStopTime) {
video.currentTime = currentStopTime;

Using javascript/jQuery, wait 3 seconds for click, then proceed

I've been trying to figure out how to run an infinite loop while pausing for user click, then allow for a break out.
When the loop starts, the user is presented with an image, and must choose the identical image from one of 4 displayed. If they successfully click the match within 5 seconds, they are presented another image, and the game goes on.
If they either choose an incorrect image, or 5 seconds elapses, the game ends.
I've got all of the functionality worked out, except this pause while waiting for a click or the time to expire.
Ideally, I'd also like the time to be adjustable on each iteration. Say start at 5 seconds, then shorten the time slightly (10ms) on each loop.
I believe it must be solvable using setTimeout() or setInterval(), but just can't wrap my head around it.
Here is a minimal concept of what I'm trying to accomplish.
var speed = 5000;
var speed_reduce = 10;
var game_running = true;
/* create array of images */
var imgs = ['puppy.png','kitten.png','bunny.png','goldfish.png'];
var runnow = setInterval(
//get random image from loaded theme
rand_img = imgs[Math.floor(Math.random() * imgs.length) ];
//display chosen image
$('#goal_image').html('<img src="'+theme_dir+rand_img+'" />');
// wait up to 5 seconds for user to click or time to expire
if(*clicked and matched*){
//get new random image and reset timer (less 10ms)
if(*time expired*){
//bail out and game ends
/* reduce time */
speed -= speed_reduce;
You'll want something like this I think:
var speed = 5000, // the initial time
function newimage(){
var imgs = ['puppy.png','kitten.png','bunny.png','goldfish.png'];
currentimage=Math.floor(Math.random() * imgs.length);
$('#goal_image').html('<img src="'+theme_dir+imgs[currentimage]+'" />');
timer = setTimeout(speed, lost)
function answer(id){
speed -= 10; // time decrease every time.
function lost(){
// what to do when lost.
$("#puppy").on("click",function(){answer(0)}); // here #puppy is the id of the answer image, and 0 the index in the imgs array.
One way to solve this problem is to use setTimeout() and clearTimeout() rather than setInterval. Also, you need some event for the successful button click (I've pretended you have a special "#successfulmatch" button):
var speed = 5000;
var speed_reduce = 10;
var game_running = true;
var imgs = ['puppy.png','kitten.png','bunny.png','goldfish.png'];
var myTimeout;
function runNow(speed){
rand_img = imgs[Math.floor(Math.random() * imgs.length) ];
$('#goal_image').html('<img src="'+theme_dir+rand_img+'" />');
// Keep track of the timeout so we can cancel it later if the user clicks fast enough.
myTimeout = window.setTimeout(function(){
game_running = false;
// Cancel the timeout because the user was fast enough
// Give the user less time than before
runNow(speed - speed_reduce);
// Throw an error: you forgot to hide the clickable buttons when the game ended.
Looks like you are mixing the logic for checking "has the user clicked the image? was it correct?" with the one for checking "has time expired?"
You can listen for onclick events on the images
and set a timeout event for the game over
so the user has to cancel that timer, to cancel imminent game over, by clicking on the images
if the right image is clicked the timer is reset
if not, it's game over
you can cancel a timeout event before it runs with cancelTimeout()
see W3C here for a reference.
here is a quick prototype:
$('#playnow').on('click', function() {
var speed = 5000;
var speed_reduce = 10;
var game_running = true;
/* create array of images */
var imgs = ['puppy.png', 'kitten.png', 'bunny.png', 'goldfish.png'];
// function that ends the game if it's called
function gameover() {
alert("GAME OVER");
game_running = false;
// in order to use clearTimeout() you must store the timer in a global variable
// setting a timeout that will end the game if it's not cleared before
window.timer = setTimeout(gameover, speed);
// function that is called whenever the user clicks on a image
function onclickimage(event) {
if (!game_running) return;
if ( /*clicked right img*/ ) {
// get random image from loaded theme
var rand_img = imgs[Math.floor(Math.random() * imgs.length)];
// display chosen image
$('#goal_image').html('<img src="' + theme_dir + rand_img + '" />');
// delete timer, user now has one more opportunity
// speed is less 10ms
speed -= speed_reduce;
// launch timer again
window.gametimer = setTimeout(loop, speed);
} else { // if click did not match correct image
Well, firstly, you need to clearInterval() when they either click or fail in order to stop the current interval. Then, you can restart an interval with the new speed. The interval seems to be working for.
Every 5 seconds a new picture is displayed. So, you want an onclick event for the picture that clears the interval and starts a new one. So, you may want to use setTimeout instead of setInterval since it is only a single iteration at a time.
You could use setInterval, I suppose, but there's no real benefit to it. This way also makes it relatively easy to reduce the speed each time.

Custom progress bar for <audio> and <progress> HTML5 elements

I am mind boggled at working out how to create a custom seekbar for an audio player using the tag and simple Javascript.
Current Code:
function play() {
function pause() {
<audio src="sample.mp3" id="player"></audio>
<button onClick="javascript:play()" >Play</button>
<button onClick="javascript:pause()" >Pause</button>
<progress id="seekbar"></progress>
Would it be possible to link the progress bar so that when i play a song the progress is shown?
Yes, it is possible using the timeupdate event of the audio tag. You receive this event every time the position of the playback is updated. Then, you can update your progress bar using the currentTime and duration properties of the audio element.
You can see a working example in this fiddle
If you want smooth progress bar,try somethink like that
<div class="hp_slide">
<div class="hp_range"></div>
var player = document.getElementById('player');
player.addEventListener("timeupdate", function() {
var currentTime = player.currentTime;
var duration = player.duration;
$('.hp_range').stop(true,true).animate({'width':(currentTime +.25)/duration*100+'%'},250,'linear');
Pretty rough,but works
Here's a simple vanilla example:
const url = "";
const audio = new Audio(url);
const playBtn = document.querySelector("button");
const progressEl = document.querySelector('input[type="range"]');
let mouseDownOnSlider = false;
audio.addEventListener("loadeddata", () => {
progressEl.value = 0;
audio.addEventListener("timeupdate", () => {
if (!mouseDownOnSlider) {
progressEl.value = audio.currentTime / audio.duration * 100;
audio.addEventListener("ended", () => {
playBtn.textContent = "▶️";
playBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
audio.paused ? : audio.pause();
playBtn.textContent = audio.paused ? "▶️" : "⏸️";
progressEl.addEventListener("change", () => {
const pct = progressEl.value / 100;
audio.currentTime = (audio.duration || 0) * pct;
progressEl.addEventListener("mousedown", () => {
mouseDownOnSlider = true;
progressEl.addEventListener("mouseup", () => {
mouseDownOnSlider = false;
button {
font-size: 1.5em;
<input type="range" value="0" min="0" max="100" step="1">
The approach is to use an input[type="range"] slider to reflect the progress and allow the user to seek through the track. When the range changes, set the audio.currentTime attribute, using the slider as a percent (you could also adjust the max attribute of the slider to match the audio.duration).
In the other direction, I update the slider's progress on timeupdate event firing.
One corner case is that if the user scrolls around with their mouse down on the slider, the timeupdate event will keep firing, causing the progress to hop around between wherever the user's cursor is hovering and the current audio progress. I use a boolean and the mousedown/mouseup events on the slider to prevent this from happening.
See also JavaScript - HTML5 Audio / custom player's seekbar and current time for an extension of this code that displays the time.
First of all, don't use the progress element, it's a shitty element (for now) and styling it is a huge pain in... well it's boring (look at a little project I made, look at it (and it's juste webkit/moz)).
Anyway, you should read the doc on MDN, it's very easy and with a lot of examples. What you are looking for is the currentTime attribute, here a little snippet :
var audio = document.querySelector('#player')
audio.currentTime = 60 // will go to the 60th second
So what you need is to use the cross-multiplication (div is the element you use as a progress bar) :
Where I clicked on div | THE TIME I WANT TO KNOW
Total length of div | The total time of my video/audio (audio.seekable.end())

